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Messages - ChrisL

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The Seed Discussion Forum / Lost Friends to the SEED
« on: October 19, 2005, 11:50:00 PM »
"In concert" was a network show that came on at 11:00 P.M. friday night. Midnight special was Saturday night at 12:00. Don Kirshner had a thing called "Rock Concert" That was back in the day.

AAAAhhhhhh.. You are correct,   Grasshopper...

The Seed Discussion Forum / Why Did YOU Stay Away?
« on: October 18, 2005, 10:32:00 PM »
"In 1973 after I graduated I didn't stay away. I hung around with a lot of old timers"
Jules was one of the Oltimers I used to run around with, for me it was not so much of "staying away" as it was kind of drifting away. The Seed was the focal point and there really was not a whole lot of thought to any sort of follow-up after you gradutated, I looked at this as one of the major areas that the Seed could have done something better, so for whatever reason, people changed, groups fractured and people sometimes moved away, got married, you lost touch and life went on and then Poof, the Seed closed and if you were lucky enough to keep a few close friends you were doing better than most. I can remember so many times wondering "what happened to this person or that person". I am grateful to be able to re-connect again to several fellow Seedlings that I knew then and have gotten a chance to know again, thanks Greg & Ginger!

I remember I used to have "contests" with myself when I was first in the program to see how long I could go, know what I mean... Seinfeld "master of your domain". After I got back home I spanked it nightly and twice on Sunday. At first I actually used to feel guilty about it, but that quickly passed... I just never really thought that they seriously expected not to masterbate, I mean come on a 16 y/o red-blooded american boy? After I had had been an oldtimer for a while I dated another oldtimer and it must have been close to a year before we went "all the way" Geeze-louise if I new then what I know now... what a wasteful conservation of youthful exerburance!!

The Seed Discussion Forum / Lost Friends to the SEED
« on: October 18, 2005, 10:02:00 PM »
Wolfman Jack's
"Midnight Special" the one you are thinking of Greg is

Don Kirshners' "In Concert"

The Seed Discussion Forum / the seed song
« on: October 17, 2005, 11:55:00 PM »
"Wow, Chris, you went to SPJC? When? "
I went to SPJC from 75 - 77 & then transferred to Emory U to finish a 4 year degree. I took most of my classes at the Clearwater campus, yeah seems stupid now looking at it, I lived 5 minutes away in Pasadena and used to drive US-19 (the "killer" highway) to Clearwater 5 days a week for classes. but the last 1/2 year in 77 I changed my focus to a get a general "associate in Arts" degree so I wound up going my last 6-8 mos in St Pete with just a few  classes in Clearwater. Looking back on one of the creative writing classes I had the proff took "an interest" and even had me over to his house to discuss my writing and I had shared that I had been in the Seed... Now looking back on this years later it is obvious to me he was gay & interested but I was so naive or dare I say "innocent" at the time that he did not make a pass... and I did not realize it at the time. The other class I remember in particular was a communicatons class where we worked in groups and had to give "presentations" on short subjects in front of the class, one of the classes they videotaped our presentations and how we reacted to each other working in groups. I remember that was such a shock for me to see myself "outside of myself", I learned a lot from that class. We had a nutty "survivalist" professor for Anthropology (although that is kind of an oxi-moron eh...) and this guy had us convinced the world was coming to an end in the next two years, the Apocalypse was near and we would be canibals eating each other to survive, this and that all the guys should be having sex with multiple partners and never get married because it was "against the natural laws of survival" He was great, if you wer able to take it with a grain of salt. The Humanities proff I remember was a huge guy (I mean big, large, you know whatever the PC term is these days) and he had an extremely humourous take on the studies of chaucer, and the other classics I seem to remember him being overly focused on the sexual nature & content and the more "base" aspects of human behavior, you know farting, belching, puking etc...
"I wonder what's sort of psychology and humanities doctrine they're teaching there now?"

I hope something with more meaning that's for sure....

The Seed Discussion Forum / the seed song
« on: October 14, 2005, 10:08:00 PM »
It took me until about my second year in college right around 1977 to realize that I had to communicate with, share & listen to others in order to grow and become more of a whole person.
I credit going to SPJC (now SPC) with helping me "grow up" I took a number of humanites, writing and communications classes where we worked in groups. I began to realize, slowly, that just because someone was different did not mean there were a bad person, and finally just because a person had adddictions and may have been still struggling with drugs and alcohol did not make them evil. I was married to a functional alcoholic for 22 years and just because I had been sober for that last 14 of them did not mean I cared any less for her, just meant I could not change her...

Billy was 2 years ahead of me at Holy Name school in Gulfport & he was always looked up to as a leader, of course at that time it was a leader of juvenile delinquents. I remember he was quick witted and sharp tongued and of course being a 6th grader when he was an 8th grader in much awe of his grade school "power & might".

I did not even realize he was in the Seed until after I had graduated myself and saw him one evening at the movie theatre at tyrone mall and we had a chance to talk, and then it seemed almost as fast he was gone. At that time Hodgkins Lymphoma did not have the incredibly high cure rate that it has now...

Dan was in the "downtown" group of old-timers that Robin and others have talked about, the guys (many staff grads like Mike & Bob R**** & Dana D******) were a part of this group that rented the house down by Bayfront medical center. I remember Dan as such a kind, and gentle person who had such a great sense of humor and loved to have fun, I heard he had moved to Lauderdale to be on staff at the Seed there and then it seemed not long after that the tragic news of his death shocked those of us in St Pete who had known & loved Dan. I have talked with many other Seedlings and there are still questions and different opinions as to what happened. All I knew is that both of these great guys were gone, too fast and too soon before their time...

They are still missed...

The Seed Discussion Forum / Dear John U
« on: October 06, 2005, 10:04:00 PM »
In 1974 I seem to rememember about 1/2 & 1/2 as far as smokers, I saw far less in AA some 18 years later, but still smoking & drinkin coffee were acceptable drugs vs. the booze. I know for myself quitting was the hardest thing I have done. Much harder than getting straight, much harder than giving up the drinking, the hardest. I started at 13 y/o & the 1st time I quit at 25 I managed for 11 years to stay off them. But at that time I had put on weight and I noticed it really pissed off my wife if I smoked so I picked them back up on / off for about 4-5 years. I did not smoke in the house, I did not smoke in front of the kids (sounds familiar doesn't it?) At 40 I could not see myself continuing to smoke, even if I was only smoking 8- 10 a day, it had become a disgusting habit again. That time I used the patch, started with medium 2 weeks, then the lowest 2 weeks, then cold turkey. That was 8 1/2 years ago. I look at it as one of my hardest accomplishments, I still battle my weight thou...

Back in 74' it definitely was more acceptable and dare I say "cool" there was a pretty big group of Seedlings that smoked Marlborough Menthol greens, a staff member Roger ......... this was his poison and of course we all wanted to be like him...

"Please list the name,seed status, cause of death, and time frame."

and big brother to one of my oldest friends,
Paul McCutcheon, 1973 Seed graduate, overdose, 1977. Preceding his wife by two days, also overdose. What a senseless waste, a shame and he will never know how much and by how many people he is missed... We still love you Macky

The Seed Discussion Forum / Dear Art,
« on: October 06, 2005, 09:23:00 PM »
" An odd coincidence here was that Sandi's parents ran the restaurant / tackle store out there at about that time. We didn't meet til probably 6-7 years later."

Thom - I don't believe there are any coincidences, just events we may not percieve as important or relevant at the time...

The Seed Discussion Forum / The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« on: October 05, 2005, 02:26:00 PM »
But Chris...that hair is Soooo 70s.

I just wish I still had more of it...

Yeah the Aviator glasses too eh???

The Seed Discussion Forum / The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« on: October 05, 2005, 02:24:00 PM »
Oh & BTW I had only recently (about 2 months ago) found a box with this and many many other photos of kids in the Seed at the same time I was, other Oldtimers & parties & the like...

All now are "gone with the wind... thanks to a certain friend named Katrina...


The Seed Discussion Forum / The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« on: October 05, 2005, 02:13:00 PM »
Thanks Greg -
Me at 16 a Seed Graduate, that photo was taken by Max H........ another Seed graduate & fellow photo enthusiast at an Oldtimer party at Lee S...... house (her dad was a well known Veterinarian.

I thought this was appropriate since when I am on the site I feel like this is "where I am coming from" frame of reference anyway....

Also it was sooo easy, Major Props Ginger!! the Internet Guru!!! Thanks,


The Seed Discussion Forum / The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« on: October 05, 2005, 12:48:00 PM »
Thanks Thom, Greg & Jgar-
I decided (and it was a concious decision) when I lost my previous job (about 3 1/2 years back) that I needed to focus on the positive, avoid negative people, places & things, concentrate on kindness and work on my (short) temper.

I don't know if its working but feel better, and I seem to have a lot more friends. Thanks for the encouragement, Patience was never one of my strong points either. I agree with you to about giving daily thanks, for whatever you got... because there are always those less fortunate.

I came accross this pretty amazing link about some folks on the (relatively) ignored Gulf Coast. take a look it is pretty amazing, love you guys,  Chris

The Seed Discussion Forum / The Seed-------Did Art Barker succeed?
« on: October 04, 2005, 10:54:00 PM »
"you know Thom, you can 12 step your anger management problems as well.
Problem is, you get about the same percentage of"

Between the 2nd & 3rd year of my sobreity I found myself extremely angry, never really figured out why... just was. On the encouragement of my now x-wife I went to a BCSW & a Psychiatrist for about a year. I remember they both told me in different ways to move on, I did not want to hear it then, but I do remember I felt better... and then it seemed like in the 4th & 5th year I came to accept things as they were nothing more nothing less just what they were. It took me another 9 years to finally begin to make some changes & a Hurricane helped expidite the process alot...

But you know what? I am not angry, just thankful like we used to say, "every day above ground is a good day" & "I'd rather wake up with bad breath than no breath" anytime...

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