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Messages - Sidhe Shee

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You just beat me to that as I was editing my post.   :rofl:

You know maybe someone should write the tv station.  Although, that may make them want to do it even more.  However, if they get bad press, and someone can guarantee they will...who knows.

You know there idiots like Oprah, and Dr. Phil keep pushing these schools, and wilderness programs like they are a pill you take for a cold and it will go away, yet as far as I know, they never put the dangers of most of these programs.  I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have some vested interest.  Just my take.

On the reality tv thing, it's already been done.  I think a couple of years ago and was called Brat Camp, a Wilderness Program.


Yah, we all have or problems, I just would not go out of my way to plaster them all over the place.  I think these two need to give it a rest.

My son was there and got kicked out.  This is where they recommended he go.  I said no, because I am totally, and absolutely against wilderness programs.  Little did I know then anything about the WWASP deaths, suits, etc., and when I finally did, well you know the story.  People I know who are still involved in the program say it's lies.  How can you lie about a death, and injuries?  You'd really have to be brainwashed hence what my son titles "Programmed Parents".  

At least I am in wake up mode now, but feel fooled by the whole thing, and what I put him through.  I don't know what damage it's done to all of us, probably will never know.  For now, though, I can stop other parents from making the same mistakes I did.

The Troubled Teen Industry / tt
« on: July 09, 2007, 12:55:54 AM »
Yes Kelly, what Psy said.  The same thing happened when I first came here.  I see that it's happened a lot, but probably no more here than somewhere else.  Just do your best to ignore it.  

I, for one, am glad you came here to get some help.  There are a lot of people here, and a wealth of information and resources.  Sometimes there's things that you might just want to turn the otherway, but for the most part, there's a lot of information and caring people.


By the way, there are other sites that link to Fornits, that's how I found you guys, also someone else had told me about you quite a while ago.  It's not like you guys are hidden from the public.

Open Free for All / WorldWorks Inc. Orange County California
« on: July 08, 2007, 10:27:09 PM »
May sound funny, but the first thing I pictured was a Religous Pyramid.  Sounds a lot like Premier Educational Seminar stuff too.

So right, oops, my bad.  Althought, that whole family is messed up.  Easy to confuse them.

The Troubled Teen Industry / tt
« on: July 08, 2007, 10:10:16 PM »

Maybe KellyRyan was too revealing, and she wants to go back to an anon status.  People have done stranger things.

This is the lovely school Midwest recommended, however we were informed there was a "Mandatory" thirty day wilderness program that had to be attended before they would let you're child in.  My answer: Absolutely NO Freakin' way.  Anyone who sends their kids to a wilderness camp is insane and should be given shock treatment.

Oh yah, I remember, it's like the "Get out of Jail Free" card.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Drop out and get GED
« on: July 08, 2007, 09:38:31 PM »
It would appear this parent has her son in some sort of group home.  Is this correct parent?  Only clarifying because you said he comes home on the weekends.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Drop out and get GED
« on: July 08, 2007, 09:13:03 PM »
Well said. :wink:

Baldwin is no Christian, have you been watching the news and listening to the messages he's sending his young daughter.  You have got to be kidding?

The Troubled Teen Industry / tt
« on: July 08, 2007, 09:00:40 PM »

You are so welcome!

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