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Messages - JNAILZ

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Elan School / E-7 Hater Jenny
« on: July 07, 2004, 07:55:00 PM »
I wasnt there long with miluska, but she seemed nice but quiet. To bad I didnt get to know her, tell her I said hi. I'll be around tonight so if you get a chance give me a shout.

Elan School / GI dorm day
« on: July 06, 2004, 09:36:00 PM »
That Anon that said Elan became like a hotel resort has a strange vision of a resort. I got to Elan in 91, and everyone could still smoke. If you were 18 as many as you wanted and 10 a week if you were younger. What a joke, 10 a week. Guys with long hair still had to cut it etc etc. Let me tell you, if anything as the years went by it got harder and harder to get away with any normal teenage stuff. It got so strict it became a nightmare to many. I don't know, I think I would rather deal with the screwed up shit and have some freedom, then have no freedom at all. We all experienced Elan a different way, lets not fight over who had it worse, it was just different eras.

Elan School / E-7 Hater Jenny
« on: July 06, 2004, 09:25:00 PM »
Hey, when you get a chance check your email.

Elan School / Electric sauce
« on: July 06, 2004, 12:18:00 AM »
Here is the deal as I see it. If Elan has worked for your son, there is nothing greater than that. pERIOD. yes, there is a lot of controversy surrounding Elan, and if you put a group of troubled teens together there is bound to be problems. The place has come a long way in the past decade, I began to see changes as I was leaving. Over the years there have been incidents of abusive staff, and methods that should not have been used. I have always felt that the concept of Elan is a good one, the problem was the manner in which it was carried out. Another thought I have is that it is difficult to find staff that is trained and aoppropriate in the middle of nowhere, especially for themoney. I do not forgive or justify the injustices that have befallen many through the years, and I know for a fact there are staff that care and do good work. If it has helped your son, I am glad and everyone on this sight should support that and be happy that the same horrors they experienced did not happen to him. That being said, I still do not feel that the institution should get a free pass for what has occured, and I wish those who have done damage could be held accountable. Understand please that many Elan survivors went through all sorts of differnet abuse, and the memories still burn. What scares me the most is a Elan saying, "those who forget the past are doomed to relive it". If that is true I pity the kids who end up there when it happens.

Elan School / The Ghost of Elan 8
« on: July 04, 2004, 10:46:00 PM »
heard alot of the same things.

Elan School / johny nailz is john ferry
« on: July 04, 2004, 05:09:00 PM »
Now the story changes. Jordan, you just keep telling lies, its scary. You told me it was because you and your father thought I was full of Shit. Now its is your backer who thought I was full of shit. I guess you have bad judgement, you thought ( although you told me you thought I sucked months ago) I was so good you showed your financers, but they read right through me, Knew I was full of shit and decided to end everthing. Shouldnt you or your father seen I sucked? So which story is it Jordan, the one from a few months back, or the changed version of now? First you try to make it sound like it was my interview that sank the movie, when called on it you change your story. Fool.

Elan School / johny nailz is john ferry
« on: July 04, 2004, 03:08:00 PM »
Two posts ago, but its obviously me. Anyway, whoever the last Anon poster was made me laugh out loud, you said "dealt with". LOL.

Elan School / johny nailz is john ferry
« on: July 03, 2004, 08:00:00 AM »
First off, its my first name retard. Its Jon. Thats all. Second, it could be no one else but you, you are a sneaky little shit, and its not about balls. Its painfully obvious to watch you try to set up the situation. The whole "why does that name sound familiar" You are the only fool who spells my name John. You have beef with me, and you have tons of personal info about me. Whoever wrote that last post is right. I don't know what world you are from, but you crossed a line, and everyone is fully aware you couldnt fight your way out of a paper bag, your a computer geek, which is fine, but I would watch yourself. Thats not a threat either, I have more important things to think about, like the fact that I am having a baby any day now. Some of us have lifes outside of this website. you can deny it all you want, but the only other person on this sight who would know that about me is Marina, and Im pretty sure it wasnt her. And yes I was Peters athelete Pet. You survived Elan one way, I survived another. I tried running away, I tried fighting, but after a while I figured id play the game. It got me out a lot quicker, I was on the first basketball team, so we got to travel alot. It was my way of getting away from Elan. I was always a SP on homevisits, going to the movies and basketball games, I spent half my time at Elan sleeping all day coz I got to stay up all night being a Nightman or Corner Sp. Yes Jordan, I was always High Stength, and I kissed some serious ass. It was my survival. And I still saw more shit that you did, you had it easy at Elan. You were never in rings, there were no drugs, gang members, three house riots, stabbings or staff getting beat on while you were there. E-3 was nightmare in the early 90's. Jason Reed, Danny Cooper, Greg Cruz Etc. They all could ball, and they were good shits, but they should never been in Elan. We had to deal with our peers running away and being Raped and murdered ( I was close with Dawn, we were in re-entry together and worked in the kitchen together) and other peers ending up in jail from Elan. Where the hell is Nick Weidman when I need him? Anyway, Elan went through tons of changes in my time there, and by the time I left it was getting to be more like a shitty prep school with groups. They screened residents better and the sports program was in full swing. What did they do that was so evil to you Jordan? I try to have sympathy for Elan Alum, but in your time there it was a lot tougher to be a female than a male. From what I hear you were just a spoiled rich brat who couldnt get his way?

Elan School / johny nailz is john ferry
« on: July 02, 2004, 09:15:00 PM »
Trying to get me pissed Jordan? You are the only person who knows me but spells my name wrong. Anyone who would remember me knows how to spell my name, headcounts, remember. And don't think you are sly by throwing in personal things, you only know shit coz I told you it when I tried to help with your documentary. Nice try though.

Elan School / johny nailz is john ferry
« on: June 30, 2004, 08:48:00 PM »
still dont get it.

Elan School / johny nailz is john ferry
« on: June 30, 2004, 08:45:00 PM »
and does anyone really care? besides you?

Elan School / johny nailz is john ferry
« on: June 30, 2004, 08:44:00 PM »
Why am I clever, and why am I am asshole?

Elan School / Anon posts
« on: June 30, 2004, 08:38:00 PM »
Hey look, i remembered my password!!!!!!!!!

Elan School / Dave McVetty
« on: June 30, 2004, 08:38:00 PM »
Forget it, I remember my password

Elan School / Being a Coordinator, BIG FUCKING DEAL.
« on: May 06, 2004, 10:30:00 PM »
I split my third day, on the way to the nurses office to get my blood work done. It was a Sat. Am before wake up, they had this tiny Coor. Josh take me down. on the way back, there was no one around. I figured even if this little shit caught me what was he gonna do? Bite my ankles? They told me he was a Coor. and to respect him and shit. Third day there, I had no idea whay a Coor. was. So I was 5000G. After I got caught in the woods of Maine ( Im a city kid, no way was I surviving in those woods, I just ran in circles for 12 hours like a idiot) they had a GM me. I remember thinking " Thess freaks, what the hell are they telling me to take a look at? They don't even know me, why are they so mad, why is this Josh kid going off, and what the Fu*k am I supposed to be taking a look at. All these little shits yelling and spitting on me. I almost started swinging, but it was overwelming, to many of them. They tried to make me GI, but there was no way I was scrubbing floors. And what was this guilt thing? They trew me back in the corner. For the next two weeks I sat there, watched and listened. I leared the "game". I figured out what I was looking at. "Concept". The best way to deal wit it was to become a Coor.

So there is my split story. Time for sleep. LAter

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