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Messages - letstalkaboutpants

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Montel Show
« on: January 18, 2005, 06:58:00 PM »
On 2005-01-18 15:50:00, Anonymous wrote:

" oh my God!  Give me a BREAK!  You are kidding, right?!

  I laughed all the way through that show.  Especially "Samantha".  I think I heard maybe 2% of truth in her sob-drama. PLEASE.  I'm still laughing.  I was involved (graduate) with one of these "abusive" programs for years, and NEVER saw ANY of that- oh, except restriant of violent kids.  THAT DID happen- for good reason.

  So, Samantha was this great little girl, no problems or issues and mom decided one day "Let's take her to a program to have her abused?!?"  COME ON!! Get real here...seriously.

  The part about how they make them look like resorts, but then they get there and they're not...  LOL!    Sure,- my kid is doing drugs, getting arrested, etc., so I want to send them to DisneyLand!

   The drama portrayed today wasn't even Golden Globe worthy.  It basically showed how pathetic this lady is today.  Sad.  I hope she gets help she's needed for a LONG time.  I think she BELIEVES what she says, which is even worse.

   Dont' you find it interesting that they didn't have anyone who DIDN'T have this kind of experience at one of these programs on the show?!  I emailed the Montel show to ASK and REQUEST that they have it balanced, by also having SUCCESSFUL gradutates on the show too.   But no response.  Hmmm....  Oh- and I LOVED the barb-wire at the beginning of the show!  Where was THAT filmed?!?  Not at any program I ever saw.

  Anyway, I think you should graduate to the JERRY SPRINGER to tell your next "story"."

Just because you never personally saw abuse, DOES NOT mean it didn't happen.

New Info / Thank You For the Venom/Patsy
« on: January 11, 2005, 01:33:00 PM »
It seems you have yet again dissapeared.

so, things get heated and you bail patsy?

shame on you patsy, I didn't know you were racist too.

why is she working with children if she is a pedophile?


venom is full of crap.

He/She has never denied being a palmer worshipper or patsy so I take it as the truth.

Venom has never made any valid points and only personally attacks ex vca students for some reason.

Venom has NEVER clearly stated why they are here, what she/he wants, whose side she/he agrees/disagrees with, why she/he dissagrees/agrees with our views, or who she/he is.

So venom, why don't you let us know, what's your point?

hey k,

very well spoken, kudos :smile:

I know this was for nico, but I like to put in my two cents whenever I can.

Your post was very well spoken whoever you are.

tee hee hee



New Info / Big F(_)cking Deal!
« on: January 07, 2005, 01:49:00 PM »
oh haha.

 :rofl:  :rofl:

poor guy, he's going to jail over 2oz ???

sucks to be him.

On 2004-12-03 14:57:00, eva wrote:

"Hello - For anybody that's interested Victory Christian Academy/Mike Palmer and New Beginnings Rebekah Academy/Wiley and Faye Cameron were recently covered in a 3 part series "Secrets in the Schoolhouse".  This can be found if you go to, look up "Secrets in the Schoolhouse", it aired 12/02/04 - 12/04/04.  Rumor has it that two girls have already been removed from Victory as a result of the story.[ This Message was edited by: eva on 2004-12-03 14:58 ]"

that's great!

New Info / Big F(_)cking Deal!
« on: January 07, 2005, 12:30:00 PM »

I'm a little confused.

The article I read was about some dude from the band "Los Lonely boys" having a sack on him.

How is he making someones life hell?

Lighthouse of northwest florida (fka VCA )/ Rebekah / Roloff ) / what?!
« on: January 07, 2005, 12:26:00 PM »
I do constructive things every day patsy.

I will type and write and protest my fingers to the bone until your precious VCA is closed down, oh and it will be soon enough, believe that.


how about you go away patsy.

Lets face the facts, Mike Palmer touches little girls in an inapproprate manner, he is a PEDOPHILE, that just burns you doesn't it you little palmer worshipper, your god is a child molestor.

 :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:

Lighthouse of northwest florida (fka VCA )/ Rebekah / Roloff ) / what?!
« on: January 07, 2005, 11:57:00 AM »
:nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:

              patsy ass pussy.

say what you wanna say doesn't change the fact that you like to hide behind your little computer screen and type type type away and not say who you are because you're a scared little patsy aren't you?

so lets talk about something other than pants today, what are you so scared of patsy?

whats wrong with the thread?

it's not broken.

if it isn't broken, don't fix it.

I like that idea.

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