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Messages - JNAILZ

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Elan history / WELCOME
« on: September 08, 2004, 09:54:00 PM »
Just realized about this today. Hey Syn, you never called

Elan School / The corrupt Truth of Elan
« on: August 27, 2004, 10:05:00 PM »
Sure thing, what do you do involving wine?

Elan School / The corrupt Truth of Elan
« on: August 26, 2004, 10:10:00 PM »
Just in case it make you feel any better one of my degree's is in Psych and I have worked as a residential Coordinator of a group home. The residents were out of control teenagers, but the program was much differnet then Elan's. That work has helped me get a different point of view other than Elan's.

Elan School / The corrupt Truth of Elan
« on: August 26, 2004, 08:05:00 PM »
You need a reality check. Do you just ignore what these people are saying. I think I have a fairly objective view on elan, I graduated from Re-Entry and had "Honors" for grades. Elan is focused on thier form of "therapy", not education. If you pulled your son out and are happy with his grades, you are sadly mistaken. We did watch the news for social studies, and we did have homework only on the weekends. It consisted of maybe 4 math problems and coloring, it was a joke.

I hope you and your son are still on the honeymoon phase. I was for two months, then the real world hit me. Elan did not prepare me for this. I was lucky, I stayed in college and got through. When the reality sets in it will be very difficult for you two, and the fake Elan education will leave him far behind. Because of the horrible education and lack of preperation for the real world, most elan alum struggle at first and many of us still do, regardless of the bullshit posts. Get some help and guidence before there is a hole so big it will be hard to get out of. After I graduated do you know how many follow up calls my family recieved from elan after 22 months and tens of thousands of dollars? Zero. There is help out there, you just have to ask, I offered my email and phone number before, you declined. The offer is still there. I wish you and your family the best of luck. I recieved some luck and ended up scared but doing as well as possible, if you can avoid the problems many of us face by learning and using the tools we never had (other Elan alum available and willing) dont pass it up.

Elan School / Marty Kruglik number and address
« on: August 25, 2004, 06:11:00 AM »
i dont think so

Elan School / Elan this, Elan that WGAS?
« on: August 24, 2004, 10:59:00 PM »
This is the worst thread yet. SyN got it right. I had a Staf Terrier to and he was great. Who cares who's dog can kill who's you asses. I'll take my Australian Kelpie over either of your abused dogs anyday because i can trust her with my kid and family. She's loyal, loving, smart and gets along with all other dogs. You two are retards.

Elan School / Marty Kruglik number and address
« on: August 24, 2004, 10:51:00 PM »
They all seem like made up funny stories, nothing real

Elan School / Marty Kruglik number and address
« on: August 24, 2004, 08:31:00 PM »
Just very curious about his abuse etc. if you could provide more info

Elan School / Marty Kruglik number and address
« on: August 23, 2004, 11:55:00 PM »
Is that a real conversation? Marty was there in the early 90's when I was there. He commuted from Peabody mass., or so he said. He was there every weekday and even came to our basketball games. If he didnt work there why was he there everyday for my two years. I have no recolection of him being abusive or mean during my time, he actually seemed like a pretty good guy. I cannot speak for what happened before or after, but he was always good to me. But if that is a real conversation I wonder what he is hidding, and everyone else whould too.

Elan School / Elan this, Elan that WGAS?
« on: August 21, 2004, 09:46:00 PM »
Dear Anon Poster,

     Wile i am glad you are living a happy productive life, your Rottie post is scary. You are getting a puppy and you live in a messy house. Do you have any clue the amount of responsabilty it takes to raise a dog? puppies need constant attention, what will you do while at work? You cannot leave a puppy alone all day long. The last poster was right, Rotties can have many medical problems. And there is no such thing as a $2,200 Rottie. Do you know that a Rotties temperment is very fragile and they need to be raised and trained properly so they do not end up hurting other dogs or people. Are your roomates responsible enough to treat the dog right at all times. Rotties are beautiful loving dogs, but also are a hard breed to give a good life to. It is like having a child. I have had dogs all my life, and right now have a Australian Kelpie and a newborn son, and it is a lot of work. Don't get a dog just to get a dog, its not fair to the animal. Good luck, but a messy house and a mediocre paying job is not a good situation for a new pup. On average I spend $5,000 a year on my dog, and I hope you have a backyard. If you don't find a good dog park and pray your Rottie gets along with other dogs, because a 100+ pound rottie will not be allowed in a dog park if it even misbehaves once.

Elan School / beth g.
« on: August 14, 2004, 04:23:00 PM »
Jordan. He did the same thing to me. He found out info about me from his movie interviews and decided  that he would post it all over this forum in his own sick and twisted way. By going ANON he can say "it wasnt me" and no one can prove. Except I could, because he was the only person who knew. He thrives on this shit, and we keep feeding into it. He is the lost lonely child alne with his computer. Thats why he defy's it so hard. He is so predictable it is scary. It is always obvious when he posts anon, but he thinks he is slick. LOL. He is just a child, thats why he has to come at peoples personal lives and try to hurt them. He has no social skills at all, thats why he calls people over and over and IM's them over and over, he doesnt know when enough is enough.

Elan School / Elan School
« on: August 06, 2004, 10:19:00 PM »
Please, please, please feel free to email me. I went through Elan fairly recently, stayed past 18, went straight to college out of Elan. I recieved my degree in Psych and have worked in the field. I have much advice to offer and an ear to listen. I can feel your anxiety and would like to at least give you some truth, whether it is good or bad to you is for you to decide. My story and path may be similar or different, but the constant is Elan. I am here if you would like to reach out - Jon Ferry  [email protected]

Elan School / ATTN: Llahsram
« on: August 03, 2004, 01:27:00 AM »
Listen, if you want to be Anon, thats fine, but if you have something to share you should reveal yourself and maybe someone can help who had a similar experience. The point of these sites is to share and get help. If you fear being known thats okay, but no one can tell if what you are saying is true or a hoax because of the vagueness and anon. I think Anon should be welcome, but if you are reaching out I feel going anon is not the way to do it. This is just my opinion, it is neither right or wrong. But please, don't abuse the sight. Artman may have his issues, we all do, but I bet he could give you some insight and maybe some help if you needed it. Stop the pointless bickering, be yourself, some dumb people may judge you, but you will find many Elan survivors that will not and who care. Do you really think people like Art go to this sight to be dicks? Think about it, use the forum to your advntage, you may be surprised.

Elan School / Kodiak Grizzly vs. Polar Bear
« on: July 22, 2004, 11:29:00 PM »
Grizzly wins. Hands down.

Elan School / check it out
« on: July 08, 2004, 09:01:00 PM »
I must agree with Jordan, the anon poster needs to shut the fuck up, no room for racist comments anywhere. Hey asshole, he at least had the guts to put up his work for everyone to see, if you want to say anything at least be constructive.

Yes, it is amaturish, but its not all that bad. The song is pretty good, actually, its really good, just coz you don't like the type of music doesnt mean its bad you dumbass. The biggest problem is the first two guys look timid and scared, and I think that hurts the video. If they were more comfortable it would flow better. They don't have any presence, but that will come in time.  Also, I understand they are going for a look, but they look like confused hippies, all dirty and shit. Overall its a very well done video, simple, to the point just introducing them.

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