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Messages - CCM girl 1989

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Hi there,
Me no comprahenda? Is he paying students or councilars to go over to Costa Rica???? If it's students.....then they must be 18. What do I know though, none of this shit makes any sense to me!!!!! So, they have re-opened under the name Pillars of Hope? Interesting name! I wonder how many students are currently there?

I can't wait to take my Dad to see this movie! I know he feels bad about sending me to Cross Creek Manor, and he apologizes all the time!!! But, we lost out on so many years. I was in CCM for only 9 months back in 89-90, but we didn't end up seeing eachother for almost 10 years after I ran away from that hell hole. I think parents underestimate the amount of trauma these kids go through. I hated my parents for doing what they did for soooo long. We may end up forgiving, but we'll never forget.

The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being of His Father, in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.
--Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President, author, scientist, architect, educator, and diplomat

The Troubled Teen Industry / What happened to Bob Lichfield?
« on: November 08, 2005, 12:04:00 PM »
You're right. What seemed like such a major thing to me, meant nothing to him. He's gone on to start up all these twisted programs, I've just ended up a little more twisted! Hahaha, you know what I mean! I'm sure after my departure he found another girl who was as desperate as me to gain some freedom, and took her around to talk about how great WWASP was. Life is interesting, I have had people from my past pop in, then out. I love that about life! These days everybody can be so easily located. I'm not as good as some people at it though! Usually it's some ex boyfriend or guy that I dated who ends up looking me up. But, I think it's sweet though. Sometimes life just takes you in different directions, but you always wish the best for that person. I always find it very interesting to talk to people from the past. It's never a dull conversation, that's for sure! You get all the highlights of what's been going on with them for the last 5, 10, 15 years of their life! I wish that I was able to get in touch with some of the other girls I was in Cross Creek with. I find it to be quite difficult though since I am sure a lot of them including myself have been married, and their names have changed.

The Troubled Teen Industry / What happened to Bob Lichfield?
« on: November 07, 2005, 12:51:00 PM »
I agree that eventually they will be held accountable. The more I think about it, the more I am convinced this is a type of cult. I was in there, and I had no clue what was happening to me. I knew these guys got off on having power over us girls, but when I think of "cults" I thought of weird extreme religous groups where there were willing participants. I was not willing, I had no choice of being there. But, the strange thing is.....even though I was one of the most rebellious girls there.....and spoke my mind the most.....I felt as though it was a turn on for them. I have a love/hate relationship with Bob Lichfield. It's a typical woman thing, we think if we understand the man, we can change the man. He was actually very loving, and giving to me for the majority of the time I was there. Until I threatened to expose our special relationship. Then it got pretty ugly. I guess back then it wasn't as big of a deal, I was 16 he was mid-thirties? I know he wanted me to tour the country with him to talk up the programs. It was going to be my only chance for freedom, and I was going to be able to do whatever I wanted. In the end, I didn't see it coming quickly enough, and I thought he had betrayed my trust. I will never know. Someday, I will take off a week from my life and take a trip down memory lane. At the end, maybe  I will find him.........and I will get some answers.

I actually thought he was a nice guy. I remember him clear back in 1990 when he drove this frosty beige Ford Tempo. When I was going through all the B.S. with Bob Lichfield, he lent a sympathetic ear. But, now that I see him playing such a major role in all of this! I think totally different of him. I wonder what he's rolling around in now, I bet it's not a Ford!

I have not posted anything lately, but I have been checking, and rechecking to see how this went!!!! I am sooooooo thrilled. I have emailed atleast 5 different media organizations today in regard to the movie Self-Medicated, and the young man Monty Lapica who directed and wrote the movie. I'm hoping that he'll be able to shed some light on all this. The movie has it's premiere at the Hollywood Film Festival this Friday 10/21 at 4:00pm. It's been getting great reviews. I've exchanged some emails with Monty, and he seems like a great guy! Smart as hell too! I totally respect him, and what he's doing. Sometimes, it takes a movie like this to get the attention of the public, and the horrors that go on behind close doors of these WWASPS schools and others like them. I'll check out the sites you posted.


The Troubled Teen Industry / What happened to Bob Lichfield?
« on: October 18, 2005, 11:09:00 AM »
I don't think it's healthy for me to spend as much time as I already have on these type of sites. I get a little sad reliving all this. :smile:
I know they're are kids in these places that are as we speak being abused emotionally, possibly physically, possibly sexually. I hope, and pray for them to stay strong. I know in my heart that the truth will come out about these places. It truely is only a matter of time. :tup:
I respect those of you immensley who do go out, and fight for the rights of these children. They need people fighting for their rights. I will always speak my mind, I will never be ashamed to tell people my story. It's just I can't let my life revolve around all this. It already took too many years, and I can't let it take any more.
If you are not able to change the structure of these WWASP schools, and these guys don't take drastic measures to clean stuff up, then they need to be shut down.
I don't have a problem with them profiting from this type of business. This is America, ya know! I do have a problem with how they are run though. At this point, I don't know if there is any turning back for them though? All the schools they own, all  the changes that need to happen. I'm just not sure they can do it?  :???:

Well everyone, take good care of yourselves.

The Troubled Teen Industry / What happened to Bob Lichfield?
« on: October 17, 2005, 05:54:00 PM »
So, nobody ever did tell me what this guy is up to??? Is he off somewhere trying to open up another school? Is he in the middle of court proceedings? Is he relaxing at home in front of the boob tube eating an extra large pizza all to himself? What is he doing?!! Has anyone here come face to face with him, or had a chance to talk to him on the phone, and ask him why he's doing what he's doing. I emailed fox news, and asked them to do a story on all this. I know they have done them before apparently, but I think it's been a while, and this investigation needs to be opened again. If you were to create a timeline of all the events, and drama that has surrounded WWASPS, it could be a real eye opener for all parents out there. This could get interesting.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Heritage School in Provo, UT.
« on: October 17, 2005, 05:40:00 PM »
What happened to this place? Does it still exist? Who ownes it? I heard a while back that Glen Overton had sold it. I wonder what that place is like now? I was there during the years 86-89.

The Troubled Teen Industry / What happened to Bob Lichfield?
« on: October 17, 2005, 04:49:00 PM »
It's telling me that it is unable to connect! Hmmm...........I'll try later on. Thank you for the suggestion though!

The Troubled Teen Industry / What happened to Bob Lichfield?
« on: October 17, 2005, 04:29:00 PM »
Does anyone know of anybody currently in Cross Creek? Or of anybody who has been recently released? I would love to know what an average day was like for them in there.

Well, money changes everything. Greed is an ugly disease. WWASPS is plagued with disease.

Oh my god, that's scary. Are him, and Angie together still? Did you know that Brian played football for the Minnesota Vikings? When I dropped from the top floor of the Cross Creek Manor, I dropped in front of a meeting room where Brian was. He was one of the many that chased me into the night. He was soooo slow, being out run by a 16 year old girl?!! Pathetic! No wonder why he didn't have a career cut out for him in football.

The Troubled Teen Industry / What happened to Bob Lichfield?
« on: October 17, 2005, 03:05:00 PM »
Well, I do with my Dad who is 85. We finally patched things up when I was around 26 or 27? So, things have been pretty good for the last 6 years. My Mom passed away unexpectally a couple years ago. So, she was not at my wedding which was a month ago (today is our 1 month anniversary). But, I had my Father walk me down the aisle :smile:. He feels sooooo bad about everything that happened. He's come clean, and asked for me to forgive him, and I have. But, I will never forget. Never, ever, ever. At one time I was so angry, I told people he better never come to me when his health is ailing, and he wants to move in with me! I was like, I'll get my revenge then, lock him up in some stinky old folks home, have him the one begging, and pleading to take him home!!! Hahahaha, I am laughing while I am writing this! I was mad, I wanted revenge, but I wouldn't do that to my Dad now. My husband and I are 6 weeks away from having our home completed, it's around 4400 sq. ft. and we are situated on 3 acres. My dad knows if anything should happen, that I will take care of him. I'm more then happy to do that. I love him. But, I don't have a lot of sympathy for these WWASPSies. They haven't come to me, and apologized. They just continue to screw up other peoples lives, and collect a paycheck for doing it.

The Troubled Teen Industry / What happened to Bob Lichfield?
« on: October 17, 2005, 02:09:00 PM »
A little history on me.........I was first sent away at the age of 12. I'll never forget the date 1-16-86. I was the youngest girl at the school. My first placement was called Heritage School for girls, located in Provo, Utah. Anyway, I was only supposed to be there for 1 year. 1 year came, and went.....I lost my only brother 6 months after I got there in a freak drowning accident. That was my first homevisit, was attending his funeral. I didn't go on many homevisits, 2-3 a year. I never got in any trouble when I went home, I did everything I could to prove to my parents I would be the perfect daughter, it didn't work. They were happy to have me gone, that way they could retire, and travel the world. Anyway, I went to my therapy sessions, and as time went on.......we all knew that I was going to be left to rot in these places till I turned 18 no matter how great I did. It was hard work to maintain the level system, to be perfect, to not get upset over my situation. I snapped after 3 years of this. I finally had the "fuck it attitude". I mean it didn't much matter if I were on S.S. (special status) or leval 4? I was determined to do whatever I wanted (like step outside onto the porch, you had to be on leval 2 for that!),  to say whatever I wanted, to use the lords name in vain if I wanted. I just gave up, I tried to do the things the right way, and it didn't get me anywhere. I was angry, I was violent, I did things I know hurt people. I found out I was being shipped from one school to another, and I ran. I was gone for a week, and was captured to only have the one and only Karr Farnworth there to pick me up and take me to Cross Creek Manor, where I endured even more abuse. I spent almost a year there, before I ran from there too. This time for good, I never went back. That's it, just wanted you to know a little more about me.

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