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Messages - RTP2003

Pages: 1 ... 85 86 [87] 88 89 90
Greg, I tend to agree with your comments and observations, but to use logic in a debate with someone of a religious persuasion just ain't gonna work.  Ever see those bumper stickers "God said it-I believe it-That settles it"?  That is the mind-set of the people you are debating.  Of course they can't respond to you logically-- it isn't in their nature.  They threw out critical thinking and logic when they decided to bet the farm on some ancient, mistranslated, arbitrarily edited fairy tale.  Trying to get that mind set to respond to a logical, well thought out argument like the one you have set forth is like trying to run Windows XP on a TRS-80-- it ain't gonna work because the software is beyond the capacity of the hardware to handle.

I'm with you, but all you're doing in the end is reinforcing their smug ignorance.  They will pull out little phrases from their book of fables such as the one about "speaking a different language" to convince themselves that they see the "truth" while we ignorant agnostics and atheists remain unwitting tools of the "Enemy".  

I just think you're wasting your time, buddy.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Quit Whining!
« on: March 02, 2004, 11:26:00 AM »
On 2004-03-02 07:18:00, Froderik13 wrote:

Me & Louis-Ferdinand CĂ©line. He's a great writer. I'm just ok..He wrote Journey To The End Of The Night.  


Great book--ever read "Castle to Castle? one.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Quit Whining!
« on: March 02, 2004, 12:49:00 AM »
On a seven page troll. :silly:


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / That Psychotic Kevin Lowe
« on: March 01, 2004, 05:52:00 PM »
Yeah! That would be great.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / straight incorporated 81-84
« on: March 01, 2004, 05:24:00 PM »
I think she overSTEPped her bounds by sticking up for Todd, even if he is her brother, but that is not my main point.  I think it would be wrong to forgive ANY of the staff from Straight for their participation in what many have called the "worst human rights violation in this country's history, (after slavery and the Native American genocide)".  If you are "over it", well, more power to you.  I would say that the fact that you know of this board and frequently post on it shows you are NOT as over it as you say.  This is understandable-- it is very uncomfortable coming to grips with the shit we as survivors went through.  Maybe you have just repressed your anger, I do not know.  But don't belittle or minimize my experience at Straight by suggesting or impying that my anger is some sort of "character flaw" on my part.  I think it's a healthy, natural reaction to the shit I was forced to endure.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / straight incorporated 81-84
« on: March 01, 2004, 05:00:00 PM »
Richard Bradbury is a hero.

If you look back on the posts, Sara did her share of mudslinging and name-calling.  I think Idreamofnewtonsburning (great username,btw)was pissed, and rightfully so, at the suggestionthat the staff members were "only human" and "doing what they were told".  Read the fucking thread before you start deciding who started what.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / straight incorporated 81-84
« on: March 01, 2004, 04:55:00 PM »
Depends on what?  They "made a decision" to be on staff--they are guilty.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / straight incorporated 81-84
« on: March 01, 2004, 04:35:00 PM »
I'll give you that other phasers don't deserve my anger--but I think a staff member is a different story. They did not have to participate in an abusive situation in order to graduate and get out, they chose to participate in an abusive situation in order to satisfy their fucked up needs for power.  They are as guilty as Miller and Mel, although  not to the same degree, they still participated in the shit that went on there on a daily basis.  They are like the gaurds at Auschwitz--guilty not for masterminding the crimes, but for their voluntary participation.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / straight incorporated 81-84
« on: March 01, 2004, 04:02:00 PM »
Cleo, your advice sounds a little too close to "forgive and forget" for my tastes.  I say hang 'em high.  If not for ourselves, then to keep them from doing it again.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / straight incorporated 81-84
« on: March 01, 2004, 02:52:00 PM »
Todd Toth was an asshole.. There were worse abuseres on staff, but he was definitely an asshole.

I'm going to write Virgil a letter and let him know how much I appreciate the "therapy".

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Cop- Out Stories
« on: March 01, 2004, 01:11:00 PM »
David Laird was a fucking psycho.  He was way too gung-ho and seemed to really enjoy confronting people.  His sister, Kathy, was in the program too.

I remember seeing Kirsten Marriott in an intake room after they brought her back.  I was delivering lunch to the room.  I think they sent her to Va., but I don't know.  Jeff Leugers was sent back to group after being on Staff.  I read on the Yahoo site that he killed himself.  He was actually pretty cool with me when he was my o/c, but I thought he was kind of goofy.  There's a couple of other staff members I wouldn't cry over if they chose to follow his footsteps.  I don't know what Jeff was like as a Staff member, but he seemed like just another victim when he was in group.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Spying on Miller
« on: March 01, 2004, 01:02:00 PM »
Mr. Show was a sketch comedy show on HBO from 1996-99.  It ran on Monday nights at midnight, so it didn't get the ratings it deserved.  It starred Bob Odenkirk and David Cross, and they had NO boundaries as far as the subject matter was concerned.  You can get Mr. Show on DVD, they have the first two seasons in one set, and the third season on another. The fourth season should be available soon.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Cop- Out Stories
« on: March 01, 2004, 12:36:00 PM »
I remember all the 4th and 5th phasers went out on the yacht-- I was on 1st phase, so it didn't mean that much to me.  Wasn't McKelvey's dad some big-time Straight donor?

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