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Messages - Truth Searcher

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Parents who cyberstalk their kids.
« on: June 07, 2007, 07:32:47 AM »
Yes, they have crossed a line in my opinion.

Being a parent, I have had to make a conscious effort to respect my kids 'cyberselves'.  I don't peruse their my space accounts, even though they are public domains.  

I understand your parents desire to know ... but I certainly understand your desire for privacy.

I think we must consider that the jobs that these illegals perform are jobs that Americans would not do.  Would we pick fruit for less than minimum wage?  Would we work 70 hours per week at straight rates?  Would we forgo health benefits including workers comp is we were hurt on the job?  Would we migrate from state to state to hold these types of jobs?  Of course not.  Are the Mexicans to blame?  Of course not.  What human being doesn't strive to better his/his families lot in life?  It is hard wired into our DNA.  

I agree with Deborah that there needs to be more accountability placed on employers.  But, they too are trying to produce a product as cheaply as possible ... for you and me.   The next time you bite an apple, press your cotton shirt or plant a flat of marigolds remember that it was cheap Mexican labor that produced it ... and probably made it affordable for you (and me) to enjoy.

Niles ... i wish it was as simplistic as saying "keep the Mexicans out". But its not that simplistic economically or logistically.

Open Free for All / Behavioral Modification and Cats
« on: May 30, 2007, 06:15:14 AM »
Congrats TSW!  Nothin cuter than a kitten.

I'm certain you were jesting about the 'behaviors' ... litter boxes are a mess.  Keep a broom nearby.  Also in the states they have they nifty little cat litter mats that catch almost of the the clay caught between tiny foot pads.  If you can find one, I recommend getting it.  They make a huge difference.  

Have you picked a name?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
« on: May 21, 2007, 03:01:14 PM »
Well now.  This is a shocker.   :-?

35 ... e+woodbury

Does anyone have any further information on this story?  Was the 'conflict of interest' ever substantiated?

Thanks in advance for any info.

Open Free for All / Bipolar is not real
« on: May 18, 2007, 06:58:51 AM »
We all experience mood swings.  Part of the human experience.  

Personally, I don't care for labels (bipolar disorder) .  'Labeling' has become a sad necessity for diagnostic, medicinal and insurance purposes IMHO however.  

If you have ever lived up close and personal with someone who has pathological mood swings you may become a believer.

Open Free for All / fallwell
« on: May 18, 2007, 06:53:13 AM »
On feminists: "I listen to feminists and all these radical gals. ... These women just need a man in the house. That's all they need. Most of the feminists need a man to tell them what time of day it is and to lead them home. And they blew it and they're mad at all men. Feminists hate men. They're sexist. They hate men; that's their problem."

Some people should not be allowed to invoke their 1st amendment rights.    Honestly. :flame:

Open Free for All / Kids and prizes
« on: May 18, 2007, 06:43:22 AM »

Spam?  Gross.  

My grandfather was a WW2 Vet ... they fed him spam 3 times a day for YEARS.  Until the day he died he forbid my grandmother from purchasing, preparing or even speaking about SPAM.

I cracked up about your comments concerning SPAM as a weapon.  My grandfather would have concurred ... believing it was killing him.  


The Troubled Teen Industry / This is a MUST read!!!!!!!!!!
« on: May 16, 2007, 11:35:56 AM »
allegations span a 25-year period ....we don't understand why the church, since they had full knowledge this was going on, didn't take action sooner

Sounds strangely similar to the Catholic church conspiracy to protect pedophile priests.  What gives?

There is a special place in hell for the likes of the Reverend Allen.

The Troubled Teen Industry / This is a MUST read!!!!!!!!!!
« on: May 16, 2007, 11:28:26 AM »
You should be more careful throwing your big words around here just to show your ass because somebody might get hurt.

Moot really isn't that big of a word.  4 letters really.    :lol:

to a person like me
 ... and what exactly is 'a person like you'?  Offended a little too easily I would surmise.

The Troubled Teen Industry / The Who
« on: May 16, 2007, 06:28:00 AM »
Obviously I didn't read all 250 some pages.  (Rather read a good book thanks)  so this is a simplistic observation ... but isn't one death one too many?  
Isn't this sort of like saying 'heh there's going to be collateral damage in the industry"?

You almost appear to be defending this.

The Troubled Teen Industry / This is a MUST read!!!!!!!!!!
« on: May 16, 2007, 06:17:03 AM »
Guest asked:
What is a "moot" anyway.

A moot point is one that is debatable.  Something that is hypothetical.  So saying that Tammy Faye Bakkers clinging to God is comparable to Sembler clinging to Straight is ... IMHO ... debatable.

Open Free for All / Kids and prizes
« on: May 16, 2007, 06:08:05 AM »
I agree with 'time'.

Special responsibilities like erasing the chalk board?

In addition, how about a special hat or pin they could wear for achievement?


Sitting in 'the seat of honor' for a day?

And of course, don't underestimate verbal praise.  Kids just suck it up.

You sound like a great teacher!

The Troubled Teen Industry / This is a MUST read!!!!!!!!!!
« on: May 15, 2007, 01:51:26 PM »
How exactly did Tammy Faye Bakker abuse children and the elderly?  How exactly were they brainwashed?

If Tammy Bakker is a cult leader then so is Ron Popeil.  I guess he brainwashes people to send him their money for worthless kitchen gadgets like his veg-o-matic.  

Sorry I can't make the connection to a televangelist begging for money and abusive teen programs.  I suppose at some level they are both opportunists ... but calling Bakker a cult is a stretch IMHO.

And what is your problem with confessing one's faith on the death bed.  If ever a person has need for their faith ... I would assume it would be on the death bed. Tammy Faye professed her faith in God ... not faith in her 'ministry'.  So your comment about "Mel Sembler continuing to profess his faith in his Straight program" is moot.  

I don't object to your link.  I simply asked what point you were trying to make. Put your hackles down.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Psy BANNED AGAIN from st
« on: May 15, 2007, 07:25:20 AM »
@ Who~

What name do you post under at ST?

It is true that psy is not a parent.  He may be young (how old are you psy??).  He has never had to make the gut wrenching decision to place a child in a program.  But, let me ask you this.

All things being equal ... (non-parent, young, etc.) if psy came to ST to post his amazing transition post program - that is he went in 'troubled' and graduated 'healed/fixed' - do you think he would have been banned?  Trust me on this ... if psy came to sing the praises of being in a program ... if he was a poster child for the efficacy of programs ... he would be as welcome as rain in a summer drought.

This is called a double standard.  It is an insult to my intelligence to have dissenting views disallowed in a forum that is supposed to address parenting issues.

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