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Messages - tom s.

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The Seed Discussion Forum / the seed song
« on: September 16, 2005, 11:44:00 PM »
I remember some of the group and staff members(Renee,Rick,Libby,Charley Oats I think) singing the seed song on national tv when Art was interviewed by the Today Show back in '70 possibly '71.I actually have it on cassette!Art did quote a rather high success rate.From where I sat and what I saw and heard in the meetings there was no way the numbers could match the persons achieving absolute sobriety.Too many of us were still evolving as youth to commit to an ideal that told us we were to struggle for something so adult in concept.That was not a kids' formula.Some of us couldn't grasp the concept because we hadn't reached the point where it would be a necessity to strive for clarity only due to the high energy of youth itself leading us goofily and smiling as our bodies and metabolisms unfolded into our personal futures.The numbers couldn't match for that reality;but we sang the song gleefully because what we COULD understand was that tiny joy in doing just that- as the event intersected the need to voice something that was chosen to represent something intelligible by the authority there.Hence the only way to feel a part of such an alien concept was to parrot it in the most acceptable manner,and a little song and dance appeased the 'gods'and then we were all acceptably absorbed and appreciated even if we didn't understand.

The Seed Discussion Forum / seed'70
« on: September 16, 2005, 11:08:00 PM »
Anyone here remember the seed 1970?Innocently posing as a hippie house on S.E.3'rd st.Ft.Laud. I think with a big metal peacesign sculpture on the lawn about 41/2- 5 feet in diameter-yellow and also green.I thought it was a used jean store.I went running in there february '70 and found myself in a very Billy Jack community school-like group of people around my age-15 and younger and some older,and Art in a room w/a desk,Pam,a really sweet girl about 20 who cooked for the group,and a sort of innocent seeming ambling about of all,eventually evolving into a session.Anyone remember back that far?

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