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Messages - SettleForNothingLess

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The Troubled Teen Industry / .
« on: July 15, 2007, 11:55:10 PM »

The Troubled Teen Industry / swordfish
« on: July 15, 2007, 07:22:20 PM »
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
Orange cake anyone?

sure...ill take a large slice...and make sure its the one with a lot of frosting there TSW.


The Troubled Teen Industry / swordfish
« on: July 15, 2007, 07:19:50 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
The senior staff list at PV isn't too hard to come by.

There's also something called a phone book. It has addresses, too. How about that?

Firearms are easy to purchase in the United States.


uhh interesting take on my topic...haha..yet i think first we gotta try and do things a little safer....  :P  for now at least :)

The Troubled Teen Industry / swordfish
« on: July 14, 2007, 09:58:31 PM »
yes ZenAgent and I talk often... Im sorry if before I was a little unrealistic, im just so frustrated in not knowing what the right approach is. I want to help make a difference. That is what I live for. I just want to help others. I may have come off before too strongly and maybe sort of out of mind somewhat, I just feel stronger about this than anything ever before.

Im a Taurus so Im stubborn lol

The Troubled Teen Industry / swordfish
« on: July 14, 2007, 09:20:44 PM »

this is what started my ranting about it... so im sorry if i am misunderstanding something..

The Troubled Teen Industry / swordfish
« on: July 14, 2007, 09:16:19 PM »
Im new to this stuff to a point, what I dont understand is why nothings been done yet? I mean this stuff has been going on a long time. Maybe you can help me understand here.
No need to beat one another up, after all, were in this together, no?

The Troubled Teen Industry / swordfish
« on: July 14, 2007, 09:11:04 PM »
I am not trying to put any efforts down, I just want to keep us all united, together. ya know? i want us all to work together, those who feel stronglyabout this. i dont know why you get the impression that seemingly thinks im a "retard". I just want to cover every way possible of putting these places in their places.

thats all im trying to say.

The Troubled Teen Industry / lets go!
« on: July 14, 2007, 07:46:04 PM »
listen up... we need to get motivated here... are we all together on this or not?!? each minute is priceless.. each minute we waste, another kid gets admitted to these facilities, is getting beaten up, being brutalized. Time is of the essence. Lets get serious and down to buisness here. Everyone seems to be worrying, yet what is truly being done at this very moment that will bring hope of change? Wishing and praying, is not going to get us far. It would be nice, but its just not reality. In order to make any changes, we need to do something.
From being a former program kid as you know, when I was in those places, no one helped me to get the hell outta there. I did it on my own. I took the beatings and medications and all the other bullshit, yet still didnt give a shit. I fought em all the way when i was there. I tried convincing my father to get me outtta there, but nothing could be done.
My point is, if we want to get anywhere remotely far with this horrid shit that is taking place every second of the day, we gotta start really doing something. some things are beyond the government, or things like lawsuits. Lawsuits are extremely shady and difficult to be successful at. Even if one is successful, what about the millions of others out there who may not be as lucky? Think about it.
In the beginning when I first started researching PV in my own feelings of hurt and anger, all I cared about at the time was trying to form some sort of petty lawsuit. I was unaware at the time about how what happened to me, is happening to others all over the world. Thats when I decided to put my heartache and feelings of pain aside, and use them to try and help others out there. I could have just stayed in the state of being oblivious to how serious this issue is, but I am choosing to act on it. I am going to put my pains to good use. We can all do that, but you have to be dedicated. I think it is wonderful all of the posts on sites like these, but we need more ammo than that to make a true change. Im not exactly sure what the plan should be, but Im working on it. The struggling youth out there, need us. More than some can believe or imagine.
Step up to the plate with me?
Give me some feedback here.
Time is a wasting.

Open Free for All / heh
« on: July 14, 2007, 07:26:58 PM » laughin my ass off over here.

The Troubled Teen Industry / swordfish
« on: July 14, 2007, 07:06:53 PM »
Quote from: """"
Well you already know how I said I would help out.

i appreciate all of your guidance and support. thank you so much.
god bless you
it means a hell of alot to me!

c'mon everyone else.. who is going to step it up?!!

The Troubled Teen Industry / swordfish
« on: July 14, 2007, 06:48:57 PM »
Quote from: """"
I like this one. Can we keep her?

thanks. im dedicated here in every way possibly imaginable.
anyone else with me?!

The Troubled Teen Industry / swordfish
« on: July 14, 2007, 06:20:19 PM »
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
I'll be sure to send you some smokes and a packet of hacksaw blades when you are in the slammer!

Can I be the one holding the flame thrower please?

Im not a terrorist...we need to step it up here tho.... Im not afraid anymore.... I live for the cause and justice shall prevail on those who have done wrong.

The Troubled Teen Industry / ideas?
« on: July 14, 2007, 05:10:33 PM »
the idea to make these RTCs so horrifying, picking them apart bit by bit, organizing protests, whatever it may be, might be all we have left.
we need to make the world completely aware of the truths of these facilities. no matter what it takes. im ready for anything.
preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best.
Im going to pull up and dig up as much as I can on this issue.
if you think about it, staff in these places, who enjoy their work truthfully, they are like their own JiHad. They want to feel power of controlling and using as many people as they can manipulate and get to believe there misinforming of what their true intentions are. They want the control of innocent young lives, attempting in some cases seem like brainwash them into believing that they are completely helpless and hopeless without their guidance. They want kids and parents to worship them. If you dont comply with their sick and stomach churning mind control, they will make you pay for it. some payments depending on different facilities, the severity of the punishment for not complying vary.
They are sick people who live for this kind of stuff, and most of them, think they are godlike figures. In my opinion, they are the lowest as far as the rating of society and humanity go. They are trying to warp your minds, one family and one patient at a time.
We cant let them win.
Lets give em a taste of what real, humane, and sane people are.
people who arent afraid to stand up against the conformity of corruption, terroristic mold of what society is seeming to evolve into.
C'mon people. We need to get something going here. Something so powerful, it might just change human life for good for the better.
Its not going to be easy, its in fact going to be one of the most difficult things done in a long time. Lets make history here.
Who is with me now??

Im not fooling around. Im serious. We need to Unite and form a plan, so shocking that it will catch most off guard. Sometimes shocking, horrific things are the only resort left to really put a dent in something. Change the way people operate. Lets do it. Join me in this if you have the strength to do so. Dont let anyone bring you down.

I want to hear your thoughts on this.

The Troubled Teen Industry / here
« on: July 14, 2007, 03:49:28 PM »
the quotes from the movie are:
Push the envelope
Make terrorism so horrific that it becomes unthinkable..
We should apply this concept to the abuse in this troubled teen industry but with different, safe measures.

The Troubled Teen Industry / swordfish
« on: July 14, 2007, 03:09:50 PM »
anyone ever seen Swordfish with Travolta?
even though he seems nuts, the idea is good
we should make working for or cooperating with RTCs so horrifying, no one will want to.
like in the movie, he says they bomb one church, we bomb ten. how many innocent lives have to suffer?

im not suggesting any violence like that at all so dont think im some terrorist here.. but the idea itself... watch the movie.. go rent it or buy it.. maybe we can form some ideas off of it

i dont know.. just a thought

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