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Messages - Antny

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« on: December 03, 2004, 03:41:00 PM »

Tacitus' Realm / Bernard Carrack - Ex prison warden & New York Police chief
« on: December 03, 2004, 02:27:00 PM »
Uhh....I can't think of a more appropriate response to the whole situation.  Join me!  Third Parties Unite.  It's the only way to take this country back!!!

Tacitus' Realm / Bush protest...
« on: December 03, 2004, 02:26:00 PM »
Wish I could be there, but alas, I'm a poor college student in Texas, and can't get there from here!

Tacitus' Realm / Bush protest...
« on: December 02, 2004, 10:55:00 PM »
Check it out...maybe an effective form of Protest?


I will publically apologise, It was not you who PM'd my with horrid was "Southern Boy".  Sorry, I had my wires crossed.  

I can certainly agree to disagree with you without name calling.  I do wonder though, how informed you are, and where you get your information?  

I spend considerable time checking out both sides of the propaganda.  In fact, I just got booted from the "freerepublic" blog for voicing my opinions.  Typical of the Bush followers.  They couldn't stand to have the oposing view out there for everyone to read.

I believe that things are headed in a disasterous direction for this country.  I am active in changing that.  I feel that Americans are truly good people, and want to be Proud.  It is hard to criticize your leadership, when you are a Proud American.  Yet, I think if you'll look at both sides from a realistic, not fanatical cannot help but realize that we are losing our American Values.  They are standing on a platform of "morality" based on Some idealogical Christian high ground that has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus Christ.  

They are controlling the media, BTW, if you watch closely, you will note that CNN is becoming more FOX like.  That has to do with the fact that Malone is now the secong highest share holder of the Murdoch FOX empire.  There is a merger in the future between FOX and CNN.  Murdogch is 78 years old now, his three sons can't possibly compete with Malone, the other mogul.  The people are bieng mislead, and they follow, like good little sheep.  It is time for America to take this country back from the Coorporate corruption that owns damn near EVERYTHING!!!

I disagree with your views, and I still think you are a Patriotic American.  I hope that you will take it upon yourself to look at some other sources for your information.  Information is power, and the TV won't give it to you.

Try:  or

You cannot make informed decisions with only the information that is presented readily by the mainstream media.  Best of luck.  

Sorry for misplacing my comments that were meant for "Southern Boy".

Wow Patriot,
I love how out Patriot can be so presumptious to assume that the ppl protesting don't know what they're protesting and are that out of touch.  Gimme a break.  Just a convenient way to easily dismiss the fact that Americans are Pissed Off at what is happening in this nation.  

Even when the people protest, we have people like Mr. Patriot who simply dismiss them as idiots.  That's probably exactly what Bush does.  That is why this country is boiling.  The Government of the "PEOPLE" has turned into the government of the "WEALTHY COORPORATE CHRISTIAN COALITION OF CORRUPTION" and you have the audacity to casually dismiss the protesters as "idiots"    

You are a constant source of inspiration and enlightenment.  Reading your posts gives me much needed insight into a mindset of Americans that I really try to understand.  I mean the Christian Right...I get it, they're friggin sheep ready to be led to the slaughter.  You however I think represent something far more sinister and dangerous to America.  

You claim to be Patriotic, yet you belittle the very foundations of Americanism and blast those that stand up for them with insults, as you even did to me in a private message.  I hope you can feel proud of yourself as Iraqi civilians are being bombed with American napalm.  I do not approve!  Not at all.  And I am 100% American to the bone, and as Patriotic as the next guy.  What has become of the Country that I love???  It has been taken over by hateful war-mongering self riteous so-called Christian.  Watch carefully at what is coming.  It is going to be UGLY!

Tacitus' Realm / Iran: Gold Dinar by 2005, Oil Bourse by 2006
« on: December 01, 2004, 07:42:00 PM »
I think the coexistence of Capitalism and Democracy in one Nation is inherently catastrophic.  Capitalism promotes greed and corruption.  Have you looked into the website?  It's pretty interesting stuff.  

Currently, the only realistic obstacle to the current state of affairs that I can imagine is the unification of third parties.  Beyond that:  Civil War.  Things aren't looking too good for the home front.  We are busy importing our brand of "democracy" and freedom to the eternally warring middle east while things at home, within this very nation are like a pressure cooker, waiting to explode.  The revolution will be on the internet.  Both sides are working it pretty hard.  The liberals are on top of things, but there are considerably more conservative leaning blogs on the net.  

It would be interesting to see what develops if Howard Dean becomes Chair of the DNC.  He may have enough charisma to energize the Dems, but he's a huge target for Rove (Geobbles) propaganda.   I have a feeling that Dark Days are approaching the land of the psuedo-free!

Tacitus' Realm / The real reason for prohbiting medical marijuana
« on: November 30, 2004, 11:26:00 AM »
We are well aware of the corruption of the FDA and the pharmaseutical companies.  Anybody can grow Marijuana...who gets rich off that scheme.  Of course the'll fight it, they make money hand over fist off drugs that are way more harmful than cannibus.

Tacitus' Realm / Third Parties Unite....PLEASE!
« on: November 30, 2004, 11:23:00 AM »
So....what the fuck can the People do to protect their votes.  Ban electronic voting?  Demand a paper copy?  What.  More and more states are moving to electronic voting machines and away from paper ballots.  How can we solve this one?  Democracy as we know it is a joke.  How can we allow private coorporations to tally the votes when they have such a vested interest in who wins!  GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!  "Give me somethin' to BREAK!"

Tacitus' Realm / Religion...Just say NO
« on: November 30, 2004, 11:19:00 AM »
Yup, saw it.

Interesting analogy...the NWO as the guys in black suits...and the public is all the people hooked up to the mainframe living in an alternate reality called "reality TV".  It's funny, the idiots I'm surrounded with in college would much rather talk about "reality TV" than reality!

Tacitus' Realm / Third Parties Unite....PLEASE!
« on: November 29, 2004, 09:41:00 PM »
If anyone listening out here is interested in, or part of and third party movement, I urge you to start talking now about uniting to endorse one and only one Presidential Candidate in 2008.  It's clear that the duopoly of the Republicrats is not interested in the welfare of the American People.  If the Third parties can swollow their pride, and make some compromises, they may stand a realistic chance at the Presidency.  They will at least be able to give the Republocraps a run for their money.  They have nothing to lose.  Third parties can still run their own party candidates in all other office elections.  They stand no chance at the Presidency when they are divided, yet there is strength in unification.  With the endorsement of major third parties, one candidate would almost certainly pull a major percentage of Independant voters who tend to vote for change anyway.  

United We Stand:  Divided We Fall!

Tacitus' Realm / Religion...Just say NO
« on: November 29, 2004, 09:07:00 PM »
Yeah, I thought Bush was a bit Hitleresque.  Now I am a firm believer - or rather non-beleiver!

How can so many people be content to live as sheep waiting for the slaughter?

Tacitus' Realm / Iran: Gold Dinar by 2005, Oil Bourse by 2006
« on: November 29, 2004, 08:52:00 PM »
Anon hit the nail on the head.  All those who are wrapped up in our wonderfully self-riteous society will be miserable when the great American crash happens.  It's gonna suck if you're not part of the Economically Elite, and invested overseas.  All those who voted to keep Mr. Bush and pals in power will live to regret it; not that Kerry presented a great alternative, though I think he was clearly wiser, and probably more caring about the American people.  Bush is not only fucking us currently, but the next generations as well.  I guess he has a different version of the "seven generations" philosophy!

Tacitus' Realm / Iran: Gold Dinar by 2005, Oil Bourse by 2006
« on: November 25, 2004, 11:06:00 AM »
So with the Dollar fallinng fast on the world market, this could really hurt.  The powers of the world are aligning to cut the USA down to size, economically.  The military cannot stop that.  Now that we have spread our form of capitalism to the world through years of teaching foreign exchange students in American Universities, it is going to come back and bite us in the ASS!


Tacitus' Realm / Chomsky's site
« on: November 25, 2004, 11:03:00 AM »
Dunnno what the problem was, but when last I checked, chomsky's site was back up.

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