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Topics - psn

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here are the ones I remember:

Friends (I think it was called the brother's keeper @CEDU)
Heroes (the les miserables one)
Imagine/the Source
I & Me/the Dialogues
Summit/the Symposium

maybe i am forgetting one.

i would love any info on these propheets/celebrations/workshops. for the most part my memory is a black hole when it comes to these. what was the music? what were the exercises in each one? does anyone have the scripts or other information on these LGATs that were held out to be some sort of secret knowledge and revolutionary "therapy?"

the memories are coming back in bits & pieces, here is what i can recall
truth - run by paula rudy at cascade. she shared her dog-fucking story with us and then we had to share our "shame." at the time it felt like they could "see" our "shame," i now believe they had some sort of dossiers on us with information gathered from our parents. i remember being pressed over and over about all my sexual experimentation and having to say that these were shameful disgusting acts. don't remember anything else other than a few other people's fucked up forced confessions. song - tell it all brother

youth - nothing - song - forever young?

friends - nothing - song - he ain't heavy he's my brother

brothers/sisters - i remember the part in the sisters when we had to wear bathing suits in front of everyone, then get up one by one (still wearing bathing suits in a freezing room) and tell what parts of our bodies we felt uncomfortable with (sorry ASHAMED of, they loved to shame us) and then talk about all of our sexual exploits yet again and talk about how horrible and bad they were

heroes - lots of les miserables. i remember no exercises. there were a bunch of les mis related narratives read by "older" students and a ton of music from les mis

the source - i remember the "trump" was them coming around and handing us pictures of us as children. song - imagine

the dialogues - I vs. Me. No idea how we got there. I remember feeling completely torn apart afterwards. I also remember being incessantly fucked with in every forum (raps) afterwards using that I & me nonsense until I had a complete breakdown. I remember the breakdown happening in a forum. there were some fight songs? rocky? an elton john fight song? there were then "fights" i remember that i was sore for at least a week after but don't remember from what?

symposium/summit - the "stretch," where i had to put on a skimpy costume and crawl around and tease a bunch of dudes to show that i was some kind of manipulative seductress until the staff felt sufficiently entertained, some statement with our name for which the staff had already predetermined what trite adjectives we "needed" to be whole, the rocking which had some bizarre religious overtones and some counselors that really creeped me out got to whisper in my ear, the "feast"

that's all i can remember, any more would really be appreciated!

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