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Topics - Achilles heel

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The Troubled Teen Industry / New here with lots of questions
« on: March 16, 2009, 07:25:58 PM »
Hi ,

I came across this website after googling a person's name of interest >..... Nicole Fugslang
I thought her current Boss was a Liar and Thief and that is what sent me to searching .
I worked in their new current location and was less then content with the things I observed.
I need help . These kids are still there and I am not .
The reasons I was let go makes no sense , no more then the stuff I had wondered about for so long that
logically made no sense . Some of it all started to fall into place when I went to ISAC 's site .

I need to get advice , they have everyone scared , to even communicate .( Even outside their
place of employment ., much less within /.

If Anyone knows someone who knows what the law says ..... and can answer some of my questions ...
There are kids well being here at jeopardy , not to mention the parents of these students who are being conned
and probably told lies as well.... as to the way things go on there .

Thank you for anyone willing to converse with me on this .

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