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Messages - Mr. Pink's Attorney

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Elan School / Elan
« on: November 27, 2005, 07:33:00 PM »
Nobody expects.. the SPANISH INQUISITION!

Elan School / Choas
« on: November 27, 2005, 07:31:00 PM »
Mister Pink's Attorney here, just reminding JNAILZ that my client is *still* waiting for you to show. By his count, he reckons it to have been near 100 hundred days since you made your elan-tuff-guy threats here on this board. He promises he will not sue if you just show up, and fulfill your destiny. Failure to back up your threats will result in further mocking and a possbile lawsuit in the works for breach of contract.

Elan School / You Guy's Are Fucked Up
« on: November 27, 2005, 07:25:00 PM »
From the Law Offices of #8 Owl Farm,
Room 101; #5 Road, Annexed Poland, ME.

The Fornits Fora are not something to be taken lightly; Mister Pink recomends strong doses of Amphetamines to keep up with the 24 hour cyclic streams of information on this board, not 'xanax'.. He has assured me that that garbage will only slow you down, make you lethargic, and allow the niggers to come and get you in your sleep. No, strong speed and the bitterest absinth you can get your hands on! Nothing but the best for my client, and I've been assured that as long as I defer my legal counsel to him, and him alone, and quit my profitable position as an official *mouthpiece* for the Sudanese quasi-government, the paychecks and the high class hookers will flow like beer from the gut of an overindulged alkie. hoho. that is radiant news indeed, as my second wife is suing me for twenty one years of backed child support. But she is probally high off her ass right now, strung out on PCP and forgetting one glaring fact; she had a miscarraige, and the rotted lump of fetal flesh that the college admission board returned in the mail is, in fact, not her beloved son, Roger, but a laughing carichture of what he *could* have been had she not allowed me to have intercourse with her during all four trimesters. And now I hear the gong, and it is time for absinthe. mahalo

Elan School / Change Comes from.. a dollar
« on: November 27, 2005, 07:13:00 PM »
From the Law Offices of Owl Farm #8
Slaughterhouse #5 Road, Poland, ME

the elan philospohy makes for great ad libbing

Elan Philosophy V.2.4

With eagerness of spirit we shall find doritos through smoking grass with others.

We shall no longer be driven by our gasoline and petroleum products but by clean burning ethanol and hydrogen fuel cells.

No longer dwelling on the movie Apocalyspe Now, we must use the tool of palm-reading psychics to distinguish between what is kosher and what is bacon.

No longer alone within a discarded refrigerator box, we must challenge our feces and the feces of others so as to have peanuts in what is found.

Seeing ourselves in the arab owned gas station of others shall demand change for our $20.

No longer encapsulated in skin, we must now strive towards donated kidneys.

No longer able to urinate, we must now accept responsibility for ourselves and stop blaming it on the dog.

We shall learn by our mistakes and use them to build a strong race war.

We must first attack the niggers upon which all our former beatings were founded and put them in their proper lynchings.

Elan School / can't...
« on: November 22, 2005, 02:48:00 PM »
From the law offices of Duke, Raoul:


I'll see all of your asses in court.
-Mr. Pink's Attorney.

Elan School / dear ART
« on: November 22, 2005, 02:46:00 PM »
From the law offices of Duke, Raoul:

The above statement is blatantly false. The internet is abounding with hundreds of thousands of death threats and inciting incantations of violence and the supernatural every day. The FBI has more important things to do, I've been assured, such as testing out such breakthroughs like FACIAL RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY on unsuspecting perverts lurking in NJ Transit bathrooms. Believe it. That is a fact. Assuming any of you know what an IP address is is a long leap of faith some here on this board might not be able to make without the assistance of some sort of special safety device originally designed to prevent handicapped children from tumbling off of barstools and splitting their ripe melon skulls open and disgorging the contents out on the floor. But I digress. Mr. Pink has instructed me to inform you that he will not be returning, due to a series of misfortunate accidents involving the loss of his extremely prized dedicated T1 line, and a ukranian/azerbaijani joint-venture caviar smuggling ring deal gone savagely and horribly right. ho ho, but that is a story for another day. For now, I am happy to recieve numerous paychecks from my client for my services, which are more than enough to cover the overhead involved in running a major law office and the insurance on my porsche.

I'll see all your asses in court.
-Mr. Pink's Attorney.

Elan School / Arthur is stupid
« on: November 15, 2005, 11:41:00 AM »
On 2005-11-13 18:28:00, Anonymous wrote:

" ::drummer::  ::bandit:: "

excellent usage

Elan School / Elan School (Personal experiences)
« on: November 15, 2005, 11:41:00 AM »
elan graduates; the only people in the world who can make some smeblance of sense out of the phrase -


Elan School / You Guy's Are Fucked Up
« on: November 15, 2005, 11:39:00 AM »
Graduates are by their nature, weak minded fools.

Elan School / New hamphsire and Peter Moore sueing
« on: November 07, 2005, 01:25:00 PM »
I'll have the porc flaad raas

Elan School / Arthur is stupid
« on: November 07, 2005, 01:24:00 PM »
According to Chapter 14, Section 7.9 of the legal code in the state of Maine, Art's IQ should not exceed "the maximum total score of a pee-wee league soccer game"

Elan School / The lawsuit is happening.
« on: November 02, 2005, 04:09:00 PM »
Mister Pink is swilling down absinthe and laughing at you fools. He has little time for your legal measures, and would like to remind everyone that JNAILZ is well over two months late on his promise. Not to worry though, it all comes out in the wash.

fat fucking chance pigwhores


Elan School / I found more Elan Myspace pages!
« on: November 02, 2005, 04:04:00 PM »
From the Law Offices of Dr. Gonzo, located at the Owl Farm, #5 Road, Pollack, ME:

At the bequest of a one Maren M. McCoy, I have filed the following brief in Maine civil court-


Elan School / New hamphsire and Peter Moore sueing
« on: October 31, 2005, 05:41:00 PM »
From the Law Offices of the NAACP:

On behalf of Mister Pete Moore, I have filed briefs in the Supreme Court regarding the volumous amount of libelous slander occuring on the Fornit's Wayward Web Fora Llc. Mister Moore seeks damages for pain and suffering, and lost wages after his self-esteem was viciously attacked on this very message board.

Several persons, who wish to be named anonymous have filed a countersuit, and are seeking compensation in the form of an hot asian woman. The countersuit hinges on the ability of the plaintiff's to prove that their 1st amemdment rights have been trampled on.

Mister Andy Pinkerton, aka: Mister Pink continues to excercise fully his second amendment rights in the hopes JNAILZ finally arrives at his home...


Elan School / R.I.P FORNITS
« on: October 28, 2005, 02:18:00 PM »
Elan Forum,
#5 Rd. Poland, ME

At the bequest of one Mister Andy Pinkerton, I am writing to inform everyone present that as of two o'clock PM today, Mr. Pinkerton  has reached a private settlement with the Elan School, Poland ME. In exchange for full immunity and the freedom to exercise his first ammendment rights -he will voluntarily give testimony regarding the hate speech crimes committed by and against members of the Fornits Wayward Web Fora, LLC. He will also be given several years worth of candy packs and an honorary position on the Elan Board of Trustees. The Elan School has been most cooperative and pleasant in all matters regarding these proceedings. Hi-yuh-hi-yuh-hi-yuh-yuh

-Mr. Pink's Attorney

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