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Messages - iamartsy

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Coaching scares me for the following reason:
Professional coaching is not counseling, therapy or consulting. These different skill sets and approaches to change may be adjunct skills and professions. The Professional Coach recognizes his/her limitations and refers the client for other services as ethically required. (Wikipedia

Coaches charge alot and think they know alot. They don't. It is one of those things that evolved out of "the forum" or Landmark. Scary shit. I know, my sister is into that. Her eyes glaze over when she talks about it. When she started going, she would tell me that she had met people "like me". Mind you, she tenses up whenever I bring up the fact that I am a lesbian and dating.

Basically this woman is full of BS.

Aspen Education Group / Re: excell closing
« on: October 26, 2008, 05:08:52 PM »
Here is the time line of events leading up the closing.
I read about this on some blogs of former inmates or should I say clients: ... roe,_Texas)
Pretty sick.

Stupid question, but what is the box?

I was in a hospital based facility that was more secure than a prison. You would go through one locked door into a cubicle, and then into another locked door. Then you were on the unit. You spent most of your day there, indoors, with no view of the outside except this enclosed patio thing. It was a high priced prison.

Really though, in all other ways it was the same BS different place. I was always in trouble for "isolating". When I stopped isolating, I was put on a ban from touching because I am a lesbian and it was an all female unit. To this day I have intimacy issues. I was not allowed alone time in my room, no time to sit and write and especially not about myself. I could write about others, though. Even after I noticed that "staff" never asked to see my writing, I still would not go back to writing about whatever I felt like.

I don't think I wrote about myself again until 1 1/2 years after I left. I was sitting in class one day, and just started writing. A professor pissed me off, and it reminded me of the hospital. All the sudden I filled up two notebook pages with a diatribe on freedom of speech and how I lost that in the hospital, only it was more metaphorical. It became the central art piece in my senior art show just before I graduated.

Open Free for All / Re: Families Post Program
« on: October 20, 2008, 11:09:20 PM »
Considering I got put in the programs because I was gay. I would have to say that it was harder telling them that I was gay. Actually, the Landmark sister, she outed me. I was nowhere near ready to come out either. My family decided I needed psychiatric help for my being gay.

Yes, my brother is a character. His new gf keeps him in line. She is funny too. Very honest about her role. Che, are you still here in US. G.

Open Free for All / Re: Families Post Program
« on: October 20, 2008, 06:55:42 PM »
I just want to know how others deal with it. It still drives me insane everytime. I remember shortly after I got out AMA, my dad saying that he would always think of me as being "mentally ill", and nothing would ever change that. Sure enough when I graduated college, on graduation day, he reminded me of that. My mom sat there silently not knowing what to do. She is old school and does not intervene. He can be quite scary if provoked. Now they are in their 80's but he still thinks of me that way. She does not. She has had to whisper to me on the phone a few times today. It sucks. Thanks Che, they do cling to the cult thing. One sib is in Landmark, and one is in Al-Anon, the other is just a regular old redneck. He just likes to hassle me about being a lesbian now and again. With him, I just have to put him in his place, and we are friends again.

Open Free for All / Families Post Program
« on: October 20, 2008, 05:22:09 AM »
Who here still has to deal with family members treating them like they are "stupid", "dumb" , or otherwise impaired since their release from program. I have a sister who is in "Landmark" or "The Forum", and she decided to remind me of that the other day. It was brought on because i would not stop and fix the wireless router where she is staying.

This brought forth other family members reminding me that I am "stupid". I have a truly lovely family. Can you see that they like cults? They cling to their every word and then use them when necessary. When not necessary they talk down to me to tell me of my full "potential".

I have been program free since 1986, except when the family tried to get me to attend Landmark for more "repair" in 1996. They thought it could help me in my career. I don't know how. I was quite outspoken and turned them down. Anyone who tries to sell me a load of crap that is not understandable can take that crap and shove it. My days of locked rooms, people telling me I am shit unless I act as they do, and being told when I can go to the bathroom are way over. I am not sure what to do with my family though. I love my mom, but the rest are questionable.

Tacitus' Realm / Re: Wow, obama is going to win
« on: October 18, 2008, 03:09:19 AM »
That is a great reply. When you live in a red state, like me, you sit around and make anit-Palin shirts for fun not profit. Sad but true. I can only tell you, I don't have an accent like Bush, and Bush might have an accent like Bush. He is as Yankee as they come. I am the real deal (Houstonian). Go figure that out. I vote Blue, he votes Red, or can he read to vote red. Now i am confused.

Feed Your Head / Re: Hurricane Ike - Update
« on: October 17, 2008, 12:43:29 AM »
Hi artsy. I hope u don't mind me commenting on your unofficial blog, thereby mucking up your flow.
Is there anything you need help with now?

Thank you, but I think I am okay, and I hate to ask others for money. I really was about to plan a vacation but that got ruined by the storm. As for FEMA, I have had to swallow a 500 - 1000 dollar bill for clean up and food replacement. My FEMA worker had been drinking and appeared "comfortable" when he came here to do his assessment. I am debating another run to the food pantry as i have not made one since I left Austin and am still using that. Mostly, it sucks that the FEMA guy said I would get 500-700 without a problem, and that did not happen. $600 has set me back a fair bit, but I am grateful that my home is cleaned up again and now I just have to focus on moving forward and recouping my losses, through my artwork. If you want an anit-palin shirt let me know. Or some handmade jewelry for someone.


The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: My Program Journal
« on: October 17, 2008, 12:33:16 AM »
I have a major art piece about 2' x 4' with my diploma from one of my rehabs in it. I also have another one with a prose piece on freedom that I wrote after getting out of my 4th and worst. Somewhere are letters home that are full of bullshit, if they were now destroyed. My mom talked about destroying them at one point when my nightmares got quite bad. Che, I agree with you. IamArtsy

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: My Program Journal
« on: October 16, 2008, 01:11:40 AM »
I think i have some writings like that around here. I was a bit too reserved to ever enjoy being torn apart by others, but I wrote what I thought they might want to hear. The intrusive bastards had threatened to read my journal. ginger

Feed Your Head / Re: Hurricane Ike - Update
« on: October 10, 2008, 04:00:48 AM »
Well, I left the hotel on Oct. 6th, because I was sick and needed to get to Houston to see a doc. I saw one in Austin, but really needed to see one here. I also had my face to face with FEMA. It is alot of paperwork, so we will see. They no longer replace food. Although they might pay for the water damage to the bedroom. I still have to get my windows sealed and finish killing mold on the windowsills. I finally got rid of the smell in the refrigerator and freezer. Clorox has become my good friend, but the fumes bother me. I really want to go back to Austin, as the depression is back. Being around my family is hard, and the dust from the debris is hard on my breathing. The city is slowly picking up the debris, and some of the traffic lights are still not working.

As for my apartment complex, there are still shingles laying around, and they are just kind of rigging things back together. I have to sign a new lease tomorrow and will probably do it for just six months. I really don't want to stay here. I am not impressed with the new management company.

So  there you have it. Sorry this is so depressing. The cleaning of mold and having to take prednisone has me down. It is like those menial tasks they make you perform in treatment so that you know you are lower in the caste system than the staff.

Here are the pics I took throughout the week after the storm: ... 482837613/

P.S. I just looked and FEMA turned me down for assistance for the mold removal. That was 500 dollars! Not a small amount. Mind you my FEMA worker had been drinking when he got here. When does this crap end? I guess it just has. Depression and no money sucks big. No I am not asking for money if that is what you are thinking. Besides you don't know who I am or what my address is. So don't go there.

I was in 4 places but the last had two locked doors at the end of every hallway. I  have these nightmares where I am running between the three hallways trying to get out of the locked doors. I can't and then the staff grabs me and puts me in 5 point restraints indefinitely. This never happened to me but it did happen to one girl in particular. I remember that when she was released she had to confess all this crazy shit to us about about how she was schizo affective and would never succeed at anything since she had not completed our program. No one ever completed out program. They would milk you until you had no more money and then your were "well". This was hosptial based and a cross between Straight and Brown. It was bought be UHS I think Ursus said. I know my records read like a soap opera. My favorite line is that I was starting to dress more feminine at the end. Well, if you are locked in all the time, why bother dressing up? My crime was being a lesbian so I was not allowed to cut my hair too short or dress too boyishly, etc. Hmmm, you should have met the staff. All lesbians. The nightmares come whenever I feel isolated or pinned down. They usually come after family fights. It is probably why I can't sleep tonight. Why bother, when I will wake up screaming? So yes, stina, many of us have the nightmares. Mine got worse after I started on these boards, but it has helped to see that others went through similar craziness.

Let's talk about the weather... / Re: GALVESTON
« on: September 30, 2008, 03:00:51 AM »
We've talked about this.They used the circle in circle method and the milieu system with privileges and all. Quite like CEDU. They took Brown students who Brown got rid of. Three meetings a day. Trying to break you. Whole deal. Privilege system that I gave up trying to take part in. I quit asking for privileges because it was futile. So it was CEDU like not necessarily CEDU or Straight. Either way there is probably some PTSD associated with my ordeal. Excuse any faux paux.

Let's talk about the weather... / Re: GALVESTON
« on: September 30, 2008, 01:41:13 AM »
Timberlawn was probably CEDU like. It was a hospital that integrated both CEDU and Str8t methods. When insurance ran out people were sent to state hospitals or str8t. Milieu system was used. Phone calls were listened in on and were a privilege. My agoraphobia came on after first hospital and then after a bad situation while doing social work. In truth, I love the outdoors, but getting myself outside is hard. It might stem from my days in PDAP (Bob Meehan's) program. You were discouraged from hanging with anyone outside of PDAP. The world became a small place. Granted PDAP was very calm compared to Straight.

I found this on PTSD an it relates to my world since Timberlawn:

I admire your band approach. Mine is through art. I might go minimalist living and got back to painting, poetry, and metalworking to rid myself of of these demons.

I hope this makes sense. Not trying to argue who went through a CEDU like program. My apologies on that.

I Am Artsy

Let It Bleed / Re: Stuff you've been listening to
« on: September 27, 2008, 04:34:29 AM »
Cream, Joni Mitchell, Pink Martini, The Flaming Lips, The Doors, Dixie Chicks, south-paint the silence

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