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Topics - FunkyChild

Pages: [1]
The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / what the fuck...
« on: August 19, 2007, 12:46:13 PM »
i look on this parody site and daryl beard is list as a.....well you know what. that word is hateful and ignorant and whoever posted that should realize this: daryl beard does not deserve that. the site was funny until that. jesus christ, learn some humanity, we need to conduct ourselves better than angst ridden remorse driven cutthroats. the n word was used to describe laziness, but it was formed into a racial slur to degrade a race. think above that shit people.

hey anyone out in tv land have his contact info, pm it to me-do not post it here. this man was my best friend and i lost his number. i guess i could call hla to talk to his wife corky, but i'd rather not call the school, does she even work there still?

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Let Us Know......
« on: June 08, 2007, 10:25:45 PM »
how y'all doing? my first year out has been up and down. i was living in a house with some bandmates, but i found out they were full of shit, so i moved back home. i'm going to bonnaroo to see THE POLICE!!!!! and i have a great job at the marriott in downtown ft. worth, and me and the old band have played a ton of shows, i even teach drum lessons to kids! i'll fill in for various bands when they need a drummer, and i'm getting a pretty good rep. as a professional reliable guy! berklee college of music HERE I COME, BABY-----let me know how you are!

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / erin bear
« on: April 01, 2007, 11:21:04 AM »
anyone here in contact with her? she was one of the coolest people i've ever met, so if anyone has an e mail address or something like that, i would appriciate it. she saw me graduate and was really supportive towards all students there. i want to let her know what's going on with me. anybody else looking to contact former staff?

*if this is not allowed for privacy/security reasons, please forgive me.

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / your story......
« on: February 06, 2007, 11:59:37 AM »
i know we have a lot of "tell me about yourself threads", but i'n pretty new here and don't know everybody.

i attendeded hla from jan. 04 to may 06,
original pg: 66 or 666 as we liked to call it (we had so many bad kids in that group, including me) we had one who carved FAG on bucci's jag xk8, another who smuggled in a shitload of triple c's, another who brought in herb and broke into the counselor building twice because alchohol was being stored there, yet another who tried to organize a mass refusal (when the governor of the georgia legislature was there!). i live in ft.worth (way better than dallas, used to live there) and am playing in a hippie folk band that is booked to play in dallas tomorrow, and slated to play in austin march 23rd on 6th street (party central). once we record we will update our myspace, cause me and the bassist are new. tell bout y'all

i talked to deborah and she said that she was unaware of counselors making recomendations and that the topic has not been discussed. note, some of the pm's have been editied.
FunkyChild wrote:
the counselors did persuede (sp?) my mom keep me there, even though i was 18 at the time. either that or live on the street.

i have heard that about other programs, but not HLA. maybe something you could share on the forum. i don't think we've ever discussed that.

Quote: funkychild
the post grad had there own peer group, but then they started putting them into newer peer groups, so we could be leaders!! haha, but really i said very little in the sessions and the counselors, who i had been there as long as thier new kids were lecturing me on leadership and what to do with my life besides music and crap like that. my excuse, "i'm a piscies, and we don't lead well!" and ALL the kids in that peer group were recommended for post grad.

Wow! that would be a good one to tell too. how can all the kids, or even most, need to stay post-grad. smells like a money scam to me.

Quote: (me)
. dark times....but now i'm over it and am progressing.

was anybody around as a post grad when they had there own group? i was around for that, but wasn't a post grad then. i know tons of students that recieved recommendations for post grad, but are there any here? when i became post-grad, they put me in a newer PG

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