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Messages - Shlee

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Well, once again, the tables were turned and the tablecloth was pulled from beneath all of us.  Aunt Pam and Shelly, thank you so, very much for everything you've been doing for Alex and I.  For actually trying to make sense of this whole chaotic mess.  I will probably be giving either of you a call in the near future, exams are this week and this just adds to the stress.

Thank you for that, it's nice to see Alex's best interest being considered.  Also, I like the avatar choice.  It's a very good anime.  Cute, little Trigun kitty!

This is wonderful!  This is exactly what Alex and I wanted from day 1, open-ended communication and consideration of each other.  Alex would be and WILL be proud.  Also, yes I am in complete support of in-patient treatment.  I don't even care if we have contact for that 30 days so long I know where he is, he's getting treated right, it's what he wants and he'll come out of it a better person.  Please, let me be the last person anyone thinks about, let Alex get home and be safe...Thank you for finally understanding, I appreciate every second you listen.

On 2006-01-10 19:50:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2006-01-10 17:43:00, CaughtInTheMiddle wrote:


On 2006-01-10 17:31:00, WWFSMD wrote:


On 2006-01-10 16:40:00, Anonymous wrote:

Here's a unique idea- what if you hired Alex an adult "babysitter" of sorts during all unsupervised hours?  It could be an older sibling, responsible family member, whatever.  This would still be cheaper than SCL.

What???   :evil:

Creationists make it sound like a 'theory' is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night.
--Isaac Asimov, Russian-born American author


 :lol:  they had good intentions"

I'm the one who suggested it, and I really did have good intentions.  I think I could have explained my rationale better.  What I meant to say is that I think it would be best, in my opinion, to get him out of SCL ASAP whether or not they've found another program for him to enter just yet.  And, yes, that they could arrange to have him supervised with dignity.  If it was a family member, he could go to the mall, the movies, talk on the phone, get on the internet, but have someone who cares present so that he can't use drugs.  That way he wouldn't be belittled, restrained, etc.  I agree that this is not a long term solution- no way.  I was just trying to be creative and thought the parents might find this acceptable compared with what it sounds like is their nightmare- that he'll come home and use drugs because he hasn't received worthwhile treatment yet."

And good intentions they were, I must say.  I like the idea.  His mom doesn't work, though, so they could save money, and attempt to regain what they've already lost due to SCL, by just having her watch him.

On 2006-01-10 12:32:00, Aunt Shelly wrote:


On 2006-01-10 12:06:00, Ashley's Mom wrote:


On 2006-01-10 11:58:00, CaughtInTheMiddle wrote:


On 2006-01-10 11:33:00, Antigen wrote:


On 2006-01-10 08:55:00, CaughtInTheMiddle wrote:

"I have just spoke to Jacki. She is very upset. She hates having no contact with her son. She had to do her commitment letter and it killed her because she isn't committed to making him finish the program but he now will think she is. Please anyone with another facility we could look into please email [email protected] They want to get him out ASAP but feel they need to find a place to put him where they can communicate with him. And he can get the treatment he wants and needs. Ashley Jacki hates that you and Alex and her cant talk she is scared and confused that is what this place and situation has done to her."

What about the local place where he wanted to go?

And about the post above that (about lying) I really was just trying, and failing misserably evidently, to explaint what Ashley was talking about. Not trying to accuse anybody. Just trying to explain that, well, from here? It sure looks like ya'll are over reacting to normal, if often upsetting, teen angst.

[Religion is] the daughter of hope and fear, explaining to ignorance the nature of the unknowable.
--Ambrose Bierce


Jacki called and they said they don't take 17 year old for the in patient program."

Why don't they consider the intensive outpatient treatment for him until he turns 18, at that time if he still needs further treatment then go with the inpatient.  The outpatient program is very effective from what I have been told.  Remember, Alex agreed to that, which makes it even more effective.  I have to believe this would be so much better for him than where he is right now."

What would be even better would be if Ashley agreed he needed treatment and would remain sober with him.  That may make all the difference in the world to his recovery."

I have never denied he needed treatment.  When we all got caught, the knowledge I had of his drug use didn't compare to what was actually going on.  I was the one, when he was still here, that he called to help him through a rough moment he may have had and talk him out of doing something stupid.  I was all for any kind of rehab he needed.  I was okay with the choice of a school, until we started to do research and cut through all the glorified ads.  I want him to get help, but the help he wants and needs.

On 2006-01-09 15:45:00, CaughtInTheMiddle wrote:

" Sorry forgot to sign in. I have never tried to  hide who I was. I talked about my daughter. Things I new that you would know. Sorry I am not the best speller but I will get over it. So dose /does it make you feel big and bad to threaten that you have my ip address should I put cameras around my house so my car and house doesn't get vandalized. The point that you would try to find out who I was. Is a bit disturbing. This is my point exactly you try to scare people. so why would they listen or want their child around you? I have said many times this is my opinion or understanding and that a lot of emotions for every one was happening. Things were said earlier on that was done in a finger pointing way. Then I decided to try and talk about things that may have misunderstood on both sides. Trying to help. Finger pointing wasn't. You have no idea unless you found away to listen to my phone conversations and have put a bug on me so you can hear everything I say what I am doing about it. Do you think the things you have said are going to make Alex happy?"

It's unfortunate that you twisted my words around and took it as a threat.  I was not threatening anyone at all, I was just stating that no one should hide behind Anon. posts anymore, especially if you have such strong opinions.  I wasn't finger pointing in any way, just stating facts.  And do you honestly think Alex wouldn't like anything we're syaing on his behalf.  I don't think he would appreciate the constant lies and bashing of my family and I and our cause of helping him.  Or is that side of it not being told?  Also, I am really tired of being accused of the vandalism that occured.  I had no part in it and was quite shocked to have the police calling my cell phone when I was on my way to work that morning.  Do you have any evidence whatsoever that I did it?  No, no you do not and your assumptions are childish.

On 2006-01-09 15:15:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I am trying to figure out how to get a name.  Im sure its not hard but im a little computer illiterate."

Just go over to the sidebar on the left.  You will see Gray bars that say titles.  Under forums, it will have orange sub-titles.  Register is the second one.  Click on that and then fill out your info.  I know, I was confused at first, also.

On 2006-01-09 15:11:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2006-01-09 14:21:00, Shlee wrote:

"Trying to get technical now?  I'm reaching out to ALL of his family members.  Extended and all.  I know for a fact that his aunt has been posting and his cousin and her friends.  And, well thanks to Antigen and the fact that they can read the addresses they came from, there's not too much you can hide."

I believe I apologized for my youngest daughter.  Maybe getting crashed into in the hall had something to do with her and her friends posting bull.  She wont be posting ever.  What comes from my computer will be from me.  I have not tried to hide who I am. Neither has caught in the middle.  You have been a guest in my home on a few occasions, and you have always been treated kindly.  Getting bashed isnt fun for either of us.  We are both truly caught in the middle.  "

Crashed into in the hallways??  I don't even see her.  I only go to that school for 2 hours anyways.  Maybe, if you wanted to sit down and think about it, that your daughter is lying too.  I don't even walk out of that classroom when I'm there, I'm too busy doing artwork on the computer.

Also, don't tell me you are new.  I am quite observant and I can only imagine that one person on this forum would continuously forget how to spell "does".  It's d-o-e-s not d-o-s-e.  And you have been posting since the beginning of this topic.

And, now the information is right in her face and won't do a god damn thing about it.  That's quite obvious.  Well, let's see, who might this be?  I can only recall saying something about my ears being peirced around Jackie and a couple others.  Why not put a name to that post, an actual name.  Not a sign on name like CIM.  Come out and let us know.  Making a name up is just as bad as trying to hide as Anon.  So, let's hear it...

And, if you are so much for brushing off what I said, and have such opinions, then why don't you get a name too.  Many others have anyways.  Why not join the fun?

Trying to get technical now?  I'm reaching out to ALL of his family members.  Extended and all.  I know for a fact that his aunt has been posting and his cousin and her friends.  And, well thanks to Antigen and the fact that they can read the addresses they came from, there's not too much you can hide.

On 2006-01-09 13:53:00, CaughtInTheMiddle wrote:


On 2006-01-09 13:01:00, Antigen wrote:

"CIM, seems to me asif Jackie's not giving you quite all of the facts either. Remember that. If she'll trick her own son into something like SCL, of course she'll tell others whatever li'll white lies she has to to keep needed support. Don't be surprised, either, if she snips you out of her life if you ask difficult questions about this "program".

Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.

--Mark Twain


Of course that is how you would see it. It couldn't be Ashley's mom isn't telling the truth or easily manipulated by the kids. why? Because she isn't the parent with the kid in a place you don't like. If Ashley's mom says it it must be true. Because you know her so well. Please people open your eyes. "

Now, wait for just a moment.  You are telling us to open OUR eyes?  This is ridiculous.  The only reason anyone is believing us over them is because Alex's family has been blatantly caught in numerous lies on this forum.  We have evidence to back up our claims and they don't.  We found proof to expose their accusations as lies, straight forward lies.  And, of course it couldn't be Jackie telling little white lies because she is YOUR friend.  I don't see how disagreeing with an abusive facility and sending any teen there is cause for telling us to open our eyes.  This isn't just about Alex anymore, it's gone too far.  This is about every child in one of these facilities and the "parents" that keep them there.

On 2006-01-05 20:31:00, WWFSMD wrote:


On 2006-01-05 20:18:00, AtomicAnt wrote:

So what happened to the post that said Alex had been removed form SCL? Was that just a lie?"

Good question.

It continues to amaze me to talk to law students -- college
graduates all and smarter than the average bear -- who will
seriously tell me about how dangerous mj is and how it
destroys the lives of those who use it and who, in the
very next sentence, will tell me how they and their
friends -- now CPAs, engineers, med students -- used
pot regularly through high school and college.  And
they don't see the contradiction between these statements.

We're not just talking ignorance here -- we are talking
deep down, serious, religious indoctrination.

--Buford C. Terrell, Professor of Law, South Texas College of Law


I wish we knew.  But, for some reason Alex's family and family friends are keeping that information top secret.

On 2006-01-05 19:56:00, Antigen wrote:

"Welcome, Shlee! Hope ya don't mind my snaggin yer photo up there. Anything I can do to help, leme know, k?

The fact is the fact, the program is evil, and every attempt to make
chicken salad out of chicken shit has resulted in a Chicken shit
sandwich, No pickle on the side could ever change that.' target='_new'>BINGO!


Nope, not at all.  It just proves a few more lies on their part.  And of course, I'm open to any advice at all on the situation.

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