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Messages - Watchful Yeoman

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Many Many Programs Abuse Kids
« on: October 12, 2010, 12:29:19 PM »
Oh my goodness.  It seems  :shamrock: Li'l sidekick :shamrock:  has been fully immersed in the NWT culture.  I always suspected  :shamrock: Li'l sidekick :shamrock:  was a naughty little warrior!

Quote from: "The Alterboy"
Danny B touched my junk liberally. He strapped me in to his Hi yuh Mobile and he
couldn't keep his offensive hands off of me. He was performing many red flag touches. I couldn't believe what the fuck was going on. I told Danny B the city would not approve
of a rich jew touching an underage kid for free. Can you believe it? Danny B did all this. He picked me off the street, strapped my arms and legs down in the Hi yuh Mobile's passenger seat, and just wouldn't stop fondling my cock'n'balls. They definately were red flag touches. The goddamn referee he had in the back seat kept on raising up this red flag every time he touched my junk but did Danny B care? NO WAY! He just kept on doing it. I couldn't believe what the fuck was going on, indeed. I pleaded with Danny B but to no avail. I told him the city would not approve of such a wealthy man touching an underage kid like me (at the time I was 13) without at least compensating me for the trauma and the use of my body as his own personal plaything.

This got to him, worrying about his image. He continued to fondle me, all the while ignoring
the referee's red flags. Then he drove the Hi yuh to my house and ejected the seat I was in! It was amazing. But surprisingly, after I woke up the next morning, my bank account had $150k in it!!! Can you believe it?

Did you learn this at New Warriors Training,  :shamrock: Li'l sidekick :shamrock: ?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Bettys Beuty Salon
« on: October 12, 2010, 11:45:54 AM »
I would drop a dime to customs but would steer clear of homeland security if I were you.  No sense in inviting the feds to look into you.  Give the tip to customs and maybe the IRS.  They have a reward plan for turning in cheats.  10% of the recovery sum I believe goes to the tipster.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Many Many Programs Abuse Kids
« on: October 12, 2010, 11:27:59 AM »
Anne, did  :shamrock: Li'l sidekick :shamrock:  actually do this New Warriors Training?   :shamrock: Li'l sidekick :shamrock:  gets freaky-deaky.

-Blindfolded walking tours in the nude;

-People blowing sage smoke in his face while 50 or so naked men danced around candles;

-Men sitting naked in a circle discussing their sexual histories while passing a wooden dildo called “The Cock”;

-Naked men beating cooked chickens with a hammer.

Quote from: " :shamrock: Li'l sidekick :shamrock: "
Hey, pass me The Cock and that chicken, will ya?

 :eek:  :nods:

"New Warriors Training"...Oh,  :shamrock: Li'l sidekick :shamrock:  you have some strange beliefs.
They were all in the sweat lodge on Sunday,” she says, “which he actually enjoyed. It was the first moment he had to relax in days after going through such a high-drama weekend where they pound you to reveal your deep, dark stuff. So, everyone was sitting Indian-style in a big circle in the lodge when the man leading the group said, ‘If you wish, you may reach over and grab your brother’s dick. If your brother doesn’t want your hand there, he can remove it.’ Well, my husband told me he just froze. And from that point on, he just wanted out.


Quote from: "survivor1978fl"
Ah poor Betty, I ran into one of those that visits your beauty salon on the same day you do , knows you well. they asked me if i knew you. Oh boy did I have an answer for them. You know what they said. "We always wondered if that stuff was true, I will make sure all the women know the truth, I never really liked her anyway." So, I took it upon myself to contact those at your beauty salon and tell them myself. Oh I told them about the kids being tortured , how you were charged with crimes against humanity, how created tax fraud, we discussed the penis pump, we discussed the insurance fraud, we discussed the prisoner conditions you forced children into. We discussed how you blew at the first board meeting, we discussed how afraid you are of us because we have the truth, we discussed ALL the crimes to the children and the money crimes. They know it all now. Not so many smiles when you walk in now is there. Oh poor betty. Get over it witch who cant keep a husband, yes we discussed that too.
So, when you walk in there and you get the looks and don't know why, when you suddenly cant impress those "friends" of yours. When suddenly your not the big wheel with the big story you will know it is because of me.


You mam have destroyed more kids, most on a permanent basis. You mam have created tax fraud, had people tortured, commited more crimes than i can count and now
Oh yes, want to know why those dignataries didnt show at your birthday party in Rome years ago, the one you bragged about in the St.Pete times and were foolish enough to list the guest list. They didnt show or cancelled because me and and another survivor called EVERY SINGLE ONE. Yep, then we faxed them the truth.
Sorry you dont deserve spell check

That's the type of accountabilty most of us only dream about.

Quote from: "DannyB II"
Quote from: "Son Of Serbia"
Quote from: "DannyB II"
WY wrote:
Totally agree with this assessment.  I can no longer believe anything that Whooter has posted because if he'd lie about something so big and important like having a child he doesn't have then what else wouldn't he lie about?  I can see his  :shamrock: li'l sidekick :shamrock:  is getting upset when the truth comes out.  He shouldn't idolize fabricators like this Whooter guy if he doesn't want to be disappointed in the results.

Now I'm wondering about the other "success stories" here.  Are they fake?  Are they also written by Whooter?  Any way you cut it up it makes the "pro-program" cheerleaders look terrible when the head cheerleader gets her skirt pulled up to reveal her dong.  It's unfathomable why someone would fake having a child that went to a program.

The only lying and disrespect going on here is Ursus and yourself and the prejudice you have against a certain member named Whooter.
Enjoy your time here.
This type of behavior where you target a member of the group for hate, disrespect, and to censor is exactly what goes on in programs an schools as you folks attest to. This is what we talk about here endlessly.
Why Ursus and Watchful Yoeman would want to foster such behavior is troubling to members here. We have threads in a non-moderated forum called "OFFA" where people can accuse anybody of anything or take out of context anything anyone says. As a matter of fact we already have one the has Whooters name on it already.
People who read here don't be mislead by people who are selfish and persuaded by vindictiveness.

Actually Danny B II, the only "predjudice" that has been demonstrated here is that PEOPLE HATE BEING LIED TO and consequently MOST PEOPLE HATE LIARS (I say most, because apparently you yourself admire liars).

Your friend John Reuben has been exposed as the LIAR that he is.  Consequently, those of us that JOHN REUBEN LIED TO, have every right to discuss the PROVEN LIES he told, as well as
compare notes concerning what else John Reuben most likely lied about.

That's what happens when someone gets caught telling lies, Danny B II.  Naturally, everything John Reuben has said is now open to scrutiny.  You insist that we all should accept John's explaination of why he lied, and leave it at that.  Why on earth should we accept the
word of John Reuben at face value, when we've already proven that he lies?  Your logic make no sense what-so-ever.

What did Whooter lie about, who was he lying to. Really,  what we are talking about here, is your oppression, on people you do not like. You fabricate the story however you want. The discussion, Whooter had, had nothing to do with you, he was coming to the aid of a women, who was being verbally mauled by guests. I would have done the same thing and for all we know since your posts from back when have not been strung together, you could have done the same thing.
As a matter of fact there are many here which if we allowed Psy to string your posts together, we would see that you had done the same thing. Most of you probably had the same intentions as Whooter, to help someone else who was being railroaded.
:shamrock: L'il sidekick :shamrock: , I think it's quite obvious to all that if Whooter were indeed "coming to the aid of a woman who was being mauled by guests" the proper course of action would have been for Whooter to log in and simply state "I think it's wrong for you guys to do this.  Hear the woman out."  Instead, Whooter made up an entirely fabricated "family story" while posting as a "guest" including a fictitious child that did not attend the program being discussed and held this out as a "program success story."

Two things stand out about this right away.  One, spinning the yarn that this action was to come to the aid of another poster is a desperate attempt to justify getting snagged in a web of lies and its very apparent to anyone reading these posts.  Two, anyone who would invent a "family history of program success" complete with an entirely nonexistent, invented child as the ceterpiece of the story and representing the "program success story" is simply crazy.  Normal people don't do things like this.  Instead they say "Hey, knock it off, you idiots.  Let this lady talk.  Please, worriedannie, just ignore those guys and tell us your story."

With the admitted fact that Whooter invented his entire family to try to deceive people reading this forum about programs one should not ever take anything he says without explicit proof of its veracity.  That's just standard SOP when you know you have been presented with an unmitigated liar.  :shamrock: Li'l sidekick's :shamrock:  argument fails on this premise and Whooter's explanation isn't at all believable.

Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "Watchful Yeoman"
Let's get back to the discussion of sickos that invent children and invent success stories for those invented children to further the argument that the "program saved my (invented) kid!"  Thanks, everyone.
Personally, I see this as a manipulative attempt by DannyB II to get this thread relegated to OFFA. That's certainly one way to get things out of the reach of search engines. He even admitted as much:

    I am talking to this j*@k-off this way because this thread/topic belongs with all the other trash in "OFFA".[/list]

    But... back to the subject at hand... ultimately, the strategy of fabricating success stories will bite somebody back in the butt. It may even make all success stories less than fully believable. That has certainly been the case for WWASPS.

    Totally agree with this assessment.  I can no longer believe anything that Whooter has posted because if he'd lie about something so big and important like having a child he doesn't have then what else wouldn't he lie about?  I can see his  :shamrock: li'l sidekick :shamrock:  is getting upset when the truth comes out.  He shouldn't idolize fabricators like this Whooter guy if he doesn't want to be disappointed in the results.

    Now I'm wondering about the other "success stories" here.  Are they fake?  Are they also written by Whooter?  Any way you cut it up it makes the "pro-program" cheerleaders look terrible when the head cheerleader gets her skirt pulled up to reveal her dong.  It's unfathomable why someone would fake having a child that went to a program.

    Let's get back to the discussion of sickos that invent children and invent success stories for those invented children to further the argument that the "program saved my (invented) kid!"  Thanks, everyone.

    Quote from: "Ursus"
    Sounds like he's saying, "the ends justify the means," just like the programs do!


    That's exactly my point, Ursus.  Those of us here who were abused at programs by sadistic staff tell our stories only to be met with "you're lying" from people like Whooter (and his li'l sidekick/defense atty  :shamrock:  :rofl: ) with no facts to refute anything we say.  Then we come to find out that he has gone as far as to invent a whole family and a family story to further his agenda here by holding out his fictitious "program daughter" as a "success story" for programs.  It's all a huge lie perpetrated by a huge liar to promote programs.  Not only is it dishonest, but I really believe it shows a type of mental illness, too.  Just think about the machinations going on inside the head of a person who would fabricate an entire life story of a nonexistant child so that he could have a rosy picture to paint about programs.  It's way too weird and abnormal.

    I thought I had seen it all until this morning.  That is, until I saw the most die-hard program pusher here admit to making up having a daughter that "did well" in "her program" and admit he actually never had a daughter but rather a son in a program.  That shit is weird, man!  Here's the guy who calls everyone a liar when they talk about their own personal experiences admitting he invented his whole family and their "successes" to boot.

    Quote from: "Whooter"
    Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
    Quote from: "Whooter"
    Quote from: "Guest"
    Quote from: "Guest"
    Speaking of wilderness programs and sex, it happens all the time... at least when I was there it did. Its not like they handed out condoms so I wouldn't be surprised if some of the girls go home from wilderness with a whole new set of issues brewing inside them. I never saw a wild tribe like orgy until I was in wilderness, and don't think the staff don't join in. Parents have no idea what happens out there, it was insane.

    Thanks guest,I knew it wasnt as bad as people were saying here.  The kids do have fun on these trips, I kind of thought that.

    Your welcome, my son really liked it and would like to become a counselor some day which has motivated him to study harder.

    Face got busted buddy boy.

     :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

    I admit that, Anne, but read through the thread and see what they did to this woman "worried Anne" and calling her son gay and pretending to be survivors with her son.  
    I dont see it as being wrong at all.  I feel sorry for the woman.  I would probably do it again if the situation warranted.


    Does anyone else here feel the need to invent whole new lives so they can use their inventions to support their POV or market their products?

    I no longer will believe anything "Whooter" has to say around here.  This shit is beyond!  Of course he also says he'd "do it again" if it suited his agenda.  A more direct example of program-think could not be found, IMHO.

    The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Second Nature Wilderness Program
    « on: October 11, 2010, 01:39:36 PM »
    So because some people were saying something you didn't agree with, you lied about having a child in a program?  Seriously, man, you need a lot of help.  This throws your entire history here into the dump.  I can't really believe anyone would even do something like that.  Sure, maybe embellish a little here and there, but to create a new family to tell program success stories about is beyond weird and completely dishonest.  Looking back at your other posts, quite a few stand out as obvious lies as well.  That, plus you run around here all the time accusing everyone else of lying but you turn out to be the "biggest liar ever" on Fornits and that's an accomplishment!  At least now we know!

    The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Second Nature Wilderness Program
    « on: October 11, 2010, 01:09:25 PM »
    ???  So you made up having a kid you didn't have to "add balance"?  I don't get that at all.  You spend day after day here calling other posters "liars" and now we find out you invented your whole story.  Greeeeat.  What else have you made up besides your children?

    Tacitus' Realm / Re: Maine: Panel reviewing discipline in schools
    « on: October 11, 2010, 12:51:55 PM »
    Even the long-accepted clinical term, "therapeutic restraint," is being called into question. The proposed federal legislation explains the shift in thinking: "Research confirms that physical restraint and seclusion are not therapeutic, nor are these practices effective means to calm or teach children, and may have an opposite effect while simultaneously decreasing a child's ability to learn."

    And these dummies are just figuring this out now?  No wonder there's so much rampant abuse in the "teen help" business.  This makes my head hurt.

    The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Second Nature Wilderness Program
    « on: October 11, 2010, 12:47:30 PM »
    Soooo...I miss a few days of reading and come back to "Whooter made up having a daughter and had a son in wilderness"?  Somehow this does not surprise me.

    Quote from: "Whooter"
    Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
    Quote from: "Whooter"
    Quote from: "Guest"
    Quote from: "Guest"
    Speaking of wilderness programs and sex, it happens all the time... at least when I was there it did. Its not like they handed out condoms so I wouldn't be surprised if some of the girls go home from wilderness with a whole new set of issues brewing inside them. I never saw a wild tribe like orgy until I was in wilderness, and don't think the staff don't join in. Parents have no idea what happens out there, it was insane.

    Thanks guest,I knew it wasnt as bad as people were saying here.  The kids do have fun on these trips, I kind of thought that.

    Your welcome, my son really liked it and would like to become a counselor some day which has motivated him to study harder.

    Face got busted buddy boy.

     :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

    I admit that, Anne, but read through the thread and see what they did to this woman "worried Anne" and calling her son gay and pretending to be survivors with her son.  
    I dont see it as being wrong at all.  I feel sorry for the woman.  I would probably do it again if the situation warranted.


    Aspen Education Group / Re: Mount Bachelor could reopen
    « on: October 05, 2010, 08:38:40 AM »
    So, let's be clear for the record: MBA was found guilty of substantiated abuse and was closed by authorities for it. Then they sued the state and AEG and the state came to a settlement under which AEG would drop their lawsuit and the state would drop or modify some of the charges and the substantiated cases of abuse would remain on the record.

    As has been previously stated, this particular facility has been closed down by authorities for abuse twice already.  It's a shame that the same child abusers would be allowed to open up again when they have been found guilty of abusing children twice already.

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