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Messages - Sweet Girl

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Elan School / Hog Tied
« on: May 09, 2004, 11:35:00 AM »
Yeah, it seemed to start out like it was going somewhere, but then she trailed off into la-la land and I got lost on the way ::ftard::  ::ftard::

Elan School / Being a Coordinator, BIG FUCKING DEAL.
« on: May 07, 2004, 08:50:00 PM »
Marina, Ted was a coor tr. of the service crew.  I was one of his new residents when he went on a home visit and never come back.  He was a really cool guy.  I remember being really happy that he was my coordinator because he was all laid back and hippy like.

Elan School / anyone had nightmares?
« on: May 07, 2004, 08:30:00 PM »
I've definitely had the "back in elan dreams" myself.  I still have them to this day.  It's usually when I'm struggling a little bit.  Like when I feel myself "slipping" in some way or another into the "behaviors" that elan taught me not to have.  I guess that for me, it's a reminder in a way.  It stops me from allowing myself to get into a situation where I can't control my own decisions, or thought process, or- anything for that matter.  I think the dreams I've had are pretty similar to what you described.  I'm there and I know I don't want to be, but there's nothing I can do about it but run.  It's a very strong, vivid feeling (for a dream).  I feel that loss of freedom and control all over again, just like when I was a new resident.  I think that I will periodically have these dreams for the rest of my life.  I think that elan is one of those things that is too intense to forget about.  Memories will always be floating around somewhere in my mind about it, even if it's only in my subconscious mind.
Kate B. E-7 1998-2000

Elan School / Intergalactic Planetary
« on: May 03, 2004, 07:44:00 PM »
Hey Marina!
Its' Kate B.  I tried to email you a couple times, but this seems to be the only place you ever come to consistently.  So I finally gave in and took the time to register on here so I can keep more in touch with you and other old friends.
I definitely remember that talent show!  It was so much fun!!!  I remember getting Goosebumps because it was the loudest and most wonderful sound I had heard in so long.  Plus, the only time we really got to listen to music was when we were on the post, (actually, I should say the only time we got to ENJOY our music) but even on the post, you had someone whining for you to turn down your music like every ten minutes.  So, I will definitely agree with you that it was one of the most memorable and fun experiences at elan for me too!  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

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