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Messages - Lacey

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The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / ap47
« on: May 12, 2006, 08:59:00 AM »
Ap47 said they were from pg 57. So... That means he/she was there during my time. You sure your thinking of the same person?

On 2006-05-11 20:35:00, Anonymous wrote:

"No kidding...I have been informed that the meds

have always been a with the receptionist dispensing, I have been notified

of problems...Dr. Reddick is aware of the situation...I wonder why she doesn't report HLA?

Or does her pocket book take over her oath? Time will tell...I don't think she has reported this to GAO..yet.."

This is true. Meds were rarely administered by a professional, and I knew dozens of kids who cheeked their meds daily and passed around Adderall, Ritalin, etc. Its never really been a stable issue there. But then again, what's ever been stable there?

Oh nevermind. Peggy Jolley was registrar when I was there. Totally decent person. Makes sense why she's not there anymore.

god that name sounds so familiar, what was her title prior to the fill in?

On 2006-05-03 17:53:00, Anonymous wrote:

"water line

was it because a contractor first cut a small water line and then a second MAIN was sliced

why would the main contractor not release drawings as where lines were at for non-payment ????????"

I doubt it had anything to with construction or anything. During my stay there we lost water in the summer time just about once a month. No toilets, no showers, sinks... It was a normal occurance. Dont know why it happened. The water would come out brown for a little bit, then not at all. I'm sure Kid_Thorazine remembers too.

Well a nurse wasnt always the one dispensing medication. Actually it was really only twice a day that she did. The nurse was only there for morning and lunchtime meds. Evening and night meds were distributed by regular staff. Usually JimSir or Lee. But not always. Just a little information on the topic.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Update from "former" program mom
« on: May 02, 2006, 10:23:00 AM »
On 2006-05-02 07:20:00, Anonymous wrote:

"It obviously matters to you for some reason because you continue to post here, and get emotionally charged over an internet forum. It's obvious you are here to troll, and try to stir up some shit. Or you might just be crazy..."

I am just here to stir up shit? Who attacked my on grounds of whether or not I was sexually active or in a relationship. That seems to me to be much more antagonistic and uneeded than anything I have posted here. So believe what you want, and spew what you wish, but first look at the facts.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Update from "former" program mom
« on: May 02, 2006, 10:21:00 AM »
On 2006-05-01 13:43:00, Badpuppy wrote:

""I'm sure you've heard about their tactics in forcing students to conceal information concerning the truth about that place. Any time we would try to communicate with our parents about what was going on, we would be severly punished" Could you give examples and explain how HLA harms kids. It doesn't have to be specifically about you. You can use things you wittnessed or know about. Thanks [ This Message was edited by: Badpuppy on 2006-05-01 13:49 ]"

Go to HLA threads and read. Theres enough information there, and is written better than I could explain it. I'm not getting into anything else here, as I'm sure it will just be invalidated and debased on the grounds of some ludicrous topic as already shown.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Update from "former" program mom
« on: May 02, 2006, 10:16:00 AM »
Woah Woah Woah. I am not single BECAUSE I have a boyfriend. How does that not make sense to you?  My definition of SINGLE or NOT SINGLE is whether or not you are in a committed relationship. I am in a committed relationship and have been for over a year. So NO I am not MARRIED, but I am not SINGLE. And who the hell cares if I'm sexually active? Obviously I already established that when I said I was a mother to be, and unless I'm goddamned Holy Mary undergoing an immaculate conception, then that kind of answers your fucking question, huh?

And what the fuck does it matter to any of you?? Have you that little to truly argue about that you have to argue and debate about my sexual activity and whether or not I'm single? Holy shit, you all, thats pretty goddamned pathetic.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Update from "former" program mom
« on: May 01, 2006, 11:32:00 AM »
So what was your take on Three Springs, from the position of a staff member? And I don't know. I defended myself and my mother out of habit.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Update from "former" program mom
« on: May 01, 2006, 11:21:00 AM »
On 2006-05-01 08:07:00, Three Springs Waygookin wrote:

"So are you single or what?

Cops; you wake `em up you gotta dance with `em. They lead.
-- Jack McNulty


Did you really go to Three Springs? If you did, I'm sorry. Thats were people were sent too if they effed up at HLA, and I've heard some horror stories. And no, I'm not single. I'm not sure the relavence of the question tho.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Update from "former" program mom
« on: May 01, 2006, 11:11:00 AM »
On 2006-05-01 08:01:00, Anonymous wrote:


Unfortunately, my parents found out too late HLA's penalties for pulling a student, and I was forced to serve my whole stay there.

Are you saying that your parents made a value judgement that their money was worth more than your well-being?  Even if you're not saying this, it is exactly why many parents justify their actions."

Oh I'm sure my father made that chioce, absolutely. The stipulation of the court was that my father (becasue he had the money, and my mother did not) was that my father was to pay all bills surrounding my mental health stuff. So it was his decision to not pay the penalties involved in pulling me. He had already not had the outcome he wanted in court, there was nothing for him to do but cut his losses and go home. I have since not seen my father since i was 15. I'm of no leverage to him anymore in court, so therefore I'm of no use to him. So sure, I'd believe it in a heartbeat that he made the decision that money was more important that me. Sure holds true with his current track record.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Update from "former" program mom
« on: May 01, 2006, 11:06:00 AM »
If you know anything about Hidden Lake, I'm sure you've heard about their tactics in forcing students to conceal information concerning the truth about that place. Any time we would try to communicate with our parents about what was going on, we would be severly punished and our parents were assured that we were just "manipulating". So my parents really had no idea the extent that HLA was harmful until after I graduated and I finally had the freedom to express myself. All they thought was that I was unhappy about having to stay in boarding school. And all they saw, was me getting good grades, involved in sports, and getting accepted to colleges. HLA has a very great way of setting up elementary accomplishments that look great on paper, to make students look like we're accomplishing so much. So on paper, hell, it looked like I was the model student from every parents dream. There was no way they could have known.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Update from "former" program mom
« on: May 01, 2006, 10:56:00 AM »
On 2006-05-01 07:26:00, Anonymous wrote:

"If Lacey's Mom had been upfront about what program she was talking about--HLA--and had left out all the nonsense about her ex-husband, thriving business, boyfriend, Godliness, and the other BS, people may have taken her postings a bit more seriously. People here have a bit of a problem with parents who place their kid in program AFTER program AFTER program; and who THEN come on here YAKKING like they know everything. I still have a problem with the multiple placements of this girl."

"This girl" will be happy to explain the situation. The reason for the rant about my father by my mother IS the explination for my "Multiple Placements." The manipulation of the treatment centers I was sent to PALES in comparison to the manipulation my wonderful, oh so caring father is capable of. I was originally only supposed ot be sent to  the 2 month wilderness, and then the 9-month RTC. However, during my time at RTC, my father started a whole new custody battle to contend custody of me in court, solely for financial reasons. And if he had gotten custody, I can assure you that the person sitting here typing would be a FAR different, and much more disturbed person.  If I had come home directly after RTC, I would have been thrust into the dealings of my father's manipulative, greedy court case, which was one of the biggest reasons, throughout my childhood, that I got so screwed up (in one form or another). And Hidden Lake had assured my parents that I could be temporarily placed there for a few months until the court litigations were resolved, and the home I went back to was a much less tumultuous (sp?) place. I think anyone can agree that a return back home after treatment should be to a stable and supportive environment. Unfortunately, my parents found out too late HLA's penalties for pulling a student, and I was forced to serve my whole stay there.

So before everyone jumps to a position of autority on my life in treatment and the causes in which parts were or were not acceptable, maybe you should take a moment to get off your high horse and acknowledge that maybe you DO NOT have all the information regarding every childs circumstances. So it seems, the only person "YAKKING like they know everything" is you.[ This Message was edited by: Lacey on 2006-05-01 08:01 ]

The Troubled Teen Industry / Update from "former" program mom
« on: May 01, 2006, 10:29:00 AM »
On 2006-05-01 07:04:00, Anonymous wrote:


Most of the people you are talking about that jump in and rip people apart are harmless ex-employees who are bitter, kids who are not affiliated or attended a program looking for a place to dump their anger (road rage without a car).

This is so untrue.  The worst behavior on this board (that isn't by minors) is undoubtedly the parents who sent their kids to programs.

The smugness and the arrogance with which they discount reason, logic and science in favor of hyperbole, fallacy and faith is simply astounding.  "

Your assumption about my age "(That isnt by a minor)" is incorrect. I am actually soon to be a parent myself, and am definitely not a minor. The "smugness and arrogance" in which you assumed my age and level of maturity is also astounding.

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