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Messages - Scott D

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« on: August 14, 2004, 10:53:00 AM »
And I remember Mike M. and your name sounds real familiar...just can't put a face to it.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« on: August 12, 2004, 11:48:00 PM »
I lived in Pa ever since I left Straight and Aaron just moved back to Pa in July....we were both from here originally but met in Straight and been good friends ever since. How have you been??? Really sorry to hear about Glenn. When I found out about it about a year ago from on here really screwed with my head and saddened me deeply. I suppose you heard Jessica Friday passed away recently? I stayed in contact with her on and off to through out the years. I was glad to get in contact with Gina from this forum too. I hope you are doing NY now?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« on: August 12, 2004, 08:21:00 PM »
BTW, Aaron Cohen said hello to you

Hey Elizabeth,
I remember were on staff when I graduated in Nov of 89. I often wondered about you and many other people and how you were doing. I am still real good friends with Aaron Cohen and get together often. I stayed in contact with Jessica Friday on and off for years, but she just never was able to stay off the shit. It finally caught up with her in April and killed her. Sad.I hope all is going well with you. Give me a shout if you wish, would love to chat.
Scott Davis

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / your first concert
« on: June 11, 2004, 03:56:00 PM »
One of my first concerts was Aerosmith and they were great. Drank some beer on the way to Hershey in 87 or 88. Dokken opened up for them.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Vth phase and up~Opinions wanted
« on: May 01, 2004, 09:52:00 PM »
This whole thing is freaking me out!!!!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / straight incorporated 81-84
« on: March 07, 2004, 07:13:00 PM »
I dunno who these people are that are being talked about but there were some staffers that I liked and respected and then there were some that I didn't and I felt were totally full of shit personally and were their to ride on the great power trip.

I have seen some post on here that apologized to people that they were not sure if they may have treated badly or abused in some way, that I can respect as we all learn shit as we get older and experience real life.

I was reading a post on the yahoo site and caught wind that staff could be set back as well in regards to status. Is this true? If they were watched and reviewed like us phasers were in the aspect of status and pay increase by's all beginning to make more sence to me as why they acted the way they did.

Thanks for posting and sharing that Anon. I have been learning things from everyones posts and asking myself questions as well. I appreciate everyones thoughts, questions, faith and courage to voice it.


Ya know, I have been thinking about all this and realized that this debate has gone on long before we ever started and will most likely continue long after us. I have been looking at everyones different thoughts and opinions about Jesus, religion, faith, lack of faith, science, and I have looked at every question that has been asked of me....some I knew the answer to and some I didn't and don't.

So I started to dig a little bit and I began talking to people that dedicated large portions of their life to theology and studies of history and the bible and began reading more myself, in a very short time period I began to get some answers to some of my very own questions about all this. See, you act as if you are the only ones that have doubts about God and Jesus or question things that are in the are not.

I believe in Jesus and I personally believe that he died on the cross for me and all of you...I also have questions and things that I don't understand though too, I am also just as human as you are. The things that I question or don't understand, I will research and try to find out more for myself but, I also have faith that I will learn these things in Gods time and not my own.

Now, I am not here to try and convince you or anyone of what they should believe in, I can only share my own personal experiences of God in my life and these facts my friend, are for real and did happen to me and I did not document them on paper. But that would not mean anything to you either as they didn't happen to you directly only me.

Let's face it, all of us in here have been let down by so many things in this life whether it be people, Straight, laws, parents, family, jobs, spouses, friends, doctors, schools etc. that we don't want to depend on anyone and we don't want to be hurt, we don't wanna have faith in anything let alone something we can only read about. So we want facts unless it can't remotely affect us emotionally, if it can affect us emotionally and there is fear in us and there rightly should be as we have been betrayed and hurt so many times before by PEOPLE, we now feel we have to analyze every aspect of anothers belief and question their intentions and judge them even if that persons very own life is a billion times better then ever before.

Greg, my question to you is why do you insult people and try and hurt people for telling you what they believe in their heart? I am not asking you this with a bad motive, I am just asking. I have watched you insult me on my grammar and poke fun at someone elses thoughts and beliefs, when neither of us did that to you when we read your opinions and what you think. I just think if I agreed with everything you were saying and expressing it with the same bad grammar, you most likely would not have insulted me....But, I don't know that for sure.

I go through my struggles in life just like anyone and there are times when I analyze and doubt my own faith and then there are times when I wanna just say fuck all this because doing what is right in my heart can be be fucking hard as hell and is hardly ever what I want to do. But, then I ask myself something when I want to question the bible...."what if the bible is right and all true?" See, if I turn my back on Jesus and God and I die only to find out that I was wrong and all this is true and heaven and hell is the final result....well I just fucked myself for the final time and get to live with that result for eternity. If I continue to have faith and learn to have faith and try to continue to improve myself and my own spiritual connection to God and try to help other people in any way I can while following my heart and simply feeling good about decisions I am making and most certainly feeling the pleasures of watching someone else grow out of their misery and unhappiness to actually have values in their own life....all because I have faith in a God of hope. Well if I die and then I find the truth is not what I was hoping for....what harm was done by me or my beliefs and my blind faith? Whats the real risk here really?

Greg, you mentioned that us christians are just scared people...that very much does apply to me as I am scared, I am scared of evil, I am scared of my own evil, I am scared of my own will, I am scared of failing, I am scared of hurting people, I am scared for other people and I will gladly and willingly "hide" behind my savior in Jesus Christ and let him strengthen and comfort me. I don't have to do all this life stuff alone anymore and I am beginning to really feel like I have a purpose in this world.

So, I want to thank you because your questions actually steared me back to the bible once again and gave me more of a desire to study and learn and grow closer to God. I was originally going to continue this whole debate and type in answers to some of your questions that I found some answers to but, I decided not to as I realized that if I could find them, you most certainly can to for yourself if you truely have the desire and a willing open heart.

Doesn't matter what info I find and post....if you believe that my beliefs are wrong and that yours are won't matter what I put. But to me, it sounds a lot like you found your own higher power.....You. I am not in any way trying to bash you or insult you by saying that either, that is your God given choice. I tried that avenue for a long long time and my "holy self" failed me everytime, but perhaps you are different...what do I know. I hope and pray that all of you find the answers you all seek in your own hearts.

And Therion,
I have felt and feel your pain man and will keep you in my prayors.

Scott Davis

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I saw The Passion Of The Christ tonight
« on: February 29, 2004, 12:45:00 AM »
What makes you think it even happened? There is NO historical contemporary  (this is a contradiction)  writing during the time of Christ that indicate he even existed (False) . Even biblical scholars acknowledge the bible was written after his alleged death.//////  (true but you have to understand the time back then and how things got passed down) ( The bible is one of the only most historically correct writings of our time)(PROVEN)

There may have been a guy named Jesus, but there are no historical references anywhere to validate that. ///// (Nope how many do you want)

The chances are he was the son of god and died on the cross for your sins? Tell me, why did all those other people  ////(Who)//// die on a cross then, it was not a unique punishment back then.  /////( That is true but why did water flow when the roman centurion speared his side???)  Where is the evidence any of this stuff happened? /////  (dead Sea scrolls and so much more)  Scientific evidence indicates the Flood never happened,//////  (nope the have actually found part of the arc) the earth is older than the bible indicates, the genesis story is absolutely impossible (light before the stars, firmament between heaven and earth, etc, etc). ///// LONG LONG LONG debate but more and more studies have found that evolution does not add up and many scientific people who are the most difficult to discuss faith with are the ones that are coming forth with this material, one of the leaders is proving that evolution does not add up is an agnostic to boot!)

Cry at the movie all you want...better to cry for the sorry state of mankind still believing this ancient man myth bullshit. /////  (actually I will cry for you.  show me or name me 3 agnostics whose life has been changed by their belief and I will show you thousands of people whose life has been changed by believing that Jesus Christ died for their sins) ( All other religions I can show you or take you to the place their profit is buried ,Jesus tomb is empty)

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I saw The Passion Of The Christ tonight
« on: February 28, 2004, 01:51:00 PM »
I am by all means no expert on the bible, not even close. I have a difficult time understanding the text (King James Version) but, the few things that I have learned and picked up but, most importantly to me is my own spiritual connection.....what I mean by this is the times when I need to make a decision about something or deciding factor in a action that I am about to make and I just know what the right choice is in my heart and in my gut. I make mistakes and I make wrong decisions at times and then there are other times when there is just something else going on.

The principles of the Bible are incredible and most people that don't believe or have other ideas about it still typically say that those guidelines in living life seem come together and make some sort of sense in finding self worth and peace.

I'm not here trying to convince anyone to believe in any certain religion. I am only speaking for what I have personally found in my own life and what makes me want to continue to live.

I can say this for a fact though about myself, every single time I walk away or close the door on God and take my life over like I know whats best for me...meaning, doing what ever I want , how I want and when I want and not even having the willingness to ask for some sort of help to him, my life rapidly turns to shit and gets very bad.

But, again this is just me. Don't let me fool you either. I do shit wrong and I have made and still make bad decisions based on my own selfishness at times, but I am trying hard to change that within myself and its a daily effort for me. There are many times when I question stuff from the bible and I question God directly, I get pissed off sometimes at him and I left him know it. Luckily for me, he can handle it and I don't have to understand everything. It's hard there is no question about it.

These are my beliefs and experiences and it is how I choose to try and live. I am no better then anyone else. I just want to do whats right for other people and myself and attempt to live a meaningful life of some sort. Am I wrong for this?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I saw The Passion Of The Christ tonight
« on: February 28, 2004, 10:59:00 AM »
Hey Man,
You believe what you want to believe....thats your choice as it is mine. I can tell you this though, when I try and live my life the way the "stories" from the bible where telling us and the way I understand life is a whole lot better, I treat people better, I feel better, I tend to base my decisions on more of a good moral value rather then selfish values. I actually want to help people rather then just want to help myself

Just think for a second with my last statement. If everyone in this world made their decisions based on their very own good morals and not their own selfishness.....don't ya think things may be just a little different? But We always tend to think WE know what WE want and need and it turns into a "fuck everyone else" society just like back then as the stories describe. Bottom line is we are selfish people and we are scared.

If this is all just a myth, it's a damn good one that I am willing to look at and try and learn from.

"Don't only love the lovable, but love the unlovable as well"

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I saw The Passion Of The Christ tonight
« on: February 28, 2004, 09:59:00 AM »
All I can say is that after seeing the movie and seeing what he went through...the problems that I think are so huge in my life seem next to nil. I have been taking a real close look at myself and my life and it saddens me to realize how selfish I can be at times. People in general are very cruel to one another whether it be in here, out there, back then or right now....not sure how much has really changed. One line really stuck out in my mind from the film/the bible and it is something like "Don't only love the lovable, but love the unlovable as well" And that is extremely difficult to do for me anyhow.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I saw The Passion Of The Christ tonight
« on: February 28, 2004, 12:44:00 AM »
The movie ends the way I hoped Mel would of ended it. If that answers your question.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I saw The Passion Of The Christ tonight
« on: February 28, 2004, 12:41:00 AM »
Hey Mindi,

Just give me a shout here or over in yahoo....I check both places pretty much everyday, and you can always email to if you wish. Just pay special attention to when the movie ends and how strange it is as everyone just kind of just sits there quiet in the theatre. I have replayed that movie in my head so many times since I have seen it.

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