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Messages - Jesus H Christ

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Hyde Schools / Happy Birthday Joe
« on: April 24, 2007, 06:44:48 PM »
I like the pic in the middle at the bottom.   He has that look, like he is about to unload on you.

Hyde Schools / Scary Larry back on campus!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: April 24, 2007, 06:22:36 PM »
There are power issues at work in such a mind.

True.  This type of predilection is the symptom of low self esteem  rather then a sexual preference.

Hyde Schools / Hyde School, Virginia Tech and other musings
« on: April 19, 2007, 04:30:25 PM »
Quote from: ""Ursus""
Well... I wouldn't really know, and you must know them considerably better.  They always struck me as "good sorts," not of the more rabid proselytizing ilk.  The address is not 616 High Street, for what it's worth.

  Everyone who was not related to a Gauld by blood or marriage is gone from those days.

Hyde Schools / Hyde School, Virginia Tech and other musings
« on: April 19, 2007, 03:23:59 PM »
Quote from: ""Ursus""
Quote from: ""JoeSoulBro""
Jim Searles ... What is he doing now?  Did he leave with Joe or get kicked out when he came back?

Not a clue; however, there is a James W. and Claudia F. Searles listed as residing in Bath, Maine.  Perhaps they are still involved with the school.

  That is highly unlikely.

Hyde Schools / Scary Larry back on campus!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: April 19, 2007, 12:08:38 PM »

Does Hyde work?

Define your terms and I will give you a definitive answer.

Hyde Schools / Hyde School, Virginia Tech and other musings
« on: April 19, 2007, 11:24:56 AM »
Jim Searles ... What is he doing now?  Did he leave with Joe or get kicked out when he came back?

Hyde Schools / I lost my virginity at Hyde.
« on: April 13, 2007, 01:27:27 PM »
Quote from: ""Ursus""
people like ursus discredit what some people like this original poster say.

Curious choice of words, Billy.  Not quite sure I get what you mean.  Care to explain it to me?  Also not quite sure I understand how you or anyone else at Hyde, for that matter, feels it is within your realm to pass judgment as to what should or should not be discussed here, hmm?  Fornits isn't exactly an ancillary part of Hyde's Continuing Ed program.

  There is an idea: distance learning character education taught by former Hyde students.

Hyde Schools / Kurt Vonnegut Dies
« on: April 13, 2007, 11:47:48 AM »

Hyde Schools / I lost my virginity at Hyde.
« on: April 13, 2007, 11:20:18 AM »

some of you jsut come here and bitch and moan, and that doesn't do anyone any good.

We like it.

Hyde Schools / Kurt Vonnegut Dies
« on: April 13, 2007, 07:03:32 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Her name is Lili (Lee-Lee) and they're still married.
So much for your fantasy!

  The reason that I said that I was surprised was when I came back later that day, early evening, Stan said that they were having trouble.

  Stan said the school that year was a disaster.   The behaviour problems were as bad or worse then the typical summer school; Lots of kids on 2/4 nee work crew;  Lots of drugs on campus.  Everyone that was into the school was involved in the Legg - Gauld power struggle and attention to the kids that needed attention was neglected.  Gauld's National Commitment program fizzled and he had nothing to do.  So he started to mettle in the day to day operation of the school which was Ed's bailiwick as headmaster.  The faculty was forced to be one one side or the other.  So you may ask who was on the students side.  Good question. Stan said he was feed up and was looking for another job partly because that question was not being raised.
When you are saving the world what difference do the lives of a forty or fifty kids that you have made a commitment to matter?  I am sure that Ed and Joe saw the struggle in that light.
That is what I like about the new Hyde.  It is a completely post-modern cynical money making operation.  No grand sense of mission just as I heard Joe say a, "get the money" business.  Greed is good.  And oddly they are now closer to spreading the gospel of character education then they were in the halcyon days when the tongues of fire kissed the brows of the committed.

Hyde Schools / Kurt Vonnegut Dies
« on: April 12, 2007, 12:33:57 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
One year I had an english class with Mrs Brown, Julie?..Im not sure..Stans wife....anyway, on the first class of the fall she asked us what book we read over the summer. I said I read a Vonnegut book, and thought it was pretty cool. She told me that he wasn't a real writer...and likened his work to a comic book. Ridiculed me infront of the others who said they read other books..

  Her name was Laylee or Layla.  They lived in a house on Richardson.  I stopped by looking for Stan one warm May or June day.   She came out of the house in an india print dress, barefoot.  She put one foot up on the top two by four that held the pickets of the picket fence that defined the small front yard.  She had a beer in her hand.  I told her I was looking for Stan.  She said Stan would not be back for three or four hours but I was welcome to come in.  I would be surprised if they are still married.

Kurt is easy to read.  So is Hemmingway. Short clear cleanly constructed sentences define the style.  I hear papa stole it from Gertrude Stein. I like to imitate it sometimes.  Sometimes when I think about drinking in cuba, I like short sentences.

Hyde Schools / The Curious Posting Patterns of Billy Procida
« on: April 11, 2007, 03:44:01 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""JoeSoulBro""
Quote from: ""Ursus""
Ah, Mike... Who is being melodramatic here?  No one said anything about assassinations, at least not physical ones.  You have tried to apply one of the more commonly used "Informal Fallacies" in Logic:  Try to discredit an opposing viewpoint by exaggerating it.  Have you been studying presidential campaign speeches lately?

I felt that it was important that this issue was aired, for immediate as well as preemptive concerns.  Whether you get it now, soon, later, or never, or whether anyone else does, for that matter... it's really not a whole lot of sweat off my back at this point.  Someone had to put the bell around the cat's neck, and I done did that.

The next time somebody trolls you looking for information, you might just hear that "ding ding ding" in the back of your mind and be forewarned.  You might also want to spend some time trawling through the Hyde archives here just to get some perspective on precedents in previous years.

Cheers.  No hard feelings, but the issue is not so academic for some of us here.

  Thanks for the warning.

  As far as Hyde being unimportant, you really can't tell who Mr Bear is.  He might be Paul Hurd. He might be a she.  Maybe he is Ms Grant.  Maybe he is Gigi.

 I see it as a save the whales kind of thing.  Everyone needs a hobby.  Mr Bear's is anti hyde posting.  To each thier own.

  I think we should have a Mansion Levitation day.

I like the "save the whales" comment.  Reminds me of most the women who work at Hyde

   I want to go to Japan and get a minki whale steak.  I hear whale is quite tasty.

Hyde Schools / The Curious Posting Patterns of Billy Procida
« on: April 11, 2007, 02:31:51 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Ursus""
Ah, Mike... Who is being melodramatic here?  No one said anything about assassinations, at least not physical ones.  You have tried to apply one of the more commonly used "Informal Fallacies" in Logic:  Try to discredit an opposing viewpoint by exaggerating it.  Have you been studying presidential campaign speeches lately?

I felt that it was important that this issue was aired, for the immediate as well as preemptive concerns.  Whether you get it now, soon, later, or never, or whether anyone else does, for that matter... it's really not a whole lot of sweat off my back at this point.  Someone had to put the bell around the cat's neck, and I done did that.

The next time somebody trolls you looking for information, you might just hear that "ding ding ding" in the back of your mind and be forewarned.  You might also want to spend some time trawling through the Hyde archives here just to get some perspective on precedents in previous years.

Cheers.  No hard feelings, but it's not so academic for some of us here.


Hyde can identify me if they care to. No harm, bodily or otherwise, has come to me. Emil posted his e-mail address here. No harm has come to him. There are several other people who are identifiable. No harm has come to them. So you're doing a satisfactory job of discrediting your own viewpoint. Trouble is, you're discrediting this entire forum, to the extent that you dominate it. The thought likewise occurred to me that you might be Billy.    



 You could be Ursus and Billy.  I could be you and I am having this conversation with myself.  

I am  the Walrus.

Hyde Schools / The Curious Posting Patterns of Billy Procida
« on: April 11, 2007, 12:21:00 PM »
Quote from: ""Ursus""
Ah, Mike... Who is being melodramatic here?  No one said anything about assassinations, at least not physical ones.  You have tried to apply one of the more commonly used "Informal Fallacies" in Logic:  Try to discredit an opposing viewpoint by exaggerating it.  Have you been studying presidential campaign speeches lately?

I felt that it was important that this issue was aired, for immediate as well as preemptive concerns.  Whether you get it now, soon, later, or never, or whether anyone else does, for that matter... it's really not a whole lot of sweat off my back at this point.  Someone had to put the bell around the cat's neck, and I done did that.

The next time somebody trolls you looking for information, you might just hear that "ding ding ding" in the back of your mind and be forewarned.  You might also want to spend some time trawling through the Hyde archives here just to get some perspective on precedents in previous years.

Cheers.  No hard feelings, but the issue is not so academic for some of us here.

  Thanks for the warning.

  As far as Hyde being unimportant, you really can't tell who Mr Bear is.  He might be Paul Hurd. He might be a she.  Maybe he is Ms Grant.  Maybe he is Gigi.

 I see it as a save the whales kind of thing.  Everyone needs a hobby.  Mr Bear's is anti hyde posting.  To each thier own.

  I think we should have a Mansion Levitation day.

Hyde Schools / The Curious Posting Patterns of Billy Procida
« on: April 11, 2007, 08:13:52 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""JoeSoulBro""
You know Mike could be correct.   This does sound a little like the trial scene from the Caine Mutiny.

"Ah, but the strawberries! That's, that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, and with, with geometric logic, that, that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox did exist."

Are you saying that it is hard to listen to Ursus, pleading his case against Billy yet again, without the image of Captain Queeg in The Caine Mutiny coming to mind? Are you particularly referring to the courtroom scene in which the deranged, obsessed, and ultimately pathetic captain takes the witness stand and raves about duplicate icebox keys, missing strawberries, and how his entire crew plotted against him? Isn't that a little harsh?


  Well there is more to it then Queeg's mental imbalance.  Queeg was correct.  His men were disloyal.  Some times the pizza boy is a spy.  It is how you present your case.  If you sound like an OC it pushes people away from your cause.  It is not about the strawberries. It is about the bigger picture.  If you let them make you talk about the strawberries, you lose.
  Mr Bear is a dedicated crusader.  I am just a dilettante so far be it from me to cast aspersions.  I just here to provide comic relief.

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