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Messages - YV23

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Elan School / Re: Some Clarification Please?
« on: October 08, 2011, 02:09:42 AM »
We called you Danny "fucking" Bennison. We called you it when you worked at E-7 behind your back. You wanted to be like Marty so bad. It was ridiculous. You even did that deep voice thing he did to make his scarier points

I saw your message to Juan Ferreria Danny

You haven't changed

Elan School / Re: Some Clarification Please?
« on: October 08, 2011, 02:00:15 AM »
You are not that smart are ya. Most of your private investigators are ex cops and cops working on the side. So yes I can hire the police to investigate.

I'm smart enough to know that this super secret group of active and retired CIA FBI and ninja squirrels are moving a little slow. A two bit lawyer would have had all of these accusations removed from the internet already. Or is it to your advantage to have them up somehow?

Elan School / Re: Some Clarification Please?
« on: October 08, 2011, 01:41:27 AM »
I'd also like to know if deleted posts will be brought in as evidence. I have the one you deleted when you weren't sure if I was Yvette or not.

In that one you accused me of being Joicylyn

The line about men jerking off was particularly crass

Elan School / Re: Some Clarification Please?
« on: October 08, 2011, 01:29:38 AM »
You keep confusing me with Wayne. This is my only profile here. Come out of your world for a second and look at what you're being accused of. You don't hire police Danny, they're there to call. So are lawyers. I've asked you four times now, why haven't you hired a lawyer?

Elan School / Re: Some Clarification Please?
« on: October 08, 2011, 01:13:20 AM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
I don't believe or disbelieve Wayne. I'm very open to hearing what he has to say about it. The same holds true for Danny as well.

Well to be honest I don't give a fuck what Danny has to say.

So yeah, I'll listen to Wayne, weigh his information based on the merits of it and make an informed decision. Is it implausible that a staff member like danny raped several residents in a place like Elan?

I have no reason not to believe it is implausible. Given the horrific lack of oversight and covering up of abuse in the place.... it seems like Elan would be a breeding ground for sexual abuse.

Now is Danny one of the former staffers who was out raping kids in his care?

Hell if I know, that's up to Wayne to prove. From what I'm gathering he's out scoring more evidence off others, that will tell the tale. I do find it interesting that Danny is blathering away on fornits in yet another ID.

Wayne I hope to fuck if any of your witnesses were under 16 that you get it reported. No statute of limitation in Maine on rape for under the age of 16 in Maine. At the very least get this entered into public record even if the DA won't go forward with it.

Danny can go suck a barrel of cocks.

So you are working with a reputable organization called CAFETY (Aaron Seymour aka Che) you are a administrator on one of there sites. CAFETY stands for Community Alliance For The Ethical Treatment Of Youths.
You come on here and you harass and humiliate a survivor who spent 11 years in and out of institutions from 8 yrs old till 19 being used and abused by the care givers I was left with. I was a child at 17 when I began my so called employment.
Aaron you should know more about the subject of being Staff since you worked for one of the largest and most successful programs in America Eckard. You went to college and then perused a career working in the TTI as a staff member. You then went on to recruit your younger brother (who he himself was in a Treatment program) upon getting out went to college got a education and with your advice went to work for the same program you were working for Eckard.
You should know a lot about employees taking advantage of children from your history of employment.
I would suggest that you act a bit differently then you have done here (fornits) in the past. Because all your comments will follow you. Whether you like it or not you are representing a organization that wants representation in the halls of DC, they want to be respectful and be considered respected.
Part of the problem in the past were people like yourself, you are a idiot that only thinks for himself (selfish) so long as you can act bullish and profane you were happy. Well guess what pal, picking on a survivor with a history like mine will not get you or any organization you are affiliated with any where. Trust me on that.
So why don't you calm down with the I hate Danny speech. We got it, it was impressive the first time we heard it a year ago now you are just being a jerk.
I hope Wayne K. (or who ever he/she is) does move forward with these claims because it all goes toward intent. Everything this guy has done to me for the past 3-4 weeks has all gone to his intent. All these sock puppets when they are subpenaed (the usernames and the IP addresses) the name behind them will go towards intent. His radio broadcast goes towards intent.
Wayne K (or whoever it is) has so fucked them self it really isn't funny anymore.
Like I said it just keeps giving.
That should be fun. You do know they'll subpoena both of you?

I want to know if you're Nunez

Open Free for All / Re: K Lynn, Albert, Jerry aka Wayne K. cont. attacks.
« on: October 07, 2011, 05:35:51 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Quote from: "YV23"
BTW, Danny, aren't all the people you're now attacking, the friends you had in Elan the After Years?

Who's left in your new group?

Naw, I would not say any of them were or are my friends. I am not as desperate as many to get people (I don't even know) to be my friend. They were what is considered a (internet friend) an association that was developed due to a common purpose.
Using the word friend as you are using it would be a bit of a overstatement.
The folks on the group we have share a like passion. To do whatever we can to thwart the TTI from existing in it's current state.
We have a very good group too, BTW.
Thanks for asking.

Please tell Wayne to keep up the harassment of our members, he just reinforces why they believe he is a whack job. Oh I'm sorry Wayne, I forgot who I was talking too.
Marty said your mother had to hang pork chops around your neck to get the dog to play with you Danny

Remember that?

According to a conversation I had last night Jojo is Joicylyn. First I'm Jeff Weintraub, then Joicylyn and now I'm Wayne. Or Felice or Mark or Matt or K Lynn Corning or the many liars who hate Danny. You're paranoid Danny. Have a drink and relax

I asked twice and you haven't answered me. Why haven't you called a lawyer?  If someone accused me of raping kids I would have called in two minutes. The only thing that could make you that afraid is if you're guilty. That and the creepy sex threads you've created, and the rape jokes make you look like you were molesting kids in Elan

I didn't believe it at first, but I do now. And I'm not the only one. Also, please stop with the None Ya bullshit. We know you created it to find out what people thought of you. Every Elan survivor here was contacted by "none ya" asking about his "sworn enemy" Danny. I knew months ago, just like I knew your friend Juan Ferreria was going to try to reopen Elan I also know about the e-mail you sent to him about Wayne. He asked me about it

Now I'm going to ask Wayne. Why don't you get a lawyer and sue Danny and Elan? There's no statute of limitations

The first one to call a lawyer wins in my opinion. Put up or shut up. Put an end to it.

Elan School / Re: Some Clarification Please?
« on: October 07, 2011, 12:00:27 AM »
I believe you. I had a hard time believing it at first, but now it makes sense. The rumor about having sex with residents was true

Nunez, you're starting to really sound like Danny

Open Free for All / Re: Defending Danny B.
« on: October 06, 2011, 09:45:58 PM »
For those of you who weren't in Elan, Joe didn't fire people for abusing residents. That was expected actually.

But the cardinal rules applied to everyone, even staff, so I believe the rumor that Danny was fired for sex with residents

And as Wayne and Doug have both said, that's rape.

Anyone who wants to rebutt will have to take it up with the state of Maine

Open Free for All / Re: K Lynn, Albert, Jerry aka Wayne K. cont. attacks.
« on: October 06, 2011, 09:28:56 PM »
BTW, Danny, aren't all the people you're now attacking, the friends you had in Elan the After Years?

Who's left in your new group?

Open Free for All / Re: K Lynn, Albert, Jerry aka Wayne K. cont. attacks.
« on: October 06, 2011, 09:26:03 PM »
We're all Wayne

Open Free for All / Re: K Lynn, Albert, Jerry aka Wayne K. cont. attacks.
« on: October 06, 2011, 08:11:48 PM »
Someone should go over these discussions and see how many people are lying about you Danny Fucking Bennison. It's a dozen in this one post

How does a wonderful guy like you make so many enemies?

You're the same as you were in Elan.

Open Free for All / Re: Defending Danny B.
« on: October 06, 2011, 07:57:09 PM »
Quote from: "none-ya"
Quote from: "YV23"
I also knew Yvette Portella, and she was 15 or 16 when she was in Elan, but I don't think Danny touched her

I was convinced when he posted a nasty message when I pretended to be her and then deleted it. He wasn't sure, which means he lied about her

If he did touch her it was rape

 So follow him back to facebook and kiss his ass over there.
And no Wayne I aint thinkin' about your ass...................
Funny you and Danny came here at the same time with the same (wrong) idea

Until now I wasn't buying the fact that you're Danny, but this is pretty strange. Now you're making jokes about a pretty serious issue

If you're not Danny you're as sick as he is

Open Free for All / Re: K Lynn, Albert, Jerry aka Wayne K. cont. attacks.
« on: October 06, 2011, 07:53:41 PM »
Now I'm Wayne? I thought I was Jo Jo or Joicylyn, or Mark Or Matt Or Yvette or Felice

Funny you're such a troll and sock puppeteer that you knew I was male right away. You're good at this.

Funny you and Nunez are always here at the same time

If you're  really none Ya then you're a truly sick man

Open Free for All / Re: K Lynn, Albert, Jerry aka Wayne K. cont. attacks.
« on: October 06, 2011, 07:47:55 PM »
Are you setting up an insanity defense?

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