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Messages - cooltherapy

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: January 02, 2010, 10:05:40 AM »
Quote from: "Gianni"
rofl etc.

I don't care who you are.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: January 01, 2010, 09:11:58 PM »
Well done, Brandon. You managed to insult just about everyone here. I only come to this page from time to time (notice my posts are in spurts) but the new grads have managed to turn it into a big group session. This is not what it used to be about. Go to earlier pages and you'll see why I came.

Thanks for at least trying not to sound like a complete idiot. I'm sorry that we don't see eye to eye on this, but I personally don't like to be grouped in with folks who can hardly get their messages across because of a lack of grammatical sense. Sorry that you think it's such a joke - I, however, don't find it so funny.

Now that you've insulted just about all posters, why don't you go ahead and join the Carlbrook Alumni Association so that you have more appropriate people to talk to?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: January 01, 2010, 06:19:55 PM »
Quote from: "foolio"

So that's "Mr. Paperclip"....

Also - didn't realize this before my last post. That is TOTALLY inappropriate to expose someone who doesn't want to be. If Mr. Paperclip wanted to have his facebook profile linked, he'd have done it himself. Heartless, really.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: January 01, 2010, 06:18:21 PM »
Quote from: "foolio"
But in essence, no one really respected you while you were there, because you acted like arrogant assholes. Sure, maye you idnt do drugs or shit like us, but it was obvious that you werent happy, but, yall were too scared to step outside of yourselves.

Love, Me.

Really? What makes you so much better? If you have to know, I graduated on nearly every committee, honor council, and with a fairly high GPA. I had lots of friends at the school and am still in touch with many of them.

The problem is not what happened to me 5 years ago, it is that kids are sitting on that campus as we speak, enduring the bullshit that people, like Mr. Paperclip, are talking about. It is a bold and blanketing statement that we are all unhappy and couldn't "step outside of ourselves," *whatever that means anyway.* I was very happy with Carlbrook while I was there. Sure, I was scared of the punishments that I complain about now - but I never had to endure them. I followed all guidelines and standards expected of me and graduated with honor. I spent 2 years struggling with myself, trying to persuade myself into thinking that I was not "brainwashed" (hell of a word). When I entered my junior year in college, things started to clear up for me.

Now, it could definitely be argued that this is a phase, that I will enter into a Carlbrook support message board. If I do that, feel free to bash me then. Until then, however, please stop making excuses for why you believe we have issues with the place. Try taking a step back and questioning your experience. Yes, maybe it was mostly good, but I imagine even you could think of a few exercises that may have hurt more than helped.

We, as Carlbrook grads, are intelligent and feisty young adults. We have a lot to contribute. If there are a number of us who believe there is something wrong with the school we went to, who's to say there isn't?

What worries me for grads like you, "Me," is that you seem to be fighting for the school with such blind passion. Could it be that you are simply reasoning with yourself? Are you upset by the things you endured and need some sort of positive reinforcement, some sort of reminder, that it was all for a cause? Did you fight your ass off for 18 months for nothing? This is what I was initially scared to see. It's why I am still having trouble letting some of the anger go. I spent so long, so much energy, on something that didn't give me much more than deepening a few emotional wounds. (I know, bold statement, this is excluding the amazing friends I met along the way).

Do you still feel like you owe the school something? Advisers, founders, fellow students? Being honest with yourself and your experience is the best you can do. No need to keep lying to yourself.

Now, all this said, maybe Carlbrook was perfect for you. Maybe you had JUST enough sensitivity and JUST enough toughness to have the perfect Carlbrook experience. If this is true, you should use your "tools" to try and understand where your fellow grads are coming from. You have to practice what you preach.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: January 01, 2010, 05:05:30 PM »
Quote from: "chemdog420"
this is chase pantea btw... and this is hilarious how fucking dumb some people are...  whoevers talkin all this shit online is fucken ridiculous  thats some pussy shit... ur brainwashed outta ur fucking mind, will u stop being a little bitch and just say who u are it would probly make things way funnier

lk - look, we obviously disagree about how to move away from Carlbrook. The first thing I did was to cut was the lingo from my vocabulary. I'm sorry it offended you but the claims that she made were pretty harsh. In some situations, harsh is definitely appropriate. But, when it comes to Doom, there is no reason for this sort of slander. You're right that my response wasn't necessarily appropriate, but I can't begin to explain how pissed it makes me to see the one person who I truly believe cares slandered on this message board. It makes me fucking furious. Also, quit trying to dictate exactly what has caused Doom to do the things he does. Until you discuss with him what he did, it isn't fair to make the claims that he does this because he is "lonely."

Now, chemdog... as I stated earlier, how about we, as Carlbrook grads, at least stand by our intelligence. Your buffoonish response is embarrassing and makes us all look just as ignorant and unintelligent as you are. Thanks.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: December 23, 2009, 10:44:57 PM »
Quote from: "Censored"
She’s relating her experience in her own way. Who are you to tell her how to do that? Loaded Language

She's bashing a very good friend of mine and supporting Carlbrook lingo in the process. What's wrong with pointing out why I think it's distasteful, not to mention it being in support of the school that she is so eager to tear to pieces?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: December 23, 2009, 07:06:33 PM »
Quote from: "John Henry"
But reading your post as an outsider what it tells me is that Carlbrook just graduated a barely literate bully.

We're not all so dim-witted John Henry. It is amazing to me, though, the amount of kids who "qualify" for the school IQ wise (yes, they test our IQ's before admitting us) who don't know how to spell or form sentences. It's embarrassing, really.

"wats right" - your "animus flower" isn't going to get you into college - and neither is your grammar. As I just said, you are an embarrassment. Continue following your shepherd with the rest of your sheep-family. The black sheep are forming our own community. And unless you're willing to listen, you're not welcome as far as I'm concerned.

You're going to wake up one day. I understand that you just graduated and haven't looked objectively at what you just experienced yet, but insulting a group of people who could potentially wind up supporting you is just a silly idea.

Good luck "holding people in standard" out here in the "real world." People aren't going to take you very seriously.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: December 23, 2009, 06:05:24 PM »
Quote from: "CBK Student"
lk, Doom got creepy w/ me too! And w/ a few other girls in my graduating class. You think he's all nice until he starts hitting on you and making you uncomfortable! Like he'd tell me he couldn't live w/o me and that he loved me more than anyone in the world! Wtf! that's not okay in my book!!! My adviser put me on P-Bans w/ him but he would still try to break them! I'd be like uhhhh Doom I'm on bans. Soooo awkward...I felt sooooo unsafe w/ him.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: December 23, 2009, 05:58:34 PM »
Quote from: "CBK Student"
lk, Doom got creepy w/ me too! And w/ a few other girls in my graduating class. You think he's all nice until he starts hitting on you and making you uncomfortable! Like he'd tell me he couldn't live w/o me and that he loved me more than anyone in the world! Wtf! that's not okay in my book!!! My adviser put me on P-Bans w/ him but he would still try to break them! I'd be like uhhhh Doom I'm on bans. Soooo awkward...I felt sooooo unsafe w/ him.

That's just ridiculous. He's a wonderful guy and a good friend. He cares, unlike the majority of the staff at the school.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: December 23, 2009, 05:54:55 PM »
I got an idea for a christmas card to Tim Brace...
Dear potential child molester,
Thanks for ruining almost two years of my life. Go listen to some loud music and cry your tears away with teenagers who think you're a pedophile. No matter how many b.s. speeches you give or how many ties you put on, you'll always be a pathetic drug addict in my mind. Enjoy brainwashing people, causing extreme mental trauma to undeserving teenagers, and making a shit load of money off of people's ignorance. Have fun dressing up in suits with the other pathetic losers you call founders and living in a completely idiotic illusion. Do us all a favor. just because you're a failure in life doesn't mean that you need to bring down other people as well. The only kindness you receive is not even sympathy, its pity.

Merry fucking christmas,
Someone you used to say you love

P.S. Maybe this Christmas, you'll give the greatest gift of all and admit that you're full of shit.

Anyone think he'll read this during a morninig meeting?

Guest - you are THE SHIT. I have to say, I agree with you so much. Don't know who you are or if I was with you at Cbk - but goddamn, couldn't have said it better myself.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: November 01, 2009, 02:02:18 PM »
Because no one is going to do it until there is a bigger group of people who have come together to take a stand. Doing something like this alone would be self-sabotage. None of the other grads would forgive us. Not because there is something wrong with them but because they haven't come to terms with it yet. Give it a rest. That would be a positive outcome but it is going to take some time and energy.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: November 01, 2009, 01:52:53 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Extra special protip to The Dude: Don't tell *anyone*, except maybe a good lawyer or if you're in court, your real name in conjunction with your actual experiences at Carlbrook, until you turn 18 or become emancipated. Just don't.

Please stop suggesting lawyers and pressing charges. It is incredibly obnoxious.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: November 01, 2009, 01:51:15 PM »
Quote from: "the dude"
Cooltherapy, I don't think I'm ready for that yet. My friends have already rejected other kids because they went against carlbrook. Besides, if I do this, then eventually I'm going to have to come clean entirely about my distaste for carlbrook, even to my parents! The last thing they want is to think that I'm going against them again. I know it sounds silly but we are talking about the same people who sent me there in the first place.

I completely understand. No pressure. Take your time. I can't believe you have kids rejecting you already. That's terrible. New Cbk grads can be so righteous and seem to suffer from the "dunning-kruger effect" ( Check that out, it's pretty hilarious.

Whenever you feel ready, we're here. This is why I want to do something like this. We need some sort of private forum where we can actually talk without the pressure of people trying to push us to take legal action, etc. Our school sounds different than all of the other schools I have read about. They did an incredible job of getting into our heads. Trust me, I know this. I've nearly been gone for 3 years.

If you change your mind, let me know. Otherwise, I'm here to talk on this forum. I know how weird it is at first. Good luck. I'd suggest you not talk to your graduating class until you've been out for longer. People get really offended at first.

And as for your parents - I have told both of mine how I feel about the school. My mother is extremely supportive of me but my father refuses to believe that he not only wasted his money, but misused it. We don't have as much money as most of the Carlbrook families. You might be surprised with the results you get. But I'd suggest you give it a year or two before you bring it up with them. Figure out where you really stand.

Okay, enough lecturing. Sorry about that. Good luck. If you need anything, I'm here.


The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: November 01, 2009, 12:01:06 PM »
Hey "the dude,"

Okay - I graduated in 2006 with all of the underground folks. It was actually pretty funny, the whole thing. The entire school lost it when the underground was "revealed." Actually, the leader of it couldn't handle the guilt anymore and turned himself and the rest of them in. And yes, this is when they created suspension. Before that, it was just "programs" which were somewhere between an action plan and suspension. Equally miserable. I hated mine. They lasted anywhere from 3 weeks to a few months. They also used to put people on "stumps" when I was there. When they were taken out of school on a program, they'd find a tree that had been cut down and make the kid dig the stump out of the ground. I hated watching that. It made me think of the book Holes.

Would you like to talk? Mr. Paperclip and I have started talking about finding some sort of support group for unhappy Cbk grads. I need to create an alternate email account for this purpose. Any interest in helping out?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: October 30, 2009, 03:42:42 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Yeah except for Carlbrook doesn't stabilize or help anyone.

Guest, were you a Carlbrook student? This is partially true. Carlbrook "helps" simply by stabilizing people. It does stabilize many. Not necessarily forever, but it does. It stabilized me and this is literally the only good thing I have to say about it at this point.

And in response to the John Dewey comment - I hear that it is very similar. I think the real reason kids get away with more at Carlbrook is because of the size. Carlbrook has around 130 students at a time. I've hear that John Dewey is closer to 30?

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