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Topics - HurdEnuf

Pages: [1]
Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / How Dare You
« on: December 01, 2001, 08:10:57 PM »
How Dare You
I am disgusted with all the crap posted on this board. The nerve some people have. There are people that have really gone through terrible places like Kids and Straight that have legitimate pain and suffered serious abuse and a couple of ego centric people want to try and compare that to AARC. I heard all the stories about Kids survivors when I was in AARC 7 years ago. They were terrible and my heart goes out to those people that have been through that crap. I personally have met some of those people and have listened to their pain. My experience at AARC was not abusive. I only received love and care. Some people have written in about how AARC told them they were nothing before going to treatment. That was never told to me. I was told that God didn't make garbage and I just had a sh#ty disease. If it was brain washing then thank God... I have a life today I never thought possible and live without shame. Yes, I owe my life to AARC and Dr. Vause. I am grateful for all it has taught me. To say I understand the pain and torture that others have suffered in places like Kids would be insulting to them. To compare AARC to Kids is also insulting to them.... and me.

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