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Messages - Troll Control

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 493
Quote from: "Whooter"
Anne Bonney, Samara, CT, Froderik, Ursus, RobertBruce etc all sexually abuse their own kids and they just get mad when I expose them as sexual predators like I did to Ajax13.  I have to expose their double standards.

DUDE, enough already with your "you all abuse your own kids" crap!  Cut the attacks, Whooter.  This is below the belt.

Yes, it was confirmed by the admins that I had only one login name, ever.  Whooter was confirmed to be using these ones, which he used to try to derail every thread on Fornits to silence abuse victims and boost his bottom line as a program referral agent.


RobertBruce .


BEN WAjowski

Fred Bicep

Peg Sympson

John C.

Mike D.


Slander Programs

John B.

Jim Bunson

Dot MacKinnon

Jammie Sympson (eventually it will be the whole “Sympson Family” I suppose)

Mark Rosen

Roger Glasdco

John Randall

Pete DeGroot

Mark DeGroot (I guess the “DeGroot Family” too)

Warner Stubbin

Steve Backlan

James Driding

Rob Jamison

Boarding Schools Pros and Cons (he’s the “con”)

Bess H.


Jim Baylor

Sid Michaels

Fred Thompson

John McCain

Sarah Palin

Mitt Romney

Al Gore

Dick Cheney

Mike Wilson

Rudy Bentz

Heal Online

Margaret Wilson

Revenge Fantasy Girlz


Robert Hess


Tom K



So, if you think you're talking to one of the people above, they're all Whooter.

Quote from: "Whooter"
So what if used hundreds of different logins on fornits?  Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to add value to your business lol.  You people act like there's something wrong with capitalism.

Well, thanks for admitting it, anyway.  Geesh.

So, for any of you parents looking to contribute to these forums, be aware that Whooter, in his hundreds of guises, is lurking here to discredit you if your child was abused at a program.

Now, please, let's stick to the topic and not allow Whooter to derail yet another thread.

RCS/HLA is up to their eyeballs already in violations.  RCS/HLA always has been, and continues to be, an extremely dangerous environment for children.

Can't imagine anyone "dirtier" than Whooter.  All these alts, plus he contributed to his son's death and his living son said that he was the cause of his wife's death and he put all of his kids in abusive programs.  He has real problems.


RobertBruce .


BEN WAjowski

Fred Bicep

Peg Sympson

John C.

Mike D.


Slander Programs

John B.

Jim Bunson

Dot MacKinnon

Jammie Sympson (eventually it will be the whole “Sympson Family” I suppose)

Mark Rosen

Roger Glasdco

John Randall

Pete DeGroot

Mark DeGroot (I guess the “DeGroot Family” too)

Warner Stubbin

Steve Backlan

James Driding

Rob Jamison

Boarding Schools Pros and Cons (he’s the “con”)

Bess H.


Jim Baylor

Sid Michaels

Fred Thompson

John McCain

Sarah Palin

Mitt Romney

Al Gore

Dick Cheney

Mike Wilson

Rudy Bentz

Heal Online

Margaret Wilson

Revenge Fantasy Girlz


Robert Hess


Tom K



Confirmed Whooter aliases from just a 60 day period in which he made over 1,700 posts:


RobertBruce .


BEN WAjowski

Fred Bicep

Peg Sympson

John C.

Mike D.


Slander Programs

John B.

Jim Bunson

Dot MacKinnon

Jammie Sympson (eventually it will be the whole “Sympson Family” I suppose)

Mark Rosen

Roger Glasdco

John Randall

Pete DeGroot

Mark DeGroot (I guess the “DeGroot Family” too)

Warner Stubbin

Steve Backlan

James Driding

Rob Jamison

Boarding Schools Pros and Cons (he’s the “con”)

Bess H.


Jim Baylor

Sid Michaels

Fred Thompson

John McCain

Sarah Palin

Mitt Romney

Al Gore

Dick Cheney

Mike Wilson

Rudy Bentz

Heal Online

Margaret Wilson

Revenge Fantasy Girlz


Robert Hess


Tom K



The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Whooter and the hotlines
« on: September 30, 2010, 12:22:53 PM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "Botched Programming"
I agree 100% Hedge... Most programs for teens have a way of manipulating a child not to say anything in fear of some type of reprise over trying to tell. Early on in the program a child don't even get to have 1 on 1 visits with their families unless a more senior child in the program is there listening to the conversation. Then if the child makes any type of remark about how they are being abused the more senior child basically tells staff that were attempting to manipulate their parents...Then staff at that point makes their life a real living nightmare.. Point blank a child should be able to tell a parent and advocate or somebody about the abuse without being censored and under surveillance while doing it so the parent or advocate can start looking into the issue for themselves... And yes the programs do not want any news getting ou as the child's parents noney is the life blood of the programs.. Imagine what would happen if the children had the freedom to tell about it.. There would be no programs.

 :tup:  :tup:  :tup:  :tup:

Same experience in Straight

Very true.  Whooter has stated before, many times, that he thinks it's fine for the abused kid to have to report the abuse directly to his/her abuser.  That's how programs work and Whooter has said he supports this 100%.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Can people be forced to change?
« on: September 30, 2010, 12:17:15 PM »
Nobody has to force Whooter to change.  He changes Fornits identities constantly.  Here's a sample of two months' worth of Whooter's sockpuppets:


RobertBruce .


BEN WAjowski

Fred Bicep

Peg Sympson

John C.

Mike D.


Slander Programs

John B.

Jim Bunson

Dot MacKinnon

Jammie Sympson (eventually it will be the whole “Sympson Family” I suppose)

Mark Rosen

Roger Glasdco

John Randall

Pete DeGroot

Mark DeGroot (I guess the “DeGroot Family” too)

Warner Stubbin

Steve Backlan

James Driding

Rob Jamison

Boarding Schools Pros and Cons (he’s the “con”)

Bess H.


Jim Baylor

Sid Michaels

Fred Thompson

John McCain

Sarah Palin

Mitt Romney

Al Gore

Dick Cheney

Mike Wilson

Rudy Bentz

Heal Online

Margaret Wilson

Revenge Fantasy Girlz


Robert Hess


Tom K



He's a dishonest troll.

Personally, I can't see anyone being as "dirty" as Whooter.  Maybe samara guest posted, maybe not.  We don't know for sure.

What we DO know is that Whooter has well over 100 "alts" he has used here.  Here's a sample of sockpuppets he created in just two months.  Extrapolate that out into five-plus years and the number of Whooter's sockpuppets becomes staggering.  He's the most dishonest person ever to post here.  He's a troll.


RobertBruce .


BEN WAjowski

Fred Bicep

Peg Sympson

John C.

Mike D.


Slander Programs

John B.

Jim Bunson

Dot MacKinnon

Jammie Sympson (eventually it will be the whole “Sympson Family” I suppose)

Mark Rosen

Roger Glasdco

John Randall

Pete DeGroot

Mark DeGroot (I guess the “DeGroot Family” too)

Warner Stubbin

Steve Backlan

James Driding

Rob Jamison

Boarding Schools Pros and Cons (he’s the “con”)

Bess H.


Jim Baylor

Sid Michaels

Fred Thompson

John McCain

Sarah Palin

Mitt Romney

Al Gore

Dick Cheney

Mike Wilson

Rudy Bentz

Heal Online

Margaret Wilson

Revenge Fantasy Girlz


Robert Hess


Tom K



Open Free for All / Re: Why all the sudden a change on Fornits
« on: September 30, 2010, 12:12:15 PM »
Yeah, I stopped donating to Fornits.  Why should I pay for the industry shills to control the forums?  BTW, Whooter just leeches.  He has never donated to Fornits.  He's here to shut it down, not keep it alive.

Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "FreeOfCC"
Clearly the "rules" aren't enforced. What's the point?

The Rules have and are being enforced.  You will notice that when you come onto fornits you dont see anymore attack threads by Dysfunction Junction, Troll Control or RobertBruce and all their Sock-puppets.  We had endless threads on "TheWho is John Rueben",  "Whooters lies" etc..  No one really cared to read them but they dominated the forum and when new posters came to fornits they were subjected to posters claiming to expose other posters names, email addresses.  Some posters were threatening to email family members unless they edited their posts.  You have to admit, "FreeofCC" that is isnt good and it wasnt stopping.

With the new rules everyone gets to express their opinion without fear of being attacked or ganged up on by multiple sock-puppets.  Its a safer forum now.


The new rules were put into place specifically because of Whooter's trolling and sock-puppeteering.  Here's a list of sockpuppets Whooter used in just a two month period.  It's just a fraction of the logins/usernames he has had here over the years which is estimated to be well over 100.

Whooter's sockpuppets:


RobertBruce .


BEN WAjowski

Fred Bicep

Peg Sympson

John C.

Mike D.


Slander Programs

John B.

Jim Bunson

Dot MacKinnon

Jammie Sympson (eventually it will be the whole “Sympson Family” I suppose)

Mark Rosen

Roger Glasdco

John Randall

Pete DeGroot

Mark DeGroot (I guess the “DeGroot Family” too)

Warner Stubbin

Steve Backlan

James Driding

Rob Jamison

Boarding Schools Pros and Cons (he’s the “con”)

Bess H.


Jim Baylor

Sid Michaels

Fred Thompson

John McCain

Sarah Palin

Mitt Romney

Al Gore

Dick Cheney

Mike Wilson

Rudy Bentz

Heal Online

Margaret Wilson

Revenge Fantasy Girlz


Robert Hess


Tom K



Whooter, as usual, is lying about who uses what sockpuppets.  As you can see he has used nearly 50 in just two months.  He's a troll.

Open Free for All / Re: Dead, insane, or in jail (general discussion)
« on: September 28, 2010, 12:21:17 PM »
Ha,Ha,Ha.  Whooter caught red-handed again lying and altering people's quotes.  Who woulda thunk it??

Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: ""Dysfunction Junction""
I think it's a great idea to put up a TheWho FAQ's page.  You could categorize it and provide his stock answer along with the debunking for various topics.  Great idea.

Two posts above I referenced "HLA" in the abuse hotline story, but it was actually ASR, where TheWho sent his daughter.  Here's what he has to say about the potential of a counselor sexually abusing a child at ASR, where there is no abuse hotline as required by Mass law:

Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""Dysfunction Junction""
Now, let's examine this, Who: Let's say, for argument's sake that a kid's very own counselor sexually abuses him/her. ASR's plan, as you verified with them like I did, is to have that child report the abuse directly to the person that perpetrated it.

This is downright scary and paves the road for child abuse. I would avoid this facility at all costs. It's dangerous!

Sure, DJ, of course it is possible.  The guy on the abuse hot line could talk dirty to the kids also...  The hot line never helped the kids who were raped by their teacher at public school, so, the way I see it, you need to do 2 things to convince us one is needed:

1. Determine if the law requires a �Hot Line� to be installed in the school.

2.  How effective is this hot line in keeping kids safe.

That's really all you need to know.  TheWho advocates silencing abuse victims and protecting their abusers.  Plain and simple, folks.

If he was a parent, he would never, ever, do that.  He's nothing but a con artist...  a total and complete sociopath.


Open Free for All / Re: Maximillian: Programmed Parent or Brainwashee?
« on: September 28, 2010, 11:22:51 AM »
SUCK_amillion is definitely a program parent, IMHO.

Quote from: "FreeOfCC"
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "Whooter"
Why do you make things up to deceive the readers?

Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Uh, yeah, like there's no industry types on Fornits.  Wait a of them is you, Mr. Aspen Fiduciary!

Remember when you claimed to have access to RB's treatment records via an HLA staff member on this board?  Or your true love, Ottawa5 whose stated goal was to open her "own program along the lines of CEDU"?  

Your explanation is laughable, troll boy :rofl: .
….. do you have LINKS to the original posts for all this material? Or are you just making this up as you go along?
Great catch, Ursus, you are on to his MO too I see.   I dont even know who Ottawa5 is.  I did a search on ottawa5 and it turns out that I never had any contact with this poster, not even one post! DJ is starting to lose it I think.  Why does he continue to make this stuff up?  What is the point?  No wonder he didnt provide links its all just fabricated.

Does anyone even know who this Ottawa5 poster is?
FOR THE RECORD: the above quote by me was copied, edited and pasted from another of my posts, originally addressed to Whooter, that designation having been neatly lopped off by Whooter himself. It would appear that this kind of posting behavior functions as a means of perpetrating more of his myths, in this case to intimate the lessened credibility of other posters.

Here is another time that he tried this.

Ya gotta wonder whether he also uses this tactic to intimidate other posters from chiming in, not to mention derail and/or kill conversation in key threads, confusing the naive reader in the process...

Just dropped in and noticed that psy had set up "Rules" for the board. Have they ever been implimented? I see Who is still derailing any useful discussion.

Yes, Whooter is still cutting/pasting together people's posts and in the instance above Ursus called him out on it that he had completely fabricated Ursus' post which was actually directed at Whooter.  Whooter changed the wording of the post to try to make it look as if Ursus were addressing DJ instead of Whooter and then Whooter began to spam-post it in several threads, hundreds of times actually.

And, yes, there are new rules now.  They came into effect when Whooter stated openly in this thread that he would not allow other posters to post at all without him derailing the thread and he chased off Jill Ryan and the RCS parent with his derailing and flooding.  This was reported to Ginger and in a few days the rules were implemented to control Whooter.  

It's a shame, but the new rules are in place because Whooter spam-posted over 1,700 times in less than two months.  It takes most people a few years to log 1,700 posts.

Open Free for All / Re: John D. Reuben of STICC is TheWho
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:58:16 AM »
Quote from: "Whooter aka John Reuben of STICC"
You are sick Ajax13. Stop molesting and abusing your son.

Do the people at STICC know what you do here, Whooter?  You throw around a lot of "child rape"accusations when you are frustrated at losing arguments.  This, IMHO, is not normal behavior.

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