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When you are old enough to give consent, the therapists can groom you and have other types of sexual encounters in Montana. That must be the conclusion of the investigation against Chaffin Pullan.

It is properly not what the parents hoped for when they sent their daughters to treatment in Montana but it is what they got.

Rape conviction in Utah underscores risks at programs for troubled teens in Montana
by Seaborn Larson,Montana Standard, February 14 - 2019

A former therapist at a private teen treatment program near Kalispell was convicted in 2018 of repeatedly raping a 16-year-old girl he was caring for in one-on-one sessions at a program in Utah.

Jason Calder pleaded guilty in Utah District Court to four felonies, including rape, object rape, forcible sexual abuse and obstructing justice. As part of the plea agreement, 12 sexual assault-related charges were dismissed, the Salt Lake Tribune reported in January 2018.

Authorities opened the case after the girl disclosed the abuses to another therapist.

Calder worked seven years as a therapist at Summit Preparatory School near Kalispell, and only worked with boys, Rick Johnson, founder and director of development at Summit told the Missoulian on Thursday. He said no complaints were ever leveled against Calder in Montana; his background check came back clean and no previous employers raised any flags in reference calls before he began working there in 2007. Calder left the school in 2014 for a job with a higher position at a program in Utah, Johnson said.

“We were actually very surprised, very appalled, and I was just saddened by all the clients that he worked with that maybe he had been inappropriate with,” Johnson said in a phone interview.

Had the abuses happened in Montana, the 16-year-old girl's allegations may not have led to prosecution.

Since October, a private teen treatment program near Thompson Falls has been sued three times by families alleging program administrators at Reflections Academy failed to protect their daughters from grooming and subsequent sexual relationships with an employee there. Sanders County prosecutors told the Missoulian in December they declined to press charges against Chaffin Pullan because the girls' ages were above the age of consent.

Johnson said Monday that, while he hasn't seen the details of the proposal, he supports a bill currently moving through the Legislature to make it a crime for therapists, licensed or unlicensed, to engage in sexual relationships with residents at private residential treatment programs in Montana.

“Certainly any therapist that has sex with a client should be held criminally responsible for that behavior,” he said. “That almost has the flavor of incest. It makes you sick to your stomach to think about it.”

The bill, HB 282, carried by Rep. Denley Loge, R-St. Regis, has passed approval of the House and will next be heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Johnson said Summit employs training with all employees to eliminate any potentially suggestive behavior, completes reference checks and conducts background checks for all employees.

It has turned out to be the end for Northwest Academy - previously known as Horizon Academy. The owners and one teacher were arrested on various charges related to endangering the lives of the students.

Nevada closes school for at-risk teens after owners' arrests
by Associated Press, February 16 - 2019

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Nevada officials have shut down a boarding school for at-risk teens after its owners were accused of forcing students to drink tainted tap water.

State health department spokeswoman Chrystal Main said Friday that Northwest Academy in Amargosa Valley has closed.

A telephone message to the facility about 90 miles west of Las Vegas was not immediately answered.

Defense attorney Malcolm LaVergne and Nye County sheriff's officials say owners Marcel and Patricia Chappuis (shap-WEE') posted bail to be freed from jail pending a March 18 court appearance.

They're accused of endangering 43 students by failing to provide enough bottled water for drinking, washing and cooking to replace tap water contaminated with arsenic.

Patricia Chappuis also faces two felony child abuse counts.

LaVergne says they'll plead not guilty and fight the charges.

Midwest Academy closed, now Northwest Academy closed, Red River Academy closed. Time for looking into the next school to close. We have been working on a new version of the Egedal SEO system created because the social services in a small town in Denmark took some money, they shouldn't have. Just point to the target and all negative articles ever been put online about a certain place will pop up as some of the first pages on various search engines and the authorities will be worried enough to start an investigation.

A mother tried to alienate her son from his father and that resulted in a lawsuit against both the wilderness program but also the transport firm - in this case Right Direction Crisis Intervention. The father and the son lost the case due to technicalities but none can question the abuse the son went through.


Quote from the lawsuit:

A. Factual Background
The following facts are taken from the Amended Complaint ("AC"), including documents incorporated by reference therein (such as the Judgment of Divorce and Stipulation of Settlement regarding custody and visitation), and they are not findings of fact by the Court. The Court assumes these facts to be true for the purpose of deciding this motion and construes them in the light most favorable to plaintiffs, the non-moving parties. For purposes of the summary judgment motion, the Court has also considered the Power of Attorney executed between Ellyn and Second Nature, and the Declaration of Authority granted by Ellyn to Right Direction, which are not disputed by the plaintiffs.1

Plaintiffs are a father and his minor son. (AC ¶¶ 10-11.) In 2002, Kenneth divorced Andrew's mother, Ellyn, who received "sole legal and physical custody" of Andrew, while Kenneth was granted visitation
[42 F.Supp.3d 454]
twice per week and daily telephone contact. (Id. ¶¶ 12, 41; Ex. C2 to Pl. Mot. to Amend at 3, 30.)

In the summer of 2012, Andrew was between his junior and senior years of high school and living with his mother in Manhasset, New York. (AC ¶ 14.) In the early morning of June 20, 2012, Andrew awoke at approximately 5:00 a.m. with three large men in his bedroom, two of whom were standing over him while the third blocked the door. (Id. ¶ 15.) The men displayed handcuffs, and "[a] struggle ensued as . . . Andrew tried desperately to escape." (Id. ¶¶ 15, 17.) The men told Andrew that they were taking him to Utah, and that they would stop any attempt by him to escape. (Id. ¶¶ 17-18.) Andrew asked to speak with his father, or with a friend or attorney, but the men refused. (Id. ¶¶ 20-21.) Andrew briefly attempted to flee, but to no avail. (Id. ¶ 22.)

The men in Andrew's room were employees or agents of defendant Skezics, (id. ¶ 16), who Ellyn hired to take Andrew to Second Nature's wilderness camp in Utah. Skezics is a Utah corporation, and the AC describes defendant Brian Shepherd as a Utah resident and "a principal of Skezics and/or Right Direction." (Id. ¶¶ 6-9, 117.) Defendant Second Nature is also a Utah corporation, and runs the wilderness camp in Utah to which Andrew was taken. (Id. ¶¶ 6, 23-27.) On May 30, 2012, Ellyn executed a power of attorney "in order that Second Nature may, if necessary, in its judgment, authorize or provide care and treatment to [Andrew]" and "to delegate to Second Nature while [Andrew] is in Second Nature's custody, any of the powers of the parent or guardian with respect to [Andrew] regarding his care and custody." (Second Nature 56.1 ¶ 6.) Likewise, Ellyn executed a separate Declaration of Authority authorizing Andrew's transport to Second Nature. (Ex. C to Skezics Mot.)3

Once he arrived at Second Nature, Andrew was forced to wear an orange jumpsuit, hike several miles through difficult terrain with a backpack, eat freeze-dried food, and bathe from a bag of water. (AC ¶¶ 28-37.) His boots were taken from him each night, and he lost 25 pounds. (Id. ¶¶ 31-32.) He repeatedly asked to speak with his father or an attorney, but defendants refused his requests until July 17, 2012, when he was released from Second Nature and first able to speak with his father by phone. (Id. ¶¶ 36-37, 50.)

Kenneth did not know that Andrew was going to Second Nature, and became alarmed when he did not speak to Andrew on June 20, 2012. (Id. ¶ 42.) Prior to that date, he and Andrew spoke on the phone at least once a day and spent at least two days each week together, as was provided
[42 F.Supp.3d 455]
for in Kenneth's Judgment of Divorce and the Stipulation of Settlement he reached with Ellyn. (Id. ¶¶ 38-41; Ex. C. to Pl. Mot. to Amend, at 3, 30.) When Kenneth learned that Andrew went to Second Nature, he called Second Nature and demanded to know whether Andrew was there, but the Second Nature employee who answered would neither confirm nor deny Andrew's presence. (Id. ¶ 44.) Kenneth's attorney made similar inquiries, which were also refused. (Id. ¶ 45.) The AC states that defendants prevented Kenneth from speaking to his son despite their knowledge of his right to daily telephone contact and weekly visitation, as outline in the divorce judgment and the Stipulation of Settlement, although at some point they allowed Kenneth to speak with a therapist, who told him that Andrew was "fine." (Id. ¶¶ 46, 49.) Kenneth eventually spoke to Andrew on July 17, 2012, when he was released from Second Nature. (Id. ¶¶ 50, 53.)

The program and the transport firm denied the father his court-ordered right to talk directly to his son without it having legal consequences.  The wilderness program is known for such abuse already. What is known about this so-called crisis intervention firm.

Vermont school shooting plot suspect recently left Maine treatment center
By Patty Wight, Maine Public • February 21, 2018

A student who was recently enrolled at York County Community College was arrested in his home state of Vermont last week after threatening a mass shooting at his former high school.

According to Vermont police, 18-year-old Jack Sawyer also attended a residential school near Belfast for troubled teens. York County Community College officials say they have no indication that anyone was at risk while Sawyer was a student.

Last Wednesday the Fair Haven Police Department in Vermont was notified that Sawyer was making threats against Fair Haven Union High School, where he had been a student, but Chief William Humphries says it was a follow-up tip from a friend that led to his arrest. The two had spent time together at Ironwood, a residential treatment school in Maine for teens with emotional and behavioral disorders. Sawyer had texted the friend about the school shooting in Florida.

“He had told her that he had been plotting to do the same for the last two years at Fair Haven High School, he said that he had no problem doing it, that he wouldn’t really have any remorse, that had no problem with ending it early,” says Humphries.

Sawyer had also purchased a gun. During an arraignment in court last week, Sawyer pleaded not guilty to several charges, including attempted murder. He’s currently being held without bail.

Until recently, Sawyer was taking a class at York County Community College. President Barbara Finkelstein says he withdrew earlier this month. After the news of his arrest, Finkelstein sent a letter to the school community, saying there was no indication anyone was ever at risk while Sawyer was a student, and emphasizing that safety and security are on ongoing priority.

“We’ve always been very vigilant,” says Finkelstein. “We have an active emergency response team that does practice drills all the time at the college. We have a number of security protocols in place at the college.”

Both Finkelstein and Vermont police credit the tips from Sawyer’s friends for averting violence, and say it’s a good reminder that if you see something suspicious, say something.

It is closed. They tried to rename it but the former students saw to that they could not escape their legacy. Unfortunately not even the closure could bring peace to many students who continued to suffer as result of the ordeal they had to go through, which became the basis for the article. Too many has died.

From 1923 to 1961 Danish teenage women were sent to the Island of Sprogoe where they were confined until they were sterilized or lobotomized so they could fit into the Danish society again. A crime could be too many boyfriends.

Some died, some escaped with help from local fishermen (the price was becoming their wives). Other ended up institutionalized for the rest of their lives.

Here is a link to the trailer:

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Northwest Academy closing
« on: September 22, 2018, 03:37:14 PM »
Quote from: The Sandpoint Reader
Northwest Academy closing after 24 years
By Lyndsie Kiebert, AUGUST 30 - 2018

Northwest Academy, a therapeutic boarding school in Bonners Ferry for 16-18 year olds, is closing according to an announcement from the school last week.

Director of Admissions Julia Andrick wrote on that after 24 years, Northwest Academy will close on Sept. 26 due to low enrollment.

“While we believe strongly in our mission to serve the specific needs of older adolescents, we are no longer able to attract a sufficient number of students in today’s treatment landscape who would benefit from this approach,” she said. “Our staff will work closely with Educational Consultants and parents to provide arrangements for our current students who will need further support in other programs, services or communities.”

Andrick, who is also the Admissions Liaison for Boulder Creek Academy in Bonners Ferry, said Boulder Creek — Northwest’s “sister school” — will remain open.

Quote from: The New York Times
‘It’s Like, Who’s Next?’: A Troubled School’s Alarming Death Rate
By Michael Wilson, Sept. 2 - 2018
When four former students from the same school died within months of one another in 2015, it seemed random, a morbid coincidence. Then the number kept growing. At least seven more died the next year.

Their fellow alumni, feeling more anxious with each death, started to keep count. By the time a classmate in Ohio died of a heroin overdose in October, the toll had reached at least 87.

Three weeks later, another fatal overdose in New Jersey: 88. Three more weeks saw another, a schoolteacher in the Bronx found dead in the faculty restroom. Ten days later, No. 90, in Minnesota.

“Damn,” a friend of the last victim wrote on Facebook. “This is outta control.”

All of the dead were alumni of the Family Foundation School, a small boarding academy in rural Hancock, N.Y. Since its opening in the 1980s, the school was an option of last resort for parents who sought help for their teenagers troubled by drug and alcohol abuse or behavioral issues. The students ate and bunked together, were dressed down and punished together. Some attempted to escape together, dashing through the woods to the nearest town and hiding in a McDonald’s bathroom.

And now, alone and back at their respective homes, they were dying, largely of drug overdoses and suicide, their names joining classmates on the list. Again, together.

The school closed in 2014 after a drop in enrollment that followed a self-described truth campaign by alumni telling of abuses there: solitary confinement, so-called “blackouts” of silence and isolation from others, the restraining of unruly students by wrapping them in rugs and duct tape. There were reports of physical abuse in complaints to state officials and the police.

In 2015, a year after the school closed, at least four former students died. The next year, there were at least seven. In a recent Facebook post, a man remembered hanging out with two friends from the school in 2016, following the funeral of another. Both those friends have since died.

Former students sought to find someone to blame, their first target being the school, only to come to terms with a more likely truth, that their dead classmates had been overcome by the sources of despair and addiction that took seed in their youth and brought them to the school in the first place.

It is unclear how many students attended the Family Foundation School over its roughly 30 years in business. A 1986 newspaper article about the school puts its student population at 34. The next decade, a 1998 yearbook — roughly the halfway point in the school’s existence — refers to that year’s graduating class of 30 as its largest ever. The school grew some in the years to come, alumni said.

Emmanuel Argiros, the son of the school’s founders and its former president, declined to comment on the school’s history. “I’m trying to move on,” he said. He has had many conversations with angry former students, he said. “It’s painful to go through it over and over and over again.”

There is no clearinghouse for data regarding mortality rates among secondary schools. Robert M. Friedman, formerly with the Alliance for the Safe, Therapeutic and Appropriate use of Residential Treatment, said he was familiar with the Family Foundation School and the push by alumni to close it down. He said the deaths of graduates are not typically tracked.

“Nobody knows how these kids have done, over all,” he said.

In recent months, many of the school’s former students have pivoted to a sort of social media suicide watch, urging alumni on Facebook to look out for one another. The effort is led by Elizabeth Ianelli, 39, an alumna of the school and a former police instructor, who has tallied the death count — now up to 101, all under the age of 50 and the vast majority under 40.

Ms. Ianelli, whose username is Survivor993 for the number of days she spent at the school, created a Facebook community page called ISeeYouSurvivor, and separately posted a video that she made in her home office in Carmel, N.Y.

“What I want you to know is that I see you,” she said, visibly shaken as she spoke. “I see you. I know what you go though and I’ve been there.” She added later, “Our best revenge is living a good life.”

School of Last Resort

Parents who were struggling with troubled teenage children sent them to the Family Foundation School, near Binghamton, where they were promised their sons and daughters would receive a quality education as well as counseling and tough-love discipline.

A special-education teacher, Lillian Becker, heard about a job opening at the school in 1998 and went for an interview. It was her first time on the campus, where she saw a schoolhouse, trailers and a red barn arranged on a hill that sloped gently down to a pond.

“It looked wonderful,” Ms. Becker said in a recent interview. “Very professional, very clean, very neat and orderly and everybody was very friendly. They had a student give me a tour. She just seemed so happy to be there.”

Ms. Becker got the job. On her first day, she saw something strange. She was asked to monitor a timeout room for 20 minutes until a staff member arrived to take over. “A storage room, probably like 6 feet wide by 12 feet long,” she recalled. “On the floor was this student wrapped in a blanket with duct tape to hold the blanket shut. Just the head was sticking out.”

She was told the student was at risk of hurting others or himself.

She settled into her job as a de facto nurse, making outside medical and dental appointments for students and tending to their aches and pains. She saw other practices that, looking back, she wonders why she didn’t openly question.

The school was arranged in “families,” with staff members designated as “Mom” and “Dad” and their “children,” the students, eating meals together before retiring to bunk beds in trailers, separate for boys and girls. A regular occurrence during meals were “table topics,” when students would stand and accuse, or “bring up,” another classmate over some infraction, Ms. Becker and former students said.

“Susie would get up and say, ‘I want to bring up John,’” Ms. Becker said. “John had to stand up. Now it’s time to basically break this kid down. ‘I saw him flirting,’ something like that.” What regularly followed was a tirade of mocking and scolding from other students and adults, she said. “The staff would chop this kid up.”

Sanctions varied, some involving food — a diet of tuna fish on a dry English muffin was a common punishment — or menial labor, with students burying rocks in the dirt one day, only to be ordered to dig them up the next. Others were social in nature, called “blackouts.”''

“If you were on house blackout, you were not allowed to talk to anyone outside of the family you were in,” said Emily Valentine, a student in 2001 and 2002. The most extreme blackout was called exile, leaving the student to sit in a corner, alone, at meals. “You weren’t allowed to talk to anyone or look anyone in the eye,” said Wesley Good, an alumnus from 2009. “You were a ghost.”

Some students reacted physically. “I flipped out and punched my counselor,” said Elizabeth Boysick, who entered the school in 2000. Ms. Boysick said she was placed in a janitor’s closet for the infraction. “Rugs in there, rugs on the wall. Nobody was to talk to you.”

Steve Sullivan attended the school from 1999 until 2002, and went on to serve time in prison years later for burglary and robbery. He said he would fight others at every opportunity, beginning on his first day, when he lashed out at staff members who were trying to search him for contraband. “I was thrown in an 8-by-8 isolation room,” he said. “Lunch and dinner were both tuna. I’d spend days in there on end.” Once, he kicked the door off its hinges.

Former students could remember who watched them while they were bound or locked up: other students, effectively deputized by staff members to serve as jailers.

Some of those accounts are corroborated by the reports of state officials who, after receiving complaints, conducted surprise inspections over the years.

In 2010, inspectors noted “a previous culture of harsh treatment at the facility,” adding, in a letter to the school, “The Family Foundation School has been working to change this culture,” according to documents released by the state’s Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs.

In a written response to the inspectors, Mr. Argiros, the president, denied that the school acknowledged its past as harsh, and said it has always been open to outside agencies and new protocols for “dealing with often incorrigible and oppositional adolescents who have failed to thrive before coming to our school.”

Ms. Becker, the de facto nurse, enrolled her own son, Lee Grivas, at the school. He did well, earning good grades and going go on to study photography. He eventually dated the actress Christina Applegate and moved to California. In 2008, he died of a drug overdose.

Escape by Any Means

Students ran away from the school. Mr. Sullivan fled one day in the winter of 2002, unprepared for the eight-mile journey to Hancock, N.Y.

“I get to town, and I’m frozen,” he said. “I ended up sleeping in a doghouse. I woke up frozen stiff and I couldn’t move.” He walked to a police station. “I tried to turn myself in. There’s no cop there.”

Mr. Good, the 2009 alumnus, was initially brought to the school by force; he said men in a van grabbed him off the street at his parents’ request — an occurrence known as “gooning.” One day, he hurt his elbow and was sent home on a 24-hour pass. Knowing his parents planned to send him back, he ran away from home and hid in a friend’s basement until his 18th birthday some days later, when he was free to leave the school on his own.

He wrote his parents a note, “Hey, I love you guys, but you don’t understand.”

Other students, desperate, saw another means of escape.

“I tried to commit suicide one night in my bunk,” said Walter Huff, now 27 and living in Chicago. “I thought it was the only way out. I took a belt and put it around my neck and put it on the top bunk, and woke up the next morning with the belt. It had broken.”

In 2007, a 17-year-old student died after jumping from an upper floor of the school. Ms. Becker, the former nurse, remembers treating students who she believed had attempted to take their lives.

“A young lady, it was winter, but the pond had a slight freeze,” she recalled. “The girl had threatened suicide and went out and jumped in the pond.” Others brought the student to Ms. Becker, who treated her for hypothermia.

Ms. Ianelli, who calls herself the “crypt keeper” of the alumni, believes that the school left some students more damaged than they were when they arrived.

“We call ourselves an endangered species,” she said in an interview.

Ms. Ianelli said she was repeatedly groped by an employee of the school and then reprimanded when she tried to report the behavior. The experience left her so distraught that she grabbed a plastic jug marked “bleach” and entered a walk-in cooler. She gulped the liquid.

“I was so excited to die,” she said.

Nothing happened. She looked at the jug again and saw another word written on the other side: “vinegar.”

‘Will You Do It With Me?’

James Clemente, 61, of Trumbull, Conn., sent his son Mark to the Family Foundation School in 2002 when the boy was 17; he described it as a last-ditch effort to treat Mark’s heroin addiction.

“I thought it was a great school,” Mr. Clemente said. “He was getting an education, not just going to rehab.”

Mark Clemente left Family Foundation School when he turned 18 and moved to Manhattan, where he lived on the streets for more than a decade, a fixture in Union Square and the East Village until his death in 2017.CreditAndrew Burton/Getty Images
“They had all the tools he needed to use,” Mr. Clemente said of the school. “He just didn’t use them.”

Anne Moss Rogers sent her son, Charles, to the school in 2012 in hopes of treating his depression and anxiety. He left the school in 2014 and killed himself a year later while suffering from withdrawal from heroin.

“When Charles died, there was one before him and one right after. A girl overdosed, then he died, then a child died due to alcohol, a car accident.” She believes the school actually prolonged Charles’ life: “He would have been dead at 17.”

Ms. Rogers, who became a speaker and mental health advocate after losing her son, said the list of dead classmates should be placed in a larger perspective. “These are high-risk kids,” she said. “We’re in an opioid epidemic and a suicide epidemic.”

Jon Martin-Crawford, an alumnus, achieved notoriety among his peers when he testified about the school before a congressional hearing regarding treatment programs for teens in 2008.

“The nightmares and psychological scars of being dragged from your home to a place in the middle of nowhere; restrained in blankets and Duct tape; assaulted, verbally and physically — those scars and that trauma never go away,” Mr. Martin-Crawford, then 28, testified. “For my friends who have since died from suicide because of the nightmares or those who still suffer the nightmares, our time and our voice will not be in vain.”

Seven years later, he hanged himself.

“It’s like, who’s next?” a former student, Sara McGrath Brathwaite, said when contacted by a reporter earlier this year. “Why?”

Thirteen former students died in 2017, among them a nurse anesthetist in Colorado, Suzanne Leffler, who took her life with drugs through an IV from her job. Ms. Leffler and another teen, Lauren Durnin, met at the school in the 1990s and remained friends. “She was always trying to make you laugh,” Ms. Durnin said. “She just seemed like she had it all together.”

In August, the police went to Ms. Leffler’s house and found her on her bed. “She had put herself to sleep,” Ms. Durnin said.

Ms. Durnin said she found herself contemplating her own death.

“All I could think to myself is, ‘You could have called me and I would have been there for you,’” she said. “And at the time, after she died, I thought if she had said, ‘Will you do it with me?’ I would have.”

Tree of Lost Souls

Today, a sports camp stands where the school once did, the buildings on the property under new ownership. Roads once dirt are paved now, but off-season at the camp, they are quiet. There is the pond where the girl dropped through the ice. There is the old barn.

Ms. Boysick, the former student who described the room with rugs on the walls, said she was repeatedly sexually abused in the barn by a teacher. She recently went to the police, after almost two decades, to press charges. The statute of limitations had passed, she was told. Nothing could be done.

A white pickup drove past the property one evening in April. Behind the wheel was Randy Whiting, 64, whose family has owned the property for many years, and who used to work in maintenance at the school. He was an insider and an outsider at the same time, his front-row seat unrelated to education or the school’s cause. News of recent deaths among alumni has found him, too.

“You know some of them, and you hear it,” Mr. Whiting said. He believes the school did a lot of good for a lot of teenagers. “They’re the ones you don’t hear much about,” he said. “There were some of the kids you just can’t reach.”

Some of those apparently beyond reach make their appearances on Ms. Ianelli’s Facebook page, alongside victims of tragic accidents.

In January, an alumnus crossing a busy road in Moonachie, N.J., was struck and killed in a hit-and-run collision. He became No. 94.

In April, reports of more deaths arrived back-to-back-to-back. A 27-year-old man was killed in a scooter accident in Florida. In Saratoga Springs, N.Y., a 35-year-old graduate and medical equipment salesman, Kyle Nelson, learned that his stepfather had died overnight. When he left to go to his grieving mother’s home the next morning, he dropped dead of a heart attack. In July, when some past deaths were added, the list reached, and then passed, 100.

Last year, Ms. Ianelli and others from the school planted a tree near the property in Hancock, beside a Catholic church in Long Eddy. They placed a plaque before it and named it the Lost Souls Tree.

Up close, markings can be read on rocks, remembering dead friends, but in the winter, the tree is bare and slight, easily missed when passing by.

Quote from: KVEO news
APNewsBreak: Shooting suspect had history of mental illness

BALTIMORE (AP) - The suspect in a deadly shooting at a Florida video game tournament had previously been hospitalized for mental illness, according to court records in his home state of Maryland reviewed by The Associated Press.

Divorce filings from the parents of 24-year-old David Katz of Baltimore say that as an adolescent he was twice hospitalized in psychiatric facilities and was prescribed antipsychotic and antidepressant medications.

The records show Katz's parents disagreed on how to care for their troubled son, with his father claiming his estranged wife was exaggerating symptoms of mental illness as part of their long and bitter custody battle. The couple divorced in 2007.

Katz opened fire Sunday at a gaming bar inside a collection of restaurants and shops in Jacksonville. He killed two people and wounded 10 others before fatally shooting himself during the "Madden NFL 19" tournament, authorities said.

Jacksonville Sheriff Mike Williams has declined to comment on the gunman's motive.

The suspect's father, Richard Katz of Baltimore, and his mother, Elizabeth Katz of Columbia, Maryland, did not respond to phone messages Sunday or Monday. Efforts by the AP to reach them at their homes were also unsuccessful.

The Howard County, Maryland, divorce filings say that David Katz played video games obsessively as a young adolescent, often refusing to go to school or to bathe. Elizabeth Katz, a toxicologist at the Department of Agriculture, said she confiscated some of her son's gaming equipment after finding him playing in the wee hours.

"His hair would very often go unwashed for days. When I took his gaming equipment controllers away so he couldn't play at 3 or 4 in the morning, I'd get up and find that he was just walking around the house in circles," the mother said, according to a transcript in the court files.

At one point, she put his gaming controllers in her bedroom behind a locked door and he punched a hole in the door, she said.

Elizabeth Katz said her youngest son had increasing difficulty concentrating following his parents' split. A judge awarded custody of the boy to his mother, with visitation rights to the father.

At times David "curled up into a ball," refused to attend school and sobbed, she said. She asserted that her ex-husband instructed David not to take Risperidal - an anti-psychotic medication prescribed to him. The father claimed in court filings that David was not "diagnosed as psychotic."

He missed large stretches of school while under his mother's supervision. He was admitted to the nearby Sheppard Pratt mental health system for about 12 days in late 2007. Court documents say a psychiatrist at that time administered antidepressants. He later spent about 13 days at Potomac Ridge, a mental health services facility in Rockville.

Richard Katz, a NASA engineer, said his ex-wife had "an obsession with using mental health professionals and in particular psychiatric drugs to perform the work that parents should naturally do." He said she routinely gave false information to mental health care providers. He described one incident in which his son was handcuffed by police after locking himself in his mother's car in an attempt to avoid going to a mental health appointment with her.

Federal law requires gun buyers to disclose whether they have ever been involuntarily committed to a mental institution. Maryland state law also prohibits the sale or transfer of a gun to someone who has been diagnosed with a mental disorder or who has a history of violent behavior.

In recent weeks, Katz legally purchased the two handguns he carried from a gun store in Baltimore, the sheriff said.

The sheriff, who said Katz did not fire both weapons, did not say whether Katz disclosed his past hospitalizations on the form for the required federal background check.

By the time Katz was 15, the divorce records show, the father asserted that Elizabeth Katz "routinely" called the police for "trivial matters." In a transcript of a 2010 phone call, the mother phoned a 911 dispatcher, accusing David of "abusing" her by coming home late after a visitation with his father. She then insisted he was "assaulting" her by trying to gain control of the cable cord to the television. She complained to the dispatcher that he was rolling his eyes and laughing.

"You'll roll your eyes. Fine. You'll pay. Where are you going to be tomorrow?" she said in the transcript, addressing her son. The dispatcher encouraged her not to say anything further until a police officer arrived. He was eventually sent to a wilderness therapy program in Utah called RedCliff Ascent for nearly 100 days.

According to the father's version of events, the relationship between mother and son got increasingly worse.

Elizabeth Katz put David's clothes in suitcases on at least two occasions and asked him to leave, including once on Mother's Day in 2007. In court filings, the father asserted that David "routinely expresses his anger" toward her. He claimed that when David was staying with him, the boy showed no signs of behavioral problems and was "generally lively, communicative" and "playful."

In a 2010 letter, David Katz wrote a letter to a magistrate judge saying he wanted to live with his father and describing his mother as "pretty crazy." He said she called the police to the family's home about 20 times and "gets drunk." He blamed her for his poor grades.

Despite the problems, Katz graduated from Hammond High School in Columbia in 2011. He went on to attend the University of Maryland, though he did not earn a degree.

Katz used the gamer tags "Bread" or "Sliced Bread" when competing. The game's maker, EA Sports, lists a David Katz as a 2017 championship winner.

On the Madden competition circuit, Katz was known to barely speak to fellow gamers and sometimes exhibited an erratic playing style, according to other competitors.

"We've always known he was a little off and stuff just because he wasn't social at all," Shay Kivlen, 21, of Seattle, said Monday in an interview.


Biesecker reported from Washington. Associated Press Writer Russ Bynum in Jacksonville, Florida, also contributed to this report.


Follow Biesecker at and McFadden at .

Being forced to attend a wilderness program seemed to have fuelled his anger with tragic results years later.

It is not the Utah Cross Creek. It is a Florida school with the same name.

That does not mean that they did something good which could have prevented the attack.

Feed Your Head / Boy missing from Redcliff Ascent
« on: July 27, 2018, 04:16:48 AM »

Quote from: KSL TV
Boy Who Disappeared In Beaver County Spotted In Washington County
KSL TV, JULY 26 - 2018, by Sean Moody

BEAVER, Utah – A 13-year-old boy who disappeared in the desert of western Beaver County was spotted in neighboring Washington County Thursday.

Beaver County Sheriff Cameron Noel said Roberto Madrigal is from California and was camping with a group from Radcliff Ascent. The organization works with teens from across the country that are having difficulties, taking them on wilderness retreats. Around 12 p.m. Tuesday afternoon, Noel said Roberto ran away from the group. He said Roberto told friends he believed Las Vegas was on the other side of some nearby mountains. The area is miles from any civilization. Las Vegas is a four-hour drive away.

Noel said the group has had teens run away in the past. He said they are well-equipped for search and rescue.

“They normally locate them within a few hours. They are pretty sophisticated,” Noel said.

Roberto Madrigal. Photo courtesy of Beaver County Sheriff’s Office

After 24 hours, though, the group called for help from the sheriff’s office. Deputies and search and rescue members spent Thursday scouring the desert while a Utah Department of Public Safety helicopter searched overhead.

“They had a track on him, but unfortunately a rainstorm came in, washed away all those tracks, so we have no tracks. We don’t have a direction of travel, we don’t have a whole lot,” Noel said.

Thursday evening, Noel said someone in the Washington County community of Enterprise spotted Roberto hiding near a vacant house. That person called police after seeing news coverage of the missing boy. The caller said it appeared he was wearing black thermal underwear. Noel said the tracks left behind match Roberto’s boots.

Beaver County authorities have canceled search efforts in their county.

Various volunteers are looking at Atlantis Leadership academy located in Jamaica. It is run by a Randall Cook, which could be a former WWASP employee who went by the name "Randy Cook" many years ago. His mother published marketing material for WWASP.

More info will follow on this facility located in a unnamed location at Treasure Beach in Jamaica

News Items / Various testimonies about Circle of Hope Boarding School
« on: June 05, 2018, 02:51:46 AM »
Found those testimonies below on this page from Complaintboards:

Quote from: lisharayanne
I went to this boarding school for 15 months, I finally convinced my parents I needed out of this place. Boyd would minipulate the girls not to tell the social workers what was really going on and if we did and we didnt win the case the girls that told the truth would get punished! Or put a black shirt which means you get treated lower and fed less, girls got there faces shoved in puke. Grantid they puked cuase they were being restained for over 3 hours. Boyd spit in the girls faces while he was an inch away screaming at them. (considered murder cuase you can get aids through saliva) a married staff member had sex with one of the girls there and boyd and steph told the girls not to say a word about it and that they took care of it and all parents were notified no parents were notified. A 9 year old was forced to eat huge amounts of food just becuase she was still hungry. We did not get fed enough, I was on the wall for god knows what and I was given a plate of bones with barely any chicken meet on them and steph was serving the food. I remember. And I barely got fed. If you asked for more food you got push ups and got made fun of. Girls got scared to ask. If girls that are in there now say anything boyd and steph will make things harder on you. And shove all of the things you tell your rents or s. S in your face and make your life there hell. We wore dirty underwear and clothes we looked dirty and gross, I had self asteem issues but that was the "purpose" I guess to not feel like a women and feel like the worst thing ever. We worked alot I lost so much weight being there, hardly sleeping, hardly eating, and working way too much, then there was the excersizes you had to do for behavior, you had to keep working till you passed out and we got put in push up position till our fingers were numb and out back was aching, and if we didnt keep our back straight the whole time we were put there longer. 5 minute showers, 1 minute to undress, 3 minutes to clean yourself, 1 minute to dress. Bad hegeine. Were teens not in the #ing military. We didnt ask for this. We got like 2 minutes to take a flippin #. We hardly ate. How in the hell are we gonna take a huge enough # for these ppl? And if it was big enough we had to take medomulso or whatever < (I loled.) I was depressed the whole time and if you showed any sign of depression you got push ups for now being "happy" and docked down shirts cuase you werent "right with god" well boyd and steph your not right with god. Who treats teenagers like this? Not even your own kids wanna follow your footsteps. Jesus. I attempted suicide in church I tryd suffercating myself I could not handle it. Im 18 now I got there when I was 14 and out when I was 16, im still phycologically damaged from it. Girls got brainwashed. Look media if you want a good story. Talk to the girls who know whats really going on. Girls went hungry and that place just disgusts me. I feel really bad for the girls that are there now. Noone should have to go through that. And also there education system was a jjokee I was in the 9th grade and they put me in like 5th grade, I had no high school credits when I got out. They also try to brainwash the girls into stayin there forever and thats the "best thing". This is not the next best option for your children, disipline your own kids, understand your teens and be a flippin parent.

Quote from: Autumn Ice
I can personally say from experience that this boarding school is as horrible as she explains it! I remember when I first got there, they treated me like I was one of their own, and then I started making the tiniest of mistakes and they started treating me like [censored]. I was sent there in july of 2017 as a 13 year old girl, and got out december of 2017 as a 14 year old girl. I have always had a difficult time remembering things, especially long paragraphs, even chapters in any kind of book of any sort, and they forced the girls to memorize colossians chapter 3, ephesians chapter 6, philippians chapter 4, and all 176 verses of psalms 119, and if we didn't have them memorized within three months of being there, we were forced to stand on the wall and read them over and over again until we memorized them. my name is autumn ice and unlike whoever this mallory girl is, i'm sorry, you need to learn the difference between good people and abusive people who even their own kids are disgusted by them!! boyd and stephanie householder, i'm calling you out!!! I lost so much weight during my 5 month stay at this wretched ranch you guys call a "place of god"!! I have seen the light now, and am now living the life of an lds (the church of jesus christ of the latter day saints) girl!!! I have never met such horrid people! boyd once had me convinced he was actually trying to help, but as I drove home, my step-mother was explaining how he was claiming they hadn't payed anything for the 5 months I was there!!! all I could think was, "that little liar!!! trying to scam my parents out of money that they needed to keep my older sister able to do the things she wanted to do!" I was livid!! and may I add, since I left, i've been doing some research on this place, and if I may recall seeing, boyd and stephanie householder are not licensed to teach or counsel students!!! as stated by the state of missouri, they have no record of a circle of hope girls ranch and boarding school in their files!!! that got me even more interested, so I dove deeper into my research, and lo behold, in about 2010 I believe it said, a girl went missing from circle of hope and hasn't been seen since. how about you explain that one to me, mallory, huh? I boldly remember being forced to work outside as a black shirt while the other girls got nice warm showers, and then after everyone else was done taking showers, was then allowed to go inside, change out of my smelly, dirty, sweaty work clothes, and given a barely luke warm five minute shower, then expected to work while the other girls enjoyed reading along with their bibles while listening to fun and inspiring devotionals, and when we were done eating that stuff they claimed to our parents was "healthy" food, we were forced as black shirts to place our hands flat on the table because we "couldn't be trusted". I have never seen so many girls act so fake to get out of a place that was supposed to help them. and oh dear god, if we spoke the truth about what was really going on in a letter, or a phone call, the letter was ripped up, or thrown away or the phone was hung up by whatever supervisor was listening to our conversation with our family, which in all honesty should be private in my opinion. within my first week, we were weed eating on the side of the road, and the girls who weren't doing the weed eating, were expected to rake up whatever was tossed about and chopped up by the weed eater, and guess what? no water break for two hours straight!!! and if we asked for one, we were given push-ups or up downs, even if we knew it was past the hour limit for a water break. the policy is supposed to be, a water break every hour on the hour, and a bathroom break every two hours on the hour. when I mentioned to my parents that I was afraid I would be judged based on my scars, which were from self-mutilation, boyd mocked me in front of all the girls, pointing out that there were other girls there with worse scars. it's not like I didn't realize that already, because thank you boyd, but I do have two eyes, that can see perfectly fine on their own, they don't need your guidance to see things, because I had taken notice to things like that. more than once I wanted to attempt to get a message across to my parents that I was going to attempt suicide, at this point I didn't really know how I was going to [censored], but I was gonna go through any measure possible to free myself from that hellhole! even if that meant going to literal hell, I was willing enough!! more than once I was convinced that I wasn't ever going to amount to anything in life, and from then on, i've actually believed that statement. now I always wonder why i'm such a [censored] up, and how I ended up in that place! I was restrained for about an hour based on my lack of being able to handle a workout in my first month, boyd pressed his fingers into the back of my jaw, right around my ear area and left a bruise. I fell asleep crying that night due to the pain, I curled up in a little ball and cried until there were no more tears left to cry in my eyes. I highly suggest finding a way to shut this place down before it has a chance to hurt more girls!! why am I not doing it myself you may ask, because therefore I am a minor and cannot legally file a lawsuit against them in any means, but plan on it when I become an adult. the school they claim they provide should belong in a barrel and burned to the ground, because it's complete [censored]!!! if there really was a schooling to place in that barrel, because if there was a chance of being able to do that, the chances are slim to none, because the schooling part of the "boarding school" barely exists!!! I don't know how these girls are handling it now, but I hope that one day, boyd and stephanie see the real consequences behind not the girl's actions, but their own actions. no, i'm not saying the girls there were perfect little angels that didn't deserve to be there, not by a long shot, because even I will admit, I deserved to be there, but whether or not I deserved to be there isn't the issue at hand at this current moment, now is it? no, it isn't. my point is, the girls there now, and myself don't and never will deserve to be treated the way boyd and stephanie householder treat them, and myself when I attended the place. i'm sick of people defending the place, even when they went there themselves and have witnessed the way they treat those girls!!! after this, i'm gonna go find some more things to research them on! in a place like this, you never know how many secrets it may hold, i'm out for now, if you have any questions regarding my experience with coh, please contact me at westcoastbae2003@gmail, com

Quote from: karli.chambers
First let me start by saying this. if you weren’t there, or in the persons shoes that comments, then get off their case. there’s nothing like the feeling of being acused of being a liar. I was at that place for 2 years, 6 months of the 24 I was taken advantage of by boyd. he used me for sexual pleasure, and didn’t care that each step he took he was proving himself to be a the beginning I stood up for him, thinking that he wasn’t that kind of man. but time revealed his true colors. he told me in the beginning that if I ever told anyone he would call me a liar. he did, and he turned white as a sheet and refused to look me in the eyes because he knew he was wrong. the first things out of his mouth were, “she can’t stay here, ” which obviously something that a guilty person would say. stephanie got in my face telling me that it wasn’t possible, but like I said you can’t throw that at someone especially when she wasn’t even there to witness it. I was so close to punching her square between the eyes if she would have laid a finger on me. but she was smart enough that if she did it would have been used against her when I talked to investigators. sorry [censored], you can’t make up a 6 page statement of everything that went on in 1 night. they said that the only reason why I said anything was because I “got into trouble, ” okay, but you aren’t even looking at my perspective. the reason why I couldn’t keep it quiet anymore was because I was tired of him treating me one way during the meetings and embarrassing me in front of the girls and a completely different way when I was alone with him down the hall. I was his secretary. they’ll use the excuse, its policy you cant be anywhere with a male staff without 3 other girls with you, or at least a third. well you all are full of [censored] because I was allowed down the hall by myself with him because I worked in his office. and you can’t say that brandy isn’t ever alone down the hall with him either ;) so all you girls saying that the householders are good people and that they would never do anything to hurt the girls, you are going only off of what you went through while you were there, so grow up and have some empathy. all of this will catch up to the householders, even if it’s when they die.

News Items / Update on Circle of Hope Ranch
« on: June 05, 2018, 02:46:21 AM »
Found this article:

Quote from: ABC News
Biblical Reform School Discipline: Tough Love or Abuse?
By SUSAN DONALDSON JAMES, April 12, 2011/i]

Anne's rebellion against her large Christian family -- she was one of 10 children -- began after she was gang-raped last year while jogging in her Maryland neighborhood.

"Because of that the trauma, she started spiraling in every way possible," said her mother, Jeannie Marie, who did not want their last name made public.

Anne, now 18, said she numbed the pain with drinking and rebellion, which terrified her mother.

Desperate, Jeannie Marie turned to her church for help, learning about a Christian reform school that she says promised to "get right" her wayward daughter.

But neither was prepared for the ordeal they say Anne experienced from November to January of this year at New Beginnings Girls Academy, an Independent Fundamental Baptist boarding school in La Russell, Mo.

The school, according to its website, serves troubled teens so "through Jesus Christ, they can overcome their addictions, mend their broken relationships and get their lives on the right path."

Instead, Anne said she was told the rape was her fault and was subjected to harsh discipline -- ridiculed, restrained and deprived of proper nutrition and adequate clothing.

As punishment for misbehaving she says she was forced to wear a red shirt and stand facing a wall, sometimes for 8 to 10 hours a day with only 15-minute breaks for food. "I was so achy it hurt," said Anne.

She said toilet paper and sanitary pads were rationed, despite Anne's urinary problems after the rape. She also said no one offered to get her medical care.

"We thought maybe Anne would go there and hide out and pull herself together," said Jeannie Marie. "We thought it was a safe place to go and we wouldn't have to worry...We trusted our church."

Anne left the school in January, but said the punitive approach left her with no self-worth and anxiety attacks so bad she cannot breathe.

New Beginnings charges $10,300 a year, according to its admission application. On a signed form, parents agree to "corporal discipline," which is spelled out in their mission statement as up to 15 "swats" with a wooden paddle in each 24-hour period for misbehavior.

The school's mission also prohibits, "bringing civil lawsuits against other Christians or the church to resolve personal disputes."

Submission and obedience -- children to parents, wives to husbands and parishioners to "God's people," pastors and deacons -- are the tenets of Christian fundamentalism, according to Kathryn Joyce, author of Quiverfull: Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement."

"These groups know what the outside world thinks of them and that some of it is considered abuse, but they consider it Biblical," said Joyce.

Missouri does not require its faith-based facilities to get a license and the state attorney general, "does not have any authority over them," according to AG spokeswoman Nanci Gonder. If there are allegations of physical abuse, parents are told to contact law enforcement.

Similarly, neither the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education nor the state board of education regulates or monitors faith-based schools under the home schooling law.

The Department of Social Services said the schools were not within their purview and only allegations of abuse and neglect that "meet statutory definition," are investigated.

The federal government, however, has shown concern about teen residential programs -- not all of them faith based -- and has pushed for more regulation.

In 2008, an investigation by the federal Government Accountability Office revealed thousands of cases and allegations of child abuse and neglect since the early 1990s at teen residential programs throughout the country. The report also found major gaps in licensing and oversight.

The report found untrained staff, ineffective management and operating practices in these facilities.

"In the most egregious cases of death and abuse, the cases exposed problems with the entire operation of the program," according to the report.

Congressman George Miller, D-California, introduced the Stop Child Abuse in Residential Programs for Teens Act of 2009 to establish minimum health and safety standards, but although the bill twice passed the House, both times it failed in the Senate.

"You can't deprive kids of food and water," one Democratic aide to Miller told "You have to treat them humanely."

Just last year in Hiland Park, Fla., police removed 17 children from Heritage Boys Academy, a military school that taught fundamental Christian doctrine, arresting three, including the pastor, and shut down the facility.

Child welfare authorities said the children were often hit with sticks that were "nine fists long," and were sometimes choked or held down and beaten with fists.

The school officials plead not guilty to one charge of aggravated assault and five charges of child abuse, but the case has not yet gone to trial. A motion by the defense to dismiss is being heard on Friday, according to the clerk for the Bay County Courts..

Well-Dressed Girls Testified They Were 'Saved'

Anne's mother said she first heard a New Beginnings presentation at the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Churchville, Md. There, according to Jeannie Marie, neatly dressed girls confessed to bad behaviors and cried that they had been "saved."

"They told us it was a place that helps girls grow in their Christianity in a new life with Christ," she said.

She handed Anne over to school authorities while New Beginnings was on a fundraising tour in Virginia. "It really took me by surprise," said Anne, who thought she was going on vacation. "I freaked out and balled my eyes out."

The first night Anne said she slept on a church pew and was punished for cussing when she fell off and hit her head on a hymnal.

But when the group returned to their Missouri campus, Anne said the house was frigidly cold and girls were given only skirts and light sweatshirts.

The food -- often bologna on white bread, watered-down milk and canned eggs -- was either rationed or loaded on the plate, depending on the whim of the staff, she said.

Girls were told to keep monotone voices and never to talk to each other. Phone calls and letters were monitored, she said.

"They said I am bad and God doesn't love me," said Anne. "I was taught the exact opposite of that in the home. It was hard to believe that these people actually cared about me. You had to fend for yourself."

Two months later, after a dispute with school officials about the costs, Jeannie Marie said she withdrew Anne. When she arrived at New Beginnings, she said she was horrified by what she saw.

"She looked like the most pitiful thing standing in the little snow boots I bought her -- mud-covered with a thin skirt covering her knees with dirt on it...Her face was ghostly white, her eyes bugged out and hair was pulled back. My tiny girl had a horrible look on her face...the most awful expression I have ever seen on the face of my children. I gasped and held my breath."

Jeannie Marie said that when she held her daughter, "she was so weak and faint...and her body went limp. There was nothing left to her."

She said her former pastor at Tabernacle Baptist, Don Martin, had recommended the school as successful, but it was not as advertised.

Martin said that a previous pastor had financially supported the school in the past, but he never made such claims to Anne's mother.

"If someone in our congregation did, that's another thing," he said.

"As far as I know, they come highly recommended," Martin said of the school. "I know they have to be strict -- or it doesn't do much good to send wayward ladies to a school. But I don't know how strict or what they do."

He said allegations of physical punishment in these IFB reform schools were "pretty much nonsense" and the family's claims were "fabrications."

"My sense is people send children there and they want them to come back as model citizens, and if something goes wrong, they want to blame the school. I think they tried to help, but that doesn't mean a thing if there is not good support."

William McNamara, New Beginnings' director, refused to answer questions about the program and allegations that it was abusive.

"We love them," he said of the students. "I cannot speak to any of those things -- the truth will be known."

He referred to his lawyer, Wes Barnum, who did not respond to written questions sent by email or a follow-up telephone call.

New Beginnings began as the Rebekah Home for Girls in Corpus Christie, Texas, in 1968, but was shut down by the state in 1985 after numerous investigations of abuse and its refusal to submit to state licensing.

Under changing names, the school moved temporarily to Devil's Elbow, Mo., before relocating in Pace, Fla., and eventually to its present home in La Russell, Mo.

The school was run by Lester Roloff, an independent fundamental Baptist preacher who broke from the Southern Baptist Convention in 1954 and founded a series of reform facilities, known as Roloff Homes, for what he called, "parent-hating, Satan-worshiping, dope-taking immoral boys and girls," according to a 2000 investigative report in Texas Monthly.

His antidote to these rebellious teens was anchored in scripture and included kneeling on hard floors, physical punishment with paddles or leather straps or the "dreaded 'look-up,' an isolation room where Roloff's sermons were played for days on end," said the magazine.

Roloff died in a plane crash in 1982, but his ministry still exists in adult programs as part of the People's Baptist Church in Texas and other adult facilities around the country.

"We do not tolerate child abuse of any form," said August Rosado, a spokesman for Roloff Homes.

He said the Texas church was no longer affiliated with New Beginnings and now serves only adults who are struggling with addiction.

Some Former Students Report Post-Traumatic Stress
Brittany Campbell, now 25, says she was at Rebekah through its transition to New Beginnings from 2001 to 2005. The school moved to Missouri in 2007.

She showed photos of the name changes from Rebekah Home for Girls to New Beginnings Rebekah Academy to New Beginnings Girls Academy.

Campbell said McNamara was in charge during that period. When called him to ask about charges of abuse at the school, he would only say, "I cannot speak to any of those things -- the truth will be known."

Campbell had grown up in foster care, but went to live with her sister, who was a recent IFB convert.

At 15, after rebelling against the Christian household -- listening to secular music and wearing black -- she said she was sent to reform school.

"It was brutally psychologically and physically abusive," she said of both the Missouri and Florida programs.

"The worst part personally was during the first year through the process of breaking you down and getting you to submit to their way of life," she said.

Campbell said the staff pitted girls against girls, often having them pinned down by their peers for discipline -- "a tool to discourage camaraderie."

Cut off from family and friends for so long, Campbell said she had a hard transition back to the real world.

Today, Campbell lives in Massachusetts and is administrator of a Facebook group, NBGA: Proactive Survivors of New Beginnings Girls Academy, which has 65 members and writes a blog.

She is also the administrator of SIA-NOW, an organization that is planning a convention of participants of these boarding schools next year. Campbell said many of them reported post-traumatic stress disorder after their school experiences.

It was websites like those that Donna Maddox said caught her attention three months after she sent her 15-year-old daughter Kelsey to Circle of Hope Ranch in Humansville, Mo., in 2007, then returned to "rescue" her.

Maddox, 42, said she was hesitant to believe Kelsey's claims of abuse at the school, but saw testimonies from former students that scared her.

"We were told everything we wanted to hear, but nothing was as it was portrayed."

She provided with photos of dirty facilities, beds made only of plywood with a thin foam cover and bruises on her daughter's feet from working the ranch in shoes so old the soles were tearing away.

She said the school charged $300 in uniform fees.

Desperate Parents Look to Church For Help

Previously, Kelsey had been a good student, but was sent away because she began "getting involved in the wrong crowd," according to Maddox.

"I was really scared because my family has a history of abusing drugs and alcohol," she said. "I had seen so many horrendous things and how it tears up a family and I didn't want it to happen to one of my children."

Maddox found the school on the Internet and said a referral agency backed up their claims.

But Kelsey, now 18, said that from day one, she "felt like a slave."

"Every day I would wake up at 4 or 5 and start working the farm feeding animals, picking up the hay in barbed wire and walking five miles so you can make more money. I never did any school work."

Once, she said she was forced to do hundreds of push-ups and failed. As punishment, she said eight girls were told to jump on her and restrain her, smashing her face into the carpet.

After she returned home with her school books, Maddox said only 18 pages had been completed in three months.

"It is unimaginable in America," she said.

The director, Boyd C. Householder, said his lawyer advised him not to talk to reporters by telephone.

"We've been allegated on like most faith-based places and investigations have had no findings to the allegations," he said. "We have nothing to hide. We are up front and open and you are welcome to come to the property."

His lawyer Jay M. Kirksey later responded by email, saying the Maddox family were "bias[ed] and lacking credibility."

"There are unfortunately, disgruntled parents who address the school, instead of their children, in the private sector just as exists in the public school system," Kirksey wrote.

Shortly after Kelsey returned home, she moved away, but her mother said she calls and emails daily.

"This has been a living nightmare," Maddox, who subsequently called the attorney general with her consumer complaints about deceptive marketing.

"We have been trying to mediate (her) complaints," said Gonder, from the Missouri Attorney General Office. "The school has been cooperating in providing information, but their information is different from hers. Our efforts are ongoing."

Troubled teens often don't speak up for themselves, said another activist, Michele Ulriksen Tresler, who wrote a book, Reform at Victory Christian Academy," chronicling her own experience at the IFB school.

"They are called liars because they are labeled rebellious teenagers," said Tresler. "We had drug addicts, prostitutes and alcoholics among regular girls who didn't belong there, dabbling in regular teen rebellion. There were girls with some major issues who should have been in a place that helped them and giving them tools to have social skills. But when they go to the cops, no one believes them."

Tresler died of a drug overdose on March 17, just weeks after this interview. According to her ex- husband, Robert Ulricksen, "VCA was a demon that haunted her for many years."

Victory, run by Roloff disciple Mike Palmer, was shut down by California authorities after a student death in 1991. Palmer went on to run schools in Mexico and Florida that were also shut down.

As for Anne, she said she is now seeing a counselor and said she, too, has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress.

"She is doing terrible," said her mother. "She has no self-worth. They had her say a hundred times that she was the daughter of the devil with the tongue of the devil -- crazy destructive talk at New Beginnings. Now, I think she actually believes it."

Jeannie Marie has stopped going to the church she said "deceived" her.

"I did not lose my faith," she said. "But I know that many of these little girls will be terribly challenged to remember who God is, after this experience."

I will try to reach out to them. I have some e-mail addresses lying around (Even in these GDPR times)

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