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Topics - FreedomSeeker

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / HAVE WE BECOME A SHADOW OF A MEMORY
« on: August 31, 2010, 01:04:41 AM » a mind-controlled preoccupied world of basal distractions?

I am in no position to authoritatively assess or otherwise pass judgement.  I am guilty of having (despite childhood Str8 torture concentration camp) : loving spouse, beautiful child, home-"ownership", I pay my taxes, and I (most of the time) stop at red lights (but I am working on it).
But it has not been easy, to say the least.  I must have been good in my past life, and have been granted some kind of reprieve, because my husband has been a saint.  I have held on for dear life most of the time, and have even let go a time or two, much to the Universe's chagrin.  Hence my current post.

So, since our involuntary incarceration and wildly successful programming in the 1980's, I have observed a few things that give me pause, and I have a few questions regarding the changes I have observed in this short lifetime.  For example:

Why is it A-OK for our young children to watch bi-sexual orgies *in churches* on television as a part of their regularly scheduled "programming"?
Why is it now cool for human beings to be portrayed as robots in a militarily-controlled society?
Why is it sexy to be an angel of death, or a mercenary, or a soldier, or an otherwise taker-of-life in the video games our children play and movies they watch?
Why is it OK that my retirement account is now worth less than it was 15 years ago, not to mention the time value of money?
Why is it that apartheid is not OK in S. Africa, but it is US taxpayer supported in Israel against the Palestinians?
Why is it that people who ask these questions are labeled as radicals, or racists, or worse?
Why is it that we continue to pay for wars which are financed by both opposing sides by the very same banks (at interest, to the people)?

I submit that it is because you and I are nothing more than chattel (tangible property) to our "controllers".   We are commodities on the world stock exchange (check your social security card.  There is another number on it).  Right up there with sheep and cows.  This is a fact.  A fact that will not change until we WAKE UP to the fact that we are being controlled and manipulated through a very well orchestrated plan to keep US serving THEM.  YOU are YOU.  YOU are not SUBJECT to anyone else.  YOU deserve to be here just as anyone else does.  We must stop hating the fake enemies that have been created for us ("illegals", conservatives, liberals, this-religion, that-religion) to foment hate and distraction from the real enemy , and recognize that the world is just one big place of beautiful human beings of light, along with the attempted and ever-expanding control of a misguided few under the guise of corporatism and "global governance".

One Love.

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