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Messages - gary eskow

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Hyde Schools / New York State Funding Charter School In South Bronx
« on: February 22, 2007, 04:49:21 PM »
I've begun researching the application for charter procedures in New York.  Interesting stuff.  Anyone more capable than I at breaking down contracts and financial data (that means almost everyone!) who could provide an analysis of what information the Hyde Board was required to submit to the City of New York would be offering me a great service!



Hyde Schools / Recent Hyde Graduate . . .
« on: February 22, 2007, 04:44:58 PM »
Some really thoughtful posts on this link! I'm researching an article on Hyde (I'm a former parent), and would be interested in talking to anyone who would like to share their views on the school, positive or negative.

The account of my experience at Hyde, THE JEKYLL SIDE OF HYDE, is posted on the ISAC site. I will e mail to those who prefer to have it sent directly to them.

Gary Eskow

Hyde Schools / Hyde is even better than when I was there in the 70's
« on: February 21, 2007, 12:25:44 PM »
Dr. Jekyll was a great guy; successful and much admired by society. His problem was that he had unresolved dark corners of his personality he wasn't willing to deal with. In pre-Freud days to explore repression so brilliantly is the diamond that makes the novel sparkle.

Please try to keep things on-topic.

This is on topic... you must see that, right?


Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: February 15, 2007, 01:45:35 PM »
Of course, Joe's notoriously outrageous, demeaning, and insulting comments--the ones that he tends to spit out spontaneously and with little provocation--are not likely to appear in print form. Many of us have heard these bizarre and embarrassing comments, but may not be able to cite a source in print.

I'm not looking to "catch" Joe in any way, only to get the clearest picture of his philosophy- if you will- that I can.

Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: February 15, 2007, 01:45:35 PM »
Of course, Joe's notoriously outrageous, demeaning, and insulting comments--the ones that he tends to spit out spontaneously and with little provocation--are not likely to appear in print form. Many of us have heard these bizarre and embarrassing comments, but may not be able to cite a source in print.

I'm not looking to "catch" Joe in any way, only to get the clearest picture of his philosophy- if you will- that I can.

Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: February 15, 2007, 01:45:18 PM »
Of course, Joe's notoriously outrageous, demeaning, and insulting comments--the ones that he tends to spit out spontaneously and with little provocation--are not likely to appear in print form. Many of us have heard these bizarre and embarrassing comments, but may not be able to cite a source in print.

I'm not looking to "catch" Joe in any way, only to get the clearest picture of his philosophy- if you will- that I can.

Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: February 15, 2007, 01:45:05 PM »
Of course, Joe's notoriously outrageous, demeaning, and insulting comments--the ones that he tends to spit out spontaneously and with little provocation--are not likely to appear in print form. Many of us have heard these bizarre and embarrassing comments, but may not be able to cite a source in print.

I'm not looking to "catch" Joe in any way, only to get the clearest picture of his philosophy- if you will- that I can.

Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: February 15, 2007, 01:45:05 PM »
Of course, Joe's notoriously outrageous, demeaning, and insulting comments--the ones that he tends to spit out spontaneously and with little provocation--are not likely to appear in print form. Many of us have heard these bizarre and embarrassing comments, but may not be able to cite a source in print.

I'm not looking to "catch" Joe in any way, only to get the clearest picture of his philosophy- if you will- that I can.

Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: February 15, 2007, 01:45:05 PM »
Of course, Joe's notoriously outrageous, demeaning, and insulting comments--the ones that he tends to spit out spontaneously and with little provocation--are not likely to appear in print form. Many of us have heard these bizarre and embarrassing comments, but may not be able to cite a source in print.

I'm not looking to "catch" Joe in any way, only to get the clearest picture of his philosophy- if you will- that I can.

Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: February 15, 2007, 09:52:30 AM »

Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: February 15, 2007, 09:26:51 AM »
There is that piece that Joe wrote re. appropriateness of Hyde for your kid that is on ISAC, but you probably know about that one already. Then there is HIS BOOK. And I think you may be able to get some things from the school website, but not so sure about that. Mostly it is his offspring that hold counsel there...

Does anyone have a copy of The Blue Book?  Isn't that what this text was called?


Hyde Schools / Don't identify yourself on this board! Hyde is lurking!
« on: February 12, 2007, 03:04:37 PM »
I'm a former Hyde parent and journalist.  The account of my time at Hyde, THE JEKYLL SIDE OF HYDE is on the ISAC site. I'd be happy to e mail it anyone interested.

I'm putting together a list of those who would like to be interviewed for an article I'm writing.  I can preserve anonymity if necessary, but would prefer comments to be on the record with attribution.

If you'd like to check out examples of my writing before contacting me you can visit my website.


Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: February 07, 2007, 08:09:28 AM »
And Gary, please be patient.

Thank you for your thoughts!  I have lots of work and can certainly wait to write the piece.  I'm not on a fishing expedition either--- if it happens, it happens.

Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: February 06, 2007, 11:04:09 PM »
HI Gary, that was a quote, taken from an earlier post (Mon Feb 5 2007,12:25 PM), which in turn was quoting Dr. Charles Huffine, found on the web via the following link: ... &Itemid=35

thank you!

Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: February 06, 2007, 08:51:37 PM »
"Some of my patients are referred to me with a history of having been in a therapeutic boarding school. Once they have come to trust me they will share with me the kind of tales we find on this web site; horrific details of abusive and grossly inappropriate treatment. I have heard these stories too many times. The stories vary however. Occasionally I have heard some positive stories where a youth has been treated with respect and caring in an appropriately run facility, but even then it is against their will. I see very little evidence that even these kids have been helped. The bad stories prevail. I care deeply for youth I work with. I have a strong bias of positive regard for all youth I meet because I genuinely like adolescents. When I hear of mistreatment in facilities that are supposed to care for youth I feel the betrayal and see the harm it has done to my patient. My reaction has been one of extreme anger. This has mobilized me to be an activist in trying to address the system failings that allow these travesties to continue. How could any adult do differently if they are a decent human being and have normal instincts of care and concern for kids? It horrifies me that in our society we can enter into a mass denial that lets these facilities exist."

--- My experience at Hyde includes some very positive moments.
I've assembled a roster of people who want to be interviewed for the article I'm considering putting together, but am still puzzled why so many are reluctant to do so- particularly since their anonymity could be protected.

   Perhaps you, the adolescent therapist, has a perspective we could include.  Let me know if you're interested in participating.


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