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Messages - hurrikayne

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19] 20 21 ... 25
THAT was a great test.  LOVED it.  :)

Most of that stuff can be found in MY living room, 'cept I use real playdoh.  I say it's because of the little one...hahahaa.

0-25 Points = Low Risk:
When the point total that you calculated ranges from 0-25, your teen may be considered to be in the low risk category. Adolescents and teens in this category may be exhibiting some behaviors that are alarming or disturbing to parents, however many of these behaviors are characteristic for this age category.

26-40 Points = Moderate Risk:
When the point total that you calculated ranges from 26-40 points, your adolescent or teen may be considered to be in the moderate risk category. Adolescents and teens in this category may be exhibiting several behaviors that are alarming or disturbing to parents. Due to the number of behaviors that your child may be exhibiting, there may be need for some concern. Your adolescent or teen may receive assistance and benefit from counseling, extra parental direction and supervision and family activities.

41-75 Points = High Risk:
When the point total that you calculated ranges from 41-75 points, your adolescent or teen may be considered to be in the high risk category. Adolescents and teens in this category may be exhibiting many behaviors that are disturbing and upsetting to parents and are in need of assistance and help. We recommend and suggest individual and family counseling, as well as extra parental direction and supervision. Potential placement of your child may be needed.

76-100 = Needs Immediate Help:
When the point total that you calculated ranges form 76-100, your adolescent or teen may need immediate and instant assistance and help. Adolescents and teens in this category may have engaged in a major and significant number of behaviors that are dangerous, life threatening and unsafe. Immediate and urgent assistance and help and placement of your child is advised and recommended.

***If you checked three or more of the boxes that contain a point value of 5, please refer to the needs immediate help category for a more accurate assessment of your child's situation.

Now mind you, I have a really good teenager.  She fell into category two, just for being a teenager.  I found this assessment to be absolutely ludicrous, by the way, and have posted sheerly for entertainment value.

Google search didn't come up with any reports of his death...

Open Free for All / News you can't use V1
« on: January 10, 2008, 07:51:09 PM »

Facility Question and Answers / Roloffs
« on: January 05, 2008, 04:09:06 PM »
If you have names of directors/workers/administrators, we can ask other contacts and see if anyone recognizes them as being affiliated...

I'm sure you'd have to ask them that, but having grown up in the Bible Belt, and with highly religious parents, my educated guess would be that it indicates lots of church services, sermons, Bible studies, Bible classes, and prayer, a few revivals thrown in as well.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / New addition to protest board...
« on: January 04, 2008, 11:15:13 PM »
Hmmm...many of us weren't in a program that DID utilize "The 12 steps" OR we were sent to a screwed up 'program' or 'facility' and weren't drug users until AFTER our incarceration.  (OR alcoholics)

Chew on that.

The Troubled Teen Industry / friggin insomnia
« on: January 04, 2008, 09:05:17 PM »
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

I have a toddler, and have never referred to him as a "grown boy".  Big boy, yes.  "Grown boy" is indicitave of having completed the growing process.

PURE Bullshit and CAICA / Thanks to both responders!
« on: January 04, 2008, 07:26:22 PM »
They asked me because they were curious.

I am "asking around", on their behalf.

Thank you, I have directed the individual to the IsacCorp site and specific lawsuit information.

Your comments are much appreciated!

Normal program with a religious bent.  They give far more freedom than Roloff spinoff establishments would allow.

You agree Lorri?

Open Free for All / Re: Texas
« on: January 03, 2008, 07:47:59 PM »
Quote from: ""Deprogrammed""
I hate texas too!
I have my own reasons, one added reason is b/c the bush family is from texas, though.
I lived in texas for a time and hated every single minute of it. There was nothing to do there, but I was out in the middle of nowhere, called witchita falls , texas.....a real dustbowl of a place...horrible time!
I was not a kid at the time, I was a young adult.

Oh its ON now.  I'm sending you a PM, check it!

PURE Bullshit and CAICA / Inquiry about PURE
« on: January 02, 2008, 09:43:39 PM »
Someone asked me whether PURE was good today, they had seen the website and thought perhaps it was due to all of the questions listed that one should ask about a program and the "testimonial" on the site.

I know enough to inform them PURE is not what they make themselves out to be, but I do not have any direct knowledge of PURE or any of the parties associated with it.  What say those of you who do, to this interested party?

Thanks for your input!

Open Free for All / and correct grammar
« on: January 02, 2008, 07:27:24 PM »
It's probably some form of OCD manifesting due to all of the brainwashing.  (I too am a sufferer, however I've learned to be patient with others who are not afflicted with the urge to spell correctly.)  I have been referred to, in my sordid past as "The Spelling Nazi".  

Scrabble just came out with a beautiful onyx deluxe edition for Christmas, which my husband considered purchasing for me.  He changed his mind though because, in his words...I'd have no one to play with.  (When he & my daughter play against me, their combined score might equal mine....)

The Troubled Teen Industry / to apply or not?
« on: January 01, 2008, 01:42:09 PM »
Ouch, looks like someone else woke up on the wrong side of 2008.  Have a cup of tea, relax, breathe deeply, while the other poster looks a bit illiterate, you just look like an ass.

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