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Messages - Janet

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The Troubled Teen Industry / What Should This Parent Do?
« on: June 19, 2004, 05:15:00 PM »
To anon who types in all capitals:

Some children may actually be bipolarmanic-depresive!!!!!   It is an extremely common mental disorder.  I have it on both sides of my family in both mild and serious forms.  The serious ones are really scary people.  Not all respond to medication or will use the medication.  (I'm not talking illegal drugs, but those legally prescribed by a physician.) However, to pronounce that someone's behavior is drug induced without even meeting the person is ludicrous.

Somehow I think a physician, especially a psychiatrist, is better able to identify a mental disorder than a TBS.  I think that a second opinion and, better yet, a third opinion by doctors not associated with each other is infinitely better than a TBS.   I don't think WWASP or other BM facilities encourage second opinions.

This poor mother needs help, but needs to work with the legitimate medical profession.  Maybe someone who has chosen that route can give her quality advice.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Positive Impact??
« on: May 24, 2004, 08:53:00 PM »
Anxious Father, are you paying for your son's attendance at Positive Impact?  If so, why does he need to work for his room and board?  

If your son wants to leave when he is 18, what are his plans?  When he makes that decision, he will need to figure out where he will live and eat.  If he choses your home, he will need to follow your rules, (reasonable rules like no drugs or alcohol in your home, doing chores to help the family, going to school and/or work, etc.)  If he cannot do that then he will need to find somewhere else to live.  

I had troublesome teens who had to make these decisions.  When they needed to come home to save money to be able to move out again, they followed the rules and even made a few on their own so that they could save money faster.  One still has some serious problems and drugs was not part of it.  The other had to come to terms with his attitude about drugs and alcohol.  Today he is a very responsible adult family man.  Yes, he can fall off the wagon and he knows it.  Still, he managed to become the man he is without being sent to a behavior modification facility/school/prison.  Do all teens with attitude and drug problems find a successful end?  Probably not, but behavior modifications programs are not the answer.  BMP success are the ones who were like my now responsible son.  These teenagers are going to change no matter what.  Ask Ginger.  She has it right.  They are going to do drugs or whatever until it is no longer fun.  Then they become grownups all by themselves.

Good luck with your son.  Hopefully all he needs is life on his own with a humdrum job and cooking his own meals in a shared apartment.  Letting him go off on his own does not mean you don't have him over for dinner occasionally.  You remember him on holidays and his birthday with presents and consider him part of the family.  In other words you don't disown him!
I believe WWASPS do recommend disowning a child who does not follow the program rules.  I do not know is Positive Impact recommends disowning a child. You need to talk with  your son face to face to find out just how realistic he is. Then tell him your reasonable rules.   Again, good luck.

Anon, what makes you so sure.  You only have faith as does everyone else.  What makes your faith better than others?  That is why OUR country has separation of Church and State.  You cannot state that any faith different from yours is a lie and make that statement true because you cannot PROVE it

If you really believed in a loving God, you would logically conclude that He doesn't nitpick on what name He is called, on what prayers are said, on how often He is honored and in what way.  Nor would He care if you thought He was a whole pantheon of gods.

The Troubled Teen Industry / This is supposed to be uplifting?
« on: March 27, 2004, 03:27:00 PM »
Anon, I do not want to argue the Bible with you, but I will make one last set of remarks.  First of all, I mentioned that Paul may have known some of those who knew Jesus.
Secondly, you refuse to acknowledge that the gospels, which were written long after Jesus died by writers who did not know Jesus or anyone who did know Jesus.  They wrote the gospels so that it did look like the ancient Hebrew prophesies.  They knew the prophesies and they applied them to Jesus.
Thirdly, if you believe that God so loved the world he sent Jesus, and if you know anything about history and geography, you must come to the conclusion that God sent others not just Jesus.  The followers of the God of Abraham lived in such a small area of the world and at a time when travel was limited. Much of the world was unknown to those people of the Middle East.  The Western Hemisphere, Australia, the Pacific Islands, Japan, and China were not in the Biblical sphere.  For thousands of years millions of people did not know of the God of Abraham.  How can that be if God was so loving?  He must have sent others who founded other religions.  

Finally, Revelations, Chapter 7, verse 1 mentions four angels standing on the four corners of the earth.  If God had written the Bible, he'd have known there were no four corners of the earth, and now we know it too, becuase astronauts have sent back photos of our beautiful planet.  Unfortunately the writers of God's word thought the earth was flat.

  God may have inspired the Bible, but he did not write it or make prophesies in it.  Any prophesies in it were written by people who know those prophesies and wrote things to make sure people thought they came true.  It is easy to predict about something when you are writing 40 to 70 years after the fact.  It's kinda like Monday morning quarterbacking.

The Troubled Teen Industry / This is supposed to be uplifting?
« on: March 27, 2004, 12:57:00 AM »
Anon, for about 800 years the Hebrews, who did not have an alphabet, writing, or something to write upon, told the Old Testment stories around the campfire.  (Even today, the Jews keep oral histories as a part of their life.)  It would be impossible for the Bible stories to remain in their original form over 800 years!

Now the New Testment was written when few people knew how to read or write and/or own written material.  The earliest "Christians" were Jews who followed the teachings of Jesus.  Since the writers of the New Testment wrote the letters, as Paul did, or the gospels, they also read the Old Testment, and in fact, knew the Old Testment very well.  The gospels were written 40 to 70+ years after Christ died.  They were written by people who did not know Christ, (maybe Paul met someone who knew Christ)and did not know anyone who knew Christ.  They wrote in a language that Jesus did not speak.  But the authors of the gospels were writing advertising copy for a new religion and used their knowledge of the Old Testment to create the story that Jesus was the one prophesied hundreds of years earlier.  These writers never thought many would read their writings or that many would go over their writings with a fine tooth comb and notice inconsistencies or events that happened like say 40 years after Christ's death.
  This does not take away the teachings of Jesus, who it seems was trying to update some facets of the Jewish religion. The greatest message I get from Jesus, and other spiritual leaders from other religions is that God expects up to improve.  My favorite Bible passage comes from the Sermon on the Mount.  "Judge not, lest ye be judged."  It is probably one of the hardest ones to live by too.  Especially since I judge WWASP harshly.

The Troubled Teen Industry / What happened to fwevebeentherefrm1?
« on: March 02, 2004, 03:57:00 PM »
Does anyone know why the ezboard forum fwevebeenthere is no longer available?  As far as ezboard is concerned, it never existed.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Dundee
« on: February 13, 2004, 09:40:00 PM »
I agree with spots.  BS4 and "teenrebellion" were both on Angelfire.  They were dropped from Angelfire within hours of each other.  BS4 found another board to start over, but was kicked off of that one in a matter of days.  Teenrebellion was a particularly good web site on WWASP and on Cross Creek Manor. BTW when I went to look for teenrebellion on Angelfire, the notice on her web page stated that she broke some contactual rules, but did not state what the rules were or how I could find out more from Angelfire.

Web forum hosting / Important Notice
« on: February 12, 2004, 05:52:00 PM »
Ginger, I, too, am pleased to hear of your good news and look forward to updates.  Your attorney wrote a very good letter to WWASP.  

The Troubled Teen Industry / My 16 year old daughter's first love
« on: January 24, 2004, 10:56:00 PM »
Mom, your daughter may just take one look at her "first love" and think, "What did I ever see in him?"  Happens all the time to 16 year olds.  Remember when you were 16?  But your daughter needs to make this decision.  

I am an old woman with 3 adult adopted children.  All of them have found birth relatives.  My daughter was the last one to find her birth parents, and they are a real set of doozies!  Both of them have been through a few marriages, (or sort of marriages), and now, that they have been reunited by the daughter they gave away, they are ready to drop their present spouses, and marry each other!  The point of this  is that my daughter's birth grandparents should  have let those two get disgusted with each other while they were young.  Then hopefully they would have learned from their mistakes and would have chosen better mates!  If they didn't learn from that mistake, they probably never would.  You cannot live and control your child's life.  And no matter what kind of parent you are, your child is going to be what he or she wants to be.  Just hope your child will be happy, content, and reasonably secure.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Apologia - Serious debate only, please!
« on: December 17, 2003, 08:07:00 PM »
Ginger, what a profound statement, "OMG! This is heartbreaking.  You know your kid is not damaged, but possibly gifted.  And you go along with the plan to break him just to make him fit into a defective mold?"  

This parent still does not answer the question on why there must be stupid rules.  Level 1 cannot look people in the eye, cannot look out a window, cannot pass through a doorway without permission first, etc.  Stupid rules are not the same as reasonable laws!  He does not answer why the children must be locked up miles away from home and cannot see his parents.  He does not answer why they cannot have tasty food and food of reasonable quality.  (One mother seemed thrilled to find out that if someone complained about the food, he would lose the right to have any condiments.) He does not answer why berating the student is ever good.  He does not answer why punishments in OP can last days or weeks and what good that does.  

No child should be incarcerated without a court proceeding. No child should be put into an institution that is not monitored by the juvenile justice system. There needs to be a law with teeth to stop parents from sending children away from home and away from local child protective services.  School districts could report children missing from their rolls to child protective services who can then see that federal and state laws are being obeyed by parents.  The states strapped by budget deficits can fine parents who break the law and in the process fund the service. (After all, if the parents can afford the school, they can afford a hefty fine.}  The present interstate law, unfortunately, is weak. Also, by monitored, I mean many unexpected visits.  

Unfortunately Ginger, these parents are SOLD on WWASP and we are talking to my mother's proverbial brick wall.

The Troubled Teen Industry / WASSPS'S Loving Care
« on: August 18, 2003, 07:16:00 PM »
At present I am trying to mend a broken shoulder and it is hard to type so I'll keep my question short.  

My ex-friend iswas Roman Catholic as was her daughter she sent to Crosscreek Manor.  Would her daughter be able to to confession?  Would she be able to go to confession at the upper levels?  Would WWASPS trust a teenager to go into a private
confessional at her place of worship?  Somehow I think not, and this would  still be  another violation of a young person's rights being done by a loving, Christian TBS.  I FORGOT, going out to church could be a run risk.


The Troubled Teen Industry / WASSPS'S Loving Care
« on: August 18, 2003, 07:15:00 PM »
At present I am trying to mend a broken shoulder and it is hard to type so I'll keep my question short.  

My ex-friend iswas Roman Catholic as was her daughter she sent to Crosscreek Manor.  Would her daughter be able to to confession?  Would she be able to go to confession at the upper levels?  Would WWASPS trust a teenager to go into a private
confessional at her place of worship?  Somehow I think not, and this would  still be  another violation of a young person's rights being done by a loving, Christian TBS.  I FORGOT, going out to church could be a run risk.


The Troubled Teen Industry / What is this Forum?
« on: August 08, 2003, 05:01:00 PM »
And, thank you, thank you, thank you Antigen/Fornits.    Janet

The Troubled Teen Industry / What is this Forum?
« on: August 08, 2003, 04:50:00 PM »
And, thank you, thank you, thank you Antigen/Fornits.    Janet

The Troubled Teen Industry / Visions Mission
« on: August 04, 2003, 08:01:00 PM »
What is a BMW?  Pardon my ignorance!

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