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Messages - RTP2003

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Cop- Out Stories
« on: March 01, 2004, 12:24:00 PM »
Oh yeah the Mauriello sisters were hellions!  I used to love to watch them raise hell.

Shelley Howard I don't remember too well.  I do remember Kim Bradley being quite a bitch.

Richard had an older brother, Oscar.  I remember Roger Amundsen used to give him a lot of shit. He would alternate between "sitting" and complying.  He was a real prick to me in group a couple of times, so I never sympathized.  I remember him and George Harvard (redneck from Hilliard, FL) going out of their way to fuck with me one time when I wouldn't "motivate".

Your sponsor says it's OK for you to drink

[ This Message was edited by: RTP2003 on 2004-03-01 09:32 ]

I prefer the fairy tale about the boy who climbs a beanstalk up to the clouds and slays a giant--it's a little more believable than the fairy tale you're so fond of.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Cop- Out Stories
« on: March 01, 2004, 11:17:00 AM »
I split from 2nd pase when my foster brother, Dave Pipkin, got put on a 3day away from home.  I didn't trust him, so as soon as I knew I wouldn't have to deal with him, I got up early in the morning and walked out of the motel room my dad had rented.  I called some friends back home and they bought me a bus ticket.  I stayed at my friend's place, slept on the couch for about a month, until one day I woke up with a detective and a bunch of Straight parents surrounding me.  They found out where I was staying from a Phys. Ed. intern at my old school who had seen me at a record store.  He wrote down the tag number of the car I got into, which was registered to my friend at the house I was staying in.  No-good busybody!

I came back, got confronted, etc. and left again from school in Tampa after scamming my way to 4th phase.  I think I'd been on 4th for about 3 0r 4 days.  I hid out in the woods in Tampa for a little while, then got accosted by Steve Meade, Bill Yacko, Richard Monterro, and a couple of other goons.  They brought me to some house (Yacko's?) and watched me that night and took me back to Straight the next day.  Straight tried to get my parents to try to court order me there after that, and my dad filed the papers in Duval county instead of Pinellas or Hillsborough, so I actually had a chance of winning. It was an amazing coincidence how the abuse was toned down once I had a court date--I guess they didn't want me to be able to show the judge any bruises. Andrew Keane and some other Straightling phaser went with me to court.  At the hearing, they decided to delay it for three or four days so my count-appointed lawyer, the great Stephen O. Parker, esq., could prepare my case.  Andrew Keane nearly shit a brick when my lawyer told him that I did not have to go back to Straight.  They had  a hissy fit until the State's lawyer said he'd call the cops to get them to take me to juvie until the hearing.  The honorable Mr. Parker advised me to go back to Straight until the hearing, telling me that he didn't see any way that they would be successful in their attempt to court order me.  I went back to Straight, played air guitar and cliqued with other misbehaver/non-complying types ( a big round of applause to Dave Lively, John Sullivan, and a couple of others whose names escape me now--thanks for the support!) for about 3 days, then went to my hearing with Kurt Jones and Richard Monterro. That limey faggot child-abusing ex-priest Chris Yarnold was Straight's expert--what a joke. Straight also had some lie-filled deposition by one of their quack shrinks, too.  The shrink had called me "the most happy-go-lucky fuck up" he had ever seen.
 When the judge said those magic words, "I deny the motion", I broke out laughing and shook my lawyer's hand.  Kurt Jones looked like he was going to cry, Richard Monterro looked stunned, like he couldn't believe that the Almighty Straight's plans had been thwarted, Yarnold shook his head, and some Straight parent who was there for kicks got a disgusted look on his face and walked out of the courtroom.  He told me in the hallway "You'll never work for me" (ooh what a threat) to which I replied "Damn right I won't".  I was free. :wave:  

Your sponsor says it's OK for you to drink

[ This Message was edited by: RTP2003 on 2004-03-01 08:22 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I saw The Passion Of The Christ tonight
« on: February 29, 2004, 03:30:00 PM »
I tend to agree with you, Therion, but I would include almost all religions--the monotheistic ones in particular seem the most harmful.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / just found this on e-bay
« on: February 28, 2004, 08:49:00 PM »
You're thinking of Leni Riefenstahl, director of such Third Reich classics as 'Olympiad' and the Nazi fave 'Trumph of the Will', a documentary of the Nazi rally in Nuremburg, the same city where the Allies would try the top Nazis for war crimes after WWII.  Leni was more of a sellout and tool of the Nazis (she got big budgets and complete artistic control in exchange for her propaganda production) than a perpetrator or even accomplice.  I'm not saying she is innocent of any wrongdoing, but it would be unfair to put her in the same category as Hitler, Himmler, or Mengele.  That would be like comparing some 5th phaser girl with Miller, Mel, or Ruthie.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I saw The Passion Of The Christ tonight
« on: February 28, 2004, 08:39:00 PM »
Here's a good link where you can find some examples of contradiction within the fiction:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Class-action lawsuits
« on: February 28, 2004, 03:52:00 PM »
What's the deal with a class-action lawsuit?  Could we survivors file a class-action suit against Miller, Mel, and the rest of the gang?  I don't know a hell of a lot about the civil end of our legal system.  Maybe one of you could educate me a little about it.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Eyes of the south
« on: February 28, 2004, 12:40:00 AM »
No, it's definitely Jack-o-Fire.  They had a really cool CD of a bunch of EPs and singles called "The Destruction of Squaresville" (worth buying for the title alone).  Really swampy, muddy blues/punk.  They cover Negative Approach and a couple of other old school punks and do them as raw, lo-fi garage blues.

I pretty much listen to all types of music.  Really there's only two kinds of music, good and bad, and as far as what's popular--remember--shit floats, and gold sinks.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Eyes of the south
« on: February 27, 2004, 05:10:00 PM »
Have you ever heard of a band callled Jack-o-Fire?  I think they were from TX. They had that swampy raunchy southern thang down.  I think one of the guys in the band was in Scratch Acid, but I'm not sure.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Eyes of the south
« on: February 27, 2004, 10:15:00 AM »
Have you heard Superjoint Ritual?  Hank Williams III meets Pantera--fucking rocks!

Open Free for All / 12-step bashing
« on: February 26, 2004, 08:58:00 PM »
A great example of the profound insight offered by Stepcults.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Remember our pal Steve Meade?
« on: February 26, 2004, 11:34:00 AM »
Thought all you Steve Meade fans out there would be interested in this.  Maybe you can write him and thank him for the therapy he provided at Straight.  According to the FL Department of Corrections website, he is on probation for vehicular homicide/DUI. Anyway, his address is:

1105 Huron Ct
Oviedo,FL 32708

Write him and let him know your "feelings" about his antics as a Straight Staff Member.

I know I plan on writing him and thanking him for all his efforts on Straight's behalf.

Love ya, Steve!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Miller's fecal fetish
« on: February 26, 2004, 10:56:00 AM »
Yeah , I could see it--Miller getting all aroused: "OOH! Those young kids all sitting in their own feces...I feel really horny now Ruthie!"

Fucking bastard.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Are Kaydee and Therion in Love?
« on: February 26, 2004, 09:52:00 AM »
Cool--glad you guys found each other

Open Free for All / 12-step bashing
« on: February 25, 2004, 08:43:00 PM »
This is the kind of crap I hate---"Oh, you must have had a negative experience with some members or groups" implying that I just happened across some bad groups that were misinterpreting their program, and there are really some great groups out there....BULLSHIT.  The whole Stepcult is fucked up--granted some groups may be more so than others, but the entire movement is founded on fiction, and the disinformation they spread is downright dangerous to people looking for help in dealing with their addictions.

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