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Messages - stina

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Tami Brown
« on: August 25, 2008, 01:32:38 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
::OMG::   roflmao . .... you sure are an angry little einstein, aren't ya

first of all - i don't think you have showed up at AARC's door to voice your 'concerns' / 'complaints' have ya? Nope you launch your lies and BS here like a coward ,  exactly like TB and GE.

You are so out in the open - and who are you????????????????????????????????

i haven't lied about anything you silly little troll. you're so ridiculous. if you had an ounce of sense you'd know how stupid that notion is. of a survivor (and yes that's what we are) going back to the program that fucked them up in the first place (mentally and/or physically), knocking on their door and saying "ya, see, i have these concerns and issues with the way you went about 'educating' me, and the whole brainwashing and behavioral modification thing...well i just don't feel right about that...and you know, the 'tough love' group therapy 3 times a week, not to mention all the workshops, well all the yelling had me in a place of total and complete fear during my entire stay. so whatcha say we sit down and have some tea and really talk about all my concerns."

you're on crack if you think that would ever happen. the only beef i have with AARC is that a friend of mine had a kid in there and because she didn't want her other kid involved was shunned and cut off from contact with her son. plus it's straight all over again, simply in another country. and the only reason i'm on this thread in the first place is because someone (possibly you?) named it after my friend and started berating and accusing her of all sorts of shit...abusing her verbally. first of all, HUGE breach in confidentially, and second, what kind of monster comes on here and starts attacking a parent like that. and all in the name of damage control/marketing. you must have no soul whatsoever.

i am angry, but just not for the reasons that you think. seems you're unable to see beyond your little mission here. AND if you're here simply as a "supporter" of ALL the wonderful things AARC has done, why don't you 1. go compile a verifiable list of people who've got anything good to say, & 2. let dean vause fight his own damn battles.

thanks for comparing me to einstein, nice little compliment thrown in with the rest of the garbage you spewed. i'm not quite as smart as him but my iq is close to genius level. so thanks for noticing!

as for who i am, the people on this board who need to know, know, and the friends i have on this board know. as far as what i'll tell you...i'm 33, graduated from rma in 1993, have never tried to mislead anyone, and i've never signed on as guest. im not giving you my full name cause next thing i know there'll be a thread with my name on it and then i'd really have to hunt you down.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Tami Brown
« on: August 24, 2008, 04:45:31 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "stina"
why don't you sign in and identify yourself you fucking pussy? right now i'm questioning YOUR character. so easy to be an ass when signed on as a guest. and i'll say have no idea what you're talking about. keep on digging.

 ::poke::   roflmao - uhm.. uh hmmm - when you create a forum of cowards who hide within the internet to launch unbased attacks on others . . uhm . . . you kinda create your world  . . . welcome to it . . I am just participating following your lead . . .  my identity would be in the open if you people were out in the open guided by truth rather than your sick BS   roflmao :jerry:

and exactly who are you to decide what is an unbased attack? i haven't seen any proof of any unbased attacks, just fools running their mouths. i am out in the open, i have no problem saying who i am, what program i went to, when i graduated...hide within the internet? give me a break. sounds exactly like what you're doing.

who exactly is "you people"? and if you don't like our "sick BS" then bail. go away. turn the fucking channel. tell your bosses you quit.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: AARC Summary (i.e. Ajax)
« on: August 24, 2008, 02:03:10 AM »
Quote from: "TheWho"
Interesting how the situation gets turned around so easily and now AARC is the bad guy.  I have watched for the last several weeks as Ajax slandered and libeled AARC from the shadows of an assumed name.  If he had any sincerity at all he would have attempted to get his answers from AARC themselves.  Now that AARC wants to know who he is all of a sudden they are the “evil one”. Ha,Ha,Ha

Look at this a different way.  Suppose you had someone spreading lies about you.  Telling people your professional degree was invalid and acquired from an unaccredited school (when in fact it was accredited).  Telling people your friends and family members had diseases or addiction issues (when they did not).  This person acquired an alias and went on line and started posting this information also.  Wouldn’t you be a bit curious as to who this person is and why they have never contacted you personally?  Would you be considered the “Evil one here?

A little different when you put it in perspective.  People want to hate programs so much here that facts really don’t play a big part in it anymore....

do YOU want to come clean who? their school is NOT accredited. "people want to hate programs so much here that facts don't play a big part in it anymore"? really??? you think we all come here, not to connect with people who've been through what we've been through, but to just talk shit for the fun of it??? trust me...NOT FUN. but we all have to deal with it at some point.


you acquired an alias. you started posting lies as well. i'm curious as to who you are. do you want to disclose that? prolly not. if you can't have even an ounce of empathy for what most of us went through in our teenage years than you have no business being here. you're useless.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: AARC Summary (i.e. Ajax)
« on: August 24, 2008, 01:48:52 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "SydneyL"
Ajax lives here!
Can you prove that?  How do you know he is not a US citizen?

His name is Greg Elliot and he lives in Alberta.
Prove it. (this means what evidence you have and how you can definitively tie the fornits poster "Ajax13" to this "Greg Elliot" fellow.)

See this post: ... 7#pr313530

See...  What really sucks for AARC trying to identify who said what is that there are (shock horror)  MORE THAN ONE persons complaining about your shitpit.  Pinning it all on Ajax in an attempt to demonize him and make an "example" of him in the hopes it will scare others WILL fail.  All it will do is piss others off, self included.  You get rid of him, you'll find me as a regular in his stead.  You can't win this through intimidating people into silence, AARC.  Let Ajax present his allegations/evidence and you present yours.  Let the public decide.[/quote]

Psy, ARE you just a LITTLE co-dependent.   :rasta:   AND ooooh, you are such a scary dude . .  you got me just shakin in my boots, psy.  
you make another error assuming that AARC people are responsible for trying to identify people online and whatever else. There are some people who come on here and challenge you because they support Vause and what he does. Doesn't mean they work at AARC or have been a client. They just know alot about the place, Vause and know people from the community over the years and have seen the success stories coming out of there. Vause has lots of friends as a result of the people he has helped. They happen to have alot of respect for AARC and Vause. I think people from AARC quit visiting here a long time ago because they are aware of the outlandish crap posted and know where it comes from and they are more concerned with focusing on what they do rather than a tiny few who can't get over themselves. You included , psy

oh where oh where has little AJAX gone, oh where oh where can he be  LOL

 some one has nailed it on who he/they are. he left a trail  . . .[/quote]

the tiny few who can't get over themselves? are you fucking kidding me? have you paid attention to anything else in this forum besides your own deluded, and may i say, very aggressive attempts to try to get people off this topic? do you think anyone takes you seriously? at least 50-75% of us have been in some kind of program. psy's not co-dependent, he's just trying to make a difference in kids lives. what about you? you've shown NO proof whatsoever on any of the claims you've made, and continue in this downward spiral, now attacking people who counter you. do you really think that that's going to somehow be something that draws parents to your cult...oops, school? it's just ridiculous the lengths you will go to. you should really rethink your strategy.

and then one thing i know about AARC, they want to suck in the entire family, put the rest of the siblings in treatment, suck more money, and if you're not willing to subject your other kids to that then you're cut off. that DOES NOT sound like a supportive family environment to me. sounds awfully culty. and trust me, i know about cults. my program was spawned by synanon. so bring it. you've got nothing. stop attacking people who are speaking their minds.

and while i'm thinking about it, why the hell would ajax or anyone who had a problem with AARC call them to talk about it? that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard. "hello? AARC? yeah, i have some issues i'd like to work out with you?" please. and you did not use that stupid rasta banana in your post. fucking stupid.

Open Free for All / Re: The Nine Thinking Errors
« on: August 24, 2008, 12:29:49 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
10. believing that the human heart and mind are anywhere near that simple.
11. believing that any human being has any place at all trying to build a human being, let alone intentionally breaking one with that intent
12. believing that your god or doctrine or philosophy is so much better than the other guys that it's about time to start caging, shunning, tormenting and killing each other again


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Tami Brown
« on: August 24, 2008, 12:09:08 AM »

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Tami Brown
« on: August 23, 2008, 11:53:34 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "A mom"
Statement from adolescents who are former clients/siblings of AARC:

I've been out of AARC for over 3 years I don't even know my mom anymore, she just hangs around her AARC friends doing all their AARC activities

I was beaten in every one of my host homes

My mom was told she had to kick me out, we have no relationship anymore, I've seen my brother about 3 times in the last 3 years

Parents doing what needs to be done to support their children.


Dear Mommy Brown:

you sure exert a lot of energy moaning and whining and trying to convince people of abuse and mistreatment, etc. I guess it is  beneficial for your kid that you are obsessed with AARC and focusing on that rather than on the actual wellbeing of your kids. If you were truly concerned for your kids and not so self-serving you wouldn't be here whislting in the dark  . . what did Shakespeare say "The [mommy] Doth Protest too Much"  trying to take care of your big mouth and the fallout- i.e people questioning YOUR character, not Vause's or the exceptional job AARC does.

why don't you sign in and identify yourself you fucking pussy? right now i'm questioning YOUR character. so easy to be an ass when signed on as a guest. and i'll say have no idea what you're talking about. keep on digging.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Tami Brown
« on: August 23, 2008, 11:46:07 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "psy"
Yeah.  They send a pretty clear message:  if you complain about us, we'll out you online, post confidential information, defame your charachter, and generally try to do whatever we can to shut you up.  What they don't seem to realize is that their behavior, from a reasonable person's standpoint, is absolutely disgusting.



wow. you sound very sane and not at all mentally impaired. you sir are a beacon for us all.

come off it. and there's no need to shout. this whole forum is about people being able to express themselves and engage in discussions, debates, fights whatever. if there are people who were truly helped by AARC then so be it. if they're allowed to express that then i don't see why opposing views and experiences should upset you this much. why don't YOU simmer down a little bit and allow people to have their own opinions without deciding that their lives are sniveling, little, and/or pathetic. or is that just you projecting? hmmmmm. that would be a shocker.

sick fucks? perhaps, but you're the one reacting like a psycho jackass. and this whole fucking thread pisses me off. i'm friends with tami, we've talked for months and she's a good person. i will not go into details because she has a right to her privacy (although the asshole who started this thread obviously didn't think so) but she had every reason to be worried sick, resentful and full of fear. so back the fuck off that woman. she's a good mother and a good friend. people who don't know what they're talking about should just shut their fucking mouths.

ps...try spell check sometime. comes in handy.

Open Free for All / Re: Olympic Absurdity
« on: August 23, 2008, 08:22:27 PM »
extremely thin ice tetherball.

oooh, that would work for the hopscotch too.

Open Free for All / Re: Olympic Absurdity
« on: August 23, 2008, 07:41:10 PM »
pickup sticks?
extreme hopscotch?
speed origami?

Open Free for All / Re: Olympic Absurdity
« on: August 23, 2008, 03:15:31 AM »
obama said something yesterday that i've been hearing all over the news and talk shows...something about "look at bejing and the infrastructure that they've created...their airports are so superior than ours, blah blah wonder our american companies are looking to relocate in china, blah blah blah." the more that man talks the more he digs himself a huge hole. are you kidding me??? yeah, bejing created an olympic village. so what. so did hitler. did they also create highways and security at the airports? etc...i could go on and on. and i know that there are obama supporters out there, i actually thought about it for a little while...and i am not a fan of mccaine... but seems like the man could learn a little before he opens his mouth.

china's a bad country to their people...not miles away from the olympics there's schools falling down and people dying. and he's saying that china's better than the US. i really didn't think mccaine had a chance at winning but every time obama opens his mouth he shows how ignorant he really is. i don't want mccaine either. the two party system is obviously falling to pieces...either one's going to be a disaster...i can't even decide if i'm even going to vote.

i might kick olympic ass at speed typing. just sayin.

hi em...thanks, i'll try that.

call me up...i'll be around all weekend. pm me if you need my number.

Quote from: "IS THIS DAN EARLE??"
"There is some evidence that an artist sees differently. Is it so by birth or cultivation via the artists’s way? Perhaps both, as is the case with Dan Earle. His palette has always been the infinite color wheel of human emotion. A counselor once said that he is the kind of person that can walk into crowded room and within a short time grasp the emotional tenor of the people both as individuals and as a symphony. It is this seeing that infuses his art and is most apparent in his sculptures, which reflect an emotional attitude, story or point of tension."


jesus, what a blowhard. there is so much that is just WRONG and a little sad that i can't even..."infinite color wheel of human emotion? emotional tenor of the people both as individuals and as a symphony?"

just stop it.

and some of his sculptures are a tad creepy. just sayin.

not a lot of patience to read through all 6 pages of this right now...interesting that somehow the earls are compared to the clintons but...will come back to it at a later time.

here are mine.

1. caroline wolfe
2. bruce wilson
3. steve rookie (got into a catfight with my mom over my stupid work thing ever)
4. randy eide...gross. married and procreated with a student.
5. vicki jones, woman was a nightmare.

i'm sure i'm leaving someone out.

and please, for fuck's sake, can we remove the politics and clinton loving and bush bashing from this one forum??? it's tired and he's almost out of office and anyone who thinks that clinton was responsible for the economy boom in the 90's is out of their fucking minds. it goes in cycles people. it's so ridiculous. people want to impeach bush. it's like they've forgotten that clinton was nearly impeached for lying under oath about monica. i'm so exhausted by ignorant people. what do you think would have happened if clinton was in office when 911 happened? he would have had to go to war. and while i'm not necessarily a bush supporter, and i do believe that there's big oil money involved, everyone would have found a reason to bitch about clinton if he was in the same place, prolly for going after the big oil money himself. christ.

so here we are again, stina's on a tangent. one girl's opinion.

absolutely traumatizing at the time (and to this day, whatever), but how fucking ridiculous were the things we did to survive? i guess we WERE lucky they didn't hand us paper bags as we filed into the room.

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