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Messages - hanzomon4

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Carlbrook
« on: January 01, 2007, 11:27:03 PM »
Quote from: ""Charly""
hanzo-  Wilderness was a summer deal, so not much about it had to go on any transcript.  The answer to counseling had to be "yes", of course, with a brief description of the issues.  Carlbrook did well with all that in his recs for the next school (s).  He did not receive psychiatric treatment- no meds were prescribed.  It all fit under "counseling".

Ok, it would be the same in psych unit.... They don't make you take meds, although they might suggest it. I don't see how counseling or even psychiatric therapy(which he did not receive) would hurt his chances of getting into a good school, didn't hurt my chances. If you know different let me know...

Also wilderness camp is not a summer camp it's an inpatient facility like programs and psych wards

The Troubled Teen Industry / Carlbrook
« on: January 01, 2007, 10:31:53 PM »
Quote from: ""Charly""
My son is much more of an elitist than I am.  He readily admits that.
Any psychiatric in-patient treatment has to be disclosed on applications to schools.  Not many schools will take that on.  Wilderness/Carlbrook preserved his options.

I sorry but I have to re-ask this one, I'm truly curious......

Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
How did Wilderness preserve his options? I ask because most schools ask have you received psychiatric therapy or psychological counseling, which he did receive in Wilderness and Carlbrook.

@70's If you don't mind could you say what mental illness your son suffers with, it can be through pm if you don't want it on this thread.
Also did you want the detox to treat his mental illness or just the drug problem? I'm not talking about a detox program I mean the psych ward, and no you don't have to be crazy or suffer with mental illness to be put in one.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Behavioral Problems Alternatives
« on: January 01, 2007, 10:17:44 PM »
Yeah the legal system can equal state or private run programs like TB and the others. Some Juvis are so bad international human rights groups have spoke out against them. The dangerous thing with programs is the parents that keep their kids there, with the legal system it's the judge that keeps them there. However a kid in juvi has more hope in fighting mistreatment then a kid(with program parent) does fighting a program.

I would suggest if parents need a time out and their kid is hurting themselves or others send them to a hospital psych ward. They can be tested for mental illness, keep safe in a regulated and licensed facility with properly trained doctors/nurses, and offered rEaL TrEatMeNt not forced bullshit.
Psych wards can't and won't promise a 100% problem solved child, but most hospitals won't offer abuse either. Oversight exist in a hospital psych unit, in a Program? nope

The Troubled Teen Industry / Mad Love for Foster Parents
« on: January 01, 2007, 09:50:45 PM »
Quote from: ""Just another honkey""
With you all the way Three Springs but I muse say you are wrong in regards to bad foster parents being in the minority and good ones in the majority. It is bad foster parents in the majority and good ones in the minority. We need more good foster parents.


The Troubled Teen Industry / Carlbrook
« on: January 01, 2007, 09:43:46 PM »
Quote from: ""Charly""
My son is much more of an elitist than I am.  He readily admits that.
Any psychiatric in-patient treatment has to be disclosed on applications to schools.  Not many schools will take that on.  Wilderness/Carlbrook preserved his options.

How did Wilderness preserve his options? I ask because most schools ask have you received psychiatric therapy or psychological counseling, which he did receive in Wilderness and Carlbrook.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Carlbrook
« on: January 01, 2007, 08:46:43 PM »
Charly, could you explain how a stay in a hospital psych ward is more detrimental to his education then a wilderness camp?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Carlbrook
« on: January 01, 2007, 07:50:52 PM »
Quote from: ""try another castle""
That's one of the main problems I have with many of these programs, they treat mental illnesses as behavioral problems.

Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out what my parents' rationale was for sending a suicidal, bipolar teen to go live in the woods. "Oh, he likes the woods." I know in the past I've said that it was probably better than a psych ward, but I've reconsidered that position.

Ultimately, I really didn't need either. Psych wards are for 5150s, and I wasn't planning on killing myself again.

I feel for ya, I suffer with clinical depression and it's not compatible with wilderness camps. Most days just getting up to pee was difficult.  I don't even wanna mention what wilderness camp could do to my OCD

The Troubled Teen Industry / Carlbrook
« on: January 01, 2007, 07:46:40 PM »
Quote from: ""Charly""
A hospital psych ward was not appropriate for my son.  He did not have a mental illness.  We were clearly told by medical and mental health professionals to steer clear of psychiatric facilities.  My son was much better off in the woods than sitting in a hospital room or in a lounge learning how to make potholders.  That also would have severely impacted his future educational plans.  

I do agree it is an appropriate option in some cases.

Psych wards are not just for suffers of mental illness, they treat behavioral problems too. Any self destructive behavior like violence or drug use they will treat as well as illnesses. I don't see how it could hurt his schooling options any more then wilderness, but maybe you know something I don't.

P.S. Potholder making is not on the agenda, and neither is fire making with sticks

The Troubled Teen Industry / Carlbrook
« on: January 01, 2007, 07:41:33 PM »
Quote from: ""psy""
Quote from: ""Charly""
Part of putting him with the boy who was so socially difficult was that our son understood that this boy's ADD and social issues drove him crazy, and that he needed to figure out a way to deal with the kid and not blow up.

If ADD is the root of the problem how exactly is a wilderness program going to treat that?  If you're not treating the program you're merely treating the symptoms and the problem will find other ways of rearing it's ugly head.

Did your son every discover why he was acting the way he was?  Otherwise, how did the program help him?

That's one of the main problems I have with many of these programs, they treat mental illnesses as behavioral problems.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Carlbrook
« on: January 01, 2007, 07:30:57 PM »
Quote from: ""Charly""
Toughing it out is not an option if it is destructive to others in the household and to the teen themselves.  I don't know what you could do in your situation, but in ours, my son could not remain in the household. He agrees with that.  It had nothing to do with not loving him or not standing by him.  It had to do with saving him and protecting the rest of the family.  I am not going to judge you, but I've already told you how well I think your way is working.

What about the suggestion I made earlier, the hospital psych ward. It's licensed, has oversight and accountability, the staff is very well trained,  and it will give your kid and your family the timeout you're looking for. Also diagnostic test could be done to see if the behavior is the result of mental illness. He would be safe, your family would be safe and believe me if he is a danger to himself or to others they will admit him.
Please let me know what you think about this option....

The Troubled Teen Industry / Carlbrook
« on: January 01, 2007, 01:42:38 PM »
There's no easy options when it comes to kids with issues, the only real option is persistence and patience. Like I said earlier I was just like most kids that get sent away but my mom just never excepted that as an answer. She only sent me to a hospital psych ward after what she thought was a suicide attempt. She only left me in there a day because she realized that they had no real plan to treat me. You guys don't have to justify your decision(I don't think you're trying to) I understand you were desperate.
But parents can't keep sending kids to these programs because of a lack of options. The best option would be to send them to a state licensed psych ward, they have much less abuse allegations, and most importantly, oversight and accountability. It will take awhile to see change but you gotta keep trying, even if you  have to try the same things over and over again. Never turn to law enforcement unless you have no choice because your kid could get court order to a facility and you would have no say in the matter(Read this horror story)

The Troubled Teen Industry / I am very confused right now.
« on: January 01, 2007, 03:02:23 AM »
I saw news report that said he died, they never stated a cause but I too suspected suicide... I feel really bad for his mom I know she is kicking herself  for sending him to TB.... Another example of the industry

Well then why the Hell do kids today get shipped off to neverland?!?!
Oh well Happy NewYears  folks, have fun  ::bangin::

Glad to you're still posting jnz.... But yeah I got the movie off of bittorent, difficult watch but very necessary. Goodluck with the parent jnz....

The Troubled Teen Industry / I am very confused right now.
« on: December 31, 2006, 12:30:46 PM »
It's bad, esp that big kid they sexually abused...
Very difficult to watch but parents should see this....

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