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Messages - sick of child torture girl

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Would anyone mind....
« on: April 28, 2007, 01:59:10 AM »
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
I get were sick is coming from but personally if it will help encourage survivors to post their stories and stick around I say go for it.

I agree, but then only if the ELan forum is reorganized if you ever want to see a forum that stops people from posting...

or it aint fair  
hmm so my abreviation is sick, eh? do i like that? Perhaps i should change it to adorable* sick of child torture girl. Or just get real massochistic and become fat and ugly sick of chid torture girl?Perhpaps Sprinkes.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: April 28, 2007, 12:58:33 AM »
Advocates who are brave and inteligent AND who have a slow enough social calender to have the time hunt down creatively sadistic htmls UNITE!!!  :D

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: April 28, 2007, 12:47:20 AM »
Also, you fellas have been arguing with someone who has been IMPERSONATING WANF  :P

Brave AND intelligant advocates unite!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: April 28, 2007, 12:42:10 AM »
Well if your point was in driving away a survivor who was doing nothing to harm anyone youve suceeded! :D

If your point was to get rid of an irksome plant that could have been effected by simply ignoring her and  without possibly demeaning someone whose been demeaned forever.

So, what was the point of this. To gang up & throw rocks at someone who annoys you? To have a mini thread gang bang agasint someone whose clearly cant defend themselves?

You so rock! Brave advocates unite!  :D

The Troubled Teen Industry / Would anyone mind....
« on: April 28, 2007, 12:33:50 AM »
I think is should stay the way it is. I see survivors mocked, the elan forum made into a pointless joke, people stop posting their stories
as they are just relentlessly challenged and called loosers for having them, nothing is done. Whyshould this be any different? becasue a bunch of regulars made themselves look like insensitive fools?

No let it stay where it is
Its a swell reminder of human nature. As seen through the ridiculous magnifying lesseninglens of the internet

Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
You are not articulate or coherant, you rant about things that are already well known and understood, and you shove your personal shit down everyone's throat.

I can understand if you have PTSD, but ranting about it and being a er, BITCH about it isn't helping anyone, either!

We know PV is fucked up, we're trying to do something about, and we don't think sexual harassment is ok! However, the way you explained it to was so so garbled and hard to follow we didn't really know what the fuck you were talking about becuase its more like you screaming and ranting incoherantly than anything else.

I've been here and trying to stop this shit for three years. Three years ago you didn't know this shit existed. Lay off and get a grip.

I've done a lot of things, some I can talk about, some I can't.

Like, oh, I dunno, helping to write , talking to journalists, talking to program parents, getting program kids out of programs, warning kids, warning parents, going to my local school system, and basically tirelessly telling everyone I can about this whenever I can, every chance I get.

I've done plenty about it, and I'm hardly stupid. You're a pissed off, abused person who'se lashing out (not that you don't have a good reason to, though) and basically pissing off EVERYONE and putting EVERYONE off, and making... damn near EVERYONE mad at you becuase you're giving US flack for what someone ELSE did to you, even if we've been trying to stop it before we even met you!

So, again, shut up, calm down, type clearly, do NOT blame us for what we're trying to fucking STOP, and don't try to make a rule for fornits. Fornits has no rules. We say what we want.

You can either accept that, or leave, your choice.

making a wild guess poster was making fun of this post?

your right,

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: April 28, 2007, 12:01:48 AM »
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Uh, no, she came in and told us DONT SAY THAT so we did.

She's doing the group in reverse. She makes us mad at her then gives us ammo to use against her.

Basically, shes being a very willing LOLCOW. mooooooooooo <-

So you feel a great deal of anger at her, and she has given you ammo from her personal life which will be most painful and you are using it agaisnt her.

Do you remind yourself of anyone right now?
Perhaps you are attracted to survivors for the wrong reasons?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: April 27, 2007, 11:58:53 PM »
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
I just wanted to know so I could see if your dick is bigger than the average dykes or not  ::bigsmilebounce::

R u asking me that? Thats too pointless to resond to so Im just gonna reiterate:

I would just like ask how old everyone is whom is replying to WANF.I am going guess about 7? Cause everything over that would make you a pretty pathetic bunch. The girl is troubled and therefore you should LAY OFF. If she is not troubled and is really a plant as you say than you should equally LAY OFF

So the question is, if there is no real reason why you should be responding as she is either is either helpless or dishonest, then what is it about your pscyhe that is getting off on this back on forth?

If the girl has an issue with the C-word than why delibertely post it? Even if you think this is irattional why be sadistic? When I was in program there was a girl who had an irrational phobia of bells. . All her "positive peers" went around rounding up bells clanging them and laughing while surrounding her. Is this really what you aspire to?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: April 27, 2007, 11:43:05 PM »
I would just like ask how old everyone  is whom is replying to WANF.I am going guess about 7? Cause everything over that would make you a pretty pathetic bunch. The girl is troubled and therefore you should LAY OFF. If she is not troubled and is really a plant as you say than you should equally LAY OFF

So the question is, if there is no real reason why you should be responding as she is either is either helpless or dishonest, then what is it about your pscyhe that is getting off on this back on forth?

If the girl has an issue with the C-word than why delibertely post it? Even if you think this is irattional why be sadistic? When I was in program there was a girl who had an irrational phobia of bells. . All her "positive peers" went around rounding up bells clanging them and laughing while surrounding her. Is this really what you aspire to?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Possible alternative??
« on: April 27, 2007, 11:29:50 PM »
Quote from: ""exhausted""
I have to agree with truth searcher Guest - yes I have made the comment that Psy has quoted me on (and he asked me very politely for permission too) but that was a private conversation between us, the quote was part of a whole conversation that isn't to be confused with what is being suggested here.

As an exampe, in my own situation, I have 3 off the rails boys, one I didn't bring up, two I did, so they've had totally different upbringings, yet the two I did bring up have been treated exactly the same way (bar the obvious individual needs they have simply because they are very different people) as their sister, who is motivated, polite, kind, very very hard working, at college, happy go lucky, loads of confidence, in fact everything her younger brothers aren't, the same parent, same upbringing, same household, same tears and laughter shared - i honestly do not believe it's all down to my parenting that my boys have been like they are, I believe alot of it has been and that my daughter is just the way she is because its the way she is, but she had to have got some of that from my parenting if we are to assume my boys got their ways due to my parenting

That may have not been intended, but its what the sentence means. It is an accurate description of how kids get to program. I am not going to comment on your particular parenting flaws as that is not my place. But undoubtedly there are things you could do better and  have serious failings. I could point failings out, tell you to accept resonsibiliy for creating your children & recognize that kids are not robots and take effort or I could tell u  your kid is terribley ill, its not yur fault, and to abandon the kid immediately -go take that vacation youve been wanting. One approach is difficult and  rough on the ego, the other makes one feel godlike and is easy. Which do you think is more attractive to the program parent?

The idea that one kid turning "bad" the other "good" implies there is quality parenting and one kid was just beneath it is ridiculous. There is a saying-"No child is raised in the same family".This reffers to how parents treat their children differently. Abuse& neglect  is a matter of scapegoating. Rarely are all children scapegoated equally. it interferes with having one vulnerable "bad" symbol on whom lifes miseries may be dumpED.There are issues of timing too, maybe the parent got crazier when one kid was in a partiuclar life phase
The book "A child called it" descries a ca one child bein tortured and starved while his siblings led a normal life.You might have read about 4 boys being starved by their parents. They were 14=20? and weighted 45 lbs each, were stunted at 3-4 ft  and their teeth had rotted out. The female children were fat and tall. The program-type parents,  blamed their sons for their condition by accusing them of having an eating disorder.

Abuse is not usually so extreem, but  treating children differntly & causing different life tragectory is common. One family I know personally abused the youngest daughter and spoiled the 2 others.  I was around them often as our parents were freinds.  The youngest was always told she was stupid and incompetant. I saw the older kids sexually abuse her. Her father stabbed her with a pencil. He had her write essays becasue, unlike his other girls, she was stupid. Anyway of course this girl had "problems"-that is to say she didnt acheive like the others did. Spent as much time away from her house as possible, in clubs, did not do well in school, was unhappy etc.

Porgram appeals to parents like these. Parents who either imagine  their child isnt acheiving enough, or whom have created a household where acheivement is impossible. There is a heiarchy of needs and the lowest level is security and safety.If you lack those the higher pesuits- "achievemnt" becomes impossible.

Then these horrible parent shows up and says look heres the porblems with my kid, the program gives them the speil you decribed and off a kid goes to program

The parent is thusly releived of accountability for creating  problems, over reacting to non existant "problems" which are coping skills for unbaleanced homes, and for having expectaions for a human child that are more befiting a young vegetable, and seeing failure to meet those unfair expectations as problems. They are relived of the effort of child care. And, the acomying gult/shame of abadnonment. Normally, if you leave a kid with someone else it's a form of parental failure.Not in program-you're a hero

 Then the kid goes to hell. If they perish there-its THEIR fault, poor poor parent! They did so much for kid :cry2: .

Childs funeral 4:00 pm. Sunday send donations in leiu of flowers to program X

Note the rumors "perpetuated by students who hoped and fully expected they would be withdrawn" angle

Its like...Ive gone 2 minutes without saying children are manipulative liars...NEED A FIX=@#)**CHILDREN MANIPUALTE! MAINIPULATE! MANIPULATE!

Really, that hardly would seem to relate to the issue at hand...But of course, why miss an opprotunity to weirdly cross boundaries into other peoples' private relationsips-(parent/youth relationship) and poison them?
Hes involving the parent population in a bizzare reversal of the "kids agasint parents" theme that dominates childrens fiction, TV shows, and pop music.

Prooving yet again that program parents are immature people who are just not up to handling kids.
Is there anyway we can introduce birth control super liquid into the water supply?

I also love how its a given that children will lie to be allowed clemency from the gas chamber hidden lake academy. I mean if every single child beleives its a snake pit mabye there its time to listen

is there anyway to locate this deputy who filed suit agasint these people and gove her our support?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Post Program Discussion
« on: April 22, 2007, 12:07:37 PM »
Quote from: ""Truth Searcher""
You also can send her back anytime you like

Are you freaking kidding me??

 I regret our decision.  I hate what we did to her.  With the perspective of hindsight, I would never send her away again.

In addition, she's now a legal adult.  She is sailing her own ship.  And she's doing a find job I might add.

That’s 2 years she lived with you post program in that position with the corresponding Stockholm/other issues/ “mindset” & it doesn’t go away just because you’re over 18. I’m now over 18 but I still have a "mindset" with my parents. You can’t “think” one way for a good portion of your formative years and have “thinking” and communication styles erased by a birthday.

As you can see by how she’s only telling you these things NOW 2 years later in tears...SOMETHING was affecting her communication with you. And that SOMETHING though receding, is still extant, and a lot deeper than u consider

As for her program not being systematically abusive you only need to read a little in to what you know , even of the little you’ve said here, to know better.
First of all, if the program was so systematically unethical in their dealings with you wouldnt they be systematically unethical to your daughter over whom they have total control? These things follow a pattern

Secondly, was she kidnapped? That’s abuse. Was she than held involuntarily? That’s a CRIME referred to as involuntary confinement if the human in question is any other than a “troubled youth” whom can passed about like a football. So prima ficie she has suffered systematic abuse

Imprisonment without rights protecting the imprisoned is systematic abuse. Hardened adult criminals have belts taken from them automatically as prison is accepted as so horrible it will drive a sane man to suicide. Its even worse when you are not protected by a highly specified set of rights which prevent you from disappearing into an abyss of absolute power. Its even worse when this  violation is perpetrated not just by a acceptably dangerous govt because of political reasons, but by ones’ own  parents in conjunction with a supposedly ethical govt because one is so bad,/subhuman/insane that one is unworthy of a natural life or human rights.

 Here is Dr describing the pshological implications of not having these inborn human rights violated

Further, Im sure communication was limited, phones monitored, negative assessment of program punished, That is systematic abuse

Further, those confessions she was forced to make are systematic abuse. Would you like to be forced to admit all you intimate “sins”( yes in the context of program they are sins/examples of insanity) to your daughter? Every drug you’ve taken, every petty misdeed, or simple quirk..and each sexual act. Forcing “enemies” to make public confessions activity is the MO of totalitarian thought reform facilities.
The purpose of those confessions is to break down your child’s identity and rebuild a self concept of deviant. Forcing her to admit her repugnantcies  to you was so that in her mind her primary relationship knew her deviance.In confessing she lowers herself,accepts your authority to judg,e recoil, forgive at your leisure. You’re the master. Newly humbled, newly repugnant, newly penitent in a way only one can be made by ones own mother, she becomes more confused about reality, more certain that she is terrible, and more accepting that she is not entitled to respect, decency, etc like non deviants.

Forcing anyone to make public declarations of sex activity- outside of a crime report basis is sexual abuse. And forcing a girl to make this to her mother & father is INCESTUAL sexual abuse You were essentially manipulated into sexually abusing your own daughter in the same way that if she was forced to pull down her pants and point to her bad vagina you would be sexually abusing her

The complicated effects on the brain of a young woman whom endures this are unknown, as such information could only be gleaned by conducting experiments on unwilling children and real doctors in real intuitions will not do that

How long was she there?. Depending on how long I think its impossible she doesn’t have some heavy duty issues –brainwashing other issues going on. The pretend drs of program promote the idea that one has “behavioral disorders”-what is important is the behavior, in reality what is important is the psyche spirit of the individual, and even if a young person is behaving the important part of them can still be very very damaged in complicated and in saturated ways. I’m not saying any of this to hurt you the important thing is you pulled her…but if you really think about it….

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: April 20, 2007, 09:05:26 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Isn't this "girl" 24 years old?
She seems to want some advice, and she has been given advice; but continues to reject anything logical.
She's was in a very abusive situation at PV--no one doubts that for a minute.
But remaining in a home environment that is abusive, and prison-like is not necessary, or healthy. Trying to negotiate a living "allowance" from these parents appears to be a wasteless time of effort and energy.
This WOMAN (not girl) appears to be intelligent; and she could be self-sufficient--if she so chooses.
Only she can make the choice: remain in this abusive home situation, and try to graduate as planned---or move out, support herself, and put off graduation, if that is required.
It's her peace-of-mind and safety that is at risk; and only she can make this decision.
Good luck.

Girl is a common colloquial way to refer to people of the female gender whom are young. At my school they are reffered to as the "girls" dorms and everyone is over 18. At my job in which only young women work they are also called girls though only a few of them are under 18. Im sorry that makes you so angry.

That it does, that this GIRL does, strikes me as odd and makes me wonder about your own situation. If not staff, then just plain nutty?
Perhaps slow?

When people are in pain to the point they cant function my response is not to tell them what immature loosers they are- which seems to be yours. OOhh just cant get enough group can ya?

she has the equivalent of a physical sickness, combined with serious life obstaceles that prevent her from leaving

The whole POINT of this is that its NOT simply her choice as the point is her life has screwed her up to where she is damaged. Like a prostitute staying with a pimp- that sort of damage. When you live in an instittuion like PV and then with abusive parents your entire formative years that can do that to you.

thats kinda the point of this forum in case you havent noticed

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: April 20, 2007, 08:20:31 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I do not think it is fair to judge other people's realities, not having lived them yourself. Everyone wants other people to act on what they perceive as the right thing for them, in that specific time in their life. Or to put it simply, because it worked for them, they assume it will work for everyone else. This is kind of like program graduates. They think since they weren't abused in the program, everyone else will benefit from it. Take a minute and ask yourself if you have used this internet forum to vent your frustrations and were you really looking for judgment and advice or just a place that you know someone, anyone, will read it and possibly understand what you are going through. Besides, if we had our shit so together, why on earth would we be posting on fornits to begin with, obviously something is up, in some way.

exactly! if any of these folk bore they psyche so nakedly as this girl there would be plenty of things to hurt them with too.

Obviously this girl does need to move out its a horrible situation. But she has obviously had a horrible life and is weakened and having difficulty doing so. Obvuously she has serious issues.

I stayed at home post program BIG MISTAKE. The third biggest one of my life But I was manipulated by the threats of my father, I beleived I could put in an insane asylum at any moment, had serious illness, and was terrified sad in depair......I think its clear she needs to move out. but you can manage to get this info accross without demeaning her! its not that difficult if you have half a heart and half a brain or dont go by the program-"get real" with someone philosophy.

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