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Messages - Stripe

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These people are no-good-nicks from the word go.  

As a Fla. Bar member I find the unconditional bullshit web site disconcerting with respect to his claims of "not really practicing law" any more.  Either you are doing the job or you are not - to quote program dogma- you can't be half pregnant now, can you???

That and the fact that he is on the current year Florida Bar committee specifically created to address quality of life issues for lawyers is just sickening. Giving advice???  :scared:
What's he going to tell me? That I should give my inner power to some mind control freaks so that they can use me to screw people? NO THANKS.

This stuff is just insidious.

BTW, can you tell how much this guy shocks, amazes and just plan pisses me off?[ This Message was edited by: Stripe on 2005-04-07 09:20 ]

Actually, it's more like "Unconditinal Bullshit".

Okay, I'm taking the bait... :grin:

Well,  what do John and Cindy have to say for themselves?
From the website noted above:
?John has successfully completed a lot of schooling, degree programs and certification processes, which nobody really cares about. As a more-than-full-time lawyer, he negotiated, drafted, closed, deposed, litigated, documented, schmoozed, managed, billed, made rain, and played office politics for 17 years. As much fun as all that was, he does not actively practice law anymore?...

So far he seems to follow The Seed motto of credentials don't matter when it comes to screwing with souls.

Gee, as much as John holds himself out as an ?aww shucks, gee whiz? kinda guy ? he?s still actively practicing law.  At least according to the Florida Bar web site. Maybe he hasn?t informed the Bar or the 2005 Quality of Life and Career Committee of his choice to ?not actively practice law anymore," because he sure as hell is not registered INACTIVE.    

I guess the ?corporate money sheltering" work he did for the Art, Shelly, Libby and and the rest of whore-monger, theiving Seed freaks just couldn?t  hold his interest any more.  Follow the money?that will lead you to his heart.

As a dues paying member of the Florida Bar, you can bet I?ll be staying the hell away from any ?Quality of Life?  or ?Career  Advice?  this clown might have to offer.  

And Reiki Master,Universal Brotherhood Minister  Cindy Perloff ??  Well, it seems anybody can be ordained by this organization located in lovely Margate, Florida. I guess shitty credentials are just as good as no credentials.  As for being a Reiki Master ? I?ll stick to rubbing crystals and rocks on myself in the privacy of my own home without having to pay these money-grubbing freaks for the privilege of being mind-hearded to the Perloff?s ?inner-self corral.? Thank you  very much.

These people and their ridiculous ?spirituality? seminars are just dangerous, quack, evil-doers  looking to make money off of weak-minded people.  

Sounds pretty much like a new millenium Seed to me.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Gratitude
« on: April 04, 2005, 10:05:00 PM »
Here- Here.  A toast to the thinking brain.

The Seed Discussion Forum / rantings of a meglomaniac
« on: April 04, 2005, 09:59:00 PM »
That's okay. Take your time and no rush on it.  Thanks for all you do, Greg.  I appreciate it.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Gratitude
« on: April 04, 2005, 05:27:00 PM »
Recall though, as a virgin child, what sexual history could one confess to having anyway?  Pressure to admit/confess to things that were unture for ACCEPTANCE or ANONYMITY. If you had no sexual history you were branded a liar.  I saw one of my friends confess to things I KNEW were not true just so she would be let alone and the "come down" would stop.

From a distance, this sure does sound a lot like that that "druggie acceptance-seeking" behavior we were so skillfully taught to seek and destroy in each other - something that could only be done when you were "really working the program."  You the right things and the right things will happen....Confess and you will be accepted or left alone...

No wonder some of the products of this program are so freaking confused.  All it managed to do was create a whole generation of people firmly convinced they were addicts.  To this day many will accept no personal responsibility for their own choices, claiming instead that they are truly powerless over things.  Even when they succeed - it's not because of their own actions, it's because of Art Barker.  Now that is something that is really sad. To be so brainwashed that you can't even give yourself credit for living a full and productive life.

The Seed Discussion Forum / rantings of a meglomaniac
« on: April 04, 2005, 04:55:00 PM »

Have you had any luck getting that old newspaper article with the pictures of the inside of The Seed at St. Pete scanned so that everyone can see and remember what the place REALLY looked like?

Maybe if people saw it "black and white" they might remember a bit more about the reality of the experience.  

Anxiously awaiting publication... :smile:

Kevin[ This Message was edited by: Stripe on 2005-04-04 14:00 ]

The Seed Discussion Forum / rantings of a meglomaniac
« on: March 29, 2005, 12:07:00 PM »

The words of "the prophet" are more damaging than any personal tesitmony I could ever give.  If he's not a meglomaniac, I don't know who is.

megalomania >noun  1 obsession with the exercise of power.  2 the delusion that one has great power or importance.

Thanks, Greg.

The Seed Discussion Forum / A National Conference
« on: March 24, 2005, 11:00:00 AM »
Is there any information available on any national conferences concering treatment abuse planned for this year?

The Seed Discussion Forum / The Truth
« on: March 24, 2005, 09:40:00 AM »
"His Seed"?
What the heck does that mean?

The Seed Discussion Forum / More Trivia
« on: March 12, 2005, 12:49:00 PM »
On 2005-03-10 06:30:00, cleveland wrote:

"Gotta respond to Thom saying how singing Zippity Doo Dah allowed him to get in touch with his emotions. Cool - I can understand that. But I guess, while the Seed allowed me to challenge the 'group think' of being cool, and having a 'druggie attitude,' I wasn't truly free until I could also question the mindless loyalty to and acceptance of The Seed.

Today, I will sing or listen to whatever song I like - I will sing silly songs and listen to what the Seed called 'druggie music' too. I am free and will question everyone..."

I have always thought those infantile songs we were forced to sing so enthusiastically just reinforced the child mentality enforced form the top down that was so pervasive at The Seed.  

What could be more degrading that forcing/allowing those on the program to sing only nursery rhymes?    Most of those songs (the Rubber Tree Plant, Zipidy Doo Dah, the Tea Pot song) I learned in kindergarten through third grade.  I think it was just another form of thought control. Subtlely degrading each of us  because it was the only approved outlet for any creative energy. Franly, I always looked forward to it because it was and acceptable outlet for screaming - ie singing as loud as I could.

Furthermore, remember how only certain persons (staff members or other favored indivudlas) were allowed to sing other, non-nursery rhyme songs?  Like when could an oldcomer not graduated or an at home person on 10 to 10, ever suggest that we all sing a current popular song that we all would know?  Never.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Seperated at birth?
« on: March 01, 2005, 03:07:00 PM »
Isn't it interesting what they say behind closed doors to each other about their program and  about families? But when asked even the most general questions in public and on on the record, the response is "No comment."

The Seed Discussion Forum / The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« on: February 22, 2005, 05:13:00 PM »
Hey Marshall,

I see that "inside the group/outside the group" mentality in lots and lots of churches these days.  
It is sad, but I hesitate to attend any formal religous services for this very reason.   There's just no place for individual thought unless you attend anonymously, never give your real name, or go to a different town.

The Seed Discussion Forum / The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« on: February 22, 2005, 05:06:00 PM »
The first. I know that all religious organizations are not cults. In this western society though, I see the "chrisitan" and "evangelical outreach" churches sometimes have these sub-programs that are very cultish in nature.  Sure you can go to church on sumday AM, but for a person who really wants spiritual growth there's also adult bible study, couples and singles bible study, sunday night church, wednesday nights, mid-week counseling, amway sales clubs, retreats, etc. etc., etc.

For persons who were never drug addicts, I think the whole Seed experience makes them (me) so much more suseptible to cults and cult -like mind control.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Cult and cult-like experiences
« on: February 22, 2005, 11:52:00 AM »

I'm with you on this one. Nearly step for step, I see that same path in my life.

What I think is so weird about the experiences on your list and mine is that after the inital indoctrination/exposure at the Seed, we tend to attract or be attracted to these groups and people.  It's like we're magnets for the continued lunacy - even when we purposefully ty to avoid it.    

I think the attraction that these groups have for people like me comes from the basic self-doubt and esteem lowering programming that is the foundtion the Seed.  What is fostered on the first go round is a genuine personality weakness that these kinds of groups thrive on.

I think that the adult weakness and self-esteem problem is even greater when the program Seedling was NOT drug addicted.  Personally, I  have spent an inrdiante amount of time worrying, doubting and living a lifestyle of a person who is addicted.  And yet, I'm not and I never was.

I read the Dade County Grand Jury Report dated  November 1972.  The Grand Jury found, in 1972, that "the Seedlings range in age from nine years to thirty years, with 68% of the clients being 17 years old or less."  It would be interesting to know the age breakdown of the 68% that were 17 or less.  How many of those 68% in 1972 were clinically drug addicted persons - that we will never know because there was no medical criteria for admission to the Seed program.  

The younger people, not drug addicted but placed in the program for having "bad attitudes" - are they the ones who have had the long term peronality problems that are so often discussed in these forums?
Some times it looks black and white to me:  
people who never had the initial mind bending exposure like we had at The Seed - they are not approached by these groups nor do these folks seem to see any need for this stuff in in their lives.  And these groups don't want anything to do with those non-damaged stronger people.  

It's human nature to desire congregation; we are social animals. What's so disturbing is that these natural instincts are then purposefully hijacked by people with bad intentions.  The end result of that hijack created, in me, a very weak, fearful and conformist-based personality.

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