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Messages - Aggressive Alpha Male

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Elan School / Very important message....from TCK
« on: October 28, 2006, 06:29:01 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I was there in 90. I saw one kid get pulled out by his dad after he spent months in the corner. The poor bastard. He could hardly walk when he left. He was kept in the stairway leading up to the mens dorms in 3. A small dark dreary place to be kept huh? He was either refused showers or he refused to take them but all I know is that he was one stinky kid. I actually clapped when I saw him leave. I was happy he was leaving. A little rough around the edges from when he entered mind you.
 The kid that smashed Tanya's oinker stayed on. He was not even arrested. Nothing. I guess it all depended on your status. Probation/parole or not. Very few if any were there in lieu of jail when I was there.
 I remember one girl who was like 15. She was about 5 months pregnant. She was threatened to be sent to a juvenile detention center and would have her kid taken away from her if she refused the abortion. She was to far along for an abortion. If she was under 13 weeks pregnant then fine but damn with medical care that baby in her belly could survive if it was born at the point along she was.

 It was sickening what they did to her. They had other girls who had kids or abortions "coach" her into getting an abortion. A girl I know in the group was mad at herself for encouraging the abortion.
 Everyone was under 17 it was like they had no choice in the matter.
In the long run she got the abortion. She was so sad and sick for a long time. I don't think she smiled again for a few months.
A few years later I got the entire story from my friend who was in the group and who went with her to the clinic. There were protestors and the whole 9 yards. Poor girl. It was something like you would see on a "Lifetime Channel" movie.
I heard she has a beautifull child now. Bless her soul.
Elan was so cruel to people.
It seems like people were a little older in the early Elan days. When I was there there was like 1 or 2 18 year olds and less than 5 17 year olds. Everyone was so damned young.

Those asshole directors took a personal hatred in teen pregnancy, probably because most of them were steriel and couldn't make babies, so they took out their frustrations on people that could. Like I stated, they couldn't make it in the real world, that is why they work were they work.

Thanks for sharing your story, I thought what I witnessed *A teen getting pregnant and being forced to abort their unborn child* would be a one time isolated incident at Elan. I wonder how many more Girls got pregnant while @ Elan, and the negative pressure to get their unborn children aborted by the Idiot directors :question:

Elan School / I owe a public apology to the fornits group
« on: October 28, 2006, 06:19:55 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Shoes on the wrong feet ?Is that all you can say ?
You are not even worth my time

What time :question:  You have no fuckin time :exclaim:
You are a Troll... You are an inferior middle aged man..You lack the fortitude and have ZERO responsibilites in your sick , disgusting, foul, unhealthy life that you live.
You can only dream of being an achiever in life, I am living the life that you so desperately wish you could of had. You are an alcoholic and drink your fears away. So continue to drown your sorrows in that bottle, because no one cares about you.

You're so fucked up that you have to come to a webboard and spew your infantile babble and pretend that you are a somebody.

I dont have to pretend, I wake up every morning and live life. And work harder and harder each day/month/year/decade. You do not even have a rank in the game of life. Bottom feeding, trash can drunk is what you are Troll.

Elan School / Peace at last, hopefully.....
« on: October 28, 2006, 06:08:17 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I was asked by the directors/staff if I was upset or jealous when one of my peers moved up and I was still behind in posistion. At times I was. They would go out together to the movies and there I was left behind. Like I said at times it did suck.
As long as I was not shotdown I was cool. I could read and draw and smoke. I was a-ok. I would whip out my bullshit chore and sit back and chill. I would write notes in my own "language" about everyone and everything I saw. My idea of fun I guess. Whatever got you by right?
 It was Elan after all. I had to do what I had to like everyone else did what they felt they had to. Be it right or wrong. We were kids after all we did not know all the answers back in the day.
 I never did INTENTIONALLY hurt anyone in my house. I don't speak for others. I think some of them people were truly sadistic suck up bastards. IMHO.
Out of all of my peer I was hands down the biggest fuck up of all time!
When I got home and started hooking up with everyone again I was floored when they would show up and were fucked up 10 different ways from Sunday. You name it they did it or became it. I was a fucking angel in comparison. Almost.
Graduating from that dump did not mean you would be set for life. Life is life. Elan only taught me how fucking cruel people could be in "real" life. How dog eat dog the world truly was. A lesson I did not want nor need to learn BEFORE the age of 17.  
I am sad for everyone exposed to Elan. Sad. Truly sad.

That place was nothing but a way for them to milk the shit out of insurance companies/school districts. They billed your family outrageous amounts of money, for the cheapest hygiene products money can buy. Elan is a scam IMO.
And for the Idiots who come here and brag about *How they got an Elan Diploma* Who the fuck cares :exclaim:

I was gave the same song and dance by the directors before I signed out. Oh you will fail in life, you dont have the tools to succeed in life, yadda yadda yadda. Well I happened to turn out to be pretty damn successful if I do say so myself. I built a business from the ground up, own 2 homes and take pride and do quality work for all my clients.

Elan and their loser wannabe therapists are total Idiots and couldn't make it in the real world. That is why they had no choice but to stay up there and seek employment with Elan, because nobody else would hire them. Especially Kruglik :exclaim:

They feel inferior to people their own ages and cannot look them in the eye, so what is the remedy for them :question:  Work at Elan and abuse children as young as 12 years old. Nice fuckin life guys, we are all so real proud of you Inferior under achievers.

That must make you feel real big and bad, to make a young child stand up in front of the house and scream and yell at them and make them cry. You better hope that it doesnt come back to haunt you one day, because what comes around, goes around, take your stupid new resident plaques and shove them deep inside your asses. Fuck you Elan and your stupid philosophies.

Elan School / Welcome to Arthurs crib and playpen
« on: October 28, 2006, 05:51:57 PM »
Troll Jimmy & Troll  ::crybaby:: Arthur ::crybaby:: ,
               Why is it that you 2 Idiot's come here and talk
about cocksucking, shiteating, and homosexual sex :question:
What the fuck is wrong with you 2 Trolls :question:

Every god damn post is shit this, cocks that, blow job this, yadda yadda yadda. You both are so confused, you say that others have made this an undesirable webboard for you, yet all you talk about is the same old nasty , disgusting filth.

You are by far the biggest Trolls I have encountered yet. And to think you both are middle aged men, can you possibly become anymore pathetic :question:
I can only imagine how horrible of a life you 2 Trolls must live. You consistantly Troll this webboard and spread your daily dose of filth.
Why wonder you got banned at other boards or were not wanted.

Elan School / Very important message....from TCK
« on: October 28, 2006, 05:39:12 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Well I had seem some pretty fucked up shit BUT never seem anyone kicked out, There was one girl there she was so awfull that she was kept in a closet for months on end her and and empty mattress the P.O.  that would sit in the door 24-7 I offten wonder what ever happened to her. But even with that she was not kicked out,,,

When I first got to Elan they say *Its the last program and you cannot be kicked out*. Well during my 8-9 month stay I have seen 6 people kicked out. People that were in the corner and defying the program all the way through, so yes one can be kicked out.

Elan will try to tolerate as much as they can, and continue to do so.
But after months of being in the corner, or commiting a serious violation, people were kicked out.

Some of the reasons vary, but I recall some instances. One teen knocked a chick up and she refused to get an abortion, A huge GM was even held over this because she wanted to keep her child. Gottlieb & Kruglick painted a picture of her as a whore. They even tried to make her wear a sign that read something like this: *Please confront me as to why I am a whore and why I refuse to terminate a pregnancy by mistake* Real fuckin cruel IMO. I later heard from an old peer that the 2 of them got married and raised their Son.

Another person was kicked out for assaulting a staff member, and was removed from Elan via the police and was sent to prison. He was @ Elan as an alternative to prison and I guess the *Self proclaimed therapists* that worked @ Elan had Zero tolerance because of his violent back ground.

Others were kicked out for continous breaking cardinal rules *having sex*, and one for running away from Elan one too many times.

So the answer to the question is Yes, one can be kicked out of Elan.
Whether or not it is still happening in todays Elan, thats a question I couldn't answer. But as far as in 87-88 people were kicked out.

Elan School / Very important message....from TCK
« on: October 28, 2006, 08:29:02 AM »
Fuck you Kruglik and your hi yuh hi yuh's
You look ridiculous everytime you walk from building to building with your head facing down at the ground. You are an ashamed Indian, you let your people down, that is why you walk that way.

You call yourself an Indian Boy? You're nothing but a grey haired child abuser. You enjoy torturing little 13 year old girls, and saying cruel things to them.

Satan has a place for you ,, a very hott place for you.

Elan School / california fires
« on: October 27, 2006, 07:38:57 PM »
How typical.
A new topic started, and  ::crybaby:: Arthur ::crybaby::  come's in and what does he talk about :question:  :question:  :question:
Every fuckin topic, he talks about penis in some form of way.

Would you please come out of the closet already???

Elan School / Choas
« on: October 27, 2006, 07:34:18 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Mister Pink""
Oh... the real elan, riiight

what a fucking badge of honor right there.
you put that on your resume when you try to get a job as a janitor but get denied because of megan's law?

move on bitch  :rofl:

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

While you were forced to stay at elan for all that time fucker, I was out having a good time, and getting laid. didnt have to wear signs around my neck, and waste 18 months of my life unlike you. I'll take freedom over elan anyday of the week.

BTW, was that post suppose to make people jealous of you? WoW you're so cool man, you were locked up in Elan for all that time, Damn, its a shame I missed the boat and signed out and had a grand ole time partying and doing what i want, and not asking permisssion to take a piss. You had it all man!
You fuckin dipshit physcotic loser.

Amen... :nworthy:  ::cheers::  ::birthday::  :tup:  ::alieneyesa::

Elan School / Welcome to Arthurs crib and playpen
« on: October 27, 2006, 07:31:25 PM »
I think  ::crybaby:: Arthur ::crybaby::  is trying to tell us something.
*Perhaps partially copping to his guilt*
I'll look into any alleged molestations in the IL area that occured in museums.

 It is very common for children in Elementary schools to go to Museums on feild trips during school hours. Perhaps this pediphilia Troll executes molestations at these particular events :question:  :question:

We all read on this site about his non stop talk of cock-sucking, shit-eating and other sick  *twisted* habits. And then try to blame it on others. Since this Troll has no real friends in life, he substitutes Fornits as a scapegoat for a friend.
This Troll needs to be incarcerated in a mental institution and heavily dosed with physcotropic drugs.

Poor children that live in his neighborhood, they must be terrified knowing that a person like this lives near them. Hopefully a concerned parent will step up to the plate and do something about this sick, pediphiliac Troll.

Elan School / Re: I owe a public apology to the fornits group
« on: October 27, 2006, 07:19:02 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I have absolutely fucked with these creeps almost as much as they have fucked with me and others. Its been alot of fun with many of my friends and coworkers laughing hysterically a number of times.
The apparent illness of those who post the grotesque stuff again speaks volumes about the kind of people Elan turned out over their very corrupt,criminal carreer.
Though I have stooped to a level of these clowns a number of times
for the sake of riling them up.It probably isnt right,and for those i have offended I apologize.
For those who find Dave and Andy,and Jordans illness as funny as I do.I reccomend you continue pummeling them with their own medicine. I know it will be "my fault" and they are bound to try and "save face" with another savy sickening post.
I gotta give it a rest for a few days because i am afraid "cocksucker dave"  is gonna blow a gasket( or andy) neither would be good
In closing i want to extend a heartfelt thank you to those that have participated in their ownership.Couldnt happen to a better bunch of assholes

Look at this pathetic Troll, He makes an apology for being an asshole, yet continues to be one. Talk about a fucked in the head Troll. I betcha the Troll even wears his shoes on the wrong feet.

Ain't that the truth  ::crybaby:: Arthur ::crybaby::  :question:

Elan School / Peace at last, hopefully.....
« on: October 22, 2006, 08:58:53 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""

ive conclued there is a maximum of 4 or five people besides you and me posting on this board. am i close? SOUND OFF!!!

Well there is at least 4-5 people mentioned as  ::crybaby:: Arthur ::crybaby::  Nemises here, I guess I make 6. Talk about a man without a Country?? 2 Trolls trying to fight off the 6 of us :question:  I dont see light at the end of the tunnel for either Troll.

Troll  ::crybaby:: Arthur ::crybaby::
Troll jimmy

You boys havent a chance..You can say all the serenity prayers in the world, it won't help you one damn bit!!

Elan School / Fornits Trolls.....?????
« on: October 22, 2006, 08:54:31 PM »
I really find it amusing how when  ::crybaby:: Arthur ::crybaby::  and his gay sponsor Jimbo, describe actions that were onced a part of their life, and perhaps still are?? Use those experiences when directing statements to their Nemises.

So Boys, you mine as well tell us,.What did that poop taste like?? Do you recommend a fine wine to wash it down? Do you prefer it warm or cold? I assume the fresher the better right Trolls? ::bigsmilebounce::

Elan School / Peace at last, hopefully.....
« on: October 22, 2006, 08:48:19 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I guess now that you have figured out that fecal matter posts make you look dumber than you actually are,its art that has posted all that
Now that IS funny dave
Funny thing... all this crap you write about him and others is not true
But all our collective conclusions about you are are based on what you write/post.Hey guess what.Each and every person here is certain you are disturbed,whacked,broken,fucked up,tore up from the floor up,too high to qualify
i think you are actually gettin the picture

What a small world it is..I too share the same opinions as Arts Nemises do..Matter of fact I think every thing that was said about  ::crybaby:: Arthur ::crybaby:: is true, and others seem to share the same beliefs.
*disturbed,whacked,broken,fucked up* AND *pediphile, gay, disgusting,ugly, probably smelly, fat bastard, crooked teeth, matted hair,bottom feeding, TROLL, &::crybaby:: sums up  ::crybaby:: Arthur ::crybaby:: life. And lets no forget his AA sponser and big brother Jimbo, who always comes to the aide of one  ::crybaby:: Arthur ::crybaby::

You're a man without a Country here Troll..Sorry but imaginary friends do not count.

This Troll has  abad addiction, not only to alcohol, but to this web board.

Be gone Troll! I command ye to Vanish from this board for ever!!

« on: October 22, 2006, 08:19:59 AM »
And what if we do click on links that we have no idea where it takes us?
Are you trying to imply that your magic troll powers will infiltrate our pc's?
I dont think so Troll....You ever hear of anit adware and firewalls? how about virus control protection? Ever hear of programs that pre scan a link before you actually go to it? They search for harmful worms and such.
You are so full of shit troll, you're in the wrong decade too! Maybe your threat could've held some water had it been the early to mid 90's, now adays *Everyone* knows whats what with todays pc's, even the late baby boomers..Don't you come around here troll thinking you are some sort of pc whiz, you're just a troll.
And you need to be squashed!

Elan School / Peace at last, hopefully.....
« on: October 20, 2006, 01:26:13 PM »
Quote from: ""Mister Pink""
My attorney advised me that you can technically copyright these names if we so choose, now I have to just come up with a good one...


 :rofl:  ::rocker::

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