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Messages - misbehaver

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Live at Last...
« on: November 01, 2001, 02:32:15 PM »
Hey, Doc...
I know the rage, it used to be my constant companion. Besides drugs and booze, it was (and still is) one of the few constants in my life. I dunno about being able to help you, but I sure can relate to most of the $HIT that you described. It's been cool finding this forum and talking with others like you and Lestat, but I'm not so sure I could/would enjoy chatting with alumni members who had ANYTHING positive to say about the program.

BTW, I thought I was a hard case, but two fuking years on 1st phase...Man, that's real time endurance. You outta go out on one of my "survival" trips, you'd have no problem dealing with deprivation. I do these "trips" to keep me from coming unglued in this artificial environment most people enjoy with great comfort. I don't.

The last time was a weeklong "swamp romp" in the Tensaw Delta in AL. I usually just pay off a local landowner and go native. I like to think of it as a "soul cleanse". You can email me if you want: [email protected]

Take it easy, Bro Doc, Jason.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Live at Last...
« on: November 01, 2001, 12:36:12 PM »
Re: welcome
thanks, Ken. I kinda stumbled upon this site; glad I did. I realize my above postings may seem sick or twisted, but I don't talk about Straight much and when I do, I just purge as many thoughts and images as possible. I also recognize this forum is not my personal dumping ground, this will be reflected in future posts.

As far as being "broken", I think not. I'm quite certain I did much more self-inflicted damage following Straight.

I must admit, I do take pride in the fact that I never ran away or bowed to those freakin lepers. Funny thing,

when I was sent to my OWN home as a newcomer it only strengthened my resolve to never surrender. Jason

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Live at Last...
« on: November 01, 2001, 05:04:37 PM »
Re: Live at Last...
you're right, Lestat. I mixed up coolass,calm Harry with that little shitbird Phil. What a punk...

Yea, I've got the Yahoo Messenger, lets wrap this @#%$ up... I'm just not into badmouthing people who aren't around to defend their positions. I'll make an exception in this case. Catcha on the Yahoo.. Jason

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Live at Last...
« on: November 01, 2001, 02:21:19 PM »
Re: Live at Last...
Lestat, yep there was a rumour that lil' Joann comitted suicide. (she just disappeared, i dunno...)

Also, many of the people you mentioned were still at the Funhouse, if I remember that little boy Harry used to like to kick the @#%$ outta me w/his cowboy boots (bad case of Little/Big Man complex) and Mike Rea was funny as hell; after he fell to the "dark side". I knew many of the others, but if ya wanna batch of war stories, ya gotta buy the beers! Are ya still in the area?

Thinking back, most of the techniques used against me were ill-conceived and futile. Take the belt loop grasp: With one hand out of play, I usually let gravity take us down (while the poor phaser's other arm is trying to break the fall), always making sure that I fell on THEM. After a while, I was off the belt loop and just surrounded by an entourage of big dudes. Kinda felt like da Prez.

I had only one rule: Never screw around at the host home. Period. This usually meant that I was treated with marginal humanity and often was well received, even liked. This drove the poor phasers nuts to see me run so Hot and Cold. When I did write an MI, it was usually because I sensed weakness or doubt in my oldcomer and wanted to help them "see the light". More than a few did...

My "tour of duty" came to an abrupt end after I heard that I was going to Boston. After all my hard work, they wanted a divorce! Couldn't let that happen. So, while lined up at the feeding window, I clamped onto one of the I beams and Spider-Man like to da rafters. I was laughing madly and spitting at people, threatening to jump. Har! not likely. Those silly fucks were following me around with matresses; it was a beautifully choreographed exit. Once I spotted the cops and EMTs, I knew victory was mine. 6 weeks later I was outta the psych ward (they decided i wasn't nuts, just determined) and back in the World.

Ya know, the worst thing is realizing that this evil is still being perpetrated at the very same building...Jason  

Edited by: misbehaver at: 11/1/01 11:25:39 am

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Live at Last...
« on: October 02, 2001, 01:42:09 AM »
Re: Live at Last...
Yea Lestat, some of those "wimmen" were still in residence. Let me see, uck ya Joann Weaver with the lisp and beat up Camaro? All of a sudden she be a no show; people said she did herself.. Weaver wobble weak and she all fall down; sorry about the fat bitch's hard luck case...Har!

Oh yea, Darling Nicki; she was the resident soccer babe. Man, she held an apology over my ass so long; I thought I'd never eat a solid meal again. I bet if we hooked up today, well....

Nasty ass Laura Crash (and her gumbo Gimp Bro Andy); seems like every time she told her story about pissing in her pants; she got hotter and hottter. SICK. Bad complexion, too. Nasty....

Gregory's "meals" were far and few for me. I was on the "Misbehaver Policy" for so long that the only food I actually trusted came from from "decent" host homes and "loving" host sisters (and Mothers). hugs-n-rugs.

Take it easy, Bro Lestat.   Jason

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Live at Last...
« on: October 01, 2001, 05:35:01 PM »
Live at Last...
My name is Jason and I served six months at the Cincinnati Straight, Inc. facility during 1986. I fought every

day and was ultimately sent to a psych ward after I shimmied up a 30ft. I beam and threatened to jump.

I was also locked in an intake room for 18+/= days in an attempt to "break" me; I responded by shitting in my sock and swinging it wildly overhead. Har! Also, dubbed the "jedi master" thru my exploitatation of flourescent bulbs as swords. Yes, I was beaten down by these mindless zombies; but my specialty was the conversion of upper phasers to my "cause". I reached so many that the staff brought in "specialists" prepared to remove me to the Boston group...I got to them harder than then they ever got to me...

Dumb assed Question #1: why does it still hurt when I dream of this time in my life?

DAQ#2: will I ever be able to fully leave this episode in the past? how?

BTW, thanks to the people of this forum; I feel somewhat "at home"...


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Live at Last...
« on: November 01, 2001, 12:49:33 PM »
Re: Live at Last...
Sorry, I just can't place you, Allen. I'll just take your word that you were one of the cooler phasers. hehe

You're right, I do have a lot of anger and it's shown up lately since I've been thinking more about Straight...

I suppose that it's good to release, but I definitely need to focus it properly. I kinda blew a gasket on another Straight forum over a silly poll. Not a good demonstration of my reformed and kindly social skills. Har!

I'm sure I wasn't any more sane that most other phasers, I just took a different path to the end game. Many people might argue it took much more mental stability to bullshit or willingly concede to finish what was a genuinely demanding task (graduate). I've gained more respect lately for 7th steppers. In retrospect, fighting and running from the program was easier, but far more damaging, IMHO. I'm just glad I made it out alive. My only host brother did not. (i was on 2nd phase for a week or so, till I discovered it was more miserable than being on the Misbehaver Policy)

Take it easy, good talking with you Bro Allen, Jason.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Live at Last...
« on: November 01, 2001, 10:27:03 PM »
Re: Live at Last...
Hey Allen, Live at Last is a Black Sabbath album; guess that answers which "Jason" I am.

I'm not pissed at you (unless you believe what was done to everyone at Straight was OK)...

Didn't think so. I remember the Krieger bros (twins)?? Had a bigass Buick Rivi, green i think.?

I don't remember ya offhand, but I was only at my OWN home for a few days and my focus was on my parents. And REAL food. I got ther in feb. 86 also, but was gone by sept. I'd like to talk. Yahoo=Survivitall


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Live at Last...
« on: November 01, 2001, 11:50:25 PM »
to 2dogs2...
Looks like I'll give the alumni a looksee. I'm just not willing to pussyfoot around with anyone who harbors ANY wavering or mealyass attitudes regarding what went on at Straight. I do not hate the former staffers, but I refuse to accept any excuses for their actions. I may sound hostile; and I am. I'll not be restrained again.

BTW, I thoroughly enjoyed yer post about motivatin' thru da window. Watch yer six, bro dogs...Jason

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Live at Last...
« on: November 01, 2001, 02:32:15 PM »
Hey, Doc...
I know the rage, it used to be my constant companion. Besides drugs and booze, it was (and still is) one of the few constants in my life. I dunno about being able to help you, but I sure can relate to most of the $HIT that you described. It's been cool finding this forum and talking with others like you and Lestat, but I'm not so sure I could/would enjoy chatting with alumni members who had ANYTHING positive to say about the program.

BTW, I thought I was a hard case, but two fuking years on 1st phase...Man, that's real time endurance. You outta go out on one of my "survival" trips, you'd have no problem dealing with deprivation. I do these "trips" to keep me from coming unglued in this artificial environment most people enjoy with great comfort. I don't.

The last time was a weeklong "swamp romp" in the Tensaw Delta in AL. I usually just pay off a local landowner and go native. I like to think of it as a "soul cleanse". You can email me if you want: [email protected]

Take it easy, Bro Doc, Jason.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Live at Last...
« on: November 01, 2001, 12:36:12 PM »
Re: welcome
thanks, Ken. I kinda stumbled upon this site; glad I did. I realize my above postings may seem sick or twisted, but I don't talk about Straight much and when I do, I just purge as many thoughts and images as possible. I also recognize this forum is not my personal dumping ground, this will be reflected in future posts.

As far as being "broken", I think not. I'm quite certain I did much more self-inflicted damage following Straight.

I must admit, I do take pride in the fact that I never ran away or bowed to those freakin lepers. Funny thing,

when I was sent to my OWN home as a newcomer it only strengthened my resolve to never surrender. Jason

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Live at Last...
« on: November 01, 2001, 05:04:37 PM »
Re: Live at Last...
you're right, Lestat. I mixed up coolass,calm Harry with that little shitbird Phil. What a punk...

Yea, I've got the Yahoo Messenger, lets wrap this @#%$ up... I'm just not into badmouthing people who aren't around to defend their positions. I'll make an exception in this case. Catcha on the Yahoo.. Jason

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Live at Last...
« on: November 01, 2001, 02:21:19 PM »
Re: Live at Last...
Lestat, yep there was a rumour that lil' Joann comitted suicide. (she just disappeared, i dunno...)

Also, many of the people you mentioned were still at the Funhouse, if I remember that little boy Harry used to like to kick the @#%$ outta me w/his cowboy boots (bad case of Little/Big Man complex) and Mike Rea was funny as hell; after he fell to the "dark side". I knew many of the others, but if ya wanna batch of war stories, ya gotta buy the beers! Are ya still in the area?

Thinking back, most of the techniques used against me were ill-conceived and futile. Take the belt loop grasp: With one hand out of play, I usually let gravity take us down (while the poor phaser's other arm is trying to break the fall), always making sure that I fell on THEM. After a while, I was off the belt loop and just surrounded by an entourage of big dudes. Kinda felt like da Prez.

I had only one rule: Never screw around at the host home. Period. This usually meant that I was treated with marginal humanity and often was well received, even liked. This drove the poor phasers nuts to see me run so Hot and Cold. When I did write an MI, it was usually because I sensed weakness or doubt in my oldcomer and wanted to help them "see the light". More than a few did...

My "tour of duty" came to an abrupt end after I heard that I was going to Boston. After all my hard work, they wanted a divorce! Couldn't let that happen. So, while lined up at the feeding window, I clamped onto one of the I beams and Spider-Man like to da rafters. I was laughing madly and spitting at people, threatening to jump. Har! not likely. Those silly fucks were following me around with matresses; it was a beautifully choreographed exit. Once I spotted the cops and EMTs, I knew victory was mine. 6 weeks later I was outta the psych ward (they decided i wasn't nuts, just determined) and back in the World.

Ya know, the worst thing is realizing that this evil is still being perpetrated at the very same building...Jason  

Edited by: misbehaver at: 11/1/01 11:25:39 am

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Live at Last...
« on: October 02, 2001, 01:42:09 AM »
Re: Live at Last...
Yea Lestat, some of those "wimmen" were still in residence. Let me see, uck ya Joann Weaver with the lisp and beat up Camaro? All of a sudden she be a no show; people said she did herself.. Weaver wobble weak and she all fall down; sorry about the fat bitch's hard luck case...Har!

Oh yea, Darling Nicki; she was the resident soccer babe. Man, she held an apology over my ass so long; I thought I'd never eat a solid meal again. I bet if we hooked up today, well....

Nasty ass Laura Crash (and her gumbo Gimp Bro Andy); seems like every time she told her story about pissing in her pants; she got hotter and hottter. SICK. Bad complexion, too. Nasty....

Gregory's "meals" were far and few for me. I was on the "Misbehaver Policy" for so long that the only food I actually trusted came from from "decent" host homes and "loving" host sisters (and Mothers). hugs-n-rugs.

Take it easy, Bro Lestat.   Jason

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Live at Last...
« on: October 01, 2001, 05:35:01 PM »
Live at Last...
My name is Jason and I served six months at the Cincinnati Straight, Inc. facility during 1986. I fought every

day and was ultimately sent to a psych ward after I shimmied up a 30ft. I beam and threatened to jump.

I was also locked in an intake room for 18+/= days in an attempt to "break" me; I responded by shitting in my sock and swinging it wildly overhead. Har! Also, dubbed the "jedi master" thru my exploitatation of flourescent bulbs as swords. Yes, I was beaten down by these mindless zombies; but my specialty was the conversion of upper phasers to my "cause". I reached so many that the staff brought in "specialists" prepared to remove me to the Boston group...I got to them harder than then they ever got to me...

Dumb assed Question #1: why does it still hurt when I dream of this time in my life?

DAQ#2: will I ever be able to fully leave this episode in the past? how?

BTW, thanks to the people of this forum; I feel somewhat "at home"...


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