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Messages - Marnie

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straight Haircuts
« on: July 24, 2002, 10:36:00 AM »
Yes I do remember the haircuts - Jeanne Treinen was Jennie's Best Firend for a vey long time - Do you remember the Lice Treatment? (Gasoline)? - I volunteered to help with that....which meant I got to tough the guys hair - I think I had a crush on eveyone back then .  No Jennie did not persue hair - she persued having 4 kids

The Seed Discussion Forum / Marnie, for you
« on: July 24, 2002, 10:24:00 AM »
Yes very screwed up! - I did not have a normal childhood.  Nothing in my life has been normal.  I lived in a world that was manufactured and full of self doubt and guilt.  I do not feel normal to this day.  I honelstly did not know better than the Straight/Seed way of life - when it was all over I was left with knowing nothing about the outside world.  I am still paying for this today

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Marnie, Jennie & Kenny Sykes
« on: July 24, 2002, 10:06:00 AM »
Well You may remeber me ....but I am having a hard time remembering you - Bob is it? - I am sorry for the "tetly torture" - Staff memebers sucked back then.... we got away with murder!  My brother Kenny was not in the program at all when you were there - Long gone..... so no he did not hang with thos fifth phasers - Tell me more

Marlene (Marnie)

The Seed Discussion Forum / A very young (11 years old Seedling)
« on: July 23, 2002, 04:30:00 PM »
WOW..... When you said Scooter it brought tears to my eyes - yes "Scooter" WAS my middle brother - Scooter died in an automobile accident in November 1987 - Acohol related.  I think some people that have read my thoughts misunderstand me - I was not just in the Seed - I was also put in Straight in 1977.  The Seed helped me go from a very young gullible child to a MESSED up teen. Of course... my mother seeing the success of my older brother Roger..... thought the best thing for myself, my sister Jennie and my brother Ken (Scooter) was Straight, Inc. I spent many years at Straight as a participant... working my way from newcomer all the up to Sr. Staff - I blame Straight for my brother and the pain I go thru everyday - I blame Straignt for the terrible feeling of insecurity and the unmistakable thoughts of feeling and being inferior to every human being.  

I know the horror - but as far as the Seed and my Brother Roger are concerned...I am just relating facts as I know and see them I feel as if I will never be normal - I just survive everyday - thanks for listening


The Seed Discussion Forum / A very young (11 years old Seedling)
« on: July 23, 2002, 10:30:00 AM »
I know my brother Roger was court ordered into the Seed because he was ready to die... No other reason - Yes in a perfect world he could have received help in another setting -but my family new we had no time and no options.  Before the Seed, I would walk in on Roger and his firends while he was shooting up whatever drug they could find or steal ( usually from a pharmacy). He could not help himself and I remember in my mother's desperation the Seed was the best alternative at the time.  When he entered the program....basically he never looked back.  He needed someone or anyone to show him the way out...the Seed was that place.  He did not stick around the program.  He got what he could use for himself out of the program - graduated and never looked back.  All he new was a dysfunctional life and this was his way out of the mess.  He was 19 at the time - so at least he was old enough to take what he could out of the program and move on.  I know that the steps and the prayers of the programs (Seed, Straight) were at first based on something good and productive(AA)...but unfortunately both programs took these same steps and prayers and twisted them in a way that hurt many people - My brother is a success story - is that not worth something?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Marnie, Jennie & Kenny Sykes
« on: July 22, 2002, 06:49:00 PM »
remember them?

The Seed Discussion Forum / A very young (11 years old Seedling)
« on: July 22, 2002, 06:33:00 PM »
I was a very very young seedling - My oldest brother Roger was put in the program  in the early 70's ...and because I was his sister - I was made to go in myself It was the opinion if one family member goes in....they all go in - I was just a baby  - I remember very little - but what I do know for sure! is that this partucular program saved my brothers life!!! - he was very close to death and needed desperate help - All he needed was someone to tell him there was a an alternative to the life of shooting drugs and crime - and the seed gavev him that -ONE FACT- he would have been dead - If you knew the horror stories of his past ( before the seed) you would not believe the horrible tales... he finished the program in record time and is an attorney today - he just needed someone to show hime a different lifestyle  - for that I am grateful - he also went to Lakewood High

 - now STRAIGHT IS A DIFFERENT STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a joke - but at the time I felt it was the only place I had where I felt I belonged with kids my age

Marnie Sykes

Hi I know you will remember me I was there when you were there - When you were dating Brad - I am Kenny's sister Marnie

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / any ex-staff members???? - 78-81???
« on: July 22, 2002, 05:48:00 PM »
I was an ex staff member -  started as a staff trainee and worked my way to Sr. staff in the early 80's - I was just a follower just like the rest of my staff peers - did'nt know any better - many regrets! -

I lost my brother because he just could not handle the guilt - drank himself to death - Straight has taken away so much - and the funny thing is....I helped it happen - What a joke -

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Any Ex Staff here - 78-81??????
« on: July 22, 2002, 05:43:00 PM »
I would like to hear from some ex staff members -I was on staff starting as a trainee and working my way to Sr. Staff in the late 70's and early 80's - Like most of the new staff at the time we were all followers - not a single thought of our own - I just didn't know any better!!!!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Christmas at Straight Inc.
« on: July 22, 2002, 05:35:00 PM »
I was put in Straignt in November 77 so yes I was away from home for christmas - very painful both my sister and brother were also there and my  mom would come visit and I would just cry!!! very sad very painful

I was not in the group with you but I think my mom was on staff the first year of Straight Atlanta - her name was Dorothy Sykes
did you know her?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Wanda Minto
« on: July 22, 2002, 05:17:00 PM »
I do remember her - she was a wanna be counselor - and she failed badly... hurting  many people!!!!!!

She was never a seedling

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