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Messages - FBI GUY

Pages: 1 [2]
On 2004-03-30 15:16:00, Word of Wisdom wrote:

"Rrrrriiiiiggggghhhhhtttt... If your name is Julie Cochrane then The Buthcher is the Pope.  And,I got a life... a great one at that, thank you very much!"

Ahh, Mrs. Cochran, we know about you too.  Word of Wisdom, keep an eye on her for me, would you please?...I am preoccupied right now with the Butcher and Ginger.

The violations around here are astounding.

You better watch your back, Mrs. Fornits. We know all about you and your commie, free speech conspiracy to force drugs on all chidren.

Drug laws are here to protect you. That is why we jail drug users, to protect them. That is why we spray poision on drug crops injested by american protect them. That is why we outlaw needle exchange programs, to protect users.  This is why we lock up children in rehab and brainwash and starve protect them.

You don't understand because your mind is poisoned with a dangerous drug, marijuana. 30 years of government funded experiements to the tune of Millions of dollars of studies have proven that smoking marijuana in quantities equal to cigarettes may cause cancer in rats!!!! You don't care, you puff away, laughing and eating potato chips while the country goes down the toilet.

The drug war provides me a job and a good quality of life. You will not interfere with that, trust me. We will find you, we will arrest you, handcuff you and throw you in jail. Why, Because we are here to protect and serve you. Get used to the drug war, sister, it is here to stay!

 It really is for your own good, I promise.

[ This Message was edited by: FBI GUY on 2004-03-30 15:14 ]

On 2004-03-30 13:35:00, Word of Wisdom wrote:

"Now now Ginger baby... hold on to your skirt.  You can use your regular Fornit's name.  You dont have to spew your ulginess behind the name of Anonymous (Unregistered").  We all know that it is you.  But dont you have kids?  Do you hope that they grow up to be users?  Do you advocate drug use to your children?  Beware what you write.  CPS might be watching."

No need to call CPS, Words of Wisdom. We have been watching Little Mrs. Antigen for some time now. Her freee speech on the internet, combined with her questionable politics and her critical stance against the drug war have caused us to install a camera and microphone in her toilet.

We know what is going down in the formits house...believe me, we know, and its not pretty.

This is an offical notice.  Do Not Discuss Brother Jed or Word of wisdom anymore on this website.

Our new patriot act considers any discussion of program advocates or street preachers an act of terrorism. You WILL be locked up without a trial. You WILL be forced to pay for these crimes.

Remember, Independent thought is dangerous and can lead to terrorists blowing up your house.  This is all for your own good, trust me.

On 2004-03-29 18:49:00, Word of Wisdom wrote:

Also, I will be sending the posts from "The Butcher" to the FBI.  Expect a visit young lady!


I have received a complaint from the above esteemed social scientist. Upon review of this board, I find the butcher in substantial violation of FBI  codes step7 and 3sign. Therefore, a warrant for his computer is being issued now and he is physically being turned over to straight v2.0 for adults. He won't be Coming home for some time, and his peanut butter and mayo sandwiches are being prepared as we speak. We will have his bloody little ass motivating in no time, rest assured.

Good work Words of wisdom. Once again we have relied on you to enforce the governments interest in compliance with anti-programspeak legislation. This simply cannot be allowed in the brave new bush republic, and Your efforts do not go unnoticed.  Praise Jesus.

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