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Messages - MarenD

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Elan School / Darth Vader vs Predator vs Cindy
« on: April 09, 2005, 11:21:00 AM »
Image hosted by[ This Message was edited by: MarenD on 2005-04-09 08:27 ]

Elan School / Thanks Maren
« on: April 09, 2005, 11:14:00 AM »
Cindy thats great news about your father! In addition, about Brian's education, I was forced in order to graduate Elan to be accepted into a college and Make Elan a promise that I would go. I went... for one day then I ran away with my boyfriend to Chicago. My parents lost a ton of money and it strained our relationship horribly. I didn't want to go to college at all, but I had to say I would, so I think things ended up worse when I left and my parents were so dissapointed. Elan did not allow me to say, "No I do not want to go to school", therefore a bigger problem was made. I ended up living in an empty apartment with my boyfriend, scaping by just to eat and living in a pretty horrible neighborhood on the southside of peoria, falling asleep everynight to gangfights in my parking lot and occasional gun shots. My parents pressured me so hard to go back to school eveytime we spoke, that I knew it would be the only way to make my situation better. I went back to school. The entire time I was there I was only treated well by my parents if I called with news of good grades, and when they started to slip the pressure from them was so intense that I gave up again. It's been two years now since I was in school, and I'm living in a nice apartment by myself and have awesome friends and an loving boyfriend and the best relationship with my parents I have ever had because they have finally let me make my own decisions. This long tedious post basically to sum it up, Is that Brian is much more likely to make the desision on his own to go to school if he doesn't feel pressured by his mother. In the long run asking him consistanly to go to college could make him think that you would not be proud of him unless he does this certain thing. I have friends right now that are 25 and just starting school. Even if it takes him awhile to realize, he will start to see that not everyone even has the funding to go, so It's worth a shot. My college funding ran out after 4 years of school, and I didn't have enough credits to graduate. I wish I could start school now instead of messing it up in 2000. But I lost my chance. I know this isn't the answer to what is going on with Brian, but I thought it might possibly be a new perspective you would consider. Cheers Cindy!

Elan School / Thanks Maren
« on: April 08, 2005, 03:54:00 AM »
Hey Cindy! I am from Illinois. Is that where you are from? How is Brian doing? Any updates on your father?

Elan history / Thanks Syn!
« on: April 08, 2005, 12:55:00 AM »
Hahah Pete! I just sent my friend Brad some virtual crack. That's pretty funny. :lol:

Elan history / Thanks Syn!
« on: April 06, 2005, 07:05:00 AM »
Sorry. Not trying to cause conflict, but I had to respnd to the last post on the origional Fornits. Does anyone have an opinion on this topic? Send me an IM

Yahoo:  Magnastictastic

AIM: hopscotchbuffalo

Myspace mail:

Or send me a mess on here. Let me know whats up.

Elan School / Did Pete Moore really fuck his Sister?
« on: April 06, 2005, 06:58:00 AM »
Art to be honest, you are getting ill, Cindy's son graduated recenetly, her observation of Elan boards makes sence. You were there 25 years ago? You blame your life today on elan? I READ EVRYTHING YOU WRITE. I KNOW IT WAS THE MOST FUCKED UP EXPERIENCE EVER! Maybe I didn't have it as bad as you, but I restrainded dozens of people, I watched peoples noses get broken in rings, I saw guys burn there hands to 3rd degree burns for fear of getting into trouble if they dropped the food. I was in horrible physical pain almost daily from my need to use to the bathroom not getting taken care of. I tried to get away and recieved the worst GM I saw and a 42 day shotdown where I acted perfectly. It just wouldn't end. I was also on an LE to wash the same tile all day for those 42 days. My only break to stop scrubbing with my rotting fingernails was to get a Smoking VR which was in a weird way refreshing, and was all shotdowns got. I was abused. I don't make a huge deal over it, and I love you as an elan brother and understand a portion of what you are going through. I wish my mom cared as much as Cindy does. I think Cindy checks on to this site because she wants a way to relate to her son. You shouldn't be so hurtful. SHE IS NOT Y-O-U-R MOTHER. She sent her son to a differefnt elan that both you and I went to. Like I said I read everything you write. I know you saw more fucked up shit than I did, I know you were more abused than I was, however, why would you try to place emotional pain on others? Knowing ...KNOWING how bad it feels. Why Art? Elan was terrible. But will you ever move on? Like I said I care and I know to an extent. Ive know you for too fucking long to get a nasty post from you. Try to understand how I feel, and incorporate it with how you feel. Don't be mean. I wouldn't want that directed towards me so If you have mean words...Simply do not respond.  Send me a private mess Art if nec.

Love Maren

PS missy and jenn h were never nasty or abusive

Elan history / Thanks Syn!
« on: April 05, 2005, 10:02:00 AM »
Your welcome Cindy, I was just worried when I looked at the other elan forum and saw some of the mean things that were being tossed back and forth. I guess I just don't like conflict. How are you Crystal? and hows your man Kelley?

Elan School / Did Pete Moore really fuck his Sister?
« on: April 05, 2005, 07:38:00 AM »
Wow I am really suprised at what art and cindy are posting. You are two of the oldest people on this site and you are resorting to name calling and horrible hurtfull comments. I use to look at you 2 as some of the nicer people on this board. That breaks my heart.

Elan history / Thanks Syn!
« on: March 31, 2005, 01:44:00 AM »
Really Cindy? Does anyone know who Mister Pink is? Oh Cindy check your private messages.

Elan history / Thanks Syn!
« on: March 30, 2005, 03:43:00 PM »
Okay,so I think I will be doing most posting here from now on. I have read through and I see that a few arguments and some name calling goes on here, but it  is all straight forward, and everyone knows who each other is. I can't believe some of the things people who don't even know me or others have the guts to say in the other forum. So hi everyone. Glad to be here instead of the circus.

Elan School / Did Pete Moore really fuck his Sister?
« on: March 30, 2005, 03:39:00 PM »
People who were bags on there heads is a way better laugh. :lol: [ This Message was edited by: MarenD on 2005-03-30 12:39 ]

Open Free for All / A Bit of Finger
« on: March 29, 2005, 11:24:00 PM »
Wow that is really gross. Glad I didn't bite into a finger. Yuck.

Elan School / FUCKERS
« on: March 29, 2005, 05:05:00 PM »
Hey Kelley!!! Well you could scan it in and upload it to your photobucket. Or just send it to me through myspace. Thanks Pete and Pete check you messages:-)

Elan School / Did Pete Moore really fuck his Sister?
« on: March 29, 2005, 04:52:00 PM »
I didn't have any enemies at Elan either except for Beckie Strange. This seems like the same person bashing Kelley you and me and I wasn't even there when you were were there. Alot of people were though because I remember seeing you Pete when you came back for the Boston trip one year. I don't think it really matters what these people have to say. I just wish I could knee the anon poster in the face a few thousand times.

Elan School / Nose
« on: March 29, 2005, 04:49:00 PM »
22 and you?

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