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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Hi. New here. CEDU RS Alum.
« on: November 15, 2008, 09:38:38 PM »
Hi. I went to CEDU Running Springs.  Mid 90s.

I think about the place often, but have not looked anything up online for a few years now. Today I was shocked when I found so much out there. There is like a ton of people speaking out. I looked at Liams documentary page, (which can be found here http:// ) and was amazed at what I saw. It was almost like a switch going on in my head. For years I have felt like CEDU was a really positive thing that helped me out in my life and in a lot of ways I still do. However, after reading and watching a lot of the things that I have read today, my feelings are changing dramatically. I feel manipulated personally and I really feel like my parents were cheated financially. Now I know a lot of people would say "yeah, no kidding, you are just now figuring this out?" Yes I saw it all that way, but at a different level. Some of the info I read about I never knew such as the Synanon stuff, and other things I read about I knew were completely exaggerated. Overall though I feel really disturbed and feel the need to talk about it. Not sure how things are around here but I would like to hang out for a while and check the place out.  Any astonishing things that I should know about or any updates that have come to light? Sadly I have heard about a lot of the deaths, it's really messed up. I really would rather not talk about that just yet. I can name more than just a handful of people from when I was there that are no longer with us. I want to hear from folks, hear about any staff updates, student updates, and stuff that I was maybe never supposed to find out about.

Thanks, and I am glad I found this place.

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