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Messages - Erinys

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / REVOLUTION
« on: June 17, 2005, 11:03:00 AM »
On 2005-06-16 14:20:00, Woof-a-Doof wrote:

"I have thought about this post all day. What is it that we should revolt against/for? Sounding a battle cry and rallying the troups arouses alot of emotion but to what good, if the end results are not specified.

I appreciate the enthusiasim (sp) but question the result. Would the effort applied to this "revolution" idea be that more powerful if in fact the "revolution" first start within before efforts are aimed outward.

Another thought... "It is not enough to have something to fight against, we must have someting to fight for." A quote from the Three Musketeer's, I think...I dont recall where I first heard it."

We must have something to fight for.....

Very good point!

Unification around a single goal is one of the tools of political action.  Find a plank, a platform, a point and grab onto it with the tenacity of a pit bull. Ever'bod on that point always, insist on it, codified line by line by line, no deviation, no individual analysis. Works good, (like a telemarketing script)

This method, effective as it may be, is also the source of bullheaded, astigmatic and inflexible attitudes and Faith-based vs. Reality-based policy.

"Don't bother me with the facts!"
"The Bible says it, I believe it and that settles it!"
"WHAT! you don't "Feel That" WHAT? Then you're a @#$% and a !@#$ and yo'mama too!"

Now what is IT?  Do we have a common destination? And who is we?

We exchange ideas on WWF...I find quite a variety here, from angry and reactive to thoughtful and well written. We have our differences, our own personal icks and squicks.

None of us is as dumb as all of us.

Who is US, and what do we want of a revolution? Keep talkin'  

There is somethin happenin' here,
What it is ain't exactaly clear,
There's a man with a gun over there,
Tellin' me I've got to beware

You got to stop, children,
What's that sound?
Ever'body look what's goin down.
-Buffalo Springfield

Check this discussion, ... forum=9&15
somethings goin' down in Memphis TN..... and it's got worldwide attention.

Screening pre-school kids for anti-social behavior is about as useful as screening the Christian Coalition for sanctimonious behavior.' target='_new'>Sanho Tree

"Love in Action" was founded in 1973 near San Francisco by John Evans and Ken (Kent?) Philpott. Philpott wrote a book "The Third Sex" about the program, which was criticized for false information.

John Evans later denounced the program as a fraud.

The Refuge Program's website states that LIA was founded in 1973 by Frank Worthen. No mention of Philpott or Evans.

John Smid, the current director, joined LIA in 1984 and moved it's operations from CA to TN in 1994.

Here's a link to staff bios.

Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.' target='_new'>George Washington

The Troubled Teen Industry / facts on ALA
« on: June 16, 2005, 04:41:00 PM »
BRAVO! :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:

I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religion than it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.
--Albert Einstein, German-born American physicist

Hi folks,

Been absent for awhile, not posting but reading.
This kid has friends! GOOD JOB GUYS! ... tml#cutid1

They came with a Bible and their religion- stole our land, crushed our spirit... and now tell us we should be thankful to the 'Lord' for being saved.
--Chief Pontiac, American Indian Chieftain

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Joyce Harris
« on: May 04, 2005, 11:45:00 AM »
Heh, That wuz me that posted the garments pic. I found it on the 'net, and it's not the only one out there either.

In addition, some waggish sorts have listed "mormon garments" on ebay too.

How's that for speshul?

History gives us a kind of chart, and we dare not surrender even a small rushlight in the darkness. The hasty reformer who does not remember the past will find himself condemned to repeat it.
--John Buchan

"Yes, we have no bananas,
We have no bananas today!
Just try those coconuts
Those wall-nuts and doughnuts
There ain't many nuts like they.
We'll sell you two kinds of red herring,
Dark brown, and ball-bearing.
But yes, we have no bananas
We have no bananas today."

The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us, and I for one must be content to remain an agnostic.
--Charles Robert Darwin, English naturalist

The Troubled Teen Industry / KEMPER - WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: April 19, 2005, 11:48:00 AM »
Just a thought...
Boonville was courageous in turning down this nest of vipers. But the offer was tempting.. a sale of property, possibility of jobs and sales of goods and services for the local community.

They decided no to WWASPS and the Hintons...

If anyone is traveling in the area this summer or anytime say thanks to Boonville by making a stop there,  stay a night in a motel, buy a meal in a restaurant, shop at a merchant.  Spend a little $, let 'em know why if you like, or just be anonymous about it. Boonville deserves your thanks

Necessity never made a good bargain
--Benjamin Franklin Apr. 1734

The Troubled Teen Industry / Parents, please consider this
« on: April 18, 2005, 12:35:00 PM »

On 2005-04-17 17:54:00, Anonymous wrote:

"To anon,

 It is important to view things from all angels.


This is beautiful!  A typo but  most apropos for these unmoderated fora!.

"entertain angels unaware"

Thank you Antigen, and thank you Amanda.

I don't go lookin' for trouble. I just keep a little in a box should someone come by who is.
--Bill Warbis

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Miller The Minister
« on: April 14, 2005, 08:56:00 PM »

Religion is comparable to a childhood neurosis.
--Sigmund Freud, Austrian-born psychologist

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / MONDAY?
« on: April 14, 2005, 08:46:00 PM »
I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of the LDS (Mormon) church.  But I have been intrigued by this uniquely American religious philosophy.

Here's some of what I know about the "garments"

To become a full-fledged LDS a Mormon receives "endowments" in a ceremony at an LDS temple. (not the same as the regular Sunday meeting place). The endowment ceremony is a long story in itself, but one of it's features is the receiving and donning of the "sacred garments".

The garments are similar to boxer shorts and camisole tops ( for women)  or T-shirts for men, except they are marked with "sacred signs".  There is a masonic compass and square on the left and right breast, and a slit at the knee. The garments were originally full length one-piece "long johns" but have been modernized.

Link to picture of 20th century garments:

The receipient is told that these garments are to be worn at all times, 24/7, next to the skin. (Women will wear bras, girdles etc. over the garments!) and also that the wearing of the garments will protect the faithful LDS from harm. (flames, bullets, dog bites, you name it.)

Mormons have been known to recognize their faithful "brothers and sisters" by checking for garment lines visible under clothing.

Many LDS abide by the belief in the 24/7 wearing of garments. Others (especially outside of Utah) are more lax in this observation.

Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.' target='_new'>George Washington

[ This Message was edited by: Erinys on 2005-04-14 17:50 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Miller The Minister
« on: April 14, 2005, 08:12:00 PM »
Pray for prey for pay.

I do not believe in the immortality of the individual, and I consider ethics to be an exclusively human concern with no superhuman authority behind it.
--Albert Einstein, German-born American physicist


On 2005-04-14 10:02:00, Anonymous wrote:

" ::deal::  

They've made millions that way. That's their biz, not education, not "therapy".

What they do after the deal is done is another story.

They know which buttons to push, and where to send and spend money. And guess wut...not much is likely to be spent in beautiful downtown Boonville.

It's typical of these programs to be stingy with wages and other operating expenses.

They don't much care to meet the payroll demands of qualified, credentialed professionals. So they'll hire the cheapest they can get, and fire 'em quickly because it's easy to replace inexperienced, uneducated labor.

Food?  Meager meals, not even meeting the nutritional standards required by prisons.

Repairs and maintenance of the physical plant? Send 'em an invoice, they'll pay it  someday if they feel like it. After all, their credit looks good on paper.

Boonville's being sold a bill of goods.

One does not have to appeal to God to set the initial conditions for the creation of the universe, but if one does He would have to act through the laws of physics.
--Stephen Hawking, English scientist

« on: April 13, 2005, 07:35:00 PM »
More on the lawsuit in the Kemper threads: ... &forum=9&4

Excerpt from Columbia Tribune Column
Published Wednesday, April 13, 2005

---Many of the teen centers are connected to WWASP in some way, and wherever there is WWASP, Lichfield generally isn?t far behind. That?s why, when Earnshaw heard about his intent to buy the Kemper property, she started to let folks in Missouri know a little bit about Lichfield and his various companies.

Her actions earned her a typical Lichfield response.

He sued.

On Feb. 22, in Washington County court in Utah, Lichfield sued Earnshaw and her husband, William, alleging defamation, invasion of privacy and interference with prospective economic advantage. According to the suit, Earnshaw "contacted public officials in Boonville, Missouri, and Salt Lake City, Utah, and spread false, defamatory and misleading information about plaintiff with the intent to interfere with plaintiff?s business relations and with plaintiff?s prospective economic interests."

Earnshaw says the suit won?t stop her from letting anybody who cares to listen know how destructive she believes WWASP facilities are to children.

"A lot of folks are intimidated by the man and the money he has," she says. "I?m not."

I called Lichfield?s attorney to ask about the suit. He didn?t call back. It?s no wonder. He?s a busy man. ---

Link to story: ... eat001.asp

Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.
--Julius Caesar

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Things We Must NEVER Do.....
« on: April 12, 2005, 12:27:00 PM »
On 2005-04-12 09:03:00, Anonymous wrote:

 I am asking serious question. "

Here's a place to ask questions about choosing and using digital/concealed cameras: ... geID=80853

Here's another place to do some digging:

Happy hunting!

It will be generally found that those who sneer habitually at human nature and affect to despise it, are among its worst and least pleasant examples

--Charles Dickens

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Things We Must NEVER Do.....
« on: April 12, 2005, 10:57:00 AM »
On 2005-04-12 07:49:00, Anonymous wrote:

"that's a slow load."

There are many "Spy Store" websites. Try searching Google with this criteria:

spy camera body worn

You'll get  a whole bunch of sources on the first page.

A free man must be able to endure it when his fellow men act and live otherwise than he considers proper. He must free himself from the habit, just as soon as something does not please him, of calling for the police.' target='_new'>Ludwig Von Mises

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