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Messages - By Demons Be Driven

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Elan always had security but they only worked at night. They were called nightmen and woman, and talk about a bunch of imbred hicks? These people were freaks of Maine and look liked the most they accomplished was 5th grade.

There was a few that were cool, strange and scary but cool.

I remember this one nightman, he was the walking billard of L.L. Bean, thats all wore.

There was this real ugly nasty woman named Shelia who always wore flourecent clothes, she looked like a retarded fat over weight Cindy Lauper.

Elan School / The corrupt Truth of Elan
« on: August 19, 2004, 09:26:00 PM »
On 2004-08-19 17:57:00, Anonymous wrote:

"So, why didn't the kids/parents sue for unnecessary attendance. You guys should not have to pay for that. Also, the police scam is totally illegal. Totally. I went to CEDU and they didn't make people stay after 18...By then,some of them were brainwashed so they stayed. Others left on home visit. One was court-ordered for a DUI that killed someone."

So, why didn't the kids/parents sue for unnecessary attendance.

If memory serves me correctly I think the parents were not paying Elan, the students hometown school district was. Snd in most cases when a student that is 18 yrs or older signs out of Elan , Elan continues to bill the students hometown district until the then 18 month time frame was up.
Now I hear the average student is at Elan for over 30 months. Which brings me to a question. If Elan claimed to have such a high success rate back in the days, then why do they have to extend the average stay from 18 months to 30 months?
Elan's response most likely would be? Its all about the Benjamins...

Also, the police scam is totally illegal.

Yea no shit. I heard lots of stories about Joe's imposter police men. I once heard that Joe would use them at his race track to intimidate dead beats that placed private bets off the books.

I know Elan totally took advantage of court ordered children, Elan would continue to bill the funders even after months of the court order students departure.

I'm telling you, Elan is a huge fuckin scam and they get away with alot of $$$$ because they know how to utilize the loop holes.

I hope one day it back fires on them and they get shut down and fined.

Elan School / The corrupt Truth of Elan
« on: August 19, 2004, 06:50:00 PM »
I have seen this happen to many 18 year olds. There was about 7 or so students in my house that turned 18 and they all wanted to sign out and Elan stalled them as much as they could.

One time Elan set up a resident after she signed out and had her picked up by a imposter police officer and she was told she either can go back to elan or go to jail.

Unfortunatly the student was very niave and gullable and beleived the bullshit story from the imposter police officer.

I suspect it was one of Joe Ricci's cronies that pulled this off. Joe was very contraversial and was infamous for pulling off the wall stunts like this.

Anyway the girl was forced to exercise a prolonged exhaustive search for truth in this matter and after about 3 months learned she had no such pending jail term and signed out.

Basically Elan got 3 months of $$$$ out of her family, all because Joe was a dishonest mother fucker.

What was a shame is the student had no evidence to proove this in a court of law.

I guess that is the beauty of owning and running a place like Elan, you can lie,scam, and cheat the resident's and get away with it.

Elan School / Hey Mr. Supreme Overlord SYN ?
« on: August 19, 2004, 06:05:00 PM »

On 2004-08-19 08:58:00, Anonymous wrote:

"i think you are confusing bag A with this most recent baghead..i shall call Bag B. He/she is a copycat Baghead. I am the real Bag A...let there be no misunderstanding. And, for the record...Jordan is very happy living and working in it ain't him, neither!

Nor is it nazi...a loathsome miscreant from Union New Jersey. Should i call myself Supreme Baghead? I think not. You may, however. :wstupid:

Elan School / This site is like a giant encounter group
« on: August 19, 2004, 05:57:00 PM »
On 2004-08-19 12:46:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I betcha the Elan staff are reading and laughing their asses off.

Well I shouldn't talk, I contributed attacks on others as well, but it is a barrel of fun and I am enjoying every minute of it.

For SYN:

What do you say instead of calling yourself a moderator here we all call you a Ramrod of Fornits Elan School?

Art can be the corrupt Guru.

And since all of us anonymous people are getting such a bad rap from the both of you we can be the negative, vindictive, flagging shotdowns.

We need a dichotomy here, just like the one in Elan."

The supreme ramrod overlord Syn. Instead of coming equiped with a key to the cleaner cabit he can be equiped with his ray gun.

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