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Messages - susan

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The Seed Discussion Forum / Re: a story
« on: August 19, 2009, 06:40:51 PM »
lol, hello cyndeelouwho. :rose:

The Seed Discussion Forum / Re: LYBBI'S ADDRESS, PHONE and EMAIL INFO.
« on: August 19, 2009, 06:39:12 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "stack jones"
Lybbi Kienzle

1630 NE 7th Ct
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

(954) 767-6371 (Home)
(954) 536-7251 (Cell)

Email: [email protected]

The Seed Discussion Forum / Re: ART BARKER'S HOME ADDRESS
« on: August 19, 2009, 06:26:41 PM »
Quote from: "Antigen"
If Cuba is such a great place to live how come there are so many Cubans, legal and illegal, immigrating to Miami and not the other way around?
                 I think any place on Earth is a good place to live, it is how one lives is all. Geez, why all the bullshit about Cuba? Cubans have been here a long time, and I happen to think most are okay souls, just as any race is. Focus on killing Art again, I like Cubans, just not the lazy ones, lol. This is starting to be silly. Japan has problems too, so does Cuba, so does where ever  Antigen is, and so on and so on ....I am from Miami and trust me this place has Good points and bad points, I am Happy I am from Miami, least I saw the beaches the way God planned them to be. Blah, Blah, Blah, Personally any one should be able to live any where on Earth in Peace. But being Humans that is not going to happen, being prejudice is silly , all need to stick together and just weed out the FART BARKERS< AND THE LIBBYISTS.  :peace:  :cheers:  :seg:

Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "Yael (Eshet Khever ha'Kinii)"
Wow... these are people are in DEEP. All those "I am" statements. Ew.
This is disgusting, disturbing, and extremely sad. These people were once normal, thinking individuals.

Gilcrease must be proud.
Coincidentally I've been sculpting/painting a zombie today.

I'm gonna make a bunch of zombies over the next few days/weeks.  They're always in season and good to have in a portfolio.  Maybe i'll start modeling some of em after famous programmies / ed-cons.
                             Wow, that is scary but cool looking at same time. Did you really sculpt that? If so you are talented. Let's see the rest of them.

Open Free for All / Re: Whining?
« on: August 19, 2009, 10:00:04 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Yes you lowlife druggie whiners got what you deserved. After all, wasn't it YOU who did the necessary things that caused your parents to put you into whatever program they put you into? If not, you wouldn't have ended up there; it's entirely logical! You didn't need to be there? You didn't needhelp??? HA!!! Every last one of you arrogant, drug-addled teen pigs would have CERTAINLY ended up DEAD, INSANE or IN JAIL if it hadn't been for people like me, and you DAMN WELL know it!!!!!! Now do yourselves a favor and learn to appreciate what the program tried to do for you!!!!!!!!!
                                                                                     I am just curious to how many meds this fool is on himself. I bet most those souls that thought they had anyone by the balls are heavily medicated today, it just makes me laugh seeing them post the word druggie to anyone. Lord knows they are the biggest druggies around nowadays. Dead insane or in Jail, Not in all the years I have been around,that slogan is so old and crusty by now, they so need better material then calling anyone at all a druggie. It is sad to see the world so medicated. Drugs are abused daily, by elderly as well as young. In fact I believe the elderly are hooked beyond even knowing they are hooked.  To the soul that just made  comment about druggies. Be honest tell all what drugs you take. Oh wait they call them meds now. If you bite on a rock, you may feel your own words.  ::OMG::

Open Free for All / Re: Whining?
« on: August 19, 2009, 09:40:59 AM »
Quote from: "susan"
I think it is healthy to express ones self. Who cares if it irritates anyone. If someone does not like something, they can  move on, it is that  simple. Irritate away, and have a lovely day doing so. I for one do not think this stuff is irritating.  Oh, and if this is called whining, then please whine away. For one you will all feel better opening up. I know I do. Peace to you, and never worry about what others think, have the time they are not even thinking anyways. Peace. :peace:
                    lol, I was not thinking myself, I met half the time they are not thinking.  For all you spell checkers. :roflmao:

Open Free for All / Re: Whining?
« on: August 19, 2009, 09:29:11 AM »
I think it is healthy to express ones self. Who cares if it irritates anyone. If someone does not like something, they can  move on, it is that  simple. Irritate away, and have a lovely day doing so. I for one do not think this stuff is irritating.  Oh, and if this is called whining, then please whine away. For one you will all feel better opening up. I know I do. Peace to you, and never worry about what others think, have the time they are not even thinking anyways. Peace. :peace:

I hope he died. Sorry but I do, those type to me are not human.When they all die the abuse will stop. I was also abused  in a place, not that one, that one sounds  like it was over the Top abusive. Gee z, what is wrong with people to even think of laying a hand on anyone. I am Happy you survived these long year's to now talk openly about it.  I  kept it inside for years, I feel better letting all know how I feel about those type of places. Hope it scares every parents to protect their children from places like this. Stay strong, thank you Carol for sharing. Peace. :peace:

Wow, that really hurt reading. I sure hope you are okay now.Really sorry you went through that. :rose:

Open Free for All / Re: Whining?
« on: August 18, 2009, 08:41:20 AM »
Continue whining if that is what it is to others ,you are not only helping self but you are helping many, so ignore the guest and the fools that whine at you for whining. For one thing you are getting to them or they would not be posting that you are whining. In other words they do not want you to speak what happened, so speak, and speak loud, FUCK everyone else. Peace!  :peace:

The Seed Discussion Forum / Re: LYBBI'S ADDRESS, PHONE and EMAIL INFO.
« on: August 17, 2009, 11:56:44 PM »
:bump:  :rose:

The Seed Discussion Forum / Re: ART BARKER'S HOME ADDRESS
« on: August 17, 2009, 11:55:36 PM »
:bump:  :rose:

To the asshole that thinks I am my brother and sister, if you are so smart why not ask john underwear and the other crack pots if they know of a red headed family that was dragged in there one by one, because trust me I spit and kicked as much as I was kicked and spit on they would have to remember my ass, if they do not  they will soon, lol.My old comers name was sheryl who got started over,my second old comer was candy, both lived in south Florida, lol, and both started over, that right there goes to show you what a flop of a place that was, flip flop that, lol, loving  how we now torture you asshole. :flip:  :blabla:  :rasta:  :roflmao:  :jerry:

The Seed Discussion Forum / COME ON BY, ANYTIME......sigh......
« on: July 20, 2009, 08:43:24 AM »
COME ON BY, ANYTIME......sigh......

The Seed Discussion Forum / Re: BECAREFUL
« on: July 15, 2009, 04:25:43 PM »
If I only had my mac  back then in that dreadful place, lol, what I would have done.....sigh........Being young and tied up does not have advantages. Being held a prisoner is not right, all can laugh poke what ever but I myself  have always been upset about what happened to me back then, I do not care how long ago this was, a criminal is a criminal at any age, Libby, Art, Shelly, any staff members, anyone at all, that went along with the kidnapping of myself and thousands of other young children, can kiss my ass, and can go straight to jail where you rightfully belong, Careful I may get upset and pay one of you a visit myself, tie you up and do same shit what you did to me, see how different that would be, be funny to watch you cry and watch you get sick and watch you chain smoke for hours a day, and watch you have your hair chopped off, and watch you piss your pants, and listen to your hunger pains, and watch you  trying to sit up because of lack of sleep, watch you as well get pushed kicked and lose a tooth, then maybe after that you would feel how I do, hopefully anyways, till then, CAREFUL is so out of the question here.CAREFUL THIS! ::poke::  ::fullofshit::  ::deadhorse::  ::OMG::  ::evil::  :jerry:  :blabla:  :rasta:  ::puke::  :beat:  :bs:  :moon:  :moon:  :moon:

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