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Messages - SettleForNothingLess

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Total Transformation
« on: July 22, 2007, 02:27:20 AM »
I looked over the site...this looks like yet another attempt to make parents feel as if they will "never make it" without this quacks help.
Another money making scam.
Damn why do so many decide to scam people by using troubled teens?
its bullshit...find something else to scam people with. its not fair that kids who have issues, are sought out by these scam scums to make their millions... it pisses me off to the max.
Its just fuckin ridiculous how they all seem to prey on the quote on quote troubled teens and families.
They dont really want to help, they just want to make their bucks to pay off the new home on the islands...or the new Jaguar or mercedes...

I mean, my psychiatrists and therapists, they dont try to pull this shit on scamming myself or my family into thinking that we need them forever or we will never make it.
They always say, I will help you until you do not need the therapy anymore. It is YOUR choice to come in for our appointments. They dont try and brainwash me. Thats one of the reasons I respect them.
But these idiots, forming these stupid ass programs, i have 0 respect. In fact, they make me sick.

Like on this site that this forum is about, the phrase, im amazed at the results..what are they selling here? Diet pills? God. I think Im going to hurl, it makes me so sick how these quacks attempt to do this to people....Prey on the vulnerable...who better than struggling families?

My advice to a struggling family, schedule a kick ass vacation...Relax... Chill out.. Stop worrying so much....Things happen how they are meant to...

So any of you pricks trying to scam people with your programs or any of that bullshit, choke on your caviar.


The Troubled Teen Industry / Total Transformation
« on: July 22, 2007, 02:09:27 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
That picture of the mother and daughter?  It is the same picture that was posted on a billboard on Rt. 34 in Wall Township, NJ up till last year. I remember the pic because the daughter reminded me of the girl who played on 'Dawsons Creek'- the one who died in the last episode.  It must be a generic pic from somewhere.

And how did someone with a history of prison sentences get a MCSW and a license to practice?  And what state agency hired him?  In NJ, someone with a record (in most cases) doesn't get to work in the Public Schools, that I know for a fact!  Something about this guy's CV looks a little fishy.  I'm starting to get the idea that there is NO ONE in the whole industry who knows what they are doing.  This whole thing seems to be worse than I originally imagined.  


I dont remember that billboard..where on 34 was it? I live near by

New Info / Aspen Education Group: Any former students?
« on: July 22, 2007, 01:47:44 AM »
I was there august of 2004 till sept 2004..i got sent to peninsula village from there thanks to ASRs Dr. Cohen... I got kicked out of ASR because I was a leader of a run away attempt with 3 others... There was a lesbian couselor there that made me uncomfortable...she was fired later on for making out with a student... ASR was "interesting"

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: July 22, 2007, 01:41:28 AM »
Zen, I want to thank you for all of your help as well. You were the one who introduced me to all of this stuff. Before we met, I thought PV was just a nightmare that would never go away. I thought that there was nothing that could be done. you have helped me so much, and i want to thank you.
It means a lot to me. As far as PV is concerned, i will work my ass off until their worst nightmares are their fantasies. I wont stop until then.
It is time now for PV to shut the fuck up. I think we have heard enough from them. I know I have and I know  you have,
Once again thank you for your support. You kick ass.
And we are going to toast some PV booty.


THose bitches...



All you PV motherfuckers are just that, piles of shit, the shit that I scrape off my shoe, wrapping up your pansy asses in motherfucking ugly ass wrapping paper.

Steve, if your reading this, BRING IT

New Info / Aspen Education Group: Any former students?
« on: July 21, 2007, 11:36:38 PM »
Academy at Swift River... went there... questions??/

also to add about the posey body net info, they also include another section for your if the net is not enough, they add that to it also....
the net and then a separate piece for your ankles

yep its that posey net... the picture is just like it... and they DO NOT supervise u
they leave u there all day sometimes into the night and completely ignore you most of the time...they come by once in a while but no not monitor u... they dont care.

but then a treatment center that would put a kid in not suprised they dont care

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: July 21, 2007, 03:00:55 AM »
this is one of my posts from the myspace group on PV
check it out if you have a chance

thats just the thing...they break people down to a mere nothing...
If someone has clinical depression, PTSD, Anxiety, etc
they dont need to be beat down anymore..they need to be built back up. Make them feeel good rather than worse... breaking people down is for criminals or someone with antisocial traits, so they might realize what they are doing wrong. But PVs admission criteria is that they help depression, Post traumatic, anxiety, and things of that nature. they claim not to admit anyone violent or homicidal.
So they contradict their admission criteria with the fucked up methods they use to "treat" their patients.

I believe every patient has been hurt by Peninsula. Whether they still support them or not is the difference between alumni.
Those who support PV, there is something called learned helplessness. Sort of like Stockholm Syndrome.
Look it up. Tell me if you agree.
Those who fight PV, were really actually the strong ones who did not let Peninsula take their identity and values hostage

Quote from: ""Covergaard""
In the parent manual for PV the name two kind of mechanical restraint:

a) Body net. Is that the posey Restraint net?
b) Restraint jacket. According to their description in the manual the purpose is to keep the arm tucked to the side. It does not fit the description of the normal posey jacket:
but maybe the transport jacket

I think we need to show the parents, what they risk their children end up being restrained in.

yep they use the posey restraint.,, i remember that fucking thiing verrrrry well

here comes from a former serial restrained kid.... at first, it was the punishment, then i would admit to trying to get restrained sometimes, not alot of them, but some of the time, thinking it might get me the boot from PV... guess it worked... that and the fact that i didnt let the motherfuckers intimidate me. i opened my mouth, screamed, kicked em in the balls, then they had enuff and kicked my ass out. it was a fight of the greater good. hahaha. yea. so thats my answer.

What else is a kid to do to get their ass kicked out? i tried acting like a psycho by purposely making myself bleed and then writing fuck you  or your gonna die on the wall of my bed box in my own blood. Telling staff that the little girl said they were all gonna die. I tried that approach. tried acting like a total psycho, but it didnt phase them..
tried every approach. also tried the violent approach. i was at the point where I would do ANYTHING to get my ASS OUTTA THERE. since they brainwashed my father into believeing that I was lying when i told him of my abuse.
I had to do it on my own. and well, I did it. It was rough, but the fact is, i did it. so kisss my asss PV MAMAFANUKES!!!!


The Troubled Teen Industry / Can we throw it away and start over?
« on: July 19, 2007, 04:42:08 PM »
Voluntary treatment to me is something on the lines of Stockholms Syndrome,
Monday March 24, 2003 Previous | Next
Dear Yahoo!:
What is "Stockholm Syndrome"?
Cincinnati, Ohio  
Dear Ben:
Stockholm Syndrome describes the behavior of kidnap victims who, over time, become sympathetic to their captors. The name derives from a 1973 hostage incident in Stockholm, Sweden. At the end of six days of captivity in a bank, several kidnap victims actually resisted rescue attempts, and afterwards refused to testify against their captors.
While some people are suggesting the recent Elizabeth Smart kidnapping sounds like a case of Stockholm Syndrome, the most famous incident in the U.S. involved the kidnapped heiress Patty Hearst. Captured by a radical political group known as the Symbionese Liberation Army in 1974, Ms. Hearst eventually became an accomplice of the group, taking on an assumed name and assisting them in several bank robberies. After her re-capture, she denounced the group and her involvement.

What causes Stockholm Syndrome? Captives begin to identify with their captors initially as a defensive mechanism, out of fear of violence. Small acts of kindness by the captor are magnified, since finding perspective in a hostage situation is by definition impossible. Rescue attempts are also seen as a threat, since it's likely the captive would be injured during such attempts.
It's important to note that these symptoms occur under tremendous emotional and often physical duress. The behavior is considered a common survival strategy for victims of interpersonal abuse, and has been observed in battered spouses, abused children, prisoners of war, and concentration camp survivors.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: July 18, 2007, 02:20:02 AM »
mokara, im totally with ya here. im working on doing everything possible to bring the PV scum moneysuckers abuses to what they should be.

PM if you want to.

Im here for ya.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village Ravaged by Norovirus
« on: July 17, 2007, 04:51:31 PM »
Wow...this is some crucial info here... I have to say though, that I am totally not surprised at all. Disgusting pig scums are the staff of Peninsula Village.
Whats next on their list of infinite failures?

How much more will be taken of their bullshit?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: July 17, 2007, 02:34:27 AM »
HELLL YEA!!!!! thats some serious swordfish action there!! haha... together, we will bring the scums to view of the world... may they burn eternally in hell!!!

The Troubled Teen Industry / .
« on: July 16, 2007, 12:02:18 AM »
any ideas?

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