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Topics - stewball

Pages: [1]
Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Springfld Virginia straight
« on: November 27, 2002, 05:40:00 PM »
who was suzanne byrd? does anyone know? and how did she get in the position she was in? how about mel riddle?  were they the parents of some poor schmucko?   (i'd hate to have been stuck in that woman's house for a week as a newcommer-just imagine) suzanne byrd thought she was the 2nd coming- is there anyone on this site that was on staff at the virginia location during the eighties? if so, why not just speak up and let us confront you?- I think there are a few of us druggie slimeballs( or in my particular case "dry druggies") that would like to stand you up -- c'mon let's "get honest" you puke bastards-lets share some "feelins" i think i have a lot  of "feelins" i'd like to put you in touch with-i think i also have some "steps" i'd like to apply to your faces- like right to your face.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / intake
« on: November 23, 2002, 08:54:00 PM »
:question: what did they do to you when they had you in there- what would make a person in intake take longer than another and what did they do to break you down - i just want to know because i always wondered i went to a few other web sites and saw pictures of the open meeting room in VA and it really freaked me out - just seeing the picture of the  room and aoll those people motivating- i had to turn it off and walk away

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Lets talk about the real assholes
« on: November 15, 2002, 10:17:00 PM »
I remember that the siblings were the big assholes. Especially the asst. leader of the rap- BECKY MCINTYRE-  Ugly-  inside and  out-If it weren't for her superior, Anna Sklias- who had some sense of right and wrong and also  a brain- Becky would have had me thrown onto "Front row" in a heart beat- I was forever trying to dodge her attacks on my looks- how I walked- how I dressed-what I said, how I said it-how it was manditory for me to be at sibling rap on Christmas Eve- the last place I wanted to be on christmas was anywhere near the little sibling chumps- She called me a slut for no reason at all-and she got everyone else in the room calling me thatfor about three weeks straight-she would sit and stare at me for no apparent reason-she accused me of outrageous, and totally inaccurate crap just because I didn't have buck teeth and a case of severe uglyitus. Anyway, Anna Sklias, in a way, saved me from being thrown into the hell pit(front row) and If she was not there at those raps to keep her little powerhappy lacky under control, Becky would have had her own private sibling hell complete with demons and all. What a stupid, stupid girl  she was.

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