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Messages - dishdutyfugitive

Pages: 1 ... 66 67 [68] 69 70 71
i went to:

Selkirk & Cabinet Mountains -- Backcountry Skiing/Hiking/"
Chimney Rock -- Alpine Rock Climbing
Washington D.C. -- "Presidential Classroom"
a few others I'd heard of.

But the important point here is the general rule of thumb - 'anything exciting is only for the select few aka the 'teacher's pets" allstars'.

The ski trip lists that were read off every Sunday and Tuesday night were the biggest build up and let down for kids that loved skiing. Students that arrived to RMA and loved skiing often were limited to going 1 time during their whole stay. Nerds who never had been skiing before RMA may have ended up going on 5+ trips during their stay. Now that's not to say nerdy kids shouldn't try skiing at RMA or anywhere else but if you want to really fucking piss of some students for no reason or good reason that's a great method. Talk about generating senseless animosity angst and frustration - that's reason enough to split right there.

this was RMA 89'

What year is it?            

I'm confused.........

Was the previous post a joke?  If not please let me know.


that was good stuff.

that reminded me of graduating and first 6 months post graduation.

Without trying - my mind would race....."how in the fuck am i going to take care of my 'shit'?   I mean come on , fuckin-a , I've got to run my shit!!! Give me a fucking break. How can I get through a week with out a bonafide verbal assault on something/someone....therefore   I must trust counsel 5 days a week - where will I procure such trust counseling partner?...No's impossible .....Holy shit.........I'm fucked.."

yoda says....a desperate junkie it is..........

Could you imagine if they put that in the RMA brochure? "within 7 minutes of graduation your child will be rendered socially paralyzed by cedu bizarro mind fucking koolaid doctrine."

don't despair your child has the 'tools' .....just send your youngest child/relative/friend our way and everything will be fine.

I don't know.

They used to tour RMA campus every 6-12 months from 87-90.

As far as I know they've been in business since circa 1985. They do student evaluations and then recommend a CEDU type school. That's all I know. I don't know if they prefer 1 over the other or get commissions for their recomendations.

what are you trying to figure out?

Bodin from the bay area?

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Work assignments
« on: September 25, 2007, 09:51:37 PM »
what in the sam hell is a "running the microwave"

do i need hotpockets for that?

Very true.

Don't want to dilute your point with my tangent but it reminds me of the time received a massage from an (relatively) attractive female staff  member in the Sauna.  Talk about blueballs.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Did you break?
« on: September 20, 2007, 01:02:48 PM »
Thanks for getting rid of mr. rogers.

Anyone know How to upload an image from the computer to use as an avatar?

Who/What is ansuz?

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Did you break?
« on: September 19, 2007, 09:16:47 PM »
dude that mr. rogers photo is too pedophilia please change it.

I'll do your dishes for a year --

--- holy shit that reminds me...doing someone elses  'dishes/pots&pans' was never classified as dirt.  That's prison style ...

.I can't recall any 'transactions' (bets or black market currency)  for doing more than '2 dish duties'     (Who would be that insane)......  Nor do I recall anyone anyone wagering or offering a bet / proposal to do more than a couple of 'dish duties' per transaction.

What I do remember is Steve almquist fucking up his 1988 comodore generated dish duty list that left me dishduty free for at least  2-3 months. That was a highlight of my  time there. He didn't want to admit he fucked up so he never mentioned it and I never got 'indicted' for it.  I remember every monday morning walking up to the list to see ( on the kitchen wall) my mandatory dreaded dishes - pots&pans duty assignment.  When I didn't see my name posted,  week after week, month after month, it put a grin on my face -  ear to fucking ear.    An illegal  warm fuzzy if you will.

You forgot to answer - Did they ever do a 2nd wilderness challenge for a peer group?

Wow - I never knew that. At RMA I doubt people split more than 1 time after day 1 in challenge. Even pre-challenge  if you were above 2 split attempts you were approaching legendary status and paid the price. Sounds like splitting  was commonplace there........ Wierd. I'd imagine chronic splitting would have have generated a bigger underground and for lack of better words 'less safety'.

The reason for it was probably because you guys could see the Los Angeles lights at night and were more tempted. That's why I went to Idaho. After my parents visit to RS they did the math and knew on day 1 that I'd see the lights and be gone by midnight.

I hear you  and already know your point that they are all about the $ but that's a significant difference between RMA and RS during the 89 era.

Not laura brinkerhof are you?

I don't get it. You had a month or 2 until graduation and you split?
Sounds like you still stand behind that decision. Do you still do stuff like that?

A 2nd wilderness challenge in Summitt. Did they ever do that at RS?. That was never mentioned at RMA 1988-1990....

meet me in the wood corral and bring some pcp.

Mr. rogers?


Time wise  yes we knew eachother. I can't place it now. Doesn't matter. Decompressing from and Preventing future ceduian cults is the only thing that matters. And it's damn fun to finally reflect on the bullllllllllllllllllshite and type into where ever it will eventually go..

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