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Messages - ladyjerrico

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Web forum hosting / Having to log in twice
« on: March 12, 2002, 03:25:00 PM »
This seems to still be a problem on my end.. I need to login twice..
Your message was posted a while back, just wondering if your still fixing the bugs?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Sugar and Flower
« on: March 12, 2002, 03:13:00 PM »
come to think of it, we weren't allowed to use baby powder. The staff at Straight I guess thought it looked too much like cocaine or something.
One 1st phaser actually had to go through their doctor and get a court document to use it for a medicine!

It took me a few sites and postings to realize that the Ambassodor of Italy is in fact the founder of Straight Inc.
It also took me this long to actually search for things about my past with Straight Inc. (after 12 years, it's finally starting to surface).
To me knowing he is the Ambassodor of a country in his hands scares me and frightens me. I've recently thought of writing to the President, but having second thoughts because of the incidents of 9/11, knowing this country is on highest alert and all, I don't want to stir up anything more.
You would think that having such a powerful role in society he would be questioned about his background and efforts towards Straight, I mean come on.. every job in America you need a background check.. maybe it's different in Italy.. but I certainly think that he still needs to stand up and "get honest" with all of us!
I'm sure he knew a lot of what was behind that curtain of travisty we've all suffered, and now he's hiding behind even more power.. this makes me wonder a lot about what the government is trying to hide and trying to succeed at doing so

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Has anyone heard of this program?
« on: March 12, 2002, 02:55:00 PM »
I clicked on this site and couldn't find it ?? shrug

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / stuttering
« on: March 12, 2002, 02:52:00 PM »
I understand what you are going through Carmel, I had a fear of being in public and still do, I don't like driving anywhere except of course to work.
I don't get scared about what people say, just the fact that if I find somewhere where there are too many people I become anxious and jittery.
I enjoy being alone a lot of the time and being inside.

Another problem that I face is light sensitivity, I've never had it until I went into Straight. Since we couldn't be outside and barely see the sun, I need to wear sunglasses nearly 90% of the time unless it rains outside.
I can't open my windows much because of the glare of the sun, and at night sometimes the headlights blind me so much I need to turn my eyes to the opposite side of the road.

Did anyone else have that problem?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Parent Weekend
« on: March 12, 2002, 02:47:00 PM »
For those of you that understand what the heck this is about, please let me know.
On occassion there would be something called "Parent Weekend", normally in Plymouth MI we would have Saturdays at host homes and on Parent Weekends we had to go to the building.
I didn't know what happened on those weekends we went to the building, all I know is that parents got together and stayed with other parents at host homes on those days.
Does anyone know what was said, or things they had to do on those days?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / any good days that you can recall?
« on: March 12, 2002, 02:43:00 PM »
Just a question for all survivors of Straight Inc.

I have been posting nearly on every topic on this Message Board recalling all types of things, that are mainly negative.

I do recall one day that the road manager from the rock band "Journey" came to Straight in Plymouth.

He was telling us about what he says to Steve Perry (lead singer) of the band when he gets down about being home and stuff and being on the road so much he never was home.

He also allowed us to say one thing to our parents in the microphone, then allowed us to stand right beside him afterwards.

Only a few of us were chosen and I felt very privelaged to be one of the first "phasers" he picked to talk to my parents, unfortnatly they didn't show up that night because my dad was ill, but another parent decided to come forward and act in their place which I thought was really cool.

The road manager then took a wad of 1 dollar bills and shredded them into little pieces giving each one of us a piece of that dollar he shredded.. he then told us that our lives are worth much more than money and because we are more important, his money isn't worth anything.
Unfortunatly, since we couldn't keep money on us at 1st phase, my oldcomer told me to give it to her and she threw it away, but,I still think about that to this day, that was the best day at Straight that I had.

Please respond and tell us your best day that you can recall (besides getting out of course).

[ This Message was edited by: ladyjerrico on 2002-03-12 11:45 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Christmas at Straight Inc.
« on: March 12, 2002, 12:35:00 PM »
I'm sorry that Christmas isn't like it used to be before all of you went into the program. It seems like no matter what shred of hope you had in there has torchured you to this day.
I had to be thier during Easter, that is the only recollection of any holiday that was close. I pulled myself a day after my birthday which was Nov. 5th. I didn't even stay for Thanksgiving.
I didn't celebrate that much that year for Christmas, right after I got out and got myself together going to school and getting used to a "normal" life.
Right after Christmas rolled around, a girl who I was an oldcomer for (I was on 2nd phase when I pulled myself out) she ran on me in my father's car, he had the door locked from the inside, she managed to open the window and let herself out, reached around and grabbed the handle from the outside and flew out the door when my dad was stopped at a redlight.
When I pulled myself out, I heard from the police a few days after Christmas and told me that they found her in a crack house in Detroit.
Her father was from Pennsylvania and every Friday and Monday night he would be there for his daughter.. that to me is love!
I don't know what happened to her after the police called me, we notified her father.
I haven't heard about her since then

hi tom,
I can relate to what you went through with suicide attempts. I have been struggling with depression most of my life.. that I cannot blame on Straight Inc. since it stemmed up before I even went into that facility.
Once I was being rebellious and got sent to a room (was thrown on the floor) the tile was cracked inside this room (in the facility) and pieces of it people peeled off from this room.. I tried to take one of the pieces and tried to slit my wrists.
The oldcomer being "aware" of me didn't notice me for 15 minutes, and then she asked "are you slitting your wrists?" I didn't answer her, she raised her hand during a rap session at the door of the room. The person doing the rap session didn't call on her for 1/2 an hour! By that point I was tired of crying and I was nearly asleep.
I was thrown into another room by staff and talked to by a councellor.. I told them I was tired of being yelled at for things that seemed very petty. They told me "it's something you need for your recovery, you need to stop being a druggie and listen up!"
I felt like there was no hope.
I cried all that day and felt like nobody was there for me to understand the pain and suffering.
I went to my host home that night and read the bible. (some oldcomers actually allowed us to do that). I found peace and a bit of comforting in that and I knew that tommorow would be a better day if I just kept doing what I was told "one day at a time" (and I thought to myself, yeah, then I can finally get out of here!)

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Another Question
« on: March 10, 2002, 08:59:00 AM »
why do the lyrics come to mind "will the real Slim Shady please stand up?"

love ya.. have a seat!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / stats
« on: March 10, 2002, 08:56:00 AM »
the only suggestion that would come to my mind would be to look it up on a web browser and see what you come up with, actually, that is how I found this posting site.
Not much linkage to Straight Inc. I have found in my recent search for past clients whom I shared that facility with.. but not to say that you might not come up with something.
You also might want to check your local library (I know it's a lot of research) you might find old microfish, magazines, and newspapers on microfish which would link you to some cult groups and knowledge of them.
Just a suggestion

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Christmas at Straight Inc.
« on: March 10, 2002, 08:52:00 AM »
I would like to know, since there are many "straightlings" (bad term) out there.. what was Christmas like in that facility? I was there from April to Nov. so I was not going to tolorate that!

If you care to share, please let me know. When I left I wasn't happy of the thought to know that people couldn't even celebrate holidays "normally" with family and friends.

Such a sad time

[ This Message was edited by: ladyjerrico on 2002-03-10 05:52 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Question for everyone
« on: March 10, 2002, 08:48:00 AM »
Replying to Jeff's comment:

I never admitted in group or to anyone about looking at a guy, unless it was a cover up for something I really did "bad".. like I heard a few seconds worth of music once in the summertime in the morning a nieghbor was playing at one of the host homes I went to.

I found a way to not admit everything, and when I looked at a guy, I made sure one of the phasers in the guys group were speaking when I looked at them, since I have brown eyes, it was hard for the staff to notice.. tee hee :smile:

[ This Message was edited by: ladyjerrico on 2002-03-10 05:49 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / i thought they closed all straights
« on: March 10, 2002, 08:40:00 AM »
It's just unreal what has happened inside that facility.
I was there in 1990 (as you may have read from many of my posts) I was in the Plymouth MI Straight, and a few things that you said about "phasers" doing things rekindled an inncident in my brain.
One time I ended up going to one of the host homes in Lansing.. about a 3 hour drive.. it was a boys host home, but they said that the girls host homes weren't enough for all of us, so they had to put us in a few boys host homes.
The room we slept in had a cooking pot on the floor and I asked why that was there, my oldcomer told me that was because there was no bathroom on that upper floor for the boys to use in the middle of the night. It was discusting.
At the time I saw it I thought nothing of it, they brainwashed us so much I became to think like they did for a while.. but now that I look back thinking, it was very discusting and totally unsanitary, cruel and unusual punishment to say the least.

Sad to say that history DOES repeat itself.. I suppose it will always be a vicious cycle that is a never ending process.
In a nutshell, I always felt that if the person who does have a drug problem will admit up to it and want help for themselves.. they will seek it.. they can't be forced into it.
Those who don't admit it will sooner or later perish for their mistakes.. not everyone can be saved.
As far as being put into a place where you remember and your children are suffering for it, there must be something that can be done.
I don't find the justice system helpful unless you have a bunch of money laying around to hire a lawyer.. who has that kind of income now a days?
There are always alternatives to help and hope. Sad to say there arn't enough people out there to understand or want to try to bring it out to the public view of what those alternatives are.
I'm not familiar with Elan.. but if it is anything like Straight Inc. there are other routes to take.
I know local AA meetings in churches, they do the 12 step program, sponsors are helpful.
I feel the strictist dicipline should come from the parent with an out of control teen. I'm not saying corporal punishment, that would be morally and ethically wrong..
I found all new friends when I left Straight because I didn't want to hang out with my "druggie friends" and subject myself to that environment.. that was the first step for me to take to leading a drug-free life.
From there I got moral support, and went to the movies, played some card games, things of that nature that would be totally drug-free activities.
I found out who I was and what my goals need to be in life. Nobody can teach you street smarts either.. that is something that needs to be learned from within

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