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Messages - PerfectStraightling

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / RE: Lame assed thuggery
« on: November 19, 2005, 08:01:00 PM »
On 2005-11-18 19:57:00, Anonymous wrote:

"The fog thickens."


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The Washington Post - Riddile
« on: November 19, 2005, 07:44:00 PM »
On 2005-11-18 15:56:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-11-18 15:38:00, Anonymous wrote:

You're right.

The Washington Post is part of the real world. In the real world people who want something done ask nicely or are told to kindly bug off.

We're not in Straight anymore.

Class dismissed."

I wasn't talking about my opinion, but my critique being like a class paper. I was trying to write a logical analysis of his article. I know people are going to see things differently, but anyways, I don't know if anyone is suggesting it's a good idea to come across like crazed ex-druggies in sending Matthews letters. Forget about offending him, we will look like morons. And I don't think anybody has suggested that we be rude to the editors, after all, they didn't write the story, and I would assume if they are even mediocre journalists or have any sense of ethics whatsoever, they would be a thousand times more likely to respond positively to our story. But I think that a certain sense of anger is justified and can add weight to our story. I do think this Matthews guy sounds totally beyond reach, and I strongly feel that no matter what anybody says, he's not going to change his mind about this.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / RE: Lame assed thuggery
« on: November 18, 2005, 06:15:00 PM »
"On a more sane note, I don't really have anything for or against people like Ray or Wes or the others, if I really did then I have all of their addresses including that little hider Ray's. It's nothing personal, I'm just tired of their immature lies and denial about their blatent and public lies. But these people walk around in constant fear and you can sense it from a mile away when they charge for documents that are not theirs to begin with. Stop bein scared motherfuckers."

The fog clears....

On 2005-11-17 06:56:00, webcrawler wrote:

"I don't think an outside advocate is enough. Just thinking back from my time in the program and how I ended up seeing a therapist during my setback and how I was still too fearful to give full details about straight. There was always this fear that someone would tell staff on me and that I'd be setback or worse started over.

Sure a kid could tell the outside advocate (if given access that is)about what's going on, but it would not take long for the staff to figure out who opened their mouth and for staff to seek retrubution in the form of setbacks, etc."

And of course, you don't want to minimize your need for treatment and don't forget about not getting into your pity! All those things are a sure sign that you are on the verge...of....DEATH. Be Careful. Don't think negative thoughts about the program. Don't wish you could leave.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The Washington Post - Riddile
« on: November 17, 2005, 10:41:00 PM »
Let's critique this, shall we??

On 2005-11-17 04:30:00, Anonymous wrote:



By Jay Mathews

Thursday, November 17, 2005; Page VA10

After I wrote an article about J.E.B. Stuart High School principal Mel Riddile being named national high school principal of the year ["A Principal's Wide Reach; Head of Fairfax School Wins National Award," Metro, Oct. 23], I received many messages praising his success at raising achievement at a school full of low-income students.

I also received messages from people campaigning against the tough-love approach to adolescent drug abuse rehabilitation practiced by Straight Inc., a company that Riddile worked for in the 1980s. Straight Inc., founded in 1976 in Florida by Mel Sembler, a former U.S. ambassador to Italy, and his wife, Betty, went out of existence in 1993. The Semblers have since started the Drug Free America Foundation ( ), a drug prevention and policy group.

Ok, first of all, people did NOT campaign against his "tough-love" approach. They campaigned against his thought-reform, physcially abusive aproach. Second of all, Riddile didn't just work FOR them, he ran the place. And my last point, it's good he named the Semblers, but what do they have to do with the case against Riddile?? Nothing but a lame attempt at shifting the focus to them.

Here is an excerpt of one of the e-mails about Riddile and Straight:

Dear Extra Credit:

I would like to take this opportunity to advise you of the fact that Dr. Riddile was executive/regional director at Straight Inc. for several years back in the 1980s, an organization some parents have accused of systematically physically and psychologically abusing their children. Unfortunately, time does not heal all wounds.

In your article published about Dr. Riddile and his outstanding accomplishments in his role as principal of J.E.B. Stuart, his involvement with Straight is missing. Treatment similar to that used by Straight is still administered in programs called by different names. It is quite possibly the most dangerous drug treatment program ever to exist in this country. Dr. Riddile trained Straight directors in the same building in Ohio in which one of these programs currently operates.

I find it necessary to advise your paper of these facts as part of a movement to expose this ongoing tragedy. I made several requests this year to invite Dr. Riddile to speak out against this treatment program. He claimed that he knew nothing about the specific program in Ohio. But he trained people who engaged in similar treatment modalities. I advised him of this situation in 2003. The requests have been either ignored or denied.

I believe Dr. Riddile knows about the problems associated with the Straight treatment. Please urge him to speak out against this abuse now.

William Earnshaw Sr.

Midland, Va.

Page 2 of 2   < BackBack    

Thank you, William.

Readers Raise Concerns About Past Work of Top Principal


In my article, I did not mention Riddile's drug abuse work, both for Fairfax County and then for Straight, because I didn't think it was relevant to the topic -- how he turned Stuart High into a top educational institution. But I appreciate your concern about Straight, which you told me grew out of what you said you experienced as mistreatment under the program when you were a client.

I'm sorry, but this is obviously some sort of attempt at pointing out that William was a "druggie." And again, it's not "drug abuse work," it's being the Executive Director. BIG difference.

The Post has published many stories about Straight. They make it clear that there has been much debate over the usefulness of drug treatment programs that place young clients under strict discipline, as Straight did. The articles note that one young client won an initial verdict of $220,000 in damages in 1983 after complaining of being detained for more than four months in a Straight facility in Springfield.

Not too bad, although he fails to elaborate on WHY the kid won all that money. Kind of important. And again, he claims the only contraversy surrounding Straight is that it is "strict." See prior criticism on tough love comment.

But according to the information I received from both you and Riddile, he was never sued or charged with any crime. Nor did you or any of the other sources you cited ever witness him do anything wrong. Riddle said he has many letters from Straight clients thanking him for what he did for them and said he is proud of his work there. I recommend that readers interested in this issue perform a Google search on Straight Inc. and do their own reading.

Where should I begin? Again, he is forgetting the fact that he RAN the place, placing him in responsibility for what went on there. And just because he didn't personally do anything wrong (?? I don't know), doesn't negate the fact that he RAN the place. In fact, this alludes to one of the biggest problems with straight, the peer confrontation model that was used. The peers, the kids, did all of the dirty work. This is not as redeeming as he suggests.

Having watched Riddile's work at Stuart for the last eight years, I am convinced that he deserved the award he received and does not deserve these criticisms for work he did in the 1980s that many of his young clients and their families have praised him for. Riddile is one of the 10 best high school principals I have ever seen, and I think Fairfax County is lucky to have him.

Sigh...who cares if it was in the 80s.... So apparently child abuse is OK if it was long enough ago, you should still be able to one day be a PRINCIPLE? HMMM, OK. Then he takes Riddile's word for the fact that he has gotten a lot of praise for his work there (which, by the way, if he was only working there, not really in charge, then why does he get so much credit for these supposed success stories??).

Please send your questions, along with your name, e-mail or postal address and telephone number to Extra Credit, The Washington Post, 526 King St., Suite 515, Alexandria, Va. 22314. Or e-mail [email protected].





Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The Washington Post - Riddile
« on: November 17, 2005, 06:34:00 PM »
that was me

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The Washington Post - Riddile
« on: November 17, 2005, 03:50:00 PM »
I totally get what you're saying. I just think putting that much effort into a reporter should be done with at least a semi-rational and non-psychotic reporter. There are some out there and I'd rather focus on them than beat my head against any more walls.

Besides, I didn't really call him a dipshit, I just very clearly explained why I thought he was severely mistaken and explained why. And then I asked him to explain himself.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The Washington Post - Riddile
« on: November 17, 2005, 02:56:00 PM »
Yes that did occur to me. But this guy is anything but professional in his writing, he appears completely biased, uninformed, overly emotional, and, yes, defensive. I think he is a lost cause and personally I don't think he seems within reach of either logic or empathy.

Screw him.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The Washington Post - Riddile
« on: November 17, 2005, 02:45:00 PM »
This makes me so angry. I just emailed him a very angry email telling him what a dipshit he is.

He totally rejects the personal accounts sent to him, while embracing letters of praise he's never even seen! And apparently he either knows nothing of the details of straight, or is completely malicious in his core. That's what I always say makes a good journalist!

They banned motivating while I was there too, but it didn't last very long (apparently since you came in after me). I can't really recall, I think it must have been around May or June of 89, and they said it was because of people getting hit in the face. They told us to just raise our arm straight and waive the queen's wave.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Day Zero
« on: November 15, 2005, 05:57:00 PM »
I can't even imagine having to go back to your old HS and ignore all of your old friends. How horrible of a thing to have to do that and convince yourself that it is the right thing to do. I can see why that didn't go so well with you.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Day Zero
« on: November 15, 2005, 01:38:00 PM »
On 2005-11-14 22:00:00, Gah wrote:

"I was a misbehavor, I had got to 3rd phase at one time. I never finished the program and when I got home, It was hard for me to even go outside, I would ask my mom if I could go to the bathroom and I would like wait like I was waiting for her to come with me. I remember how scary the halls in school were when the bell would ring and kids everywhere. Today I have every window to this house covered. I keep my doors locked. My landlord leaves notes like "heard child inside" lolol I have issues!!!! I still dont feel like I am one of them, a person who is someone. I wish I had answers!"

I also ran away after making it to 3rd phase. Then somehow my dad decided I didn't have to go back and the next thing I knew I was enrolled in summer school in order to keep from failing the 11th grade. I felt so out of place. That was truly shockinng since I hadn't been able to gradually work my way back into society, I was just suddenly back in it. And it seemed alien to me.

"...and that kind of thing."


On 2005-11-13 20:38:00, Anonymous wrote:


Hagit Limor on videotape: "When kids have power over kids, can that be abused?" Penny Walker on videotape: "It can be. We watch very diligently for that. / What has changed is we don't tolerate violence any more. We used to."


Penny Walker on videotape: "It's part of the discipline and the structure. / Certainly I understand that motivating looks bizarre / It's good exercise. I mean, the kids sitting in there in group for long periods of time, it really gets their blood moving and that kind of thing."

These are definitely Walker's best two answers. :roll:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Kids helping Kids promo:
« on: November 12, 2005, 01:00:00 AM »

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